Policy Model of Development and Empowerment in ConflictProne Border Region Towards the Reliant Community

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Governance manaqement reforms at the beqinninq were expected to involve three components (stakeholders) which are; the country, communitres and the private sector. Each component is determined by its own standard role accordinq to the used paradiqms of development. The development paradiom must be parallel with the chanqino paradiqm of Government whrch demand the balance rn the same responsibrlltv for communitv development and empowerment However, unfortunately. theapplied development concept in many developinq countrres experienced fora failure. Riau Province Viithrn one decade has its economic orowth over 7% per vear on averaoe. But in fact. most of the resrdents of Riau Provrnce have not attained that economic qrowth Based on the described phenomenon it is neeced for theoritical study to find a model of community empowerment rn accordance wrth local potentral. Therefore. rn this occasion I posed the followrnq research title: "Policy Model of Development and Empowerment in Conftict-Prone Border Region towards the Reliant Communrtv


