Fishermen's Perceptions About Business Fishing in The Kepenghuluan Parit Aman Bangko Subdistrict Rokan Hilir District Riau province
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The research was conducted in June 2012. This study aims to determine the perceptions
of fishermen on fishing effort in Kepenghuluan Parit Aman and determine the relationship of the
internal factors to the level of perception of fishermen on fishing effort. Method used in this
research is a survey method. Too see the relationship between the internal factors with
perception of fisherman on fishing effort used analysis of corelation rank spearman.
The results of this study indicate that the perception of fishermen on fishing effort in the
Kepenghuluan Parit Aman has overall score for 3219, shows that the perception of fishermen on
fishing effort as a whole are in this category quite well with perception fishermen that fishing
effort in Kepenghuluan Parit Aman can maintained and enough potential to be developed. The
relationship between internal factors with perception of fisherman on fishing effort have
relationship not significant.
Perception, Fishing effort, Superficiality