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Item Analisis Tahapan Kemampuan Menulis Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK FKIP-UR Pekanbaru(2013-05-17) Agustina, Sri; TutiTuti Sri Agustina, 0905132775. Analisis Tahapan Kemampuan Menulis Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK FKIP-UNRI Pekanbaru. Skripsi 2013. The background from this research is seen by the children who have done writing but there are some children who can’t hold pencil correctly, only some children can write his/her name correctly, only some children can imitate writing. The purpose of this research is to analyze the factor of the children’s writing ability. This research is descriptive by quantitative approach. The collecting of the data is used by observation technique. Totally sample of this research is 25 children those 12 girls and 13 boys. Based on the result of the data processing, the data has got the average children’s writing ability is category 49,866% is enough. For each indicator the children can make scratch is gotten the average 64%, the children who can imitate the horizontal writing the average is 46,666%, the children who can write randomly the average is 48%, the children who can write their name the average is 46,666%, and the children write short sentence is gotten the average 44% by enough category. It can conclude is the lowest and dominant in children’s writing ability is the children can write short sentence by the average is 44%, and dominant is children can make scratch by the average is 64%.Item The Comparison of Gross Motor ability between male and female children at the age 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru(2013-04-24) Weni Lestiani, EkaThe gross motor of children at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru can be classified between male and female children. In general, the ability of two groups based on the observation. There are some male children are not able to keep the balance of their body, the children are not able to go forward, walk to retreat, a side at straight line, while the female children are not able to jump without fall down, are not able to hop from the height, and the female children also are not able to keep the balance of their body. The purpose of this research is to know gross motor ability male children at the age 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru, to know harsh motoric’s ability female children at the age 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru, and to know whether there is differentiate of gross Motoric ‘s ability between male and female children at the age 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru. The research design that is used is comparative research. The data analysis is by using “t- test”. In collecting the data, the writer used observation. The result of this research showed that male gross motor ability at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru can be categorized into enough category, where the percentage is 59,81% . It can be proved by the mean score is 10,77, while the gross motor ability of female children can be categorized into enough category where the percentage is 47, 77%. It can be proved from the mean score is 8.6. The last result of this research showed there is differentiate of the gross motor ability of male and female children at age 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru where the ability of male children is better than the female children.Item The corelation between self efficacy and students’ learning motivation at early childhood education Study program of teacher training and education Faculty at riau university (a ccorrelative study)(2013-05-18) Ernawati, R.DTHE CORELATION BETWEEN SELF EFFICACY AND STUDENTS’ LEARNING MOTIVATION AT EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY AT RIAU UNIVERSITY (A CCORRELATIVE STUDY) Rika Dewi Ernawati 1, Zulkifli N 2, Devi Risma 3 Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between self-efficacy and learning motivation of the students at Early Childhood Education of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in Riau University. The sample taken in this study is 76 respondents. The data was collected using Likert scale. The data was analyzed using large-scale trials and statistical methods of analysis using SPSS 17. In this research, the hypothesis posed is that there is significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and students’ learning motivation. Based on the results obtained, it was found that there is positive and significant correlation between self-efficacy and students’ learning motivation of the students at Early Childhood Education of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in Riau University. It can be seen from the analysis of the data obtained which is equal to the value of = 5, 376 while the value (5%) (df = n-2 = 76-2 = 74) so 2, 000. Due to the value of is greater than 5, 376 > 2, 000, it means that there is a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and motivation learning. The coefficient determinant obtained is equal to = 0, 281 with p = 0.000 (p < 0.05), itItem The Difference Of Emotional Intellegence Of Child 4 Up To 5 Years Old Whose Mother Is Having Job With Non Job Mother In All Kuok Sub – Districts, Kampar Regency(2013-07-16) Nofriyanti, NikeEmotional intellegence is important thing to make children be a success. A child whose emotional intellegence is good so they will be easy in life, have a good attitute who many people love them. An childhood whose working parents give less attention because they are busy, give anything to their children so make them be spoiled, as a common the children are reclusive, unsocial with the environment. Meanwhile the children whose parents are in home or unworking a half of children are more self - supporting, can adapt with their environment, friendship and creative in working. The goal of this research is to know the comparison of emotional intellegence of child 4 up to 5 years old whose mother is having job with nonjob mother in kindergarten in all Kouk sub-districts in Kampar regency. The sample in this research is 64 children that 22 children whose mother is working and 42 children whose unworking mother. Analysis technique in this research is t test. The result got there is a significant difference relation of emotional intellegence of child 4 up to 5 years old whose mother is having job with non job. It is gotten from t test result, is t 0 = -0,4902 < t t = 1,699 = 0,05%. Because t count is smaller than t table so it can be concluded there is a significant between emotional intellegence of child 4 up to 5 years old whose mother is having job with non job.Item Differences In Emotional Intelligence Of Children at the age 5-6 years From Working Mother and Does Not Work at RW 07 Kelurahan Wonorejo Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai In Pekanbaru City(2013-05-22) Elfitri, IDifferences In Emotional Intelligence Of Children at the age 5-6 years From Working Mother and Does Not Work at RW 07 Kelurahan Wonorejo Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai In Pekanbaru City Istiqamah Elfitri1, Zulkifli2, Ria Novianti3 Kampus Bina Widya Km 12,5 Simpang Baru Pekanbaru 28293 Email: elfitri90@yahoo.co.id ABSTRACT Emotional intelligence of children at RW 07 Kelurahan Wonorejo Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai in Pekanbaru City of Peace between the emotional intelligence of children whose mothers worked and did not work. Based on observations which there is a child who likes to cry, do not want to share the same good friends sharing food and toys, can not wait to turn, if one does not want to apologize, teasing and taunting by hitting, selectively friends , and there are also children who otherwise like, kids who like to help others when in need of help (when a friend falls, entertaining friends who again sadly), do not annoy your friends, do not like to cry. There are children from a variety of backgrounds in particular is associated with attention and economic circumstances of different families, there are mothers who work and do not work. The purpose of this study was to determine the emotional intelligence of children aged 5-6 years and to see how much difference the emotional intelligence of children of mothers who work and do not work. This type of research is a comparative study. Analysis is the significant test "t". Techniques used in collecting the data in this study conducted by interview and observation. From the research that children are usually emotional intelligence were as many as 28 children (82.3%). While low as 4 children (11.8%) and were higher by 2 children (5.9%). Thus it can be understood that the emotional intelligence of children with no mothers work activities higher than mothers who worked at RW 07 Kelurahan Wonorejo Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai In Pekanbaru City.Item THE EFFECT OF PAIKEM BASED LEARNING MODEL TOWARD THE WRITING ABILITY OF 5-6 YEARS AGED CHILDREN IN FKIP KINDERGARTEN OF RIAU UNIVERSITY PEKANBARU(2013-05-20) Monaliza, F.THE EFFECT OF PAIKEM BASED LEARNING MODEL TOWARD THE WRITING ABILITY OF 5-6 YEARS AGED CHILDREN IN FKIP KINDERGARTEN OF RIAU UNIVERSITY PEKANBARU Fiki Monaliza1, Wilson2, Devi Risma3 Students of Early Childhood Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Riau University ABSTRACT FIKI MONALIZA (0905132212) “The Effect of PAIKEM Based Learning Model Toward the Writing Ability of 5-6 Years Aged Children in FKIP Kindergarten of Riau University Pekanbaru”. Based on the observation in the research location, it is found that the children in FKIP Kindergarten of Riau University have low ability in writing. Besides, the teachers were also found as still using learning method which is dominating and unvaried. Therefore, it is necessary to apply PAIKEM based learning model in teaching writing. This study aims at determining the effect of PAIKEM based learning model toward the writing ability of 5-6 Years Aged Children in FKIP Kindergarten of Riau University Pekanbaru. The sample used in this study is 20 children. The data is collected through Observation technique. The data is analyzed using T-test with SPSS 19. The research hypothesis in this study is that there are significant effects towards children’s writing ability after the implementation of PAIKEM based learning model. It can be seen from the data analysis done by the writer in which thitung = -13,781 and p = 0,000. As p < 0,01, it can be concluded that children’s writing ability increased significantly after being taught by using PAIKEM based learning model. So it means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, there is a very significant difference between before and after the implementation of PAIKEM based learning model in the classroom.Item Effect Of Role Playing Method Toward Social Of Behaviour Childrens 5-6 Years At TK Darel Hikmah Tampan District Of Pekanbaru(2013-06-27) Kasmita, YuniarBased on observations of the author at TK Darel Hikmah Tampan District of Pekanbaru encountered symptoms or phenomena especially in the social aspects of emotional. The purpose of this study, 1) To know the description of the Effect of Role Playing Method Toward Social of Behaviour Childrens 5-6 Years at TK Darel Hikmah Tampan District of Pekanbaru , 2) Knowing the Social Behavior of 5-6 year olds at at TK Darel Hikmah Tampan District of Pekanbaru before applying Role Playing Method, 3) Knowing the Social behavior of 5-6 year olds at TK Darel Hikmah Tampan District of Pekanbaru after the application of Role Playing Method. This study used a quantitative approach and the kind of research is experimental. Experimental research is research that provides treatment of the study variables (independent variables), and then observe the consequences of the treatment of the research object (the dependent variable). Based on the results of this study concluded that the Role Playing Method in developing the curriculum affects the social behavior of children at TK Darel Hikmah Tampan District of Pekanbaru, before treatment Role Playing Method had be done in developing the social behavior of the data obtained Mean = 16.0 while after had be done Role Playing Method in developing the curriculum obtained the ability of the data obtained teachers in developing curriculum Mean value = 25.4, so the Mean beforeItem The Factor That Influences Application Of Learning In The Kindergarden Of Marpoyan Damai Subdistrict In Pekanbaru(2013-07-05) Rahayu, NovriantiThe background of the research is seen from teacher, student, curriculum, learning method, learning media and many facilities in learning. The purpose of the research is to know the factor that influences application of learning in kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict in pekanbaru. The research uses descriptive. Collecting the data is using instrumen base on 20 questionnaire. The amount of sampel in the research is 55 person. Sampel taking technique is using sampling random sampling. The result of the research in analyzing the data shows that learning in kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict is 78,67% it is the highest category. In a more detail the factor that influences application of learning in the kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict in pekanbaru is seen from all in dicators namely: (a). The teacher indicator is seen from application of learning aspect of 85,15%, (b). The student indicator 74,09%. (c). Curriculum indikator 73,64%. (d). Learning method indikator 82,95%. (e). Learning media indicator 75,00%. (f). Facility indicator 81,21%. Herewith it can be conluded that influences application of learning in kindergarden the Curriculum, Learning media, The student indicator.Item Faktor Penyebab Rendahnya Tingkat Konsentrasi Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di TK Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Pekanbaru(2013-06-26) Sandra, BerlianaChildren are not able to focus, sometimes fail to focus on the small things, or make a mistake that really should not be happening, because of lack of caution in school work and other activities in accomplishing tasks or play can not sustain attention continuously; The aim of this study is to determine the level of concentration and the contributing factors to the low concentration in children aged 4-5 years old in kindergartens Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Pekanbaru. The research method is descriptive quantitative research methods. This study uses descriptive quantitative research form. The collection of data in the research is using the observation sheet. The sample totaled were 33 children. The results showed that the concentration levels of children aged 4-5 years old in kindergarten Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Pekanbaru and based on the lowest observation findable in 6 indicators of 37.87%, 2 indicator with a percentage of 43.93%, and the first indicator with a percentage of 48.48%. The factors causes of the low level of concentration in children aged 4-5 years old, which is highest in the 3 indicators is 91,66%. While the causes of the low level of concentration in children aged 4-5 years old are the lowest in the secondly indicators is with percentage of 49,24%.Item Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Moral Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Taman Kanak-Kanak Al-Hikmah Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar(2013-05-22) Muhediyati, Ayuningtias; DwiMoral behavior of the child can help him relate well with existing communities in their social environment. This is consistent with the fact that the children who received their environment is capable of adjusting to the demands of their environment. Phenomenon seen in Kindergarten Al-Hikmah Kampar Kiri Tengah District still many children exhibit immoral behavior (as opposed to moral behavior) (1) as chided fellow, (2) doing violence scenes like fight, (3) no patient in waiting for their turn, (4) lied when asked the teacher, (5) walk and talk while praying, (6) said rudely that does not comply with the general social standards for teachers. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that most influence the moral behavior of children. This research type is descriptive with quantitative approach. Data collection use interview techniques. Amount of samples in this study were 48 children comprising 25 boys and 23 girls. Based on the results of data processing, obtained the average factors that can influence the moral behavior of children amount 62.66% categorized as medium. For each indicator, 70,37% of parent, 59,72% of coeval friends, 60.19% of social status, 65.74% of age, intelligence 56,48% and gender 62.5%. It can be concluded that the factors most influence moral behavior children in Kindergarten Al-Hikmah Kampar Kiri Tengah District Kampar Regency is the parents.Item Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kemampuan Kognitif Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Taman Kanak-Kanak Garuda II.005 Desa Sawah Kecamatan Kampar Utara(2013-05-22) Zakia, FitriThe background of this research is to determine the factors that influence the cognitive abilities of children aged 5-6 years. Kognititif ability is the basis for the development of intelligence in children. Cognition itself is a broad concept that includes all known forms, including observing, viewing attention, give, think, imagine, predict, and assess the suspect. Cognitive ladies in kindergarten Garuda II Rice Village North Kampar district still needs to be improved. In learning activities that can improve students' cognitive abilities such, while the classification recognize, recognize numbers, recognize geometric shapes, solving simple problems, the concept of space, know the size and know the concept of time, know the concepts of science and recognize the various patterns. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the cognitive abilities of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Garuda II.005 Desa Sawah Kampar. This research is descriptive research with quantitative approach. Data collection tools used in the form of observation sheets for children. The number of samples in this study were 19 children consisting of 7 boys, 12 girls. Based on the analysis obtained from observations of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Garuda II Rice Village North Kampar district can be seen from 19 children, that: indicators known classification is 63.16% while the category pretty. Indicators can recognize the concepts of science, namely 78.07% with both categories. Indicators can recognize numbers sufficient category 71.93%. Indicators can recognize geometric shapes ie 75.44% with enough categories. Indicator to solve a simple problem that is 71.35% with enough categories. Indicators recognize the concept of space enough only 57.89% category. Indicators that measure 68.86% know enough category. Indicator to know the concept of time which is 68.42% category pretty. While indicators recognize the various patterns with the percentage of 82.46% in both categories. Of all the indicators of the overall results of an average of 70.84% category pretty. Based on the conclusions of the results shows that most indicators of low cognitive abilities of children aged 5-6 yearsItem Fine Motor Ability Of Children At Age 5-6 Years At Tk Dharma Bakti Rumbio Jaya Distric Kampar Regency. Thesis 2013(2013-04-24) EmadespentiIn TK Dharma Bhakti. there are some student with weak fine motor ability, such as the children are not able to natty in writing, cutting, fold, and drawing. It showed that the growth of the children is still not optimal. Therefore, it should be effort to know Fine motor ability of Children. The purpose of this research is to know how fine motor ability of children at age 5-6 years. The technique that is used to collect the data is by observation. Based on the data analysis, it showed the average of fine motor ability of children is 47, where the category is average. The ability of fine motor ability of children at age 5-6 years at TK Dharma Bakti Rumbio Jaya Kampar Regency at imitate aspect showed the percentage is 56% which the category is good. Fine motor ability of children in using right stationary can be categorized into average category where the percentage is 44%. Fine motor ability of children in drawing aspect that suitable with their ideas can be categorize into average category where the percentage is 34%. Fine motor ability of children in cutting that is match with the pattern can be categorized into average category where the percentage is 32%.Item Gambaran Aspek Sosial Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Kasih Ibu Desa Muara Jalai Kecamatan Kampar Utara(2013-05-22) Hayati, WirdaBackground of this research is children tend to refuse work in group, aggressive, hit piers, isolate and don’t have intention to play along with piers, no compromise, and no teamwork and friendship in team. This is means that students of TK Kasih Ibu Desa Muara Jalai Kecamatan Kampar Utara are still individual. The aim of this research is to know social aspect condition of children 5-6 year in TK Kasih Ibu Desa Muara Jalai Kecamatan Kampar Utara. This is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. Writer collect data using observation. Number of sample in this research is 35, 21 male and 14 female. Based on analysis, writer found that: aspect of ability to work in team is 45.71%. this is categorized as just started. Aspect of ability to work with pears is 49.52%, categorized as just started. Aspect of can play with piers is 49.52%, categorized as just started. Aspect can lend stuff to piers is 50.47%, categorized as just started, aspect helping each other is 48.57%, categorized as just started, aspect stand in line is 58.09%, categorized as develop well, aspect control emotion is 50.47%, categorized as just started, aspect appreciate piers’ work is 45.85%, categorized as just started. Aspect happy to get something is 78. 09%, categorized as very well. Aspect of responsibility is 53.33%, categorized as just started. Aspect expressing proudness is 70. 47%, categorized as develop well. Aspect work protecting is 55.23%, categorized as just started, and aspect appreciate people is 54.28%, categorized as just started. Last, aspect appreciate that piers is better than themselves is 56.19%, categorized as develop well. From all aspects, writer get means 54.22%, categorized as just started. Based on this research, writer get conclusion that the lowest aspect is work in groupItem Gambaran Kemampuan Aspek Sosial Pada AnakUsia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Nurul Iman Tambang Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar(2013-07-05) HasnilawatiAs there are children who withdrew from his friends and tends to be alone and play alone. Children do not want to lend his / sharing toys with friends. There are children who do not cooperate or do group work, there are some children who are difficult to make friends with a classmate or friend who is not his class, and there are also children that are difficult to share and collaborate with friends. Research aims to describe aspects of the capability social development. This research is descriptive quantitative approach. Data collection using observation. The number of samples in this study were 20 children consisting of 9 girls and 11 boys. Based on the results of data processing, obtained the average ability of the social aspects of children categorized 55.83% categorized enough. For each indicator Kids perform his duties with the group obtained the average 68.33%, in collaboration with his son obtained the average 62.5%, Children sympathize with others obtained the average 45%, Children empathize with others average gained 46.66%, children provide social support to others obtained the average 53.33%, supplied his own Son share average gained 58.33% and children gained friends behave familiar with the average 56, 66% with enough categories. It can be concluded that the lowest and the most prominent as pects of the child's social skills are aspects of child and sympathize with other people's children to empathize with others.Item Gambaran Kemampuan Membaca Permulaaan Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Di Tk As-Sholihin Ganting Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar(2013-03-14) Ernita, WeniThe background of this research looks of the writer always still symbol child alphabet to know letter with order and random, there are some children be able to montion words having the same letter at beginning and the end of words, there are some children be able to differenciate words having syllable at the fist and at the end of the words, only some children be able to montion the syllable at words, only some children be able to tell their own or providel story with it’s picture at the simple words or sentences level, only some children be able to read their full name correctly. The purpose of this descriptive of initial reading skills in children. This research is descriptive quantitative approach. Collections data using observation techniques. The number of samples in this study were 27 children consisting of male children and 16 female children. Based on the results of data processing, acquired 61,35% interent in initial reading skills children categorized enough. For each indicator, the indicator mention vocal and consonant symbol freferences obtained average 82,71%, 59,25% montion words having the same letter at beginning and at the end of, 53,08% differenciate words having syillable at the fist and at the end of the words,49,38% be able to mention the syllable at words, 63,58% be able to read their full name correctly, 51,85% be able to tell their own or providel story with it’s picture at the simple words sentences level. From the research the average initial reading skills of the indicator of children with sufficient category. From the results of these studies it was concluded that the least and the most prominent in the child’s interest in initial reading skills is an indicator of be able to montion the syllable at words and be able to tell their own or providel story with it’s picture at the simple words or sentences level of children initial reading skills.Item Gambaran Perilaku Sosial Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Ar-Ridho Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru(2013-05-22) Haryanti, HennyThe background of this research is to find a picture of the social behavior of children aged 5-6 years. Social behavior is the basis for the development of the child's social relationships. Cognition itself is a broad concept that includes all known forms, including observing, viewing attention, give, think, imagine, predict, and assess the suspect. Description of social behavior in kindergarten Ar-Ridho Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru still needs to be improved. Activities in the social relationships between children with her while learning in the classroom and outside the classroom that can be viewed are imitation, competition, cooperation, sympathy, empathy, social acceptance, generosity, familiar behavior / closeness, dependence and selflessness. The purpose of this study is to describe the social behavior that affects the ability of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Ar-Ridho Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru. This research is descriptive research with quantitative approach. Data collection tools used in the form of observation sheets for children. The number of samples in this study were 20 children comprising 11 boys, 9 girls. Based on the analysis obtained from observations of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Ar-Ridho Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru can be seen in 20 children, that: indicators mimic the 75% category either. Competition indicator is 75% with both categories. Indicator of cooperation that is 87.5% very good category. Sympathy indicator is 80% with both categories. Indicators of empathy that is 82.5% with a very good category. Indicators of social acceptance is 72.5% better category. Indicator of the generosity of the 82.5% category very well. Behavioral indicators intimat / proximity of the 85% category very well. While indicators of dependence with the percentage 90% with very good category. And indicators of selflessness is very low at 47.5% category pretty. Based on the conclusions of the results shows that the least important indicator of social behavior children aged 5-6 years is selfish.Item Hubungan Antara Self Efficacy Dengan Kinerja Guru Tk Kecamatan Tampan Kota Madya Pekanbaru (Model Penelitian Korelasi)(2013-06-28) HernawatiThis study aimed at finding out the correlation between self-efficacy and kindergarten teachers’ performanceat Tampan Subdistrict of PekanbaruMadya City.The sample used in this study was 74 participants. The technique used in collecting the data was likert scale. The data was analyzed using try-out of the scale and statistical method of analyzing with SPSS 17 program. The hypothesis of this research was that there is positive and significant correlation between self-efficacy and kindergarten teachers’ performanceat TampanSubdistrict of PekanbaruMadya City. The findings of this research indicate that the hypothesis is accepted. It can be seen from the result of the analyzed data where the value of was 3,129 while the value of was (5%) (dk=n-2=74-2=72) or = 2,000. Due to the findings of this study show that the value of is higher than or 3,129 > 2,000, it means that there is positive and significant correlation between self-efficacy and kindergarten teachers’ performance. The determinant coefficient obtained isr² = 0,091 and p = 0,003 (p< 0, 05). Thus, it can be concluded that the effect of self-efficacy toward kindergarten teachers’ performance is 11,9%.Item Hubungan Antara Tingkat Perkembangan Emosional Dengan Perilaku Sosial Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun Di PAUD Quantum Kid’s 3 Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru(2013-06-26) Angraini, DettiEmotional development is very important in improving social behavior, especially in childhood, which at this time the child has not been able to socialize well, because the other side has a son bossy nature. Based on the observations most children have problems which still looks the emotional reactions that children vary in their behavior: (1) Some children are still often interfere with their peers so that children are not able to socialize well, (2) Some kids lack empathy or do not care surrounding the child, (3) Some children have often egocentric take his play so bossy child who is still strong, do not want to take turns and share, (4) Some children are less able to do a good relationship interactions with peers in activities children learn or play sometimes seen frequently quarreled. This research is quantitative research using correlational techniques. Data collection tools used in the form of sheets of observation (observation). From the calculations, the value of r (Pearson Correlation) 0.733 then this hypothesis is accepted, which means that there is a relationship between the level of emotional development with the social behavior of children aged 4-6 in early childhood Quantum Kid's 3 Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru. Degree of correlation between the two variables is the strong category.Item Hubungan Disiplin Kerja Dengan Kinerja Guru Taman Kanak-Kanak Sekecamatan Kateman Inhil(2013-07-27) Juliana DThis study aims to determine the relationship with the performance of work discipline kindergarten teacher sekecamatan Kateman Inhil. School year 2012/2013. Subjects studied were teachers kindergarten in the District Kateman Inhil are 32 people. data collection instruments such as questionnaires labordiscipline and peer assessment sheets. In analyzing the data, descriptive analysistechniques used. Based on the analysis of the data obtained that the performance of the teachers included in the category that is equal to 79.94% enough and disciplined enough work in the category of teachers that is equal to 80.83%. Results of work discipline relationship with the performance of nursery-school teacher sekecamatan Kateman Inhil by 15%.Item Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional Dengan Kinerja Guru Taman Kanak-Kanak Di Kecamatan Ujung Batu Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Provinsi Riau(2013-06-27) Delvi, FitriaA kindergarten’s teacher must has the high emotional intellegency because the high intellegence emotional can manage emotional, can motivate self, can emphaty and work together with the partner in teaching and her duty as a kindergarten’s teacher so produce good skill. This reseach was done to 40 teachers in Kindergarten Ujung Batu Rokan Hulu regency Riau province. The purpose of this research is to know how about the high level of teacher’s emotional intellegency, to know how about the level of teacher’s skill, to know how about the relation between the emotional intellegency with the teacher’s skill in the Kindergarten Ujung Batu Rokan Hulu regency Riau province. The method is research corelation. The data collect that used is likert scale. The subject is 40 kindergarten’s teachers from the ananlysis result persentage teacher’s emotional intellegency is 70% by high category, and teacher’s skill is 90% by high category. From the analysis got the r score (pearson corelation), the score of is 0,584 meanwhile the score of (5%) (dk=n-2=40-2=38) so =0,320. Because is bigger than is 0,584>0,320 so can concluded that the significant relation between the emotional intellegency with the teacher’s skill in the Kindergarten Ujung Batu Rokan Hulu regency Riau province.