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Item ANALISIS KUALITAS PELAYANAN PADA RESTAURANT DAN COFFEE SHOP HOTEL PANGERAN PEKANBARU(2014-05-07) Reza, Denny HerlyThe purpose of this study was to determine the quality of service in the Restaurant and Coffee Shop Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru and to determine the limiting factor in providing services in the Restaurant and Coffee Shop Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru. As for the population in this study were the guests who visited the Restaurant and Coffee Shop Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru. Due to lack of funds and personnel, the authors took a sample using random sampling method using a sample adequacy formula (Slovin) sampling technique is used to determine if the sample object to be studied too much or very wide data sources. To the authors take a representative sample pupulasi Restaurant and Coffee Shop at Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru with a sample of 100 people. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results are from the customer side, choose Restaurant and Coffee Shop at Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru in particular is determined by various factors, especially empathy, which is related to the attitude of officers Restaurant and Coffee Shop in providing guest service needs, concerns a complaint against the officer, communications officer waitress by guest Restaurant and Coffee Shop and personalized attention by officers waitress. Later followed by other factors, namely responsiveness, assurance, tangible, and reliability. Limiting factor in providing services to guests Restaurant and Coffee Shop Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru is the factor of lack of communication between officers with a Restaurant and Coffee Shop, facilities and infrastructure are inadequate attitudes and behaviors as well as guests to the official Restaurant and Coffee Sop itself is less fun.Item Analisis Pelaksanaan Promosi Dalam Pencapaian Target Penjualan Kamar Pada Hotel Furaya Pekanbaru(2014-05-06) Wahyudi, SeptianSales promotion is efforts conducted by company in order to advising, informing about their product and company is good in the form of service and also product of finished goods middle of social life, consumer or client, so that the product become recognized and used by cutomer with all the form of amenity and advantage facility of given promotion. This research conducted at Furaya Hotel Pekanbaru, at Jenderal Sudirman street number 72-74 Pekanbaru. The purpose of this Research is to analyse execution of promotion from Furaya Hotel Pekanbaru. In this research is methodologies used by descriptive, where sample used by that is visitor of Furaya Hotel Pekanbaru and as source of information is party HRD, Front of Office and Manager marketing, to determine sampel use formula Slovin, method of sampling by accidental sampling, data collecting is through interview, observation and quesioner. From result analyse promotion execution conducted by Hotel Furaya Pekanbaru covering advertisement activity Advertising, Personal Selling, Publicity and Sales Promotion, expressing that the promotion activity be at good enough.Item PENGARUH RESPON KONSUMEN TERHADAP PRODUK PERUMAHAN (STUDI ANALISIS STRATEGI PENJUALAN PRODUK PT. BINA FABELIA PEKANBARU)(2014-05-05) HaryantoA company should always survive in order to continue to compete with similar companies that are equally engaged in the business of housing. Quote PT. Bina Fabelia accompanied by a variety of sales strategies are applied, it is used by consumers as a tool for making product purchasing decisions. Since the number of companies engaged in the field of housing, then the company must be careful in understanding consumer response, not to hear a variety of complaints that could hurt the company. The population was 100 people, techniques for sample collection, the writer uses purposive sampling technique is to determine the sample mean with a fairly strong consideration. Data were collected and measured using a simple regression analysis. The results with simple regression testing and obtained there the most dominant influence of factors of consumer response to the product housing.Item ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN PROMOSI MOBIL BEKAS PADA CV SMS MOBILINDO(2014-05-05) ZulhendraCV . SMS Mobilindo is one company engaged in the marketing of used cars in the city of Pekanbaru . Amid growing public demand for cars needs , CV . SMS Mobilindo trying to make this phenomenon as a business with the potential to provide an alternative for consumers. The purpose of this research adalahuntukmengetahui and analyze the implementation of the used car promotion on the CV . SMS Mobilindo. In analyzing the data and information obtained , the authors conducted a descriptive analysis of the data presented in the form of frequency tables and the calculation of percentages. The population in this study are all enterprise customers who have been recorded as a used car customers in the CV . SMS Mobilindo Pekanbaru in 2012 as many as 50 people . Sampling in the study was taken based technique accidental samplingyaitu respondents who by chance are willing to research sample that was taken 50 % of the total population to be sampled . So thus the number of samples in this study were as many as 25 people with sampling by simple random sampling. The results showed that the implementation of the promotion of used cars on the CV . SMS Mobilindo has done pretty well with the percentage of 52.00 % . This is due to the company has implemented several indicators promotion such as advertising, personal selling, publicity and sales promotion.Item PENGARUH CITRA PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP MINAT KONSUMEN (Evaluasi Penjualan Jasa Kamar Aston Karimun City hotel)(2014-05-05) Sari, Sella KurniaThe research was conducted in Aston Karimun City Hotel. The setting of the problem is how the influence of corporate image on consumer interest in the hotel. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of corporate image on consumer interest Aston Karimun City Hotel. The author uses descriptive quantitative analysis methods, and some theories about the company's image and interests. Indicators used in the independent variable is the personality, reputation, values, corporate identity and the dependent variable is the interest. Collecting data using questionnaires and interviews. The sample used was accidental sampling. Source of data used are primary data or data obtained directly from the questionnaires and interviews. Secondary data is data obtained from company documents Aston Karimun city hotel. These results indicate that the influence of corporate image variables against consumer interest. And the existence of a strong relationship between the variables of interest corporate image to the consumer.Item PENGARUH KOMITMEN ORGANISASI TERHADAP KIENRJA KARYAWAN ( Kasus Karyawan Hotel Mona Plaza Pekanbaru)(2014-05-05) Sari, Wini NovitaThis research implemented on Mona Plaza Hotel Pekanbaru, at Soebrantas Street No.18 Pekanbaru. As for formulation of problem that is how influence of organizational commitment to employee performance on Mona Plaza Hotel Pekanbaru. Population in this research is all employees at Mona Plaza Hotel Pekanbaru. The sample done by means of render the whole population of being respondent namely 50 people.Data from primary source of data and data sekunder. The technique of collecting data in this research is through a questionnaire and an documentation.While technique intake of sample by accidental sampling. A method of analysis used is a method of descriptive quantitative using simple linear regression with the help of program spss. This research result indicates that variable organizational commitment influential positive and significantly to employee performance of Mona Plaza Hotel Pekanbaru. Organizational commitment influential significant and positive is variable are more dominant influential against employee performance of Mona Plaza Hotel Pekanbaru. Simultaneous test showed that variable organizational commitment has influence significantly to employee performance of Mona Plaza Hotel Pekanbaru described by the coefficient of determination (R2). Variable organizational commitment can be explained variable employee performance of 56,6% while the rest about 43,4% explained by other variables that are not investigated in this research.Item PELAKSANAAN PEMBERIAN MOTIVASI TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS KERJA KARYAWAN ( Kasus Bagian Produksi PT RAPP Pangkalan Kerinci )(2014-05-03) HareniaThe research describes about motivation usefull in productivity òf employee. That the motivation is a concept to generated the spirit òf work which that will influence the work Performed ỏr productivity òf the employee. In thís case productivity ás output in any work performed by employees. To Ẽxplain the research, the writer will utiliezied theory òf motivation. Motivation as a set òf attitudes and values that affect individuals to achieve specific purpose in accordance with personal. Attitude and values that constitute an invisible which gives power to encourage individuals to behave in achieving goals. And while productivity ís the ratio òf output and input In the production process in a given period. Inpu consists of management, labor, cost òf production, equipment and time. Output includes production, product sales, revenues market share and product damage. With the labor productivity í expected to be implemented efficiently and effectively, so it all ended very necessary in achieving the goals that have been set. The method use in thí study is décriptive kuantitatif, where data are based on place of study and state employees as a research object. And research is conducted in PT RAPP Pangkalan Kerinci Based on data from thí study conclueded that motivation has an influence on the increase in labor productivity in a company to employeeItem PENGARUH SERVICE QUALITY TERHADAP COSTUMER SATISFACTION ( STUDI PADA BISNIS JASA RENTAL VCD “ODIVA” VIDEO RENTAL CHAINSHOP CABANG PEKANBARU )(2014-05-03) Arifin, FrizaCassette rent business at the moment is a business that is not familiar to the business. This effort offers a rental service tape VCD/ DVD for people who want to borrow / rent back the movies you want to watch back through the tape media VCD/ VCD. As a business engaged in the service problems that may arise related to the quality service that will have an impact on customer satisfaction. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect will be quality service consisting of Realibility, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and Tangible impact on customer satisfaction and perceived by the customer ODIVA chainshop video rental pekanbaru branch. The research was conducted at the video rental ODIVA chainshop Pekanbaru branch. Odiva Video rental is one of the businesses engaged in rental services business VCD/ DVD. In line with this research, as the quality service and customer satisfaction variable X as the variable Y. the number of respondents by 99 people costumer. The results are based on the results of the t test (a partial test of the hypothesis that the regression coefficient parameters aimed to determine whether the independent variables had a significant effect on the dependent variable). Known t (15.136)> t table (1.985) and Sig. (0.000) <0.05. It means that service quality variables significantly influence customer satisfaction. From the above analysis it can be concluded that the influence of service quality and customer satisfaction at the "Odiva" Video Rental Chainshop Pekanbaru.Item PENGARUH PENERAPAN DISIPLIN TERHADAP PRESTASI KERJA (KASUS KARYAWAN HOTEL RESTY MENARA PEKANBARU)(2014-05-02) Utomo, Emil BudiThis study aimed to determine the implementation of discipline to employee work achievement by Resty Menara Hotel Pekanbaru. Work discipline as an independent variable (X) and employee work achievement as the dependent variable (Y), and this study took a number of respondents were 43 respondents. Data obtained through the questionnaire and then further processed to be tested through statistical analysis such as a simple regression analysis, t test, and correlation analysis and determination with the help of using the SPSS 16 for windows application. The results provethat the implementation of discipline to employee work achievement in Resty Menara Hotel Pekanbaru has done well.Item PENGARUH STRATEGI DIFERENSIASI TERHADAP KEPUASAN KONSUMEN (KASUS HOTEL RINDU SEMPADAN)(2014-05-02) Krama, Novid WijayaRindu Sempadan Hotel as one hotel in the suburbs of Pekanbaru, which become one of the places to sleep over choice by the public pekanbaru who want to enjoy their holiday. It was because Rindu Sempadan Hotel offering the concept of marketing strategies quite good and different compared with hotels messmate other. Its location that is not too far from the centre of the city, hotel with “back to nature” concept also offers a fairly complete facilities, certainly at an affordable price. The purpose of this research is: To identify attributes differentiation that which is used by Rindu Sempadan Hotel Pekanbaru in keeping customer satisfaction, To analyze how influence differentiation of Rindu Sempadan Hotel Products for a loyalty of costumers as a whole. To test the F value done by comparing Fcount obtained greater than the value of Ftable and then H0 were reject and H1 accepted. Mean is the entire independent variable can be explained dependent variable. Keyword: Product, Service,Item PENGARUH RELATIONSHIP MARKETING TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN PADA PT. NAV BIMA PRATAMA RUMAH BERNYANYI KELUARGA PEKANBARU(2014-05-02) SulaimanData the used is primary data and data of skunder. accurate to variable consist of komitmen, trust. Analysis the used is descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis by using program aid of SPSS version 17. Intake of sampel conducted with method of purposive sampling with amount of sampel counted 97 responder. Result of conducted research with simple linear regression analysis in obtaining value of b ( coefficient of regresi ) equal to 0,308 for constanta equal to 4,900, where that all changes in variable of indenpenden namely marketing relationship will have an in with variable of dependen namely customer loyalitas, so also on the contrary if downhill customer marketing relationship hence customer loyalitas will be downhill. Pursuant to the result can be concluded that correlation coefficient value have positive or strong value, its meaning that there is influence between marketing relationship ( trust and komitmen ) to customer loyalitas. While value of determinasi ( influence ) between marketing relationship to loyalitas customer of PT. Nav Bima Pratama House Singing Family of Pekanbaru influence showing which is signifikan.Item HUBUNGAN PEMBERIAN INSENTIF DENGAN PRODUKTIVITAS KERJA KARYAWAN PT. OTO WIRA EKA NUSA CABANG PEKANBARU (STUDI KASUS PADA UNIT KERJA PENJUALAN PRODUK TSM)(30-04-20) NurvariantidaThe declining trend of labor productivity levels even though the company has been providing incentives to employees, all companies should have a strategy to improve the productivity generated by employees. Most of the targets set can be realized in accordance with the objectives set. This study aims to determine the implementation of incentives on PT. OTO Branch of NUSA EKA WIRA Pekanbaru on the unit sales of oil products TSM (Team Motorcycles), employee productivity especially in the work unit sales of oil products TSM (Team Motorcycles) and relationships with productivity incentives. The population of this study wa 35 persons , from all the populations sampled in this study, the technique for sample collection, the author uses census means sampling techniques based on population. Data were collected and measured using Spearman rank correlation analysis. The results of this study obtained by Spearman's rho correlation value of 0.918 means a very strong positive relationship between the provision of incentives to labor productivity.Item EVALUASI PELAKSANAAN PENYALURAN KREDIT USAHA KECIL ( KASUS BANK PERKREDITAN RAKYAT ROKAN HIIR )(2013-08-28) RESTI, RIACredit analysis represent assessment to an application of credit ( good of application new credit, lengthening / reconditional, and also restructuring) competent or [do] not to be channelled to Debitor. There are some principles assessment of credit which is often conducted] that is with analysis 5 C'S that is : Assessment of Character (Character), Assessment of Ability ( Capacity), Assessment to capital ( Capital), Assessment to agunan ( Collateral), and Assessment to prospect of[is effort debitor client ( economy of condition). Pursuant to result of research knowing that Usage 5C's in each;every application credit represent absolute matter and must be done to determine decision accepted or refusing of credit. In Bank Credit People Rokan Go downstream assessment to application of Credit started with checking proposal and bind application of credit from debitor candidate, is later;then done/conducted by investigation to binding loan and also interview is hereinafter done/conducted by assessment of elegibility of credit using analysis 5 C'S, Before deciding of application [of] credit accepted or [do] not. But in field pelaksanaanyan there are some constraint so that usage 5 C'S in analysis giving of unworkable credit in an optimal fashion, this matter because condition of economics, and Bank management. To evaluate the above mentioned assessment hence conducted by research having the character of is descriptive. This research is conducted by in Bank Credit People Sub-Province Rokan Go downstream through admission filling of kuisioner from some debtor people taken as responder for this researchItem PENGARUH PEMBERIAN INSENTIF TERHADAP SEMANGAT KERJA KARYAWAN (KASUS BAGIAN PEMASARAN CV. JADI CEMERLANG JAYA PEKANBARU)(2013-08-28) Septiana, Nur MahalleliIn this research problem is the low employee morale demonstrated by not achieving sales targets motorcycle Yamaha brand in CV. Jadi Cemerlang Jaya Pekanbaru as well as high rates of employee turnover is part of marketing. Her little incentive and the incentive systems granted by the company to its employees as well as its concern for employees part of the marketing. The objective of this research is to determine the granting of incentives and employee morale as well as influence the granting of incentives to employee morale in the marketing section CV. Jadi Cemerlang Jaya Pekanbaru. This study analyzes the data by using a quantitative descriptive analysis and to answer the hypotheses have been proposed is carried out using statistical analysis of simple linear regression. The research concluded that the granting of incentives and employee morale as a whole are equally rated pretty well. Based on the results of data analysis through statistical analysis, it can be noted that the independent variable (incentive) to have a strong relationship to the dependent variable (morale). The independent variable (incentive) gives a positive and significant influence on the dependent variable (morale), so when the incentive is increased it will cause an increase of employee morale.Item PENGARUH PROMOSI TERHADAP VOLUME PENJUALAN PRODUK DANA TABUNGAN PADA PT. BANK RIAU-KEPRI CABANG UTAMA PEKANBARU(2013-08-28) Putra, Adhi Candra RosaThis research aimed a findout the influence of promotion costs to volume off selling savings fund products at PT.Bank Riau-Kepri Main Branch Pekanbaru. The variables used in this research where ”Y” for volume of selling and “X” for promotion costs and the technique used to analyze the data was the simple regression formula, correlation coefficient and determination. From the data gained, it was known that the comparison of regression was Y = -221 480 + 15.962 (x) and a score of -221.480 which meant if the promotion cost (X) value is 0, then the volume of selling (Y) is equal to the negative value -221 480. And the regression coefficient of the variable promotion cost (X) of 15.962. Which meant if promotion costs (X) rise Rp.1, the volume of selling (Y) will be increased by Rp15, 962. Based on the results of the correlation coefficient test showed that a positive value, meaning that Ho is refused and Ha is accepted, it can be concluded that there was a significant influence between the promotion cost and the volume of selling savings fund products at PT.Bank Riau-Kepri Main Branch Pekanbaru.Item ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN STRAATEGI PENJUALAN PRODUK PERUMAHAN RUMAH (STUDI KASUS PT.BINTANG PROPERTY)(2013-08-28) HARIANI, KITTYshelter is automatically also increased because the amount of revenue requirements in line with population growth. The high economic growth in Pekanbaru, directly proportional to the increase in population growth. Proven demand for shelter continues to increase. That's why business property in Pekanbaru continue to mushroom. Because prospective still promising. The purpose of a company is to gain as much as possible, so as to be able to experience the long-term continuity for the company smoothly in the future. It is also a destination PT.BINTANG Property in addition to providing satisfaction to konsumen.Namun fact happens is the reduction of sales figures so do not hit the target properly. Barriers to the implementation of the sales strategy at PT. Property star caused by a) internal operational costs and b) external competition from its peers.Item STUDI EVALUASI KINERJA KARYAWAN DIVISI PENJUALAN PT. SUKA FAJAR PEKANBARU(2013-08-28) Pranata, SigitThe fall in sales and sales targets must be caused by several things, including human resources as a sales executive and sales management. Human resources is intended as a propulsion company employees. Therefore, the company sought to continue to improve worker performance through a variety of efforts to improve their products. As for the population in this study were all employees of the sales division of PT. Suka Fajar Pekanbaru, amounting to 48 people. Because the sample is less than 100 people, the authors take all the population as a sample. Sampling technique in this study was a census technique. In other words, the sample in this study were all employees of the sales division of PT. Suka Fajar Pekanbaru. Based on the results of research the conclusion of this study, the performance of employees at PT. Suka Fajar Pekanbaru was quite good, it can be seen from the overall summary of respondents' answers.Item PENGARUH MOTIVASI TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KINERJA KARYAWAN (KASUS PT. INTERYASA SEDAYA PEKANBARU)(2013-08-27) sutikno, EdiInteryasa Sedaya is one company that engages in lending furniture and electronics that have long stood in the city of Pekanbaru. PT. Interyasa Sedaya had stood since 2006. As a company that is growing and growing, this company has several competitors and this will certainly be one of the factors that lead to failure to achieve the sales target set by the company. In addition the rate of labor turnover in PT. Interyasa Sedaya Pekanbaru tends to increase every year and the attendance of employees each year are volatile and are likely to increase. One factor that affects the performance of the employees are motivated. Motivation contributed significant work in improving employee performance because each employee will be motivated when the need can be met means to live well.This study variables using two variables as independent variables and the motivation and performance as the dependent variable. Method of data analysis used to determine the value of answer to each question on the respondents through questionnaires distributed in this study are Likert Scale. To measure the contribution of X to Y variation use Test Coefficient of Determination (R2), the value of R2 has a range between 0 to 1 (0 2.000 α = 0.05 level, while the contribution of motivation to performance that is equal to 57%, while 43% more performance is determined by other factors in outside motivation. Besides, there is also a strong positive relationship between motivation and performance, it is seen from the correlation coefficients obtained for 0.755.Item ANALISIS RESPON PENGUNJUNG TERHADAP OBJEK WISATA (Studi Kasus Pada Objek Wisata CV. Taman Agrowisata Bukit Naang)(2013-08-27) Hidayat, RiyanThe research was done in Taman Agrowisata Bukit Naang, located in Bangkinang, Kabupaten Kampar. The aim of this research is to analyze visitor’s response about Taman Agrowisata Bukit Naang, which consist of : attraction, facility, infrastrukture, accesbility and hospitality. Data collecting technique was carried out by questionaire and interview. Writer uses descriptive analysis. Measurement technique was done by likert scale. Sampling was done by accidental sampling, with 100 respondents. The result of this research show as the visitors has good (baik) response about attraction, facility, infrastructure and hospitality, meanwhile for accesibility the response is good enough (cukup baik). This is means that the management should maintain facility performance and attributes in Taman Agrowisata Bukit Naang.Item PENGARUH KOMITMEN KARYAWAN TERHADAP SEMANGATKERJA KARYAWAN BAGIAN UMUM PADA PT. PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA V PEKANBARU(2013-08-27) KaroKaro, EliasThe purpose of this research is to know if the employee’s commitment gives influence for employee’s enthusiasm at PT Perkebunan Nusantara V Pekanbaru. Variable of this research were Employee’s commitment as independent variable and employee’s enthusiasm as dependent variable. Subject of this research were 44 employees. Data was gotten from questioner then it was analyzed statistically like simple regression analysis, t-test, correlation analysis and coefficient determination using SPSS 20 version. Research results revealed that the t-test for hypothesis is ttest (9,214) >ttable (2,018). It means that employee’s commitment gave significant effect for employee’s enthusiasm. The influence of employee’s commitment for employees enthusiasm was 66,9%