Early Childhood Education / PAUD
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Item Persepsi Guru Terhadap Kepemimpinan Kepala TK Se Kecamatan Pagaran Tapah Darussalam Kabupaten Rokan Hulu(2013-08-29) Anugrahwati, TriEvery organization, including school certainly has a vision and mission. In achieving the vision and mission have to be supported by the ability of a leader who not only lead, but also should have the competence and in accordance with his position as a leader. This is consistent with the fact that leaders who succeed are those who have the ability and drive themselves to the objectives of the institution he leads. Phenomenon which is discovered in kindergarten in Pagaran Tapah Darussalam Rokan Hulu such as(1) the presence of some principals who do not want to work on improving the ability of educational personnel in improving teacher performance, when there are seminars held outside the school, (2) the most principals do not have a good ability in cooperating with the teacher, (3) the principals who are less able to manage the facilities and infrastructure of existing schools, (4) the principal who did not want to attend a meeting at school and outside school, and asked his representative to attend the meeting. The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers' perceptions of the leadership of TK. The study was descriptive, which used quantitative as the technique of collecting file. Collection used questionnaire approach. The number of samples in this study were33teachers. Based on the results of data processing, obtained a description of the leadership of the head teacher's perception TK in Pagaran Tapah Darussalam Rokan Hulu in terms of indicators(1) leadership oriented to the duties of 49,62%, (2) leadership oriented to the relationship between humans by 58,71%. Thus, it can be concluded that the perception of the leadership of the head of the kindergarten teachers are pretty good.Item Meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak Melalui Metode Proyek Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Paud Tunas Mekar Kecamatan Senapelan Kota Pekanbaru(2013-08-29) Mulyati, SitiImprove fine motor skills of children through project method aged 5-6 year old in early childhood Tunas Mekar senapelan sub-district Pekanbaru city school year 2012/2013. Thesis low fine motor skills children make writers feel the need to make efforts to improve fine motor skills in children aged 5-6 year old. Purpose of this study is to know the child’s fine motor improvement through the project method and to find out how high the fine motor improvement methods children through this project. This research is done in 2 cycles. This study consists of several strages: the planning, implementation, observation and reflection stage. Subjects in this study were total 15 children consisting of 8 girls and 7 boys. Data collection in this study contucted in the second semester of school year 2012/2013, through data collection instrument in the form of teacher observation sheets and sheets observation of the child. Descriptive analysis of quantitative data was between cyeles. Based on the data results of the percentage of the results obtained in the first cycle is 47% and the second cycle is 81% with the percentage increase from cycle I to cycle II was 71.9%, thus it can be concluded that the effectiveness of the project method can improve fine motor skills in children aged 5-6 year old in early childhood Tunas Mekar Senapelan Sub- district Pekanbaru city.Item Meningkatkan Kemampuan Anak Dalam Mengenal BilanganMelalui Permainan Kartu Angka di TK Negeri Pembina 3 Kota Pekanbaru(2013-08-29) NuraysahThis research is motivated by the lack of children's ability to recognize numbers. The state is influenced by the method according to the author or the way teachers teach less according to the material being taught. The purposeof this study was to determine whether children's ability to recognize numbers canbe increased through the card game figure in kindergarten Pembina District 3 CityPekanbaru, and to determine the percentage of children's ability to recognize numbers can be increased through the card game figure in kindergarten Pembina District 3 Cityof Pekanbaru. Type of research is a class act, as stated by Wardani (2004:14) states that action research is research conducted by teachers in the classroom itself through self-reflection in order to improve its performance as a teacher, so the children's ability to recognize numbers can improved. Place this research was carried out in Kindergarten State Pembina 3 Pekanbaru. Number of children up to 20 children. The study was conducted during the period of six months, starting from the seminar proposal to undergraduate exams. From the results of such research and discussion has duiraikan above explains that the use of card games can improve the ability to know the numbers on the number of 5-6 year olds in kindergarten Pembina District 3 City of Pekanbaru. It can be concluded that the implementation of the card game numbers can be done in a way to explain to children the numbers in the card numbers correspondto the numbers on the card, the ability to know numbers can be improved through a card game on a number of 5-6 year olds in kindergarten Pembina District 3 City Pekanbaru, where the children look so happy, excited and always wanted to try and try again, and the increased ability to know the numbers through the numbers on the card game of 5-6 year olds in Kindergarten State Pembina 3 Pekanbaru City increased by 66% from prior actions to be taken in the second cycle or obtain 3.Item Meningkatkan Minat Baca Anak dengan Menggunakan Media Visual Big Book Warna Bergambar pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Taman Kanak-kanak A1-Karimah Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru(2013-08-29) NopriantiThis research is motivated by the lack of interest in reading children although teachers have to strive to increase the child's interest in reading the book provides lessons that relate to the story. Formulation of the problem in this research is the use of visual media is the big pictorial book of color can increase the child's interest in reading in kindergarten Al ¬ Karimah Pekanbaru, Bagaianakah application of visual media big color picture book to increase reading in children aged 5-6 years Nursery Al-Karimah child ¬ Pekanbaru How high and increasing interest in reading children using visual media big color book illustrated in child ¬ NurseryAl-Karimah Pekanbaru?. Subjects in this study were children in group B 1 academic y ear of 2011 ¬ 2012 with the number of children of 20 people, consisting of 8 boys and 12 girls. As for the time this research was conducted from October to December 2011 from the hours of 08:30 to 09:00 am. This classroom action research in order to work well without the barriers that interfere with the smooth course of a study, researchers compiled the stages through which the action research, namely: 1. Action planning, 2. Implementation of the action, 3. Observation, and 4. Reflection. Successful implementation of visual media big color picture book for children known to increase reading from an increase in the percentage of children reading the implementation. Implementation of the 4 statement before action alternative indicator valueis 299 with a percentage of 46.7%, were classified at the low level of interest in reading children were in the range 0-55%. I cycle 4 of 4 meeting statement alternative indicator value is 454 with a percentage of 70.9%, were classified at the level of interest in reading for children that are in the range 56-75%. Cycle II meeting of 4 and 4 alternative indicator values statement is 553 with a percentage of 86.4%, were classified at the higher level of interest in reading children were in the range 76-100%. So the hypothesis is accepted that the use of visual media and big color picture book can increase reading children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Al-Karimah Handsome Pekanbaru district 1 group B 20011-2012 school year.Item Hubungan Antara Persepsi Orangtua Mengenai Anak Tunagrahita Dengan Penerimaan Orangtua Terhadap Anak Tunagrahita di Sekolah Luar Biasa Pelita Hati dan Mulia Panam(2013-07-27) Febriana, RestaParents’ problem who has child with mental retardation have such as social stigma, financial, and others factor so many parents perception about mental retardation child, and parents are getting hard to accept their child. That’s why it is necessary to do this research the relation between parents with mental retardation child acceptance. The aim of this research is to see the relation between the perception and acceptation and give the description to the parents whose mental retardation child is not really bad. The data collection is used Likert scale and fervent by interview. The analyzing data is gotten that there is a the relationship between Parents’ perception and acceptation to mental retardation child, that parents give positive perception to mental retardation child in order that parents can receive mental retardation child well. The result of this research is relationship between parents’ perception and acceptation to mental retardation child is 37%.Item Hubungan Disiplin Kerja Dengan Kinerja Guru Taman Kanak-Kanak Sekecamatan Kateman Inhil(2013-07-27) Juliana DThis study aims to determine the relationship with the performance of work discipline kindergarten teacher sekecamatan Kateman Inhil. School year 2012/2013. Subjects studied were teachers kindergarten in the District Kateman Inhil are 32 people. data collection instruments such as questionnaires labordiscipline and peer assessment sheets. In analyzing the data, descriptive analysistechniques used. Based on the analysis of the data obtained that the performance of the teachers included in the category that is equal to 79.94% enough and disciplined enough work in the category of teachers that is equal to 80.83%. Results of work discipline relationship with the performance of nursery-school teacher sekecamatan Kateman Inhil by 15%.Item MENINGKATKAN PENGGUNAAN BAHASA INDONESIA ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN MELALUI METODE BERMAIN PERAN DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK (TK) ULUL AZMI PEKANBARU(2013-07-19) Juwita, nAbstract Nurma Juwita (0805165181) “Increasing Using Indonesian Language of Child Age 5-6 Years Through Role Playing Methods In Kindergarten (TK) Ulul Azmi Pekanbaru”. This study was based on the child's back is hard to answer questions, speak fluently, provide information or information about something that is never seen by children in kindergarten Ulul Azmi Pekanbaru, so the authors are interested in trying to use storytelling as a measure to improve the child's ability to speak . The formulation of the problem is how the influence of storytelling in order to improve the ability of storytelling in children aged 4-5 years. Is there an increase in the ability of speaking children aged 4-5 years after using storytelling methods in improving speaking children aged 4-5 years. The method used was action research using observation sheets. Classroom action research was conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of stages of planning, action, observation and reflection. Child observation sheet taken from aspects of language development according to Basic Education in the kindergarten curriculum (2008:17). Subjects in this study were 20 children consisting of 9 girls and 11 boys. The data is taken and the results of the evaluation at the end of each cycle. This study involved one colleague as an observer. Based on the data obtained and the percentage increase in the first cycle and an increase of 3.9% in the second cycle to 11.3%, thus it can be concluded storytelling method can improve the ability of speaking children aged 4-5 years in kindergarten Ulul Azmi Pekanbaru.Item The Factor That Influences Application Of Learning In The Kindergarden Of Marpoyan Damai Subdistrict In Pekanbaru(2013-07-16) Rahayu, NovriantiThe background of the research is seen from teacher, student, curriculum, learning method, learning media and many facilities in learning. The purpose of the research is to know the factor that influences application of learning in kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict in pekanbaru. The research uses descriptive. Collecting the data is using instrumen base on 20 questionnaire. The amount of sampel in the research is 55 person. Sampel taking technique is using sampling random sampling. The result of the research in analyzing the data shows that learning in kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict is 78,67% it is the highest category. In a more detail the factor that influences application of learning in the kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict in pekanbaru is seen from all in dicators namely: (a). The teacher indicator is seen from application of learning aspect of 85,15%, (b). The student indicator 74,09%. (c). Curriculum indikator 73,64%. (d). Learning method indikator 82,95%. (e). Learning media indicator 75,00%. (f). Facility indicator 81,21%. Herewith it can be conluded that influences application of learning in kindergarden the Curriculum, Learning media, The student indicator.Item Gambaran Kemampuan Aspek Sosial Pada AnakUsia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Nurul Iman Tambang Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar(2013-07-16) HasnilawatiAs there are children who withdrew from his friends and tends to be alone and play alone. Children do not want to lend his / sharing toys with friends. There are children who do not cooperate or do group work, there are some children who are difficult to make friends with a classmate or friend who is not his class, and there are also children that are difficult to share and collaborate with friends. Research aims to describe aspects of the capability social development. This research is descriptive quantitative approach. Data collection using observation. The number of samples in this study were 20 children consisting of 9 girls and 11 boys. Based on the results of data processing, obtained the average ability of the social aspects of children categorized 55.83% categorized enough. For each indicator Kids perform his duties with the group obtained the average 68.33%, in collaboration with his son obtained the average 62.5%, Children sympathize with others obtained the average 45%, Children empathize with others average gained 46.66%, children provide social support to others obtained the average 53.33%, supplied his own Son share average gained 58.33% and children gained friends behave familiar with the average 56, 66% with enough categories. It can be concluded that the lowest and the most prominent as pects of the child's social skills are aspects of child and sympathize with other people's children to empathize with others.Item Influence Of The Teacher Creativity In Learning To Motivate Age Child Studying 5-6 Years At TK Pertiwi Pergam Rupat's District Bengkalis's Regency(2013-07-16) Putri, Patyani; YosiTK Pertiwi Pergam is one of kindergarten which even out education program for children age 4-6 years in Rupat district Bengkalis Regency. Based on writer observation result at TK Pertiwi Pergam Rupat's district Bengkalis's Regency is found some phenomena which is: 1) reducing the children have lack ot motivation in learning, 2) there are many children unaware while teacher deliver the lesson, 3) many children are not serious and don’t have spirit in the learning, 4) there are lazyness on children while doing task that is given by the teacher. This research intent to know teacher creativity in learning at TK Pertiwi Pergam Rupat's district Bengkalis's Regency, childs learned motivation age 5-6 years at TK Pertiwi Pergam Rupat's district Bengkalis's Regency, and creativity influence learns to motivate studying at TK Pertiwi Pergam Rupat's district Bengkalis's Regency. This observational type is observational correlation to test two variables which is to know variable influence x to variables y. In this research writer utilizes to methodic data collecting which is observation method. There is tech even data analysis that is utilized which is correlation quiz by use of formula product moment . It is done to see relationship among free variables with variable bonded. Base observational result of analisis's data product moment's correlation points out correlation (r ) which is as big as 0,58. It points out to mark sense positive influence among teacher creativity to motivate student studying at Pertiwi Pergam's Kindergarten Rupat's district Bengkalis's Regency. Its mean, if excelsior teacher creativity, therefore student studying motivation also excelsior and so also contrariwise. If teacher creativity contemns, therefore student studying motivation will also get low.Item Hubungan Persepsi Mahasiswa PG PAUD Terhadap Profesi Sebagai Guru PAUD Dengan Motivasi Belajarnya Di Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Riau(2013-07-16) Fitriani, LiliBased on the data obtained by the authors in here, be seen each new theory is almost to have level to come in study programe in PG PAUD. But, there are some students it seem every new academy is almost increase for early into PG PAUD. But there are some students in the learning process found indications : 1. The quantity who signed up more than out. 2. At the time of learning activities take a lot of students who didn’t to pay attention to obtain learning, such as: many who excuse out, there who played handphone, when the lecture to explains the lesson, they are fun to talk in the back. And there are also, the students to sleep on the study. And then, when the lecture to asked about the lesson, they are didr’t know. Objectives of this research are as follows: 1) To determine how students perceptions of PG PAUD toward PG PAUD department, 2) To determine how is the learning motivation of PG PAUD, 3) To find a significant relationship between students' perceptions of PG PAUD with learning motivation PG PAUD studenst. This research is a form of quantitative research using correlational techniques. Technique with a correlational research study is to determine whether there is a relationship between two variables. The population in this reseach is the Studies Program PAUD Students class of 2009 to 2012, amounting to force 315 people. While the samples, which will be taken in this research is to use the formula Taro Yaname 75 people (Riduwan: 2005: 65). Based on the survey results revealed that 1) PG Student Perceptions of PAUD are generally classified as moderate, meaning that according to students profession as PAUD teachers quite well. 2) Motivation to learn is generally classified as moderate, meaning that the PG PAUD students education has a pretty good motivation. And 3) the level of relationship between the two variables are in the category of medium or strong enough, namely 0.755 (Sugiyono, 2005:214), coefficient of determination (R square) is the contribution rate of 56.9 PG Student Perceptions of education with the motivation to learn is by 56.9% and there are some indications found. Conclusion hypothesis testing is hypothesis of this study that reads "There is a relationship between PG PAUD Student Perceptions of education with acceptable learning motivation"Item Parents Against Execution Attitudes In Early Childhood Education Quantum Kid’s Tampan District Of Pekanbaru(2013-07-16) SyafrinaThis study aims to find out the attitude of the parents towards the implementation of early childhood education in Quantum Kid’s District of Tampan. It used a descriptive research with quantitative approach. Remember breadth coverage problem, then the researcher gaveof limitation of the problem will be researched is attitude Parents Against toward implementation in early childhood aducation Quantum Kid’s D istrict of Tampan. Now the problem formulation in this study is “ How does the attitude of the parents towards the implementation of early childhood education in Quantum Kid’s District of Tampan”. As for the data collection techniques used in this research is to use A survey or questionnaire that is abaut 90 people. Sample in this research taken by random used the formula of Taro Yamane in Ridwan (2005:65) amounting to a total of 47 people. Variabels in this study consists of a variabel that is the attitude of the parents. While the indicators used to find out the attitude of the parents towards the implementation of early childhood education in Quantum Kid’s District of Tampan will be reviewed from the aspects of cagnition, and konasi afeksi. Based on the results of data processing, it can be concluded as follows: In general the attitude of parents towerds the implementation of early childhood education in Quntum Kid’s District of Tampan influenced by aspects of cognition, and afeksi konasi. Generally seen konasi aspects have a higher percentage than any other aspect. Means that the attitude of the perants towards the implementation of early childhood largely based on the activities the parents towords the implementation of early childhood largely based on the activities that induce psychic and active efforts relating to the implementation of a purpose. But if seen in the classical no significant differences on the attitude of the parents towards the implementation of early childhood education in Quantum Kid’s District of Tampan on there aspects of cagnition, and afeksi konasiItem Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Sentra Di TK Aisyiyah II Pekanbaru Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013(2013-07-16) Yuniarni, RismaBased on writer’s observation, teacher did not make programme of center learning model which suitable. This case was seen from center implementation that consisted of four steps which the steps was not done by teacher. The writer also wanted to know about the evaluation which was done in center learning model by TK Aisyiyah II up till now and the inhibiting and supporting factors while teacher did center learning model. The purpose of the research is to know programme and implementation of learning model; evaluation and the inhibiting and supporting factors in application of center learning model which is used by teacher in TK Aisyiyah II Pekanbaru at 2012/2013 school year. As for collecting data technique is used observations, interviews, documentations, and triangulation. The conclusion of the research is an programme of center learning step, teacher prepared weekly lesson activity and daily lesson activity; in implementation of center learning step, teacher did not do yet the all steps based on guidelines book for application of center learning model which was made by Depdiknas at 2006; and in evaluation of center learning step was done by teacher such as gave feedback, portofolio, checklist, and observation while learning time. Inhibiting factors of center learning model included the children which have problem such as dispute and sick, an other the availability of instrument and learning. Where as, supporting factor included every center consisted of two teacher, the children did not bore to learn, and the children interest was raising increasily.Item Perbedaan Kemandirian Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Berasal Dari Orang Tua (Ibu) Yang Bekerja Dengan Orang Tua (Ibu) Yang Tidak Bekerja Di TK Al-Hisa Hangtuah Pekanbaru(2013-07-16) Rukmana, ViviBased on field observation of the childhood independence come from parents (mother) are working with parents (mother) are not working, there are the following problems : 1)the existence of some children who have not been able to pair of shoes and some children can put they shoes, 2)a children who was able to open his pants to pe e and there some children to open they pants helped by they teacher, 3)some children of high achievement and some children of low achievement. This study aimed to determine differences in the degree of independences of 4-5 years old come from parents (mother) are working with parents (mother) are not working at Al-Hisa Kindergarten Hangtuah Pekanbaru. The sample used 13 childrens of working parents and 15 childrens of aren’t working. Analysist using t-test. The research hypothesis is there are differences in childhood 4-5 years old from parents (mother) are working with parents (mother) are not working. It can be seeing from the analysis of obtained t=1,708 and p= 0,05. Since p>0,01 it can concluded that is a Differences Childhood Independence 4-5 Years Old Come From Parents (Mother) are working with Parents (Mother) are not Working at Al-Hisa Kindergarten Hangtuah Pekanbaru.Item Linguistic Intelligence Differences Childhood Kindergarten 5-6 Years In Kurnia District Handsoe Pekanbaru Seen Fro Gender(2013-07-16) Khotimah, KhusnulThe purpose of this study was to determine whether there are differences between the linguistic intelligence of boys to girls aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Kurnia District Handsome Pekanbaru. In accordance with the title of the type used is the type of comparative research, the kind of research that would like to know the differences of each variable (X 1 ) and (X 2 ) in a way to see the difference, whether the difference is significant or not that is the linguistic intelligence of children aged 5 -6 years in kindergarten Kurnia Handsome Pekanbaru district in terms of gender. Data collection tools used in the form of observation sheet. As for the number of samples in this study were 50 children, including 20 boys and 30 girls and all were sampled. The survey results revealed that 1) linguistic description of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Kurnia District Handsome Pekanbaru categorized in terms of the types of women are, 2) linguistic description of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Kurnia Handsome Pekanbaru district in terms of the type of men being male category, and 3) There are significant differences between the linguistic children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Kurnia Handsome Pekanbaru district in terms of the types of women and menItem Perceptions Of Parents Of Kindergarten Teachers In The Social Competence Of State Trustees Indragiri Hilir Subdistrict Kempas(2013-07-16) Rahmawati, EndraThis study aims to determine the parents' perceptions of the social competence of teachers in kindergarten Pembina State Kempas Indragiri Hilir district. Type a descriptive research with quantitative approach. Remember the wide scope of the problem, the authors need to provide the extent of the problem to be studied in the parents' perception of the social competence of teachers in kindergarten Pembina State Kempas Indragiri Hilir district. The formulation of the problem in this research is "How do parents' perceptions of the social competence of teachers in kindergarten Pembina State Kempas Indragiri Hilir district?". Data collection tool that is used in the form of questionnaires. parents or heads of families whose children attend school in Pembina District Kindergarten Kempas Indragiri Hilir district as many as 60 people. The sample in this study was taken as 100%. Variables in this study consists of a single variable that parents' perceptions of the social competence of teachers in kindergarten Pembina State Kempas Indragiri Hilir district. Research variables used to determine parents' perceptions of the social competence of teachers. While the indicator used is the input, and output procces. Based on the results of data processing, it is known that parents' perception of the social competence of teachers in kindergarten Pembina State Kempas Indragiri Hilir district is low. It can be seen on each indicator on the criteria being observed. It means that the opinion of parents of kindergarten teachers Pembina State Kempas Indragiri Hilir district well enough to communicate with children and parents or guardians of the students. According to the authors analyze this situation likely to be influenced by factors that were largely teacher education high school education.Item The Perception Of Parents To Paud’s Learning Principle At TK Negeri Pemda Kabupaten Siak(2013-07-16) Dewi, Sintia; YuniBased on writer observation at TK Negeri Pemda Kabupaten Siak found that the parents perception that looks on that always play can make children becomes lazy to learn, so distress children is enjoined studies. This is because parents looks on to study and plays is two different things and parents that understood mean plays to divide children. They look on to play it not necessarily, just wasting time, and worried following if children plays its dress so mess. There are many parents which insufficiently understand PAUD'S learning principle which is process plays while studying at TK. Even there is student parents that gets studying assumption at TK just plays is not learned. Base d phenomena or phenomenons, visually that parents perception to implement principle learning was utterly been understood. This research intent to know parents perception to PAUD'S learning principle at TK Negeri Pemda Kabupaten Siak. This observational type is get descriptive character with quantitative approaching that aims to give picture systematically about situation which be happens on observational object which is about Parents Perception to PAUD'S Learning Principle at TK Negeri Pemda Kabupaten Siak Sri Indrapura. Base observational result already been done therefore writer can take conclusion which is: the parents perception to the learning principle PAUD at TK Negeri Pemda Kabupaten Siak are good enough category. The best perception in the process aspect, this is get score all percentage namely 36,06%. Playing activities are medium studying for early age children. Via playing the children be asked out to get exploration, find, utilize and takes conclusion to something that be studied. Education learning activity early age children at TK Negeri Pemda Kabupaten Siak has corresponded to PAUD'S learning principle commonly. So, that learning activity has to get center to children the need via education effort in achieving physical developing and psikis is optimal.Item The Difference Of Emotional Intellegence Of Child 4 Up To 5 Years Old Whose Mother Is Having Job With Non Job Mother In All Kuok Sub – Districts, Kampar Regency(2013-07-16) Nofriyanti, NikeEmotional intellegence is important thing to make children be a success. A child whose emotional intellegence is good so they will be easy in life, have a good attitute who many people love them. An childhood whose working parents give less attention because they are busy, give anything to their children so make them be spoiled, as a common the children are reclusive, unsocial with the environment. Meanwhile the children whose parents are in home or unworking a half of children are more self - supporting, can adapt with their environment, friendship and creative in working. The goal of this research is to know the comparison of emotional intellegence of child 4 up to 5 years old whose mother is having job with nonjob mother in kindergarten in all Kouk sub-districts in Kampar regency. The sample in this research is 64 children that 22 children whose mother is working and 42 children whose unworking mother. Analysis technique in this research is t test. The result got there is a significant difference relation of emotional intellegence of child 4 up to 5 years old whose mother is having job with non job. It is gotten from t test result, is t 0 = -0,4902 < t t = 1,699 = 0,05%. Because t count is smaller than t table so it can be concluded there is a significant between emotional intellegence of child 4 up to 5 years old whose mother is having job with non job.Item PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI ORANG TUA TERHADAP KECERDASAN INTERPERSONAL ANAK USIA 4-5 TAHUN DI TK EDUCATION 21 KULIM PEKANBARU(2013-07-06) Sartika, RPENGARUH KOMUNIKASI ORANG TUA TERHADAP KECERDASAN INTERPERSONAL ANAK USIA 4-5 TAHUN DI TK EDUCATION 21 KULIM PEKANBARU Ria Sartika1, Daviq Chairilsyah2, Devi Risma3 Kampus Bina Widya KM 12,5 Simpang Baru Pekanbaru 28293 Telp. (0761) 63267 Fax. (0761) 65804 ABSTRACT Ria Sartika. 0905132316. Influence Communication Parents Against Childhood Interpersonal Intelligence Kindergarten 4-5 Years in Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru. 2013. Thesis. The background of this research is the problem of interpersonal intelligence in children aged 4-5 years Kindergarten Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru like most kids do not want to play with friends, some children do not want to share toys and food, some children can not wait for their turn when washing hands, some children rarely spoke with his teacher, some children like menyediri during play, when children speak the parents do not pay attention to their children, and the little time available to establish parental relationship with the child's communication. The purpose of this study was to determine parental communication on interpersonal intelligence in children aged 4-5 years Kindergarten Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru. The method used in this study is a quantitative study using correlation techniques. The sample used in this study were 51 children. The data collection techniques by observation and interview. Based on the research of communication parents belonging to socially oriented with a percentage of 56.86%, while interpersonal intelligence in children aged 4-5 years Kindergarten Education Kulim classified into 21 categories with a sufficient percentage of 49.02%. From the research that the correlation between the interpersonal communication patterns of social orientation is not significant and show that the direction of a positive correlation with the strength of the correlation is very weak. While the correlation between interpersonal communication pattern orientation concept is meaningful and indicates that the direction of the negative correlation with the strength of the correlation is very lemah.Sedangkan overall results of this study showed no effect of parental communication on interpersonal intelligence in children aged 4-5 years Kindergarten Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru. This is evident from the test results of contingency.Item The Factor That Influences Application Of Learning In The Kindergarden Of Marpoyan Damai Subdistrict In Pekanbaru(2013-07-05) Rahayu, NovriantiThe background of the research is seen from teacher, student, curriculum, learning method, learning media and many facilities in learning. The purpose of the research is to know the factor that influences application of learning in kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict in pekanbaru. The research uses descriptive. Collecting the data is using instrumen base on 20 questionnaire. The amount of sampel in the research is 55 person. Sampel taking technique is using sampling random sampling. The result of the research in analyzing the data shows that learning in kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict is 78,67% it is the highest category. In a more detail the factor that influences application of learning in the kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict in pekanbaru is seen from all in dicators namely: (a). The teacher indicator is seen from application of learning aspect of 85,15%, (b). The student indicator 74,09%. (c). Curriculum indikator 73,64%. (d). Learning method indikator 82,95%. (e). Learning media indicator 75,00%. (f). Facility indicator 81,21%. Herewith it can be conluded that influences application of learning in kindergarden the Curriculum, Learning media, The student indicator.