The Alteration of Pekanbaru Public Opinion on Execution of Pekanbaru Election Commission's Task and Authority on Re-balloting of 2011 Pekanbaru Regional Leader Election
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As the executor of Election and Req1onal Election in the independent reqion Pekanbaru Reqional
Election Commission is required to optimally execute task and authority to increase the democra cy
qualltv in re01onallevel. On the first round ballotinq of 2011 Pekanbaru Reqional Leader Elect1on. half of
the citizen assess the Reqional Election Com1ssion (KPUDl of Pekanbaru take sides to one of the
candidates, this stimulates the Constitutonal Court (MKl decide to execute the Re-Ballotinq (PSU) to
elect the 2011 Pekanbaru Mayor and V1ce Mayor Furthermore the execution of PSU 'rYj Pekanbaru
KPUD. obtained protest from half of the Pekanbaru citizen. This research a1ms to know the alteration of
public opion towards Pekanbaru KPUD after the elected candidates defined by MK. This research uses
the quant1tat1ve method w1th random samplinq multistaqe technique toward 120 respcndents in 6
districts of Pekanbaru town. Data 1s taken throuqh enclosed qLestionnaire wh1ch further analysed and
presented in the frequencv table Research findinqs show majority assess that Pekanbaru KPUO has
worked well on the task and authority of PSU execut1on
Public Assessment, Appropriate Work