3.International Seminar On Ecology, Human Habitat And Environmental Change In The Malay World 2014
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Item Environmental Journalism And News Production Environment Constraints In Riau(2015-01-31) Suyantomy interpretation o{ihe descnption ofRobert Cox in lm book Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere JS the study and appltcatron of a vanety of how various mdivJduals, instJtutJOns, commumtws and culture shcpmg, deliver, receive, understand and use the message about the env1wnment Itself, as well as the reciprocal relationship between humans and the enviwnment. In relation to ;ournahsm, then we can deduce that the Environmental ;ournaltsm 1s the collectiDn. venficatlon. production, distribution and pelfonnance mformatlon associated with the latest events, trends, and comnmmty issues, as well as dealmg with the non-human world where humans interact therein. A1any names to ment10n the news about the 01vironment. there are at least a term or EnvJwnmental Journahsm Environmental Journalism, Press Releases Green or Green; Coverage and Environment or the Environmental Reporting. !I ow ever, all these concepts refer to a serzes of news production actzntles involving environmental zssues, ranging from the collection, ver(ficatzon. productwn. dzstributton and performance information. In other words. environmental Journalism 1s news operations (co/lectmg, processing and pubilshmg newsworthy informatzon) issues surrounding the environmentItem The Implementation of Plantation Business License in Siak Regency(2015-01-31) Rusli, ZailiPalm oil plantation business licensing in Siak Regency has not been implemented effectively in accordance with the m force regulations (act on fcrestry permenhut, permentan. SKB 3 Ministers) especially regarding to the release permission of forest area and HGU permit Th1s condition 1s affected by several factors, namely communication, namely the dissemination sy stem and procedure (SOP) for implementing the licensing effort of implementation of palm plantation in s iak Regency, Therefore it is necessary to take some steps m order to overcome the factors that affect the success of the palm plantation busmess licensing Implementation m S1ak Regency, s uch as the increase of soc1alizat1on to the target the transformation of the mformation clearly and consistently. the increase of the quality and quantity of the implementing policy reform, as \Nell as crafting a clear SOP so that law enforcement can run optimallyItem Plantation WithoutBurning: The Application of Business ConceptandCommontotheOil PalmPiantation in West Kalimantan(2015-01-31) Hardilina; Haryaningsih, SriIts difficult to arguethat the Province of West Kalrmantan (WK) is one of thea reasthatexistin producinosrmkein the event ofdrouoh. Combustionis notonlvdoneon the farrr, butalsoinresrdential area~. Enwonmentalclean-upactrvrties done bv the peoplein thedrv season, rs alwavs followedbvcombustronactivitiee. ranqinofromhousehold waste burn toqrassorbush burr Thus srmultanouslv. make smoke become a problemnotonlyfor the peopleof West Kalimantan. butalsofor people rnnerahbonnacountnes. Butthen. the olantatron and forestry sectons consrderedas the marn culpritofthe onset ofthe smokeandbeprolonoedparadox. Notonlv WK whobecameindustrialsmokeintheSoutheastAsian reqion. There are sbllas manv as 13provinceswereequallystrongexistencewithWKrin producingsmoke. There are NAD, North Sumatra, West Sumatra. RiaL. Riau Islands. Banqka Belitunc. Jamb!, South sumatr<, Bengkulu, LampunL South Kalimantar. East Kal1mantanandCentral Kalimantan Existercesmoa. was not onlvdue to theabsence oflocalreoulationson the prohrbition ofburnino. butalsonottouchinq the interests of farmersin developino palm oil that owned bv the people. Whenthe oovernmentissued prohibit burnpolrc;, therndustrialestateswrllobevthat requlation. butnotfor the people. When the local requlation 1s notaccommodatinq the Interests offarmers. theburn1naactrvitv is become a srnartchorcetoreduce the product ron costsand this phenomenon will be occurs along trme and never be ending. In thelocallevel, it turns outthere arepeoplewhodo notapplv thefiresintheirplantationactrvitres. There is acustormonceptsuccessfullv appliedon an onqoinq basisintothe plantationbusinessbva localqrouprn West Kalrmantar. Apparentlv. it could be put as thegoodpracticesoflocalcommunrties,can be developedtolnltiatelndoneslawithoutsmogln the next droughtItem Social Enterprenership in The Programme for Economic Democracy in Poverty in Dumai(2015-01-31) Marnelly, T. RomiImplementation of Economic Democracy in Dumai City in order to alleviate poverty and improve the welfare of the communitY. amonq others develop and strenqthen the abilitv of poor people to 1m prove their livinq standards by openmq employment opportunities business apportun1t1 es. ecucational opportunities and increased service a variety of needs. Thus the proaram 1s worth continuinq for Economic Democracy as perceived verv useful for the community. Economic Democracy proaram for poverty reduction 11.1ill be run effectively if all infrastructure owned by the Citv of Dumai able to w rv out their dulles with pass1on more responsive, faster, better, and closer than what has been done so far This means the need to revitalize the Infrastructure that are both physical and non-physical nature. Revitalization of the Infrastructure 1s the most rational approach is relatively fast and in order to support the implementation of the Programmer for Economic Democracy, as well as strategies and obJectives betweenItem Public Participation in the Implementation of Forest Fire Control Policy and Land in Rokan Hilir Distric The Province of Riau(2015-01-31) Yuliani, FebriPublic participation 1n forest and land fire control starts from the planninq phase of land and forest fire control. f1re prevention staqe, the staqe of f1re suppression and phase refresive handlinqParticipate in f1re control and forest land, meaninq co-reduc1nq impact of fire on the people residing around the area. such as the presence of smoke that Interferes with health and their daily act1v1t1es as well as the loss of the1r livel1hoocs in the reqion. Further. commun1t1es can mon1tor and superv1se the area 1n the villaqe and in fire-prone forests 1n the quest for the prevention of forest f1res and land at a t1me when that Will comePublic participatbn as an important role in achiev1nq the qoals and ob1ectives of a development proqram Commun1tv participation 1s a means to obtain information atx:Jut the conditions. needs and attitudes of local people. if thev feel involved in the process of preparation and planninq and democratic riqhts. Societv has the power to inhibit the activ1tv if thev are not Involved 1n the decision makinq process. Catastrophic forest fire is a serious problem that must be faced by Indonesia almost every year durinq the drv season. Forest fires are the cause of forest destruction disadvantaqe because in a short t1me can cause both a loss rn economic. ecoloqical, aesthetic. and politicai.Riau forests and lands have huqe potential to develop the plantation sectors aqr1culture. settlement and forestry Accordinq to Requlation (No. 10 of 1994), about Spatial R1au province of Riau's forest area was 9.5 million hectares (hal Covennq an area of 1.9 million reserved as protected forest and 4.9 million hectares (hal is planned as a non-forestry cultivation area and the remaininq 2 7 million hectares (hai is plotted as an area of forestrv sector development Based an the resource potential of forest and qa rdens R1au Prov1nce Year 2008-2009 of the M1n1stry of Forestry and Plantations (of the Mm1stry) R1au marnland temtory has been divided 1nto Forest Tenure IHPHl the number 1s 3.481.868 hectares (hal. t1moor estates (HTI l1 ,621,693 hectares (hal. With a total area of9.456 mi llion hectares Riau province (Ha), the remaininq land 1n Rau just stay 3,035,837 hectares (hal Utilization of peatlands and forests for coal development. land c1ear1nq For plantations and aqnculture and loqqinq activities (loqqlnCI). Identified as the act1v1ties of surface f1res Forest and land fires or not 11 can occur natural IV. but can also be caused bv the combustion procedure ionores that area fires oocome uncontrollable. Land and forest fires 1n Riau are often starts 1997 with Widespread forest fires 26153.466 hectares (ha) to 2009, the total area of lard and forest fires in Riau Province reached 121.051.55 acres. Forest fi res, but can cause economic loss damaqe soil surface and damaqe the health. also can reduce Indonesia's imaqe 1n the eves of the 1nternat1onal communitv Forests are one of the life support system welfare. qenet1c resources. reoulat1no water manaoement. ecosvstems. and habitats of flo ra and fauna. Forest damaoe caused bv theft. natural disasters 1ncludino forest fires (approximately 50,000 ha I vear, 90% due to human act1v1tvl.There ate several reasons that an activ1tv to include the community 1n environmental and resource manaqement includinq control of land and forest fires. it 1s possible to: (1i formulate the problem mare effectively, (2) obta1n Information and understanding of the world beyond the reach of science. (31 formulate alternative problem solv1nq be sac1ally acceptable and 14) establish a plan and a sense of belonqinq to the settlement. so as to facilitate the application. Althouqh th1s participatory approach mav recuire more time in the early staqes of planning, but the subsequent processing that this approach would minimize or avo1d any conflict.Item Local-Face and Mixed-Race in Femina Magazine and Nova Tabloid: Hybridity and Mimicry in Beauty and Daily Products in Indonesia's Advertisements(2015-01-31) Yazid, Tantri Puspita; Lestari, YayukThis article compares ads of beauty products featured by mixed-race models and ads of daily products (da1lv consumption) featured by local-look models in Indonesian women's magazines. By using semiotic approach, in th1s context I have tried to 1dent1fy hybnd1ty and mimicry in Royco Mama Lemon. Scotch Bnte. Lux, Mane-France and Ponds ads and then related the findinqs to whiteness and consumption There seems to be un1form1tv in perceivinq beauty by makinq Western woman as the reference. and the mixed-ra;e that phys1callv resembles much more closely the appearance of Western woman can therefore be dominant in beauty products ads M1m1crv and hvbnditv that I find 1n most ads 1s presented 1n different wavs. Dallv products tend to use metaphors to represent hvbnd1tv whereas beautv products employ m1xed-raced models as the element of hybrid. However, the ambival ence inherent in hybrid enables mixed-race to im1tate and to be imitated at the same t1me. In this context, the hybnd imitates a Western woman as theoriginal and then the hybrid is Imitated by the local face to become a hybrid. The difference of treatment of dallY and beauty products can be seen in the women's role and how they consume the products in both types of ads While it 1s evident that ads of da1lv product fort1fv the position of local women 1n domestic affairs. the mixec-race women as the imitation of Western women are stereotyped as women of freedom and beauty. This strengthens the connotation of Western lifestyle that tends to live in glamour leisure, and wealth.Item 'Malay' Malaysia-Indonesia in The Nation-State Landscape(2015-01-31) Albintani, Muchid; Wirman, WellyThis Article (paper) Wi ll be to explain the relationship of Malaysia and Indonesia in the landscape of the natior-state as the two brother-s1ster nicknamed as the coqnate countnes Based on such backqround. th1s art1cle a1ms to. (I) Exola1n bnefly the orocess of nat1on-state format1on 1n MalaYsia and Indonesia? Iii) Explain the meaninq of the coanate between Malaysia and Indonesia. (iii) Explain the concept of the existence of the Malay nation-state 1n Malavsia and Indonesia. The review of this arbcle shows that. (I) Background different history 1n the formation of nation-states have different conceptions lead to Malays 1n Malaysia and Indonesia (II) Definition of coanate between Malaysia and Indonesia over the conception of culture throuqh lanquaae represents the tendency of pol1tical-ethn1c (identity) 1n Malavsia. and the Politica ~nat1onalism 1n Indonesia. (Ill). This difference led to the use of the term 'M alav' (Riau) 1n Indonesia, became the language of 'Indonesia'. Whie in Malaysia remains the Malay language, and not Malaysia language.Item The Cooperation of Malaysia and United State to Reach Malaysian Vision 2020(2015-01-31) Afrizal; Harto, SapriMalaysia 1s a country in Southeast Asia that has arap1drate of economic proqress. Since the late 1980s unt1l the2000s the rate of qrowth of Malavs1a's economy nearlvtripled.This achievement did not escape capacity charismatic leader of Malaysia, Mahath1r Mohammad who 1s has launched a proqram of Malaysia Vision 2020. Malaysian Vis1on 2020 is a poliCY that contains a variety of economic development strategies concepts in a systematic and planned figures declared by the Founder (foundlna Father) as a cond rtion of rational and systematic Malaysia can brina proqress to,Nard better national development.Th1s study used descriptive equa l1tative methodoloov. 1n which the collected data is nor-numer1c. While data collection techniques used are librarv research. Then the theorv is used to answer the formulation I identification problem 1s constructivism theory elaborated by policv-mak1na capacity wh1ch is then associated >.vith the development of the state theory The international coopEration theorv. foreiqn pol1cv are rea lized throuqh cooperation w1th the United States qovernment Efforts I PDI1c1es ImPlemented bv the Malavs1an aovernmenrt 1n realiz1na the aaenda 'or MalaYsia Vislon2020' 1n collaboration with the U.S. government through the equation of understanding the VISion of leaders of both counrtries are realized throuah the visit and tour of the state, is realized through the development of cooperation in the economic, political, soc1al and cultu ral.Item The Alteration of Pekanbaru Public Opinion on Execution of Pekanbaru Election Commission's Task and Authority on Re-balloting of 2011 Pekanbaru Regional Leader Election(2015-01-31) AdlinAs the executor of Election and Req1onal Election in the independent reqion Pekanbaru Reqional Election Commission is required to optimally execute task and authority to increase the democra cy qualltv in re01onallevel. On the first round ballotinq of 2011 Pekanbaru Reqional Leader Elect1on. half of the citizen assess the Reqional Election Com1ssion (KPUDl of Pekanbaru take sides to one of the candidates, this stimulates the Constitutonal Court (MKl decide to execute the Re-Ballotinq (PSU) to elect the 2011 Pekanbaru Mayor and V1ce Mayor Furthermore the execution of PSU 'rYj Pekanbaru KPUD. obtained protest from half of the Pekanbaru citizen. This research a1ms to know the alteration of public opion towards Pekanbaru KPUD after the elected candidates defined by MK. This research uses the quant1tat1ve method w1th random samplinq multistaqe technique toward 120 respcndents in 6 districts of Pekanbaru town. Data 1s taken throuqh enclosed qLestionnaire wh1ch further analysed and presented in the frequencv table Research findinqs show majority assess that Pekanbaru KPUO has worked well on the task and authority of PSU execut1onItem Threat to The Peat Region and Ecosystem (The Early Study of Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) /Riau Ecosystem Restoration in Kampar Peninsula)(2015-01-31) YoserizalThe Kampar Penrnsula is the braaest remarn peat sv.1amp forest in s umatra whrch located on the eastern Sumatra coastal line and has 473 DOD hectare of natural forest Thrs Penrnsula has 4 conservation regions, Danau Pulau Besar Conservation (28,2 37ha), Tasik Bela! Conservation (2,529ha). Tasrk Besar I Tasrk Metas Conservation (3 200ha), Tasrk Serkap I Tasrk Saranq Burunq Conservation (6.900ha). Tasrk Bela!. Tasik Saranq Burunq and Tasik Serkap are the small conservations seperaed bv rrvers and lakes Srnce be rna declared the Kampar Penrnsu la is threatened by rlleoal lodama. demoqraphrc tension, the use and the domrnatron of lands hunting and conflrct among humans and anrmalsItem Community-Based Ecotourism Development in Sultan Syarif Qasyim Forest Park District of Minas, Siak District of Riau Province(2015-01-31) Sidiq, Siti SofroThis research aims to determine the POtential of flora and fauna. Research type uses descriptive qualitative analysis approach, a way of extractinq observations. in-depth 1nterv1ews w1th the local community, includ1nq documentation. Data analysis technique usinq a qualitative approach to describe related to Photoaraphy Flora and Fauna potential as well as community Involvement 1n relation to the commun1t~-based ecotourism development Sultan Syarif Qasyim Forest Preserve Tour1sm is the authenticity conse111ation forests also used as the Elephant Traininq Center (PLG) Uniqueness/Rarity Include pristine forests and the Elephant Traminq Center. As the reqion with the lowland and rain forest tvoe. Forest Park area of Sultan Syarif Qasim has the potential flo1a and fauna are verv diverse beth nat1ve species of the reo ion and that have to come from outside the reqion Noted more than 127 plant spec1es of flora that IS nat1ve forest dominated SSQ Tahura of familY D1pterocarpaceae, Lauraceae. Euphomeaceae. Anacardiaceae quttiferae. Sapotaceae. MvrtaceaE. etc. Can be found at least 42 spec1es of birds, 4 species of reptiles and 16 species of mammals. Among the 42 species of birds are the only bird species in Sumatra, namely bird Serind1t Malay (Loriculus galgulu<). Community Participation In Forest Reqion II Made Qasim Sultan Sarif Ecotounsm place Socio-cultural values of the community also helps communities and cultures need to be preserved because 1t would be un1que to the area so that 1f tounsts v1sit1nq w1ll remember Vihat 1s in the area ofthe tourist area and mav be characteristic of the area so that 11 is easy to promote the area as an existing characteristic of the area.Item Community Based Development inAgrotourism Case Study: Dragon Fruit Plantation in Desa Baru, Kampar District, Riau Province(2015-01-29) Astuti, PujiCondition of soil and climate in Desa Baru is perfect for Draoon frUit Plants. so the it has a Plantation area of Draqon fruit [Hylocereus Uldatus) which is manaqed by a private of 500 Ha While there was still a lot of vacant land in Desa Baru that has not been used by the community for life. Most of the people work as farmers. either individually or cultivate land as farm laborers. The public must be able to harness the potential in Desa Baru as a tool to improve the economy, due to the economic level of local population is still relat1velv low Draqon fruit plantation can become tounst activities and the results can be sold as a source of income for the community Another advantaoe is the location of the plantation not far from Pekanbaru City (20 Kml as a capital of Riau Province and directly adjacent to Desa Buluh cina as a ecotourism vilage Rimbo Tuiuah Danau So the Draqon fruit qrowinq areas can sanerqize with other tourist activities in Riau Province. This study aims to assess the development potential ofcommun1tv based development in aorotunsmespeciallvdraoon fruitplantatlon. Astudv usinq qualitative descriptive research method. Data were collected bvusinq observation, question nairesand interviews. Based on the research actiVIties are comibuting factors 1n agrow1sata dragon fruit plantation in Desa Baru it Prospects Draqon Fruit plantations are profitable 2) Absorb local labor. 3) Revenue and local Communities can be mcreased 4) The potential of the land and the location of the advantaqeous location . 5) People are friendly to newcomers While the inhibitinq factors that it The state of Infrastructure is Inadequate . 3) Lack of support from the qovernment 4) The low qual1tv of human resources . 51 Lack of promotion for toursts . Plantation development aims to Increase people's income so development concept is based on the analvsis of aqrotourism the development of strateq1es that can be done such as (1) the formation of which has a specific tourist areas (2) the estabhment of small industrial activities especially in Dragon Fruit processing and handicraft (3) Improvement of Infrastructure and facilities 1n the field of agro plantation. 4) increase local 1ncome by selling dragon fruit both local and international.Item Social Conflict Based on Palm Plantation Near to Riverside Area: Desa Dosan Siak Case, 2007-2012(2015-01-29) Anwar, Khairul; Isril; Asrida, WanThe focus of this research 1s to find out triggering factors of social conflict happening around riverside area in 2001-2012. Method of this research is to Identify (1) qeneral and particular tr1qqerinq factors. (2) actors involved in the conffict (3) actors' interest about palm plantation poliCY ( 4) conflict solv1nq strateqv that 1s to come and has already done. Result shows that the non-leqal dominant factors of conflict in riverside area are p:Jverty and awareness of the economic factor of area.Item Ratification of Regulation in Protecting the Indonesian Genetic Resources Under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Government in 2013(2015-01-29) Rani, FaisyalThis Study Describes the Policv Naqoya Indonesia ratified the protocol. this protocol qoverninq access to genetic resources and equ1table shanng of benefits ar1s1ng from the balanced utilization on biodr.~ersitv conr.~ention. the Naqova protocol 1s important for Indonesia because this protocol is an mstrument to prevent the theft of qenetic resources (biopiracvl Indonesia 1s an a countrv that has a wealth of genetic resources are very large. Because of the wea lth of genetic resources, Indonesian dubbed "meQa d1vers1ty". Indonesia has rallf1ed the Naqoya protocol by 1ssu1nq Law No. 11 1n 2013 on the ratification of the Naqova protocol access to genet1c resources and benefit sha ring fair ang balanced arising from utilizationItem GAPKI Efforts in Facing Greenpeance Anti-Palm Oil Campaign in Indonesia(2015-01-29) Jamaan, Ahmad; Sasmi, Dini TiaraTh1s rBsBarch aim to see lndonBsian Palm 011 Association (GAPKI) fac1nq GrBBnpBacB anti-palm 011 campaign in Indonesia. From 2007 Green peace has campa1gn1ng aga1nts Indonesian palm 011 products that accused by Greenpeace has destroy peatland and rainforest pushinq oranq-utans closer to the brink of extinction and accelerat1nq climate chanqe Green peace has done many direct demontration 1n Indonesia 1n their effort to seek attention not only from Indonesian qovernment but also from people around thB world ThBY had trv many ways to PBrsuade multinational coarpBrat1on to stop buy Indonesian palm 011 bv released many publical on that contain rnatenal about destruction of rainfo rest and peatlands conducted bv Indonesian palm 011 industrvf. Greenpeace palm oil campaiqn has qaye manv impact to palm 011 industries 1n Indonesia such as breakinq contract of Indonesia palm 011 purchItem Strategy of Coastal Communities Development Based on Bono Tourism Development (Tidal Bore) in Pelalawan Regency(2015-01-29) Hidir, AhmadThis research has tv¥o obiect1ves. they are (a) to formulate suitable empowerment effort for local people around Bono tounsm area as early step to advance and prepare them in facinq tourism in their area and (b) to formulate anticipatory step towards the ex1stence of resistance from loca people as impact of their economic urqencv. The locat1on of the research is purposively chosen 1n sub district teluk Meranti 1n Pelalawan reqencv because the cond1t1on of this area which has already been ma1n Bono tounsm development (tidal bore). Th1s research applies qualitative approach in order to understand indiVIdual phenomenon 1n search1nq, find1nq and descno1nq people's behavior 1n terms of the1r readiness in fac1nq tour1sm development in their area. The collected data then analyzed with interaci ve model. The result of the studv found that people were not fullv readv with the development of bono tourism and there 1s cultural shock 1n the community So it Will be understandable that then there 1s resistance potential in the communitv That is whv communitv empowerment model become urqent to be formulated and need to be applied in order to make people ready and to anticipate constructive resistance towards bono tounsm development.Item Sustainable Hunters and Gatherers in Bel urn-Temenggor Tropical Rainforest(2015-01-29) Isa, Hamid Mohd; Saidin, MokhtarBelum-Temenggor trop1cal rainforest is located 1n the distr1ct of Upper Perak, state of Perak. Peninsular Malaysia CovemlQ an area of 300.000 hectars which represent 5 % of forest and 50% of known spec1es in the world and is home for 80% of primates 1n Peninsular Malaysia Th1s complex 1s a comb1natron of four forest reserves namelv Roval Belum Forest Reserve. Temenaaor Forest Reserve. Gerik Forest Reserve and Bandino Forest Reserve in which onlv Royal Belum State Park has been fully protected since 2007 rFioure 1l The Belum-Temenaoor rainforest also consists of man made lake known as Tasek Temenoaor which is the result from hydroelectric dam project which covers an area of 22,672 acres and is home to at least 42 species of freshwater f1sh This tropical rainforest 1s rich in its divers1tv of ftora and fauna wh1ch became the source of subsistence. med1c1nes domestic and econcmic to semi-nomadic Jaha1 hunters and oatherers who l1ve in this area. These neorito subarou~nqs adapt 1n the rainforest enwanment with ma1oritv of them built their huts at the lake shores and rivers. The lake and rivers act as a medium of communicaticn and offers source of darly necessities w1th its abundance of fresh water fish. Apart from that. the sustainable adaptation was also contrrbuted by the element of belief in spirits that inhabited the forest these peoples ask protection from the spirits lhrough r1tuals. The Jahai believed that this area 1s their country and they were the custody of the rainforest. Therefore it is the1r responsibility to protect and sustain the surroundino area. Based on ethnooraph1c survey conducted rn Jaha1 settlements in Belum-Temenqqor rainforest, th1s paper aims to discuss shortly on hovi these communrties survived and sustarned therr living pattern Within the environment.Item Policy Model of Development and Empowerment in ConflictProne Border Region Towards the Reliant Community(2015-01-29) SujiantoGovernance manaqement reforms at the beqinninq were expected to involve three components (stakeholders) which are; the country, communitres and the private sector. Each component is determined by its own standard role accordinq to the used paradiqms of development. The development paradiom must be parallel with the chanqino paradiqm of Government whrch demand the balance rn the same responsibrlltv for communitv development and empowerment However, unfortunately. theapplied development concept in many developinq countrres experienced fora failure. Riau Province Viithrn one decade has its economic orowth over 7% per vear on averaoe. But in fact. most of the resrdents of Riau Provrnce have not attained that economic qrowth Based on the described phenomenon it is neeced for theoritical study to find a model of community empowerment rn accordance wrth local potentral. Therefore. rn this occasion I posed the followrnq research title: "Policy Model of Development and Empowerment in Conftict-Prone Border Region towards the Reliant CommunrtvItem Horizontal Conflict and Social Relations of Rural Society(2015-01-29) Tinov, Muhammad Y Tiyas; Handoko, TitoThis study aims to determine the model of land dispute resolution and to know the policy that relate directly to land dispute that Integrates the public interest (local and mst society) with the government The usefulness of the startinq point of the horizontal ownershiP of land resource conflicts between local and host soc1etv (societv of transmiqrants) are brouqht from various reqions in Java since 1986 espec1allv in the villaqe of Transmiqrat1on Sumai Golanq OistriC! of Kelavanq lndraq1rr Hulu Req1on OwnershiP of land resources conflict as a result of v1olat1on of terntonal txJ undanes and the v1olat1on of the r1ghts of local society (communal land) during the New Order governmentItem Good Governance and Sustainable Development: Case of Ecology Crisis in Singingi Hilir District(2015-01-29) Amin, Raja Muhammad; wazniThis paper describes the relationship between qood qovernance and sustainable development which qood qovernance is essential to sustainable development. Well-functioninq leqal Institutions and qovernments bound bv the rule of law are. in turn. vital to qood qovernance especially in order to solve and minimize the ecology cns1s 1n S1ngingi Hi l1r cause of illegal gold mining (PETI) in Singingi R1ver. Local Government of Kuantan S1nqinq1 Reqencv has the dutv to promote and ensure the rule of law which Includes a balance development between economic, soc1al and environmental aspects
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