Gender Responsiveness of Land Management Policy Supporting Bengawan Solo Watershed Revitalization

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Th1s research is conducted to know qender responsiveness from cultivat1no land pol1c1es to support Bengawan Solo Watershed revrtalization usrng Gender Analysts Pathways (GAP) model. Data is collected by documentation study, rntervrew. and observation in three rnstitutions, Forestry and Plantation Offrcral Wonoqiri Reoencv. Balai Penoelolaan Oaerah Alrran Sunoai iBPOAS) Solo. and Perum Perhutani KPH Surakarta Samplinq technique used rn the qualitative descri ptrve research is purposive sampi1nq w1th snowball method The data 1s analyzed usino content analvs1s technique The research shows that most of land manaoement oolrcv rn three locatrons strll neutral gender. Responsrve qender in land manaqement policy formulatron is only found in Pen9arusutamaan Gender (PUG) program rn Forestry Development (Letter Decision of Forestry Ministry Number 82 /Kpt~- 11/20 0 3 about Forestry PUG Group Work). There is a qender discrepancv especially for accessino (chance/opportunrtv to cultNate land). role (particrpatron in cultivatrnq land). controllrnq (power to make dec1s1on). and benefit (benefit/result from the best land manaqement) It needs a refo rmatio n to the JUstice anc qender equality in the avarlable policy reformulation form and arranqrnq land manaqement arand desran to support Benqawan Solo Watershed revrtalization mixino land manaoement policies from each instrtution rn the affirmative actron policy/program/activity and gender mainstreaming.



gender, watershed, land management
