Social Enterprenership in The Programme for Economic Democracy in Poverty in Dumai

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Implementation of Economic Democracy in Dumai City in order to alleviate poverty and improve the welfare of the communitY. amonq others develop and strenqthen the abilitv of poor people to 1m prove their livinq standards by openmq employment opportunities business apportun1t1 es. ecucational opportunities and increased service a variety of needs. Thus the proaram 1s worth continuinq for Economic Democracy as perceived verv useful for the community. Economic Democracy proaram for poverty reduction 11.1ill be run effectively if all infrastructure owned by the Citv of Dumai able to w rv out their dulles with pass1on more responsive, faster, better, and closer than what has been done so far This means the need to revitalize the Infrastructure that are both physical and non-physical nature. Revitalization of the Infrastructure 1s the most rational approach is relatively fast and in order to support the implementation of the Programmer for Economic Democracy, as well as strategies and obJectives between


