Community-Based Ecotourism Development in Sultan Syarif Qasyim Forest Park District of Minas, Siak District of Riau Province
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This research aims to determine the POtential of flora and fauna. Research type uses descriptive
qualitative analysis approach, a way of extractinq observations. in-depth 1nterv1ews w1th the local
community, includ1nq documentation. Data analysis technique usinq a qualitative approach to describe
related to Photoaraphy Flora and Fauna potential as well as community Involvement 1n relation to the
commun1t~-based ecotourism development Sultan Syarif Qasyim Forest Preserve Tour1sm is the
authenticity conse111ation forests also used as the Elephant Traininq Center (PLG) Uniqueness/Rarity
Include pristine forests and the Elephant Traminq Center. As the reqion with the lowland and rain forest
tvoe. Forest Park area of Sultan Syarif Qasim has the potential flo1a and fauna are verv diverse beth
nat1ve species of the reo ion and that have to come from outside the reqion Noted more than 127 plant
spec1es of flora that IS nat1ve forest dominated SSQ Tahura of familY D1pterocarpaceae, Lauraceae.
Euphomeaceae. Anacardiaceae quttiferae. Sapotaceae. MvrtaceaE. etc. Can be found at least 42
spec1es of birds, 4 species of reptiles and 16 species of mammals. Among the 42 species of birds are
the only bird species in Sumatra, namely bird Serind1t Malay (Loriculus galgulu<). Community
Participation In Forest Reqion II Made Qasim Sultan Sarif Ecotounsm place Socio-cultural values of the
community also helps communities and cultures need to be preserved because 1t would be un1que to
the area so that 1f tounsts v1sit1nq w1ll remember Vihat 1s in the area ofthe tourist area and mav be
characteristic of the area so that 11 is easy to promote the area as an existing characteristic of the area.