The Cooperation of Malaysia and United State to Reach Malaysian Vision 2020
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Malaysia 1s a country in Southeast Asia that has arap1drate of economic proqress. Since the late 1980s
unt1l the2000s the rate of qrowth of Malavs1a's economy nearlvtripled.This achievement did not escape
capacity charismatic leader of Malaysia, Mahath1r Mohammad who 1s has launched a proqram of
Malaysia Vision 2020. Malaysian Vis1on 2020 is a poliCY that contains a variety of economic
development strategies concepts in a systematic and planned figures declared by the Founder
(foundlna Father) as a cond rtion of rational and systematic Malaysia can brina proqress to,Nard better
national development.Th1s study used descriptive equa l1tative methodoloov. 1n which the collected data
is nor-numer1c. While data collection techniques used are librarv research. Then the theorv is used to
answer the formulation I identification problem 1s constructivism theory elaborated by policv-mak1na
capacity wh1ch is then associated >.vith the development of the state theory The international
coopEration theorv. foreiqn pol1cv are rea lized throuqh cooperation w1th the United States qovernment
Efforts I PDI1c1es ImPlemented bv the Malavs1an aovernmenrt 1n realiz1na the aaenda 'or MalaYsia
Vislon2020' 1n collaboration with the U.S. government through the equation of understanding the VISion
of leaders of both counrtries are realized throuah the visit and tour of the state, is realized through the
development of cooperation in the economic, political, soc1al and cultu ral.
Malaysian Vision 2020, Cooperation, The International cooperation theory