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Item Studi Tentang Perkembangan Motorik Anak Usia 5- 6 Tahun Di Tk Negeri Pembina 1 Pekanbaru(2013-01-03) SuharniStudy on the children’s motorist development in preschool 5-6 Years in TK Negeri Pembina 1 Pekanbaru Suka Mulia , sail district, in Academic Year 2011/2012. Thesis 2012.the background of this research is the development of fine and gross motorist physical child does not develop according to the stage of development children aged 5-6 years, such as when children climb, dependent, and swinging on gross motorist physical activity are less able to rely upon the child could not help but hold her hand so that when the kids want to brandish his son had fallen first. This gross motorist physical activity among children such as running, jumping there are those who could not keep his balance on the landing legs, jumping from heights,This suggests coordinating body is not perfect and fine motor activities when children coloring pictures, children are not finished working on it, and the image that has been marred much out of line and untidy, children are still hard to make a line of square and triangular shapes, pin the pattern children still need help, write numbers and letters are still there and have not been able to cut still need teacher’s help. The aim of this study was to determine the motorist development of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Pembina 1 Pekanbaru. The method of this research is descriptive with a quantitative approach. The data collection technique that is used in the form of sheets of observation in children. The number of samples in this study were 25 children who consisted of 12 boys and 13 girls. Based on the analysis of data obtained from observations of children on aspects of the development of gross motor running with a percentage of 80.00%, 74.67 percentage aspects% earned run, jump aspects percentage of 60.67%, with a percentage of 55.33 tiptoe aspect%, then the development of fine motor skills in aspects of writing with a percentage of 42.67%, the aspect of drawing with 59.33% aspect, the aspect of holding a pencil with a percentage of 77.33%. From the results of these development of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Pembina 1 Pekanbaru growth as wishes.Item Pemetaan Kemampuan Berhitung Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Tk Lancang Kuning Kecamatan Singingi Hilir Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi(2013-01-08) Utari, DiahPEMETAAN KEMAMPUAN BERHITUNG ANAK USIA 4-5 TAHUN DI TK LANCANG KUNING KECAMATAN SINGINGI HILIR KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI Diah Utari1, Syarfi2, Ria Novianti3 ABSTRACT Diah Utari. 08005132440. The mapping of children’s Ability at the Age 4-5 Years Nursery Lower Lancang Kuning Sub Singingi Hilir Kuantan Singingi District Academic Year 2011/2012. Thesis. 2012. The background of this research can be seen from the children’s ability in accounting are still less, wiht the things, don’t minus, and the children don’t table to relate and to put the corret sign of number with the things. Therefore, it should be important to know the ability of children’s accounting. The purpose of this research is to know the ability of children’s accounting at the age of 4-5 years at TK Lancang Kuning Singingni Hilir district Kuantan Singingi Regeency. This research is descriptiv quantitative research with the qualitative approach. Instrument that is used in collecting the data are observtion for the children and interview to the children’s parents. Sampel in this research are 8 boys and 2 girls. Based on the analisys data that got from observation, the children’s accounting ability at the age 4-5 years at the things 1-10 with the 20% (not appear yet), telling the number 1-10 with the 25% (not appear yet), spell the result of add and minus with the 27,5% (not appear yet), relate and put the correct sign of number with things 27,5% (not appear yet).Item Motivasi Belajar Mengenal Huruf Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kurnia Pekanbaru(2013-01-08) YuniartiMOTIVASI BELAJAR MENGENAL HURUF PADA ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK KURNIA PEKANBARU Yuniarti1, Wusono Indarto2, Enda Puspitasari3 ABSTRACT Yuniarti, 0805120697. Learning Motivation To Recognize Letters In Early Childhood Ages 4-5 years In KURNIA Kindergarten In Tampan District, Pekanbaru , Academic Year 2012-2013, 2012 Thesis. The background of this research is to know learning motivation in recognize letters of the children age 5-6 years. Child's motivation to learn is something that encourages children to show certain behavior. The activities of learning motivation in recognize letter is as known letters of the alphabet well, make children to distinguish the letters which have same sound, introducing vowels. Learning motivation of the children in kindergarten Kurnia still need to be increased again and again to create better motivation. Learning motivation to recognize letters is the activities such as completing tasks related to letters, writing letters, menciplak form letters and other important related letters. The purpose of this study was to determine the motivation to learn to recognize letter in children aged 5-6 years in Kurnia kindergarten pekanbaru. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The research instrument of this study is in the form of sheets of observation in children. The total number of samples in this study was 30 children comprising 13 boys and 17 girls. Based on the analysis of data obtained from observations of children motivation to learn to recognize letters in the indicators of the encouragement and needs to learn the percentage of 70.37%, an indicator of passion and desire success by the percentage of 60.00%, an indicator of the task diligently with the percentage of 55 , 28%, indicator resilient in the face of a problem with a percentage of 53.70%, an indicator showing interest in a variety of problems with a percentage of 58.89%, and an independent indicator of the percentage completed by 58.06%. From the results of these studies it was concluded that the indicators are not maximized in the motivation of learning in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Kurnia pekanbaru is resilient to face the problems.Item Kemampuan Fisik Motorik Kasar Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Taman Kanak-Kanak Negeri Pembina 1 Pekanbaru(2013-01-17) Setiawati, SKEMAMPUAN FISIK MOTORIK KASAR ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK NEGERI PEMBINA 1 PEKANBARU Sapta Setiawati1,Wusono Indarto2,Ria Novianti3 Abstract Sapta Setiawati, 0805120971. Gross motor Ability of Children 5-6 years in Pembina 1 Pekanbaru kindergarten, Academic Year 2012/2013. Thesis 2012. The background of this research is to describe how Gross motor Ability of children aged 5-6 years. Gross motor Ability is a physical movement through the center of nerves and muscles in a coordinated or process of a child learning to skillfully move the limbs. Gross motor Ability in preschool children in Pembina 1 Pekanbaru kindergarten, still needs to be improved and must be considered in order to create Gross motor Ability that develop optimally. The physical indicators of gross motor skills children aged 5-6 years are: walk forward in a straight line, walking the plank bridge, walk and tiptoe, walk backwards, run sideways in a straight line, running, jumping with balanced without falling, standing on one leg with the balance, and jump without falling. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Data collection technique that is used in the form of sheets of observation in children. The number of samples in this study was as many as 35 children consisting of 17 male children and 18 female children. Based on the analysis of data obtained from the observations obtained child Gross motor Ability in the indicator to go forward in a straight line with a percentage of 68.57%, a percentage indicator runs down 50.71%, with the percentage indicator ran 58.57%, the indicator stood at percentage of 43.80%, and the indicator jump without falling to the percentage of 44.76%. From the results of these studies it was concluded that the indicators are not maximized in Gross motor Ability children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Pembina 1 Pekanbaru is standing on one leg with balance.Item Motivation of Parents Put Their Children to Kindergarten School 1 Pembina District of Bandar Petalangan Regency of Pelalawan(2013-03-04) Jannatun, ResianaBased on observations during the author served in pre-school education, especially in kindergarten School 1 Pembina from 2007 until now found symptoms as follows: as follows, 1) Although education preschoolers were expensive (IDR 110/a month) yet including other costs so it depends on the economy of parents, but the parents still put their children to kindergarten School 1 Pembina District of Bandar Petalangan Regency of Pelalawan, 2) The interest of parents put their children to Kindergarten School 1 Pembina District of Bandar Petalangan Regency of Pelalawan quite high, although in District of Petalangan there are 2 other TK adjacent to the Pembina School 1 TK Pertiwi and TK Earth Kartini. It is seen from the increasing number of students each year, 3) Based on the information obtained from parents whose children go to school in Pembina District Kindergarten School 1 Pembina District of Bandar Petalangan Regency of Pelalawan, obtained information that their children can attend classes in an elementary school well and have a pretty good achievement in the book value reports ranged between 70-80. The purpose of this study, 1) To determine the intrinsic motivation of parents put their children to Kindergarten School 1 Pembina District of Bandar Petalangan Regency of Pelalawan 2 To determine the extrinsic motivation of parents put their children to Kindergarten School 1 Pembina District of Bandar Petalangan Regency of Pelalawan, 3) To know the motivation The dominant between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that affect parents put their children to Kindergarten School 1 Pembina District of Bandar Petalangan Regency of Pelalawan. Type of research is descriptive quantitative approach that aims to provide a systematic overview of the state of the object of ongoing research. From the results of research and discussion as described can be concluded that: 1 Intrinsic motivation parents put their children to kindergarten School 1 Pembina District of Bandar Petalangan Regency of Pelalawan the ideals of parents, parents' interest and wishes of parents, 2) Extrinsic motivation parents put their children to Kindergarten School 1 Pembina District of Bandar Petalangan Regency of Pelalawan the social environment and the state of the school, 3), while the dominant motivation among intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that affect parents put their children to Kindergarten School 1 Pembina District of Bandar Petalangan Regency of Pelalawan that both intrinsic motivation terms of aspects of parental ideals, interests and desires of the elderly parents.Item Studi Minat Baca Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Lingkungan Perumahan Graha Mustamindo Permai Pekanbaru(2013-03-14) Kurnia Sari, DianThe background of this research looks of joy, interest, concern and involvement of lower preformance children low in reading. The purpose of this study was to determine the interest in reading in children. This research is descriptive quantitative approach. Collecting data using observation techniques. The number of samples in this study were 30 children consisting of 17 male children and 13 female children. Based on the results of data processing, obtained the average child's interest in reading, acquired 65% interest in reading children categorized enough. For each indicator, the indicator reading preferences obtained average 64%, 71% interest, interest of 65%, 60% involvement. It can be concluded that the least and the most prominent in the reading interest of children is an aspect of parental involvement in providing examples of reading to children as well as care and supervision of parents of children reading.Item Gambaran Kemampuan Membaca Permulaaan Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Di Tk As-Sholihin Ganting Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar(2013-03-14) Ernita, WeniThe background of this research looks of the writer always still symbol child alphabet to know letter with order and random, there are some children be able to montion words having the same letter at beginning and the end of words, there are some children be able to differenciate words having syllable at the fist and at the end of the words, only some children be able to montion the syllable at words, only some children be able to tell their own or providel story with it’s picture at the simple words or sentences level, only some children be able to read their full name correctly. The purpose of this descriptive of initial reading skills in children. This research is descriptive quantitative approach. Collections data using observation techniques. The number of samples in this study were 27 children consisting of male children and 16 female children. Based on the results of data processing, acquired 61,35% interent in initial reading skills children categorized enough. For each indicator, the indicator mention vocal and consonant symbol freferences obtained average 82,71%, 59,25% montion words having the same letter at beginning and at the end of, 53,08% differenciate words having syillable at the fist and at the end of the words,49,38% be able to mention the syllable at words, 63,58% be able to read their full name correctly, 51,85% be able to tell their own or providel story with it’s picture at the simple words sentences level. From the research the average initial reading skills of the indicator of children with sufficient category. From the results of these studies it was concluded that the least and the most prominent in the child’s interest in initial reading skills is an indicator of be able to montion the syllable at words and be able to tell their own or providel story with it’s picture at the simple words or sentences level of children initial reading skills.Item The Comparison of Gross Motor ability between male and female children at the age 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru(2013-04-24) Weni Lestiani, EkaThe gross motor of children at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru can be classified between male and female children. In general, the ability of two groups based on the observation. There are some male children are not able to keep the balance of their body, the children are not able to go forward, walk to retreat, a side at straight line, while the female children are not able to jump without fall down, are not able to hop from the height, and the female children also are not able to keep the balance of their body. The purpose of this research is to know gross motor ability male children at the age 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru, to know harsh motoric’s ability female children at the age 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru, and to know whether there is differentiate of gross Motoric ‘s ability between male and female children at the age 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru. The research design that is used is comparative research. The data analysis is by using “t- test”. In collecting the data, the writer used observation. The result of this research showed that male gross motor ability at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru can be categorized into enough category, where the percentage is 59,81% . It can be proved by the mean score is 10,77, while the gross motor ability of female children can be categorized into enough category where the percentage is 47, 77%. It can be proved from the mean score is 8.6. The last result of this research showed there is differentiate of the gross motor ability of male and female children at age 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina 2 Pekanbaru where the ability of male children is better than the female children.Item Fine Motor Ability Of Children At Age 5-6 Years At Tk Dharma Bakti Rumbio Jaya Distric Kampar Regency. Thesis 2013(2013-04-24) EmadespentiIn TK Dharma Bhakti. there are some student with weak fine motor ability, such as the children are not able to natty in writing, cutting, fold, and drawing. It showed that the growth of the children is still not optimal. Therefore, it should be effort to know Fine motor ability of Children. The purpose of this research is to know how fine motor ability of children at age 5-6 years. The technique that is used to collect the data is by observation. Based on the data analysis, it showed the average of fine motor ability of children is 47, where the category is average. The ability of fine motor ability of children at age 5-6 years at TK Dharma Bakti Rumbio Jaya Kampar Regency at imitate aspect showed the percentage is 56% which the category is good. Fine motor ability of children in using right stationary can be categorized into average category where the percentage is 44%. Fine motor ability of children in drawing aspect that suitable with their ideas can be categorize into average category where the percentage is 34%. Fine motor ability of children in cutting that is match with the pattern can be categorized into average category where the percentage is 32%.Item Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Di Desa Naga Beralih Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar(2013-04-25) Dewi, RatnaThe society participation in carrying on educational children under five is the key of kindergarten’s education, needs society participation largely because without this, the process of educational kindergaten can’t work actively. This research is for knowing society participation of educational under five in Naga Beralih -North Kampar Subdistrict- Kampar Regency. The using method in this research in descriptive method of quantitave approach that intends to describe about society participation of educational children under five in Naga Beralih –North Kampar Subdistrict- Kampar Regency. The technical data gathering in this research are obsevation, interview and spreading inquiry. The result of the risearch can be concluded that society partisipation of educational children under five in Naga Beralih –North Kampar Subdistrict- Kampar Regency on large scale of each participation can see from the average of score, respondent’s answer very often (SS) 28,10%, respondent’s answer clarified often (S) 46,70%. Whereas who clarified disagreed (TS) 20,1%, and clarified very disagreed (STS) 5,1% only. If the respondent’s answer combined between very often (SS) and often (S) means (28,10%+46,70%) or 74,8%. From the result of the research can be concluded that society participation in Naga Beralih –North Kampar Subditrict- Kampar Regency on a large scale can be observed from each participation be seen from average score is high.Item Upgrading Through Numbers To Know Coat Media Board Planel In Children Age 5-6 Years In Kindergarten Mutiara Al Madani Of Pekanbaru(2013-04-25) Afrita, JumaThe background of this research is that there are two children who have not been able to refer to a symbol sequence numbers 1 to 10, five children who are not familiar with the concept of numbers up to 20 objects, six children who have not been able to create a sequence of numbers from 1 to 20 with objects .This study aims to improve the ability to know the symbol number through flannel board media in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Mutiara Al Madani. The research method used was action research (PTK). Subjects were kindergartners Mutiara Al Madani in group B, totaling 13 people, boys 10 men and 3 women. Which was implemented in January 2013. Data collection techniques used were observation. The data is processed by a percentage. Based on the results of data processing and observation of the child's ability to recognize the symbol numbers were observed in the second cycle to be able to see an increase of 74,07% with a very well developed criteria (BSB). For each cycle, the ability to know the child before the number symbol cycle with a 20,51% undeveloped criteria (BM) the ability of the child to know the symbol number then obtained 38,74% improvement criteria began to grow in the first cycle and increased 68, 37% with the criteria developed very good (BSB) in the second cycle, meaning that the hypothesis is accepted that the use of media action flannel boards can improve the ability to recognize the symbol numbers 5-6 year olds. The implications of these results are driven or motivated teachers use instructional media, especially media flannel board by increasing the ability of the child to know the symbol number.Item To Decrese The Aggressive Behavior Children In 5-6 Years Old Through Role Playing Methode Of Kindergarten Ar-Ridho Tampan Pekanbaru(2013-04-25) RahmayatiThe Background of researched from kindergarten Ar-Ridho District Tampan Pekanbaru is the behavior of children who of always fights with their friends, the most of the children taunting each other, there are some children who are forced friends gave toys, there are children who sulted his frends drowing’s, disturb other children who are being do the task. The purpose of this research is to know the use of role playing methode in deacrese aggressive behavior of children 5-6 years old in kindergarten Ar-Ridho District Tampan Pekanbaru, to know how to influence the use of role play to the ability ofaggressive behavior in children 5-6 years old kindergarten Ar-Ridho District Tampan Pekanbaru, To know how much decrease the use of role playing methode of aggressive behavior children 5-6 years old in kindergarten Ar-Ridho District Tampan Pekanbaru. This type of research is a classroom action research. The Data collection by using observation. The number of samples in this research were about 20 children consist of 9 boys and 11 girls were sampled as a whole. Based on the results of data processing, the observations of aggressive behavior were observed in the second cycle can be seen to decrease by 53.50%. According to the criteria Growing Hope (BSH). For each cycle, aggressive behavior before the given action there is an average value of 20.71 before the Developing criteria (BB). First cycle there is an average value of 32.78 with aggressive behavior Start Developing criteria (MB), the second cycle there is an average value of aggressive behavior by children 62.60 In accordance with the criteria Evolving Expectations (BSH). It can be concluded Implementation methods play a role can decrease the aggressive behavior in children 5-6 years old of kindergarten Ar-Ridho District Tampan Pekanbaru.Item Pengaruh Metode Bercerita Terhadapkarakter Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Tk Fkip UR Pekanbaru(2013-05-17) Hasanah, Suratmi; PutriPutri Suratmi Hasanah (0905132315) Pengaruh Metode Bercerita Terhadap Karakter Anak Usia 5 – 6 Tahun di TK FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru. Tahun Ajaran 2012 – 2013.Skirpsi.(The Influences of Telling Method to the Children’s Character 5 up to 6 Years Old in TK FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru. Of the 2012 – 2013 Year. Thesis). Based on the observation in TK FKIP UNRI there are 25 children has some problems. The problems are: 1) The children throw the rubbish in everywhere, 2) the children don’t want sharing with their friends, 3) after they played, and they don’t want to keep their toys, 4) the children come late. The purpose of this research is to know the children’s character before and after apply telling method, to know the influences to the children’s character 5 up to 6 years old in TK FKIP UNRI. The total sample in this research is 25 in the class B1. This is experiment research using the one group design by pre test and post test through observation sheet. From the research and the explanation can be concluded that the children’s character 5 up to 6 years old in TK FKIP UNRI before apply the telling method in low category after applied the telling method in good category. It can be proved from the t test result that t count is bigger than t table, t count result 21,53 while t table 1,671. So, Telling method is very effective is used to increase the children’s character 5 up to 6 years old in TK FKIP UNRIItem Pengaruh Metode Gerak Dan Lagu Terhadap Kemampuan Menyimak Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru(2013-05-17) AsrianaPENGARUH METODE GERAK DAN LAGU TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MENYIMAK ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN DI TK EDUCATION 21 KULIM PEKANBARU Asriana1, Zulkifli.N2, Hukmi3 ABSTRACT The title of this research is The Influence of Motion and Song Method to the children’s observation ability 5 up to 6 years old in TK Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru period of 2012/2013. The problem in this reseach is, the children difficult to concentrate, children less responsive when the teacher asked a question. And children still lack the concentration to the teacher's explanation. The purpose of this research is to know the childhood’s observation in TK Education 21 Kulim before and after apply the motion and song method. To know is there the significant influence of the childhood’s observation in TK Education 21 Kulim before and after apply the motion and song method. The treatment is to 19 children of TK B in the class tomato. The method of this research is experiment method. The result of this research is shown that the children’s observation ability before use the motion and song method is in the low category is (100%). After use the motion and song method the children’s observation is good category (68, 4%). By using the formulation t test, so get the result 25, 29 > 2, 021. It can be concluded that motion and song method is effective in developing childhood’s observation.Item Pengaruh Komunikasi Dalam Keluarga Terhadap Perilaku Moral Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK FKIP-UNRI Pekanbaru(2013-05-17) Anita, WilfaWilfa Anita. 0905132471. Pengaruh Komunikasi Dalam Keluarga Terhadap Perilaku Moral Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di TK-FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru. Skripsi 2013.Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalahanak suka berbicara kotor atau tidak sopan, kebanyakan anak yang tidak mau berterimakasih saat menerima sesuatu, kebanyakan anak yang tidak mau meminta maaf ketika melakukan kesalahan, tidak pernah mau menghargai orang lain, sedikitnya waktu yang disediakan orang tua dalam menjalin hubungan komunikasi dengan anak mereka, perilaku anak yang tidak terkontrol, karena tidak adanya pengawasan dari orang tua terhadap perilaku moral anak, saat anak berada disekolah selalu mengungkapkan bahwa orang tuanya sibuk bekerja dan tidak banyak meluangkan waktu untuk bersamanya, orang tua lebih mementingkan pekerjaan sehingga tidak banyak memiliki waktu bersama dengan anak dan diantara orang tua dan anak tidak berkomunikasi secara efektif. Oleh karena itu dilakukan observasi dan wawancara agar dapat mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh komunikasi dalam keluarga terhadap perilaku moral anak.Jenis penelitian ini adalah korelasi.Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa lembar observasi dan wawancara.Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 50 orang anak yang terdiri dari 28 anak laki-laki, 22 anak perempuan.Berdasarkan analisis data mengenai pengaruh komunikasi dalam keluarga terhadap perilaku moral anak 5-6 tahun yaitu komunikasi dalam keluarga sebagian besar berada pada kategori kadang-kadang (52%). Perilaku moral sebagian besar berada pada kategori cukup(52%).Terdapat pengaruh komunikasi dalam keluarga dengan perilaku moral anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK-FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru sebesar hitung 11,52 dimana lebih≥ dari tabel 5,991, jadi karena hitung 11,52 lebih ≥ dari tabel 5,991, maka Ho ditolak. Dengan demikian terdapat pengaruh komukasi dalam keluarga terhadap perilaku moral anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK-FKIP UNRI PekanbaruItem STRENGTHENING RELATIONS REINFORCEMENTWITH DISCIPLINE CHILDREN AGED 5-6 YEARS IN KINDERGARTEN FKIP UNRI(2013-05-17) Zahara, RizkiSTRENGTHENING RELATIONS REINFORCEMENTWITH DISCIPLINE CHILDREN AGED 5-6 YEARS IN KINDERGARTEN FKIP UNRI RizkiZahara ¹, WusonoIndarto ², ³ Hukmi Abstract Title: "Strengthening Relations reinforcement With Discipline Children Aged 5-6 Years In kindergarten FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru" RizkiZahara, 0905132808. The background of this research is kindergarten FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru as one of the institutions of formal education, there are still problems associated with disciplin. The purpose of this study were is: 1) To determine the strengthening reinforcement of 5-6 year olds in preschool FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru. 2) To determine Discipline children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru. 3) To determine the relationship strengthening to discipline children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten FKIP UNRI. The variables of this study consisted of two variables: reinforcement and discipline. Hypothesis: there is a connection reinforcement to discipline children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten FKIP UNRI. Given the population of this study is the small population sampling method (sampling saturated) sampling technique is used when all members of the population as a sample. The method used is the correlation with the independent variable (x) is strengthening and the dependent variable (y) is the discipline by using the observation sheet. Data analysis was performed using the data were processed using the product moment formula by first determining the scores obtained from each of the categories of reinforcement and discipline. Processed the data obtained r = 0.603, later of test calculations "t" t got the result is greater than the table t ≥ 2.390 5.27. Thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that there is a significant relationship strengthening (reinforcement) with discipline. So reinforcement ontribute to the discipline of 36.36%.Item Analisis Tahapan Kemampuan Menulis Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK FKIP-UR Pekanbaru(2013-05-17) Agustina, Sri; TutiTuti Sri Agustina, 0905132775. Analisis Tahapan Kemampuan Menulis Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK FKIP-UNRI Pekanbaru. Skripsi 2013. The background from this research is seen by the children who have done writing but there are some children who can’t hold pencil correctly, only some children can write his/her name correctly, only some children can imitate writing. The purpose of this research is to analyze the factor of the children’s writing ability. This research is descriptive by quantitative approach. The collecting of the data is used by observation technique. Totally sample of this research is 25 children those 12 girls and 13 boys. Based on the result of the data processing, the data has got the average children’s writing ability is category 49,866% is enough. For each indicator the children can make scratch is gotten the average 64%, the children who can imitate the horizontal writing the average is 46,666%, the children who can write randomly the average is 48%, the children who can write their name the average is 46,666%, and the children write short sentence is gotten the average 44% by enough category. It can conclude is the lowest and dominant in children’s writing ability is the children can write short sentence by the average is 44%, and dominant is children can make scratch by the average is 64%.Item The corelation between self efficacy and students’ learning motivation at early childhood education Study program of teacher training and education Faculty at riau university (a ccorrelative study)(2013-05-18) Ernawati, R.DTHE CORELATION BETWEEN SELF EFFICACY AND STUDENTS’ LEARNING MOTIVATION AT EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY AT RIAU UNIVERSITY (A CCORRELATIVE STUDY) Rika Dewi Ernawati 1, Zulkifli N 2, Devi Risma 3 Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between self-efficacy and learning motivation of the students at Early Childhood Education of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in Riau University. The sample taken in this study is 76 respondents. The data was collected using Likert scale. The data was analyzed using large-scale trials and statistical methods of analysis using SPSS 17. In this research, the hypothesis posed is that there is significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and students’ learning motivation. Based on the results obtained, it was found that there is positive and significant correlation between self-efficacy and students’ learning motivation of the students at Early Childhood Education of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in Riau University. It can be seen from the analysis of the data obtained which is equal to the value of = 5, 376 while the value (5%) (df = n-2 = 76-2 = 74) so 2, 000. Due to the value of is greater than 5, 376 > 2, 000, it means that there is a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and motivation learning. The coefficient determinant obtained is equal to = 0, 281 with p = 0.000 (p < 0.05), itItem Pengaruh Metode Bermain Peran Terhadap Kecerdasan Interpersonal Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di TK Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru(2013-05-20) Rahayu, Srinterpersonal Intelligence is very important to be developed at kindergarten in order that children are eble to make friend, communicate, and socialize with others. Based on the researcher observation at Kindergarten of Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru, still there are children who have low interpersonal intelligence. This problem can be seen from introverted children. The do not want to play together with their friends in the rest time, more comfortable do the activities by their own, do not want to give foods to their friends, do not want to play toys with their friends and do not want to wait for their turn whein they are playing game and washing hand. The objective of this research is to know how big the effect of role play method toward children 4-5 age interpersonal intelligence at Kindergarten of Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru before and after using role play method. This research is experimental research which pre-experimental, the one group pre test-post test design. The number of sample in this research are 20 childern from K1 fern class, which consist of 10 boys and 10 girls. In collecting data, the research uses observation checklist. The result of this research point out that before using the role play method for children 4-5 age at Kindergarten of Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru, the mean score is 14.9% and after using the method, the mean score is 25.7%. The conclusion, there is signifikan effect of using role play method toward children 4-5 age interpersonal intelligence at Kindergarten of Education 21 Kulim Pekanbaru.Item THE EFFECT OF PAIKEM BASED LEARNING MODEL TOWARD THE WRITING ABILITY OF 5-6 YEARS AGED CHILDREN IN FKIP KINDERGARTEN OF RIAU UNIVERSITY PEKANBARU(2013-05-20) Monaliza, F.THE EFFECT OF PAIKEM BASED LEARNING MODEL TOWARD THE WRITING ABILITY OF 5-6 YEARS AGED CHILDREN IN FKIP KINDERGARTEN OF RIAU UNIVERSITY PEKANBARU Fiki Monaliza1, Wilson2, Devi Risma3 Students of Early Childhood Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Riau University ABSTRACT FIKI MONALIZA (0905132212) “The Effect of PAIKEM Based Learning Model Toward the Writing Ability of 5-6 Years Aged Children in FKIP Kindergarten of Riau University Pekanbaru”. Based on the observation in the research location, it is found that the children in FKIP Kindergarten of Riau University have low ability in writing. Besides, the teachers were also found as still using learning method which is dominating and unvaried. Therefore, it is necessary to apply PAIKEM based learning model in teaching writing. This study aims at determining the effect of PAIKEM based learning model toward the writing ability of 5-6 Years Aged Children in FKIP Kindergarten of Riau University Pekanbaru. The sample used in this study is 20 children. The data is collected through Observation technique. The data is analyzed using T-test with SPSS 19. The research hypothesis in this study is that there are significant effects towards children’s writing ability after the implementation of PAIKEM based learning model. It can be seen from the data analysis done by the writer in which thitung = -13,781 and p = 0,000. As p < 0,01, it can be concluded that children’s writing ability increased significantly after being taught by using PAIKEM based learning model. So it means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, there is a very significant difference between before and after the implementation of PAIKEM based learning model in the classroom.