Local-Face and Mixed-Race in Femina Magazine and Nova Tabloid: Hybridity and Mimicry in Beauty and Daily Products in Indonesia's Advertisements

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This article compares ads of beauty products featured by mixed-race models and ads of daily products (da1lv consumption) featured by local-look models in Indonesian women's magazines. By using semiotic approach, in th1s context I have tried to 1dent1fy hybnd1ty and mimicry in Royco Mama Lemon. Scotch Bnte. Lux, Mane-France and Ponds ads and then related the findinqs to whiteness and consumption There seems to be un1form1tv in perceivinq beauty by makinq Western woman as the reference. and the mixed-ra;e that phys1callv resembles much more closely the appearance of Western woman can therefore be dominant in beauty products ads M1m1crv and hvbnditv that I find 1n most ads 1s presented 1n different wavs. Dallv products tend to use metaphors to represent hvbnd1tv whereas beautv products employ m1xed-raced models as the element of hybrid. However, the ambival ence inherent in hybrid enables mixed-race to im1tate and to be imitated at the same t1me. In this context, the hybnd imitates a Western woman as theoriginal and then the hybrid is Imitated by the local face to become a hybrid. The difference of treatment of dallY and beauty products can be seen in the women's role and how they consume the products in both types of ads While it 1s evident that ads of da1lv product fort1fv the position of local women 1n domestic affairs. the mixec-race women as the imitation of Western women are stereotyped as women of freedom and beauty. This strengthens the connotation of Western lifestyle that tends to live in glamour leisure, and wealth.



Hybridlty, Mixed-race, LocaHook, Whiteness, Consumption
