Social Economic 0f Fisheries

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    (2013-07-16) Tamba, Sudiarno
    This research was conducted on 3rd until 10th January 2013. This study aims to determine how much of the investment and operational costs , feasibility and problems faced by fish farmers in the cultivation of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in floating net cages in Silalahi III village. The method used in this research is a stratified random sampling method with respondents are 8 farmers were divided into 3 categories. The results of this research indicate that business investment tilapia farming in floating cages for cultivation category I is Rp.82.743.750,-/unit cultivation with operational costs Rp.66.846.917,-/period, for category II the investments be required Rp.167 928 125,-/unit cultivation with operational costs Rp.130.933.792,-/period and investments for the cultivation of category III is Rp.397.521.250,-/unit cultivation with operational cost Rp.317.654.250,-/period. The value BCR of tilapia fish farmers in the village Silalahi III is between 1.1968 until 1.234, value of FRR is 31.79% until 37.41% and the value of PPC 5.35 period until 6.29 to period. Based on the analysis of the research, we conclude that the business is financially profitable and feasible to be developed. The cultivation are most feasible to be developed based on the results of the analysis of feasible is a cultivation that occupied by farmers category III with BCR value is 1,2340, FRR 37.41%/year and PPC is 2 years and 8 months. The problems faced by farmers in the cultivation is a mortality of seeds cause the seed can not adapt to the environment and the farmers have not been able to deal with a disease that occurs in fish
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    Management Lubuk Larangan as a Form of Environmental Wisdom In Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hulu Kabupaten Kampar Riau Province
    (2013-06-25) Setiawan, Iwan
    This research was conducted in November 2012 in Kampar Kiri Hulu subdistrict Kabupaten Kampar in Riau Province. This research aims to: Knowing the physical state of an area or areas where the bottom of Lubuk Larangan, Lubuk Larangan Formation Knowing, Aware Management and Monitoring management Lubuk Larangan, Knowing the benefits of the ban bottom. This research used a qualitative approach using a phenomenological method. Number of informants in this research were 27, consis of 9 informants ninik mamak / keyperson, 9 informants research officials and society informants 9. Lubuk Larangan in Kampar Kiri Hulu subdistrict the widest Ludai with the Village area 8.000m2. The history of Lubuk Larangan couse by financial problems. This prohibition Lubuk Larangan management conducted jointly by the societi, Ninik Mamak/keyperson and village. Economy benefits of Lubuk Larangan for rural development and conservation Lubuk Larangan. On the social side, the bottom of a ban on making social interaction and a close kinship to people without any position limits and position differences in ethnicity and religion. in every village. On an ecological perspective, awareness and knowledge of the community in the management of Lubuk Larangan have thought ahead, namely to preserve fishery resources, such as harvesting, fish are still small is not captured and taken away by their.
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    (2013-06-08) Muliono, Dedek
    The research was conducted at 8th – 16th January 2013 in processing center time after harvest Koto Mesjid village and in some market, the marketing purpose is Kuok market, Air Tiris market and Pekanbaru city. The purpose of the research was to know marketing path, market share (distribution of prices), marketing system and marketing efficiency. Respondent in this research was smoke catfish stake holder, sales and consumer with respondent totally 21 respondent people. This research used survey method. The survey results revealed that there are three chain marketing direct marketing chains (A Zero Level Chanel), the level of the marketing chain (A One Level Chanel), two levels of the marketing chain (A Two Level Chanel), the smoke catfish marketing focus on 3 area was Kuok market, Air Tiris market, and Pekanbaru. Market share value was gotten in marketing area Kuok market was 76,92 - 80,88 %, Air Tiris market 77,27 – 81,97 %, and Pekanbaru area 80,88 % - 82,86 %. The marketing margin value was gotten to marketing area Kuok market was 17,65 % - 23,81%, Air Tiris market 18,84% - 21,21%, and Pekanbaru 14, 29%-19,12%. Benefits received by distributor was Rp. 3.636.640 – Rp. 9.098.670/month, and retailer Rp. 1.213.400 – Rp. 1.680.000/month. Efficiency value for distributor was 0,71% - 10,18% and retailer 1,55% - 3,07%.
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    Tilapia Farmers motivation (Oreocrhomis Niloticus) in Village Beringin Taluk District of Kuantan Tengah Regency Kuantan Singingi Riau Province
    (2013-05-14) Putra, Ario
    This study was conducted in October 2012 in the village Beringin Taluk districts of Kuantan Tengah Regency Kuantan Singingi Riau Province. The method used in this study is a survey method. Respondent conducted the census. Respondents in the study were farmers, Tilapia, amounting to 16 people. The purpose of this study were 1) describe the characteristics of tilapia fish farmers in the village Beringin Taluk, 2) measure and analyze the level of motivation of tilapia farmers, 3) determine the push factors that lead farmers do the farming of tilapia fish in the pond. The results of this study indicate that the overall level of motivation as a whole tilapia fish farmers in middle category (1280-1791) ie with a score of 1,780. The main factors that motivate farmers do tilapia fish farming is the economic factor while the other factors are the level of education, soil conditions, government programs. tilapia farmers are in the productive age group. Viewed from the point of view of the level of motivation of tilapia farmers are in the medium category that is 11 people or 68.75%, and category 5 souls 31.25% higher, in terms of expectations of the level of motivation of tilapia farmers in medium category by 2 people or 12, 5% and higher categories as many as 14 people or 87.5% in terms of confidence and motivation levels of tilapia farmers in the medium category were as many as 10 people or 62.5% and higher by 6 people or 37.5%. Judging from the level of the individual motivations of tilapia farmers in the medium category were as many as 7 people or 43.75% and high categories were 9 people or 56.25%.
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    (2013-04-09) Damiati, Melly
    The research was conducted on December 22, 2012. This study aims to Knowing the structure of costs and total production costs Patin fish cultivation in the Village District Bumiayu South Dumai, Dumai City Riau Province. Knowing the magnitude and revenue and profits Patin fish farmers in Sub Bumiayu Southern District of Dumai City Riau Province. The method used in this research is a method of survey with 10 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the cost structure of the fixed costs and variable costs. Value of fixed costs that was obtained Rp. 64.427.10 and variable costs are achieved Rp.2.797.200 values obtained production costs Rp. 2.861.627. while the acceptance rate of catfish business is Rp. 12,772,500 obtained. While the value of profit of Rp.7.049,246.
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    Labor Welfare Processing Of Fishery Products In Barrier Island Kepenghuluan Rear Sub Kubu Babussalam Rokan Hilir Province
    (2013-04-01) Ulfa, Maria
    The research was conducted in September 2012. This study aims to determine the level of walfare of workers processing views of revenue, expenditure, UMR, and Bappenas in Kepenghuluan Rear barrier island. The method used in this research is a method of survey with 37 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the level of welfare of workers in the processing of its income rear Kepenghuluan barrier island that 3 respondents below regional standars minimum wage (UMR) and 34 respondents who were in a standard minimum wage (UMR) Rokan Hilir was set a Rp 1.287 million/months. Revenue processing workers an average of Rp 1.440.000 with the smallest income range RP. 720.000 – and that is the biggest revenue Rp 1.584.000- of the number of fishing entirely, while the average household expenditure is Rp 1.100.000 fishery workers,- the smallest expenditure range is Rp 700.000- and the biggest expense is RP. 1.300.000- Workers live in barrier island insufficient to meet the needs, 90 percent of workers do not have any savings fishing materials such as rice consumption for the next day, because theu were out for a meal. Life is very dependent barrier the next workers with rain water in daily consumption.
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    Local Wisdom of Community In Management Bokuok Lake In the Aur Sati Village, Tambang District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province
    (2013-01-29) Andriadi
    This study was aimed to know the target of formed of local wisdom in management Lake of Bokuok and to know applied system mechanism Mawuo in Lake of Bokuok, Aur Sati Village. This research was qualitative method with fenomenalogis approach. Informan in this research is the prominent community, ninik mamak. And the analisys in this research by descriptive analysis. The result of research indicate that the target of local wisdom in management of Bokuok Lake expanding initially to pay for lease (upeti) to Dutch, taking care of immeasurable involve territorial water with existence of restoking in Lake of Bokuok. The traditional institution represent organization doing conducting management to Bokuok Lake by making orders along with dubious of conducted collision to Lake area of Bokuok, however local community also follow to observed to lake. Tradition of Mawuo to conduct arrest of fish in Bokuok Lake by together open meaning generically by entering direct to territorial water use appliance catch friendly of environment and way of certain which permitted by local custom institute, this tradition cannot be told annual event since it cannot be determined how many times is one year conduct. Fishing yield of fish in this tradition represent belonging of the communty.
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    The Factories Effects Toward Social Economic Condition of Fishermen Community at Medang Kampai District of Dumai City of Riau Province
    (2013-01-23) Novi Astuti, Rina
    The research was conducted in September 14th until 21th. Aiming to know the condition of fisherman social society before and after the appearance of the factories at district Medang Kampai of Dumai City of Riau Province is to know the condition economy society before and after the appearance of the factories. The method used in this research is survey method in which there are communities totaling 103 fishermen in taking 12 fishermen. The result of this research is the changing that happened before and after the appearance of factory in social and economic aspect of fishermen community. They are the improvement of education, healthy, and shopping centre. There are positive and negative reaction from fishermen and people toward new factories. The reduction of the fishermen income after the appearance of factory is from ≤ Rp. 2.100.000,- become ≤ Rp.1.500.000,-. The increase of expenses is from ≤ Rp.1.000.000,- become ≤ Rp. 2.100.000,- .
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    Analysis of Development of Lates calcarifer Fish Farming Enterprises Group KONSIP Pen culture In The Village Sialang Pasung District Rangsang Barat Meranti Islands in Riau Province
    (2013-01-21) Maria, Elisa
    The research was conducted in March 2012 in the Village Sialang Pasung Rangsang Barat Meranti Islands in Riau Province, which aims to see the development and cultivation of relationships and influence on the inputs (seed and feed) and output (production). methods used in this research is the case study method with which respondents are KONSIP group chairman and members of the group. The result of this research is the development of cultivation from year to year despite reduced KONSIP group members, the association number (input) Seed and Feed Against (output) Lates calcarifer fish Production (Lates calcarifer) Pen culture In the relatively strong correlation with the level of very real ie ρ (0.02) ≤ α (0.05). With determination R2 is 0.95 and the influence Number of inputs (seeds) and Forage against output (production) Lates calcarifer The Pen culture can be seen from the calculated F (29.342)> F-table (0.011), this shows that all the independent variables simultaneously significantly affect production at 95.2% confidence level
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    (2013-01-08) Ritonga, Armisa
    This study aims to determine the push and pull factors of migration of fishermen in the Kepenghuluan Teluk Nilap. In the process of migration fishermen affected by two factors, namely push and pull factors. The push factor is a factor that is in the area of origin is generally perceived negatively by migrant fishermen, while the pull factrors area factors that axist in the destination rated positively by migrant fishermen. The result of this study indicate that the factors push the migration of fishermen from the area of origin are natural factor and sosial factor. Natural Factors is the reduction of fishery resources in the area of origin so that decreases the income of fishermen, and social factor is the reciprocal relationship between migrant fishermen with fisher and family. While the pull factors of the destination areas are natural factor and family factor. Natural factor is the potential of fisheries in the area are still good and worth to be develoved so that can make increase the income of fishermen, and factor family is a source of information about the purpose and appeal of those expected as a revuge.
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    Kontribusi Usaha Pengumpulan Limbah Penambangan Batu Bara Bagi Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Nelayan (Studi Kasus: Kelurahan Pasar Bengkulu, Kota Bengkulu Provinsi Bengkulu)
    (2013-01-08) Khairunnisa
    This research was conducted on June 26th until July 05th 2012. This study aimed to know the business contribution of collecting coal wastes for fisherman houshold income. The method used in this study was case study method with total of twenty two respondents, they are fourteen fisherman, one housewife and seven children. The results of this study indicate the business contribution of collecting coal wastes as non primary income was big enough, that was Rp.801,27 (44,35 %) while the contribution from fishing as primary income was Rp.1.580,14(55,65%). The non primary income was categorized as a middle category and the primary income was categored to high category. The other scores was between 0%-25% low, 26%-50% moderate, and 51%-100% high.
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    Fishermen's Perceptions About Business Fishing in The Kepenghuluan Parit Aman Bangko Subdistrict Rokan Hilir District Riau province
    (2013-01-08) Rizanty, Gita
    The research was conducted in June 2012. This study aims to determine the perceptions of fishermen on fishing effort in Kepenghuluan Parit Aman and determine the relationship of the internal factors to the level of perception of fishermen on fishing effort. Method used in this research is a survey method. Too see the relationship between the internal factors with perception of fisherman on fishing effort used analysis of corelation rank spearman. The results of this study indicate that the perception of fishermen on fishing effort in the Kepenghuluan Parit Aman has overall score for 3219, shows that the perception of fishermen on fishing effort as a whole are in this category quite well with perception fishermen that fishing effort in Kepenghuluan Parit Aman can maintained and enough potential to be developed. The relationship between internal factors with perception of fisherman on fishing effort have relationship not significant.
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    Role and Contribution Of Fisheries Sector for Economy at Rokan Hilir Regency Riau Province
    (2013-01-08) Madona, Dwi Wulan
    The research was conducted in the Rokan hilir Regency during the period of 05th to 19th May 2012. The aims of this research are to (1) Determine the contribution of the fisheries sector to GDRP and work opportunity of Rokan Hilir Regency, (2) Knowing the base or non-base fisheries sector in regional development Rokan Hilir, (3) Knowing the multiplier effect fishery sector to GDRP and work opportunity of Rokan Hilir Regency. The method used in this research is a method of secondary data, which is then analyzed by the data analysis (1) contribution, (2) Location Quotient (LQ), (3) Multiplier Effect. The results of this research show that in 2006-2010, the fisheries sector contribution to GDRP ranges from 22.18% - 21.62%, while the contribution the fisheries sector to work opportunity about 2.19% - 2.91%. LQ value of fisheries indicators of GDRP ranged from 5.98- 6.10 means that the fisheries sector is a sector basis. According to the work opportunity indicator in 2006, the fisheries sector by sector basis classified LQ value of 1.14, while in 2007 and 2008 fisheries sector classified basis with LQ values 0.96 and 0.86. But in 2009 and 2010 the fisheries sector has increased the value of LQ is equal to 1.07 and 1.22 so classified in the sector basis. Multiplier values between 4.72-5.38 in 2006-2010, GDRP indicator, while the work opportunity indicator values ranged multiplier effect (-40.30) ̶ 402,93.
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    Contribution Incom Of-Fishing At Fishermen Household In Lubuk Muda Village Distric Siak Kecil Bengkalis Riau Province
    (2012-12-05) Sri Wahyuni, Eka
    This research was conducted on 3th March until 07th March 2012. The objective of this study is to analyse the kind of-fishing with fishermen and household, to analyse the high contribution income of-fishing at household. The methode of the research is survey and the strength respondent 30 household. The data use is primary and secunder. The fisherman effort of-fishing is search mangrove, building labour, farmworker, maker of brick, and roof. The effort fishermen wife is daily goods trade, rubber plantantion workers (menoreh) and selling fish while the children are phone celuler shop employer, clerk, apoteker, farmworker, building labour, search mangrove, driver, selling of gasoline, and security. The contribution of-fishinng is a Rp.2.270.000,- (56,4%) daily the contribution in-fishing is a Rp.1.752.000,- (43,6%).
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    The Role Of The Owner Of The Tangkahan Nibung Bay In An Attempt To Capture The Provincial Town Of Tanjungbalai Asahan Fish Of North Sumatra
    (2012-12-05) Sitorus, Fitria Oktavia
    The research was undertaken from 31 January until 20 February 2012 in the Gulf Tangkahan owner Nibung Asahan Tanjungbalai City of North Sumatra Province. This study used survey method. This study aims at 1). to determine the role of the owner Tangkahan in fishing activities in the City Tanjungbalai Asahan. 2). to determine the development of business in the City Tangkahan Tanjungbalai Asahan. 3). to know the prospects and constraints of business in the City Tangkahan Tanjungbalai Asahan The results of this study were 1). The role of owners consists of (a). landing fish in Tangkahan begins with the ship closer to the side of the hull with a position parallel to the jetty. subsequent dismantling of the fish is done. (b). financing activities consisted of the capture of anchoring and mooring ship repair maintenance. (c). Arrangement of the ship can be done by taking care SKLT letter, SIUP and SIPI. (d). Marketing locally, inter-regional and export. 2). Tangkahan can be seen from the year 2007 amounted to 5 units Tangkahan and in 2012 amounted to 20 units Tangkahan, from year to year the number increased Tangkahan. 3). Many ships, Tangkahan bit. how the prospect of the future if it needs additional Tangkahan or government building in the City fishing port Tanjungbalai Asahan. constraints faced by the fishing activities at sea consisted of requirements such as the provision of water, ice, fuel, Tangkahan facilities and access roads. To solve the problem of these constraints are complete facilities, maximize existing port.
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    Marketing Efficiency carp seed (Cyprinus carpio) in Kenagarian Lansek Kadok South Rao Pasaman District of West Sumatra Province
    (2012-12-03) Amelina, Novia
    This research was conducted in April 2012 in Kenagarian Lansek Kadok South Rao Pasaman District of West Sumatra Province. This study aimed to: determine the costs incurred by the respective marketing agencies in every area of marketing, knowing the level of profit (profit margin) received respective marketing agencies in each area of marketing, knowing which marketing channels are more efficient among several existing marketing channels and know the carp seed marketing efficiency in terms of marketing margins and share fisherman. The method used in this study is a survey method, the total respondents 22 people. The study consisted of two patterns of marketing channels, marketing channel 1:Farmers carp seed Collectors local consumers, marketing channels 2:Farmers carp seed Collectors Consumer outside the area. Marketing costs incurred by the district collector of Rp.24.24,-/tail and got a profit of Rp.75.76,-/tail. Then for marketing outside the area, Maninjau marketing costs incurred amounted to Rp.70.50,-/tail and got a profit of Rp.79.50,-/tail. For the marketing Bangkinang marketing costs incurred Rp.77.93,-/tail and got a profit of Rp.72.07, -/tail, while for regional field marketing marketing costs incurred Rp.84.26,-/tail and got a profit of Rp.65.74,-/tail. Marketing margin carp seed size 3-5 cm is 33.33% and for seed-sized carp seed 6-8 cm is 30.00%. Fisherman Share to seed the size of 3-5 cm was 66.67%, while for seed size 6-8 cm is 70.00%. When compared between the two carp seed marketing channels, it is more efficient marketing channel is the marketing channel 2, as it has a value greater share fisherman and value of marketing margin is smaller.
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    The Poverty Analysis of Fishermen in the Mekong village, Meranti Island Regency, West Tebing Tinggi District, Riau Province
    (2012-11-28) M. Nurasyikin
    This research was done on Mei 2012 in Mekong village, Meranti Island Regency, West Tebing Tinggi District, Riau Province. Members of the population in this research were 31 people, the writer used census method in determining the respondents while in the data collection consist of: primary data and secondary data. In analyzing the data, the writer used qualitative descriptive analysis techniques which were the calculation of average and percentage. These results demonstrate that poverty occurred in Mekong caused by a fisherman village five influential factors: 1) Low quality of health services for the fishermen of Mekong village. 2) Low-income fishermen with an average income that was Rp.1.048.387. 3) the fishermen education of Mekong village were low at an average of just finished elementary school (SD). 4) Little alternative employment caused fishermen did not have alternative job 5) there was no social security for fishermen and caused them susceptible to emergency matters.
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    Comparative Study Of Work Ethics Gill Net Fisherman In Villages Bagan Barat District Bangko Rokan Hilir Regency Riau Province
    (2012-11-27) Dio Lestari, Reski
    This research was conducted on 30th July until 07th August 2012.This study aimed to analyze the comparative level of work ethic shipmaster gill nets from each ethnic. The method used in this study is a case study method with thirty respondents. The results of this study indicate the ethnic Batak people have a high work ethic compared to individuals from ethnic Javanese and Malay. Ethnic Javanese middle category and ethnic Malay are in the low category. Her other scores range between 31-50 low, 51-70 moderate, and 71-90 high. Respondents ethnic Malay 3 person are in the moderate category an 13 were in the low category. Ethnic Javanese 8 person middle category and ethnic Batak 5 member at the high category and 1 person middle category.
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    Fisherman Motivation To The Effort of Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Cultivation In Sibanganding Village, District, Simalungun regency, Nort Sumatera Province.
    (2012-10-29) Pardede, Juwita Monalis
    The research was conducted From Maret 2012 at sibanganding village, girsang Sipangan Bolon District, Simalungun regency, Nort Sumatera Province. This reseach used case study method, the aim of this reseach were: 1). To measure the view motivational the level, of expecfation confidence of fish nila, 2). To know the confidence expectation vie conducting to motivation. The research concluded that 1). Entirety motivational level conducting of fish amount 2217, thereby score motivational as a whole reside in category. 2).View, hope relationship with motivation hare the value is rs= 0,754** and rs = 0.793 **, it’s mean relation between views, hope motivation pertained the strength and unidirectional, have the character of very significant posed at with value P(0,00) < α (0,05). 3). Relationships with motivational beliefs have value rs = 0.522 * means no correlation is less strong or in other words the significance of the relationship is indicated with P value (0.018) <α (0.05).