Environmental Journalism And News Production Environment Constraints In Riau

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my interpretation o{ihe descnption ofRobert Cox in lm book Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere JS the study and appltcatron of a vanety of how various mdivJduals, instJtutJOns, commumtws and culture shcpmg, deliver, receive, understand and use the message about the env1wnment Itself, as well as the reciprocal relationship between humans and the enviwnment. In relation to ;ournahsm, then we can deduce that the Environmental ;ournaltsm 1s the collectiDn. venficatlon. production, distribution and pelfonnance mformatlon associated with the latest events, trends, and comnmmty issues, as well as dealmg with the non-human world where humans interact therein. A1any names to ment10n the news about the 01vironment. there are at least a term or EnvJwnmental Journahsm Environmental Journalism, Press Releases Green or Green; Coverage and Environment or the Environmental Reporting. !I ow ever, all these concepts refer to a serzes of news production actzntles involving environmental zssues, ranging from the collection, ver(ficatzon. productwn. dzstributton and performance information. In other words. environmental Journalism 1s news operations (co/lectmg, processing and pubilshmg newsworthy informatzon) issues surrounding the environment


