ANALISIS RESPON PENGUNJUNG TERHADAP OBJEK WISATA (Studi Kasus Pada Objek Wisata CV. Taman Agrowisata Bukit Naang)

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The research was done in Taman Agrowisata Bukit Naang, located in Bangkinang, Kabupaten Kampar. The aim of this research is to analyze visitor’s response about Taman Agrowisata Bukit Naang, which consist of : attraction, facility, infrastrukture, accesbility and hospitality. Data collecting technique was carried out by questionaire and interview. Writer uses descriptive analysis. Measurement technique was done by likert scale. Sampling was done by accidental sampling, with 100 respondents. The result of this research show as the visitors has good (baik) response about attraction, facility, infrastructure and hospitality, meanwhile for accesibility the response is good enough (cukup baik). This is means that the management should maintain facility performance and attributes in Taman Agrowisata Bukit Naang.



Response, Tourism object, Attraction, Facility, Infrastrukture
