GAPKI Efforts in Facing Greenpeance Anti-Palm Oil Campaign in Indonesia
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Th1s rBsBarch aim to see lndonBsian Palm 011 Association (GAPKI) fac1nq GrBBnpBacB anti-palm 011
campaign in Indonesia. From 2007 Green peace has campa1gn1ng aga1nts Indonesian palm 011 products
that accused by Greenpeace has destroy peatland and rainforest pushinq oranq-utans closer to the
brink of extinction and accelerat1nq climate chanqe Green peace has done many direct demontration 1n
Indonesia 1n their effort to seek attention not only from Indonesian qovernment but also from people
around thB world ThBY had trv many ways to PBrsuade multinational coarpBrat1on to stop buy
Indonesian palm 011 bv released many publical on that contain rnatenal about destruction of rainfo rest
and peatlands conducted bv Indonesian palm 011 industrvf. Greenpeace palm oil campaiqn has qaye
manv impact to palm 011 industries 1n Indonesia such as breakinq contract of Indonesia palm 011
purch<sed agreement by multinational coorperation by one side in 2010, appearance of EU Renewable
Enerov. new requlatlon 1n Europe who prohibit usaqe of palm oil in makinq of blofuel in 2012. additional
cost in Bxport1nq palm 011 to ovBrseas. and worse is dBcl1n1nq rBputat1on of palm 011 products as a qood
staple around the world This research used Qualitative analysis. Theorv used 1n this research is GOs
are used by nations theory by McCormick and K1hl (1979). Greenpeace accusinq development of
Indonesian palm 011 plantation harms environment and br1nqs Indonesia become the third larqest
country who produce qas emission aftBr US and China. Some people of lndonBsla beliBVB that
Greenpeace <vere bnngs others interest The wnter used data which was collected from books,
encvcloped1a. 1ournal. and website to analvze the research. Cons1dennq manv neqat1ve ImPact that felt
bv palm oil farmer and enterpreneur of Indonesia, GAPKI choose to make more effort to face
Greenpeace anti-palm 011 campaiqn. This effort includinq manaqe Palm oil conference, advocate palm
oil throuqh Indonesian Embassy 1n overseas, formulatinq Indonesian S ustaina~e Palm Oil. developinq
1ndustrv basBd on Crude Palm Oil and revital1tat1on proqram of palm 011 plantation This research is
trvinq to see how GAPKI deal with Greenpeace campaign in their effort to save palm 011 reputation
around the world
Palm Oil Association, Greenpeace, Anti-palm oil, Effort