Analisis Ketahanan Pangan Dan Strategi Pengembangan Ketahanan Pangan Di Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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The aimed of this research is to analyze the condition of food security and food insecurity in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict. The research is also identifying the problems of causing the food insecurity, and formulate the food strategy in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict. The metodology of food security analyze is using of food insecurity analysis that was introducing by United Nations World Food Programme (2005). The datas was collected from secondary data, and will be analyze and interpreted descriptively. Generally, the result of this research was shown the condition of composite food secure in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict is food secure with 0,26 index value. The condition of food availability in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict is very secure with 0,00 index value, the aspect of food and livelihood access is condition almost secure with 0,40 index value, the aspect of food utilization is condition food secure with 0,30 index value, and the aspect food vulnerability is condition almost secure with 0,34 index value. The problems food security in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict there are limitedness of rural electrification, and large number of poverty and unemployment person. And the food security development strategy in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict is community economic empowerment.


Rommy Karmiliyanto.Jur.2013


: food security, food, food insecurity

