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    Analisis Perilaku Petani Dalam Menabung di Pt. Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, Unit Danamon Simpan Pinjam Pasar Bagan Batu
    (2014-02-17) Donald Jhon, Frengki; Rifai,Ahmad; Maharani,Evi
    This reaserch aimed to know level of importance of belief, evaluation, normative belief, motivation attitude and behavior offarmers forsaving products PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, Unit Danamon Simpan Pinjam Pasar Bagan Batu. Source of data was primary data from interview with respondents using accidental sampling. The data was analysis by fishbein model show consumer's attitude to certain object and to know consumer's decision making process. This fishbein model explain of belief and evaluation of atribut PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, Unit Danamon Simpan Pinjam Pasar Bagan Batuused included interest rates, promotion, gifts, location, friendliness of employees, savingadministration ofprocesses, serviceemployeesandgovernment guarantees. The dominant atribut was fill up by consumer's in belief is promotion and evaluation is interest rates. The result showed that absolute behaviour (AB) scored 13.79, subjective normative (SN) scored 0.57 and behaviour intention (BI) scored 532.62. The positive value of BI (>0) indicated that behaviour intention to saving products PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, Unit Danamon Simpan Pinjam Pasar Bagan Batu is good. The most important variable of belief is promotion, and variable of evaluation is interest rates. Referentwhichgiveseffect tothenormativebelief variablesand theneighborsof thefirstrankis themotivationvariablereferentslegalityproduct.
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    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Tanaman dan Hortikultura Provinsi Riau
    (2014-02-17) Didik, Rianto; Evy Maharani; Arifudin
    This study aimed to determine: (1) Officers’ performance at the Department of Crop and Horticultural Riau Province; (2) Work environment consists of the physical work environment and non-physical work environment; (3) The effect of work environment on officers’ performance. 76 officers were interviewed for the study were collected by Disproposionate Stratified Random Sampling and using Slovin formula. The analysis of the data for the first objective and the second were a Summated Likert Scale and simple regression for the third objective. The results showed that: (1) Officers performance is in good categorize, it is known from the average score 287.5, (2) Work environment consists of the physical work environment of officers in both categories is also categorized good, it is known from the average score is 278.4 and a non-physical work environment of officers is 299.5; (3) Work environment affects significantly to officers’ performance, it is seen from the analysis of the value of the regression coefficient 0.376, with the level of confidence 95%.
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    Persepsi Petani Terhadap Alih Fungsi Lahan Padi Sawah Menjadi Lahan Hortikultura Dan Jagung di Desa Baruara Kecamatan Balige Kabupaten Toba Samosir
    (2014-02-17) Dewi M., Pakpahan; Maharani,Evy; Khaswarina,Shorea
    The objective of this research is 1) to know the perception of farmers on land conversion of paddy into horticulture and corn land, 2) find out the factors that affect the conversion land of paddy into horticulture and corn land based on the type of land conversion, 3) find out the type of land conversion use that occurred on the paddy farmers, 4) find out the problems faced by paddy farmers so they switched to horticulture and corn crops. This Observation was conducted in the village of Baruara, Balige district, Toba Samosir regency. An observation was carried out for 4 months from January to April 2013. Observation was conducted through a survey and using a purposive sampling method. Samples taken on 35 household as paddy farmers who have been doing land conversion into horticulture and corn land. Observation shows the perception of farmers on paddy land conversion into horticultural and corn lands are included in good categories with the achievement score of 3.80 out of a maximum score. Factors affecting paddy land conversion based on the type of land conversion is the motivation of people to develop farming, production is decreasing, and the economic pressure which types of land conversion that occurs in land conversion is a sporadic type. The problems faced by paddy farmers are unfavorable soil conditions, decreasing production, poor irrigation system, the Government's policy for non-paddy agriculture and the development of tourist attraction are increasing yet there's an unclear legislation on wetland protection, especially irrigation.
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    Analisis Kinerja Sosial dan Kinerja Keuangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM) Usaha Ekonomi Desa-Simpan Pinjam (UED-SP) Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Karya Bersama Desa Titian Resak Kecamatan Siberida Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu
    (2014-02-15) Ismoyo,Ari; Rifai,Ahmad; Yulida,Roza
    The purpose of this study to analyze social performance and financial performance of Microfinance Institution UED-SP Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Karya Bersama Titian Resak Village Siberida Subdistrict Indragiri Hulu Regency. Data analysis using the outreach and PEARLS analysis to assess the financial performance from 2009 to 2012. The results of this study was showed that the social performance show 1) products and services evolve to UED loan, SP loan, leasing furniture and saving, 2) productivity of staff and incentive increased, 3) the participation of women and poor borrowers increased, and 4) distribution of loans dominant to plantation and trading sectors. Financial performance analysis show the several of financial performance indicators is ideal condition, there are current assets ratio, external loans ratio, institutional capital ratio, non-performing loans ratio, non-productive assets ratio, loans income ratio, net income ratio, asset growth, deposit growth and outstanding loans growth. That caused of external loans is low, has good institusional capital, the low of non performing loans, low non-productive assets and has good income. Meanwhile, the several of financial performance indicators are not ideal, such as reserve fund to overcome arrears >12 month ratio, reserve fund to overcome arrears 1-12 month ratio, outstanding loans ratio, saving share ratio, operating cost ratio, non-produce current assets ratio, and capital growth. This condition caused didn’t has reserve fund to overcome arrears loans, high outstanding loans, low saving share, high operational cost, and high non-produce current assets.
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    Analisis Efisiensi Produksi Usahatani Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Swadaya (Studi Kasus Pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Swadaya di Perbatasan Desa Dayo dengan Desa Tapung Jaya, Kecamatan Tapung, Kabupaten Rokan Hulu)
    (2014-02-15) Anjur Erik Hermade, Saragih; Tarumun,Suardi; Restuhadi, Fajar
    This research was conducted to analyze the production efficiency of self-supporting palm plantation in area of the research, production efficiency consist of technical efficiency, price/allocative efficiency, and economic efficiency. Production efficiency influenced by direct production factors and undirect production factors. Direct production factors consist of Labours, Urea fertilizer, TSP fertilizer, Dolomit fertilizer and Herbicides dosage. Undirect production factors consist of Age, Experience of planting palm, Formal education, and Land suitability. All of the production factors formulated simultaneously in Cobb-Douglass frontier production function with MLE (maximum likelihood estimation) method wich analyzed by Frontier 4.1 computer program. The result of the researh show that technical efficiency value is 93 %, price/allocative efficiency value is 4.78 and economic efficiency value is 4.44. Age factor influenced positively to production inefficiency, it mean older age more efficient than younger age. Experience of planting palm factor influenced negatively to production inefficiency, it mean longer experience of planting palm more efficien than shorter experience of planting palm. Formal education factor influenced negatively to production inefficiency, it mean longer formal education more efficien than shorther formal education. Land suitability factor influenced negatively to production inefficiency, it mean suitable land more efficien than suitable enough land.
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    Peran Penyuluhan Dalam Pemberdayaan Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya di Kecamatan Tambusai Utara Kabupaten Rokan Hulu
    (2014-02-15) Pramono,Andi Joko; Rosnita; Arifudin
    The purposes of this research are: (1) To identify the role of extension toward independent smallholder farmers of palm oil; (2) To know the empowerment level of the farmers; (3) To analysis the relation between extension’s role on empowerment the farmers. This research was conducted at Bangun Jaya Village at North Tambusai Sub-district of Rokan Hulu. Samples were determined by purposive sampling methods with consideration that the location has active extension activities and has farmers group. 45 independent smallholder farmers of palm oil were taken as respondent. Validity and reliability analysis has been done on the measuring instruments. Data’s analysis to acknowledge the first and second research purpose used Scale Likert’s summated Rating (SLR), whereas multiple linear regression used to acknowledge the third purpose of this research. The Result showed that: (1) The extension role is categorized enough, that are consisted of facilitation, supervision, monitoring and evaluation is categorized enough, while on education, information dissemination, and consultation is categorized have a role; (2) The empowerment level is categorized well, that are consisted of human resources and productive economy is categorized well, while on institutional is well enough; (3) Empowerment of independent small holder farmers affected significantly by the role of extension in education, facilitation and consultation, and monitoring and evaluation, however the role of extension does not significantly affect on dissemination and supervision of the farmers empowerments.
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    Analisis Hubungan Karakteristik Sosial Ekonom Terhadap Kewirausahaan Pengusaha Industri Kecil di Kecamatan Kuok Kabupaten Kampar
    (2014-02-15) Zamri; Yusmini; Rifai,Ahmad
    The purpose of this study are: 1) Identify the characteristics of social economic entrepreneurs of small industries. 2) Identify the characteristics of entrepreneurial small industrial entrepreneurs. 3) Analyze the relationship of socio economic characteristics of the entrepreneurial small industrial entrepreneurs. This study was conducted March 2013-May 2013. This research method uses a survey with census method. The results of this study indicate that the influence of socio economic characteristics on the characteristics of entrepreneurial businessmen have a score to 2.10 with moderate category. For entrepreneurs entrepreneurship have a score to 1.99 and included in the medium category. Characteristics socio economic significantly related to the variable is a variable knowledge place of business for 0.399, 0.401 for resources and ratio of the total revenue of 0.904. Socio economic characteristics significantly related to the orientation of the risks are the place of business variables with correlation coefficient of 0.927. Characteristics socio economic variables related significantly to the confidence the ratio of total revenue with correlation coefficient of 0.613. Characteristics of the socio economic variables related significantly to the managerial variables are the of resources with a correlation of 0.463 and the ratio total revenue of 0.735. Socio economic characteristics variables significantly place of business to the variable ability of educational decision making with a correlation of 0.862. Socio economic characteristics variables significantly to the variable ability to lead is the place of business with a correlation of 0.562 and ratio of total revenue with a correlation of 0.638.
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    Strategi Pemasaran Lepat Bugi Agroindustri di Palung Raya Desa Tambang Raya Kabupaten Kampar
    (2014-02-15) Azmi,Zul; Eliza; Cepriadi
    The agro-industry production must be supported by the existence of marketing activity, since production and marketing have significant correlation and inseparable. The aim of this research is to analyze the marketing mix (product, price, distribution, promotion) upon the consumer behavior of the agro-industry product namely “Lepat Bugi” in Palung raya Village, Tambang District, Kampar Regency. Another aim is to identify the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat and decide the alternative of marketing strategy according to the production scale. This research was conducted in Palung Raya District Kampar Regency, and consists of 23 respondents as the Lepat Bugi business doers. From the appointed numbers, the classification based on the business experience turns into three groups consist of 8 years of experience, 6 years and 3 years. Fishbein and SWOT analysis are used as the data analysis. The result of this research shows that the residents under the productive age are 654 people or 60,89%, the residents’ educational level in Elementary School are 450 people or 55,83%. For the entrepreneurs identity, the age of those entrepreneurs are in productive age. From those three entrepreneurs in the age range of 35-53 or 100%, the level of education obtained by Lepat Bugi entrepreneurs are in 66.7%, and they have graduated from the high school level. Meanwhile, for the business experience aspect that is owned by the three entrepreneurs which only still last in three years, is rated as 33.3%, medium business experience of six years is 33.3%, and the longest eight years of business experience is 33.3%, the number of family dependents of lepat bugi entrepreneurs are in high enough rate, it is ≥ 7 people rated as 66.67%. Purchase attitudes of product attribute which is a flavor, is in the value of (5.28). Consumer attitudes toward price attribute is upon the market price valued as (5.46). Consumer attitudes toward the distribution attribute is in direct distribution to the consumers (5.73). Consumer attitudes toward the promotion attribute is upon the banner (7.47). The marketing strategy of lepat bugi business is about maintaining the product quality, increasing the promotion, and registering businesses to FDA.
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    Adopsi Inovasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Rakyat Terhadap Pupuk Kompos Biotrikom di Desa Rantau Bais Kecamatan Tanah Putih Kabupaten Rokan Hilir
    (2014-01-28) Hasibuan, Albi Akandri; Edwina,Susy; Yulida, Roza
    The aims of this research are: 1) to analyze the characteristics of civil palm farmers in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. 2) to analyze innovation adoption process of civil palm farmers to biotricom compost in in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. 3) to analyze level of innovation adoption of civil palm farmers to biotricom compost in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. The research was conducted from December 2012 until July 2013. The data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. Methods that used in this study are survey method and demonstration plots. The analytical method used is ordinal scale based on Likert scale. The number of respondents used in this research were 30 people of civil palm farmers in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. The results of this study showed that the innovation adoption of civil palm farmers seen from internal characteristics, is categorized low, and external characteristics is categorized very low. Innovation adoption processes can be seen through the five stages, namely: 1) Knowledge of farmers is categorized middle, 2) Persuasion of perceived innovation characteristics is categorized high 3) Decision to adopt is categorized middle, the decision not to adopt is categorized very low 4) Implementation is categorized low 5) Confirmation is categorized very low. Therefore, the level of inovation adoption of civil palm farmers in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district is categorized low.
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    Analisis Pengembangan Ekonomi Kabupaten Siak
    (2013-08-27) Nopriyandri, Chanlis; Hadi,Syaiful; Dewi,Novia
    This research aim to analyze the base sector, competitiveness and growth profile, sector and sub-sector of the economy Siak district. The data used in this research is secondary data from the central bureau of statistics Riau province. Method of analysis used is the analysis of location quotient, shift share analysis, and analysis of growth profiles. The results showed that the sector is the dominant sector with criteria belong to the base sector, competitive sector, and the sector is growing rapidly advancing, is a plantation crop sub-sector and sub-sector wholesale and retail trade.
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    Analisis Kesejahteraan Rumahtangga Pengrajin Agroindustri Keripik Nenas di Desa Kualu Nenas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar
    (2013-08-27) Tari, Royanis; Rosnita; Edwina,Susy
    Agroindustry is an industry with raw materials derived from agricultural products. Agroindustry development can be a strategic choice in tackling economic problems and poverty alleviation in rural areas. Because of the high ability of agroindustry in terms of expansion of employment opportunities and the provision of value added that is able to improve the economy of rural communities so as to improve welfare. The study, titled household welfare analysis of agrochips pineapple in Kualu Nenas Village Tambang District of Kampar Regency aims to analyze the structure of household income artisans pineapple chips agroindustry, agroindustry artisans household expenditure patterns pineapple chips and household welfare level craftsmen agroindustry (profit, expenses and basic needs). The research was conducted in the village of Kualu Nenas Kampar District Regency Tambang in September 2012 to April 2013 using the census of 12 craftsmen agroindustry pineapple chips. The results illustrate the income artisans average per month Rp.14.635.962,64. Income received by family craftsmen, more sourced and the agroindustry average of Rp.11.365.129,31 (79,09%), while the non agroindustry, amounting Rp.3.004.1667,67 (20,91%). Household expenditures craftsmen gained an average of Rp.4.441.583,33 (61,75%) non-food expenditure, while expenditure on food an average of Rp.2.751.250,00 (38,25%). Concluded that the welfare level is at the level of well-being, household artisans meaning income structure is larger than the minimum wage Kampar regency (Rp.1.492.000,00), the pattern of non-food expenditure is greater than food expenditure patterns and unmet basic needs households by 14 indicators.
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    Analisis Usaha Agroindustri Berbasis Nenas di Desa Kualu Nenas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar
    (2013-08-27) Oktari, Riska Dian; Edwina,Susy; Muwardi,Didi
    The purpose of this research is to conclude amount of cost, revenue, added value, efficiency, and turning points in agroindustry of pineapple chips, pineapple diamond and pineapple pudding in Kualu Nenas Village Subdistrict Tambang of Kampar Regency. Determination of sample area was done intentionally (purposive) that is Kualu Nenas Village because this Village was industrial central of pineapple chips, pineapple diamond, and pineapple pudding. Respondent sampling was done by the way of census. Census is record-keeping of all element (respondents) were investigated in the Kualu Nenas Village using pineapple as a raw material. The respondents amounts for agroindustry pineapple chips as much as 12 people, pineapple diamonds and pineapple pudding 1 person. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data was collected by observation, interview and record keeping. Results of this research shows that the average total cost used by pineapple chips entrepreneur in the Kualu Nenas Village during April 2013 amounted Rp.19.227.097,77 for pineapple diamond Rp.551.269,78 and for pineapple pudding Rp.394.968,06. Average profit earned by pineapple chips Rp.7.752.068,89 for pineapple diamonds Rp.488.730,22 and pineapple pudding Rp.185.031,94 per month. Agroindustrial enterprises pineapple chips, pineapple diamonds, and pineapple pudding in Kualu Nenas Village implemented till now run has been efficient showed by RCR more than one of 1,40; 1,89; and 1,47. Added value of pineapple for pineapple chips Rp.5.440,72/kg, pineapple diamonds Rp.46.506,67/kg and pineapple pudding equal to Rp.11.191,67/kg.
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    Analisis Pemasaran Bengkuang (Pachyrryzus erosus) di Desa Bukit Payung Kecamatan Bangkinang Seberang Kabupaten Kampar
    (2013-08-27) Harianto, Dedy; Edwina,Susy; Cepriadi
    This study was conducted in the village of Bukit Payung Sub of Bangkinang Seberang Regency of Kampar for 3 months. The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing functions performed by of marketing agencies, marketing channels, marketing margins, marketing costs, profit of marketing, and the efficiency marketing of yam in the Village of Bukit Payung Sub of Bangkinang Seberang Regency of Kampar. The research method used is a survey method with a total sample of 20 people yam farmers, as many as 3 people of middlemen and 10 people of retailers. The results showed that marketing functions are performed by the institutions involved in the marketing of yam farmers, middlemen, and retailers include exchange function, physical functions, and function facilities. Yam marketing channels in the village of Bukit Payung consists of 3 channels where total costs, margins and profits are greatest in marketing yam on the third line while the value of marketing efficiency can be concluded that the first marketing channels more efficiently than marketing channels II and III.
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    Analisis Ketahanan Pangan Dan Strategi Pengembangan Ketahanan Pangan Di Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu
    (2013-07-27) Karmiliyanto, Rommy; Rifai,Ahmad; Edwina,Susy
    The aimed of this research is to analyze the condition of food security and food insecurity in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict. The research is also identifying the problems of causing the food insecurity, and formulate the food strategy in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict. The metodology of food security analyze is using of food insecurity analysis that was introducing by United Nations World Food Programme (2005). The datas was collected from secondary data, and will be analyze and interpreted descriptively. Generally, the result of this research was shown the condition of composite food secure in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict is food secure with 0,26 index value. The condition of food availability in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict is very secure with 0,00 index value, the aspect of food and livelihood access is condition almost secure with 0,40 index value, the aspect of food utilization is condition food secure with 0,30 index value, and the aspect food vulnerability is condition almost secure with 0,34 index value. The problems food security in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict there are limitedness of rural electrification, and large number of poverty and unemployment person. And the food security development strategy in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict is community economic empowerment.
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    Kajian Pembinaan Kelompoktani Melalui Programa Penyuluhan di Desa Bukit Batu Kecamatan Bukit Batu Kabupaten Bengkalis
    (2013-07-27) Syikhristani; Rosnita; Khaswarina,Shorea
    Farmers is spearheading the development of sustainable agriculture.This research is aimed to : (1) Analyze studying the instruction programs that have been designed shows in that the group farming, (2) The know appearing problems regarding the programs by the group of farmers to executed carried and to (3) Analyze farmers participation in instruction programs which is done by agriculture investigator. The research is done in the village of Bukit Batu, Bukit Batu sub district, district of Bengkalis Riau Province. The research is conducted for 8 months, started from April to Desember 2012. Survey method is used in this research and respondents is taken using purposive sampling technique by taking a sample of 34 respondents consisting of 3 men and 5 members of the management group of 4 plus 2 board group of farming Agricultural Extension Center, district extension coordinator and instructor Bukit Batu Village. This is a descriptive qualitative research which is analyzed using Likert’s Summated Rating Scale (LSRS). programs group of farming coaching through counseling in the village of Bukit Batu, 3 dimensional views of the coaching programs, programs implementation, and farmer group participation. The results showed that the development and implementation of the group of farming already running "good" but the farmer group members' participation in coaching is "Medium", the guidance problem is the lack of infrastructure, human resources and participation the "moderate". Recommended to the government to improve infrastructure and provide the necessary extension in the development of farmers.
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    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran dan Transmisi Harga Pada Petani Bokar di Desa Sei Tonang Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar
    (2013-07-27) Ningsih, Fitria; Tety,Ermi; Maharani,Evy
    This research aim is to know and analyze: 1. the channel, margin of bokar marketing and bokar marketing efficiency and the price that farmer received. 2. The correlation between the price of bokar from factory and the price of bokar in farmer level. 3. The influence of bokar price changing of factory to farmer level at sei tonang village of Kampar utara district of Kampar regency. The research method is used of survey method. The sampling method is purposive sampling of 38 farmer that have plantation age between 20-25 years. And the second sampling of merchant is using snowball sampling method that come to marketing channel. The research results shows that in sei tonang village of kampar utara district of Kampar regency have one rubber marketing channel ( homogeneity). That is farmer to collector merchant to factory. The lowest price in farmer level is Rp. 7.966,67 /kg, and the highest price level is Rp. 11.800,00/kg. Then the lowest price of factory is Rp. 11.733,33/kg, and the highest price level of factory is Rp. 16.516,67/kg. The average price level of the farmer level on year 2012 is Rp.9.720,97 and the average price level on factory is Rp.13.872,78. The margin level of marketing channel between the price in farmer level and factory is Rp. 4.151,81 and farmer received 73.44% and marketing eficiency is 3.07%. the correlation value between the price in farmer level and factory level is 0,826 %. The value of the elasticity of price transmission between the price received from farmers and the price of bokar by factory was 0,723.
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    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran dan Transmisi Harga Pada Petani Bokar di Desa Sei Tonang Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar
    (2013-07-27) Ningsih, Fitria; Tety,Ermi; Maharani,Evy
    This research aim is to know and analyze: 1. the channel, margin of bokar marketing and bokar marketing efficiency and the price that farmer received. 2. The correlation between the price of bokar from factory and the price of bokar in farmer level. 3. The influence of bokar price changing of factory to farmer level at sei tonang village of Kampar utara district of Kampar regency. The research method is used of survey method. The sampling method is purposive sampling of 38 farmer that have plantation age between 20-25 years. And the second sampling of merchant is using snowball sampling method that come to marketing channel. The research results shows that in sei tonang village of kampar utara district of Kampar regency have one rubber marketing channel ( homogeneity). That is farmer to collector merchant to factory. The lowest price in farmer level is Rp. 7.966,67 /kg, and the highest price level is Rp. 11.800,00/kg. Then the lowest price of factory is Rp. 11.733,33/kg, and the highest price level of factory is Rp. 16.516,67/kg. The average price level of the farmer level on year 2012 is Rp.9.720,97 and the average price level on factory is Rp.13.872,78. The margin level of marketing channel between the price in farmer level and factory is Rp. 4.151,81 and farmer received 73.44% and marketing eficiency is 3.07%. the correlation value between the price in farmer level and factory level is 0,826 %. The value of the elasticity of price transmission between the price received from farmers and the price of bokar by factory was 0,723.
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    Analisis Pendapatan Agroindustri Lidah Buaya di kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Usahaduta Purnama Aloe Vera) (The Case On Agroindustry Duta Purnama Aleo Vera)
    (2013-07-27) Syartunis; Cepriadi; Muwardi,Didi
    The objective of this research are (1) to study the activities of aleo vera in Pekanbaru city,(2) to know aleo vera agroindustry of duta purnama to observed from aspect technicand technology, management,financial and marketing (3) to know the problems and its solutions in agroindustry bussines expanding. This research was held in pekanbaru city Sidomulyo Barat subdistict Tampan Dislict for 3 month (from January 2013 until March 2013). The method in this research was study case method by using primer and secondary data. The result of this research showes that technic and tecnology aspect of aleo vera still use simple toolsin producing. There are two product aleo vera crispy and aleo vera drinks, which one each product through in many step. From the raw material to the marketing. Management aspect show that work system to used the business in team work system bettween business and worker, where the leader take of decide and supervisor operational activity still handled by business. Financial aspect know that net income of this business are Rp 1.322.413,33;RCR value is 1,43 for aleo vera crispy and income is Rp 5.934.736,66; RCR value is 1,83 for aleo vera drinks. It means that this business is proper to be continued and expanded because it can give profit to the industrialist. Marketing aspect showed that it’s distribution already reached until out of Pekanbaru part of distribution is helped by Disperindag and other ways.
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    Analisis Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Harapan dan Kinerja Bauran Pemasaran di Hypermart Mall Ciputra Seraya Pekanbaru
    (2013-07-27) Sitorus, Ratih Afriani; Restuhadi,Fajar; Cepriadi
    Hypermart is the only form of Hypermarkets in Indonesia's capital comes from national and to anticipate the development of other existing Hypermarket and multinational capital as Continent, Carrefour and Giant. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive method that is processed through SPSS version 17. characteristic of a significant age-related consumer product brand attributes and location Hypermart, where the consumer’s age and negatively associated with the very real marketing mix attributes as attributes of brand products. And for the location of the consumer age Hypermart has a significant relationship, where consumer’s age relate positively and very real. Consumer characteristics significantly related to income level to attribute product availability, product quality and brand of the product, where the level of consumer income and negatively associated with the real attributes of product availability and product quality. address the characteristics of respondents and very real negative correlation with the frequency of customer arrivals. Value in the study of consumer attitudes in the marketing mix Hypermart Mall Ciputra Seraya is located in Pekanbaru earned 309.14 good measurement scale
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    Tingkat Partisipasi Anggota Koperasi Unit Desa (Kud) Langgeng di Unit Perwakilan Giri Sako G, Desa Giri Sako Kecamatan Logas Tanah Darat Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
    (2013-07-25) Yuhendra, Alfis; Sayamar,Eri; Yulida,Roza
    The success of cooperatives in implementing its activities is determined by the response of the member. The response in this case is the participation of the members in all activities carried out by cooperatives. The purpose of this study include: (1) to analyze the level of member participation of Village Cooperatives Langgeng; (2) know the member problems who participating in the cooperatives and the management problems in managing the cooperatives. This study conducted at Village Cooperatives Langgeng in Unit Representatives Giri Sako G, Village Giri Sako Sub-district Logas Tanah Darat District Kuantan Singingi. The sampling in this study using simple random sampling method, and from the population 1,045 people, 43 people tested by using Slovin formula. The method used to analyze the level of member participation using a Likert scale, while to figure out the member problems and board members in the cooperatives using an open questionnaire and interview. Overall, the results concluded the member participation Village Cooperatives Langgeng are on the moderate levels with the score 1,405 points (1362-1905 include to moderate participation category). The member problems in cooperatives among others are the less attraction of the offers towards reciprocal participation and offering of goods and services by cooperatives, as well as the low interest of members in the organization. While the management cooperatives problems, among others, difficult to motivate members, wide area coverage, Impatience members in waited suggestions/criticism is realized and the unavailability of qualified human resources to occupy several positions.