Ratification of Regulation in Protecting the Indonesian Genetic Resources Under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Government in 2013
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This Study Describes the Policv Naqoya Indonesia ratified the protocol. this protocol qoverninq access
to genetic resources and equ1table shanng of benefits ar1s1ng from the balanced utilization on
biodr.~ersitv conr.~ention. the Naqova protocol 1s important for Indonesia because this protocol is an
mstrument to prevent the theft of qenetic resources (biopiracvl Indonesia 1s an a countrv that has a
wealth of genetic resources are very large. Because of the wea lth of genetic resources, Indonesian
dubbed "meQa d1vers1ty". Indonesia has rallf1ed the Naqoya protocol by 1ssu1nq Law No. 11 1n 2013 on
the ratification of the Naqova protocol access to genet1c resources and benefit sha ring fair ang
balanced arising from utilization
Fore1gn Policy, Nagoya Protocol, Biopiracy, Megadiversity Genetic Resources