Tingkat Partisipasi Anggota Koperasi Unit Desa (Kud) Langgeng di Unit Perwakilan Giri Sako G, Desa Giri Sako Kecamatan Logas Tanah Darat Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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The success of cooperatives in implementing its activities is determined by the response of the member. The response in this case is the participation of the members in all activities carried out by cooperatives. The purpose of this study include: (1) to analyze the level of member participation of Village Cooperatives Langgeng; (2) know the member problems who participating in the cooperatives and the management problems in managing the cooperatives. This study conducted at Village Cooperatives Langgeng in Unit Representatives Giri Sako G, Village Giri Sako Sub-district Logas Tanah Darat District Kuantan Singingi. The sampling in this study using simple random sampling method, and from the population 1,045 people, 43 people tested by using Slovin formula. The method used to analyze the level of member participation using a Likert scale, while to figure out the member problems and board members in the cooperatives using an open questionnaire and interview. Overall, the results concluded the member participation Village Cooperatives Langgeng are on the moderate levels with the score 1,405 points (1362-1905 include to moderate participation category). The member problems in cooperatives among others are the less attraction of the offers towards reciprocal participation and offering of goods and services by cooperatives, as well as the low interest of members in the organization. While the management cooperatives problems, among others, difficult to motivate members, wide area coverage, Impatience members in waited suggestions/criticism is realized and the unavailability of qualified human resources to occupy several positions.


Alfis Yuhendra.Jur.2013


Cooperatives, member participation

