Education of Primary School Teachers


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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Head Together (NHT) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 93 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Yusmaniar T
    The results of this research is that the application of cooperative learning model Numbered Head Together (NHT) can improve student learning outcomes IPA of fifth grade in SD N 93 Pekanbaru, it can be seen from: (1) an increase in the activities of teachers at each meeting, where the meeting I 58.33% percentage of teacher activity and the second meeting increased to 72.91%, an increase of 14.58%. At the third meeting increased to 79.17%, an increase of 6.26%, and at a meeting of IV increased to 95.83%, an increase of 16.66%. (2) Increased activity of students at each meeting, in which the first meeting of the percentage of student activity and 43.70% in the second meeting increased to 58.33%, an increase of 14.63%. At the third meeting increased to 75.00%, an increase of 16.67%, and the fourth meeting increased to 95.83%, an increase of 20.38%. (3) Improved student learning outcomes from baseline score to the second cycle, which on the basis of the average score of student learning outcomes 61,50, the first cycle increased to 69.17 with an increase of 12.47%. In the second cycle of the average student learning outcomes at 83.67, with an increase of 36.05%. (4) Improving student learning outcomes in the classical style on the base score is 43.33%, in the first cycle increased to 60.00%, an increase of 16.67% and in the second cycle increased to 90.00%, an increase of 30 , 00%.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Teks Siswa Kelas III.B SDN 1 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Syafrida, Eka
    Classroom action research was conducted because of the low result text reading skills of students with an average of 59 due to lack of student interest in learning and the low reading skills of students in the Indonesian language lessons. To improve literacy class III.B in Pekanbaru Academic Year 2012/2013 then applied learning models of problem solving. The research was conducted in March 2013. Subjects were III.B graders totaling 31 people. Average student learning outcomes in daily test cycle I is 74.38 with either category. And the second cycle to 80.31 with very good category. Mastery learning students on the daily test cycle I was 77% and increased the daily test cycle II to 94%. To the average activity of teachers in the first cycle was 60% with enough categories. And increased to 70% with enough categories. In the second cycle increased to 80% either category, the last meeting being a very good 95% category. For student activity also increased 55% the first cycle and 75% less category either category. Cycle II to 90% and 95% very good category. From this study it can be concluded that the application of Learning Model to Improve Problem Solving Ability III.B Grade Students Reading Text SDN 1 Pekanbaru.
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    Penerapan Model Quantum Teaching Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 9 Kota Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Nur, Azwar
    Background of the problem in this study is the value of mathematics students is still low, resulting learning method tends monotonous with less talk and students involved in the konsep. And because that we need to found learning to do research with the application of Quantum Teaching. QuantumTeaching provides an opportunity for students to learn with a pleasant atmosphere, involving students consciously and unconsciously, which can improve the learning outcomes of the fourth grade students of SD N 9 Pekanbaru year 2012/2013 with a total of 35 students. Instrument data collectors in this study was student observation sheet, observation sheets teacher and final replay test cycle. Study in the form of class action research (PTK), this study aims to improve learning outcomes of students class IV B SD N 9 Pekanbaru on waking material space. These findings indicate that quantum learning model can improve your teaching Math student learning outcomes. Completeness classical students in cycle I 74.3% with an average grade value (71.5) and in cycle II increased to be 91.45% with nilain average (81.4). These means that quantum teaching learning model to improve learning outcomes of students of SD N 9 Pekanbaru.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 148 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Yanti, Fitri
    Classroom action research was conducted because of the low result text reading skills of students with an average of 59 due to lack of student interest in learning and the low reading skills of students in the Indonesian language lessons. To improve literacy class III.B in SDN 1 Pekanbaru Academic Year 2012/2013 then applied learning models of problem solving. The research was conducted in March 2013. Subjects were III.B graders totaling 31 people. Average student learning outcomes in daily test cycle I is 74.38 with either category. And the second cycle to 80.31 with very good category. Mastery learning students on the daily test cycle I was 77% and increased the daily test cycle II to 94%. To the average activity of teachers in the first cycle was 60% with enough categories. And increased to 70% with enough categories. In the second cycle increased to 80% either category, the last meeting being a very good 95% category. For student activity also increased 55% the first cycle and 75% less category either category. Cycle II to 90% and 95% very good category. From this study it can be concluded that the application of Learning Model to Improve Problem Solving Ability III.B Grade Students Reading Text SDN 1 Pekanbaru
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Cooperatif Learning Tipe Group Investigation (GI) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PKN Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Hasneti
    Results reflect the first cycle showed activity teachers are still categorized by the percentage of 75% and according to plan, for student activities are categorized by the percentage of 70%. For the second cycle of reflection activity increased to 85% of teachers with good category and according to plan, for the student activity also increased to 80% in both categories. Student learning outcomes before action increased 69.33% in the first cycle to 72.67%, after the first cycle of reflection, learning outcomes of students in the second cycle increased to 96.67%. Improving student learning outcomes of the action prior to the first cycle of 11point and from cycle I to cycle II of 3:16 point and the learning outcomes of students who achieve KKM in the first cycle showed that of the 30 students, a total of 19 students who achieved KKM. In the second cycle mastery learning students increased to 29 students achieve KKM. From these results, it can be concluded that with the implementation of cooperative learning learning model of type Group Investigation (GI) can improve learning outcomes Civics fourth grade students at SDN 1 Pekanbaru
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Dengan Menggunakan Media Manik-Manik Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas II B SDN 21 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Sari, Kartika
    This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of students, especially in math multiplication by using media material beads. Media beads will be used in class 1I.B SD Negeri 21 Pekanbaru. This data was obtained and quantitative data. With the formulation of the problem "Is the use of media beads on multiplication material can improve student learning outcomes in the classroom II.B SD Negeri 21 Pekanbaru?". Quantitative data such as test student understanding through repetition cycle. And the analysis of data on student classical completeness I repeat cycle is 48.71% and 76.92% in the second cycle, besides an increase in the activity of teachers and students and the cycle I to cycle II. Teacher activity at the second meeting increased 5% from the first meeting, then rose another 5% in the third and fourth meetings to be 100%. Percentage of student activity at the first meeting was 87.5%, an increase of 7.5% in the second meeting to be 95%, in the third meeting rose 7.5% to 97.5%, and increased again at the fourth meeting to be 100%
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung Dengan Menggunakan Media Ceker Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IVA SD Negeri 42 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Normalita
    This study aims to improve student learning outcomes class IVA SD Negeri 42 Pekanbaru after application of direct instructional model using a claw media. Data obtained from quantitative data. With the formulation of the problem "Is the application of direct instructional model using a claw media can improve learning outcomes class IVA SD N 42 Pekanbaru?". Quantitative data such as test student knowledge and understanding through repeated test cycles. These results indicate that the first cycle replicates the average student value increased 15.97 points (24.99%) of the base score to 79.86 students. In the second cycle increased 4.02 points (5.03%) from the first cycle to 83.88. Besides an increase in the activity of teachers and students from the first cycle to the second cycle. This means that the application of direct instructional model using a claw media can improve student learning outcomes class IV A SD N 42 Pekanbaru.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membuat Kerajinan Meronce Siswa Kelas V SDN 114 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Angela, Winda
    The purpose of this research is to improve the implementation of the skills to make construction object at fifth grade students of State Elementary School 114 Pekanbaru with the application of guided inquiry learning model. The subjects in this study were fifth grade students of State Elementary School 114 Pekanbaru in academic year 2012/2013 with the number of students 32. The research was conducted in two cycles, the cycle I held two meetings with one final assessment cycle and the second cycle was also carried out two meetings and one final assessment cycle. The instrument of collecting data in this study is the teacher observation sheet, student observation sheet, rubric assessment process and rubric assessment product. The study is in the form of classroom action research (CAR). The results of this study indicate that the implementation of guided inquiry learning model can improve the skills of the fifth grade students in the state elementary school 114 Pekanbaru . This shows that the implementation of guided inquiry learning model can improve the skills fifth grade students of state elementary school 114 Pekanbaru.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Surat Resmi Kelas VC SDN 42 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Dewi, Reni R
    Formulation of the problem in this research is "whether the application of direct instructional model can improve the ability to write an official letter grade VC in SDN 42 Pekanbaru 42. The purpose of this study to improve the ability to write an official letter on VC in SDN 42 Pekanbaru with direct application. Teachers implement instructionall activities immediately turned up the first cycle the first meeting there were 65%, the second meeting of the first cycle of 75% increased 10% while the second cycle there are 85% of the first meetings of the second cycle of the second meeting 90% increase 5%. Activity students receive direct instruction cycle II was increased 50% the first meeting, the second meeting of the first cycle of 65% increased 15% while the second cycle of the first meeting of the second cycle 80% 85% second meeting increased 5%. Results of students' ability to write an official letter to preliminary data the average value of 50.36 skilled 9 people (30%) and unskilled 21 people (70%). Daily test cycle I value - average 67.91 skilled 16 people (53.33%) and 14 unskilled people (46.67%). Average daily test cycle II - average 83.1% Skilled 27 people (90%) and unskilled 3 people (10%). Improved initial data to the daily test cycle I 17.55, and an increase in daily test cycle I to cycle II 15.19 daily tests. Thus, the hypothesis which says "if applied directly learning it can improve the ability to write an official letter SDN 42 Pekanbaru VC class", is acceptable.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas III.A SDN 1 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Ermayanti, Rina
    The application of direct instructional model is applied in class III.A SD Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. Research purposes to improve learning outcomes in social studies materials morale III.A grade students of SD Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. The research subject graders III.A SD Negeri 1 Pekanbaru, amounting to 32 people consisting of 19 men and 13 women and conducted in 2 cycles. Analysis of results of the action that is the percentage of student activity results in the first cycle to 65% and 75% category category quite well. In the second cycle of 90% and 95% with very good category. Percentage of the activity of teachers in the first cycle to 65% and 75% category category quite well. In the second cycle of 85% and 90% with very good kategorgori. Mastery learning students also increased. Before the measures, students who completed only 13 people (41%) with an average value of 59.84. Subsequent to the action in the first cycle of students who pass increased to 25 people (78%) with an average value of 75. And the second cycle the number of students who pass the increase to 31 people (97%) with an average value of 80.00 and improved learning outcomes after the action on the first cycle of 25.33% and the second cycle 33.69% increase in learning outcomes. Thus, application of direct learning model to improve learning outcomes III.A grade IPS SD Negeri 1 Pekanbaru.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas II A SD Negeri 8 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Oktarina, Riska
    From 35 students only as many as 12 students (34.28%) were obtained daily test values above or equal to the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). While as many as 23 students (65.71%) is still below the KKM. After the action in the first cycle were 22 students (62.85%) scored above the daily test KKM or equal to KKM, on the second cycle to as many as 30 students (85.71%) were scored daily tests on the KKM . Activities of students during the learning process first cycle an average of 64% with both categories, and Cycle II average of 81% categorized Amat Good. The data of this study indicate that the learning outcomes of students has increased, before action is taken on average amounted to 58.14 student learning outcomes. In the first cycle totaled 66.00 increased 7.86 points, at the second cycle amounted to 78.14 increased 12.14 points. From the results of this study concluded that through the application of Problem Based Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Mathematics in Class II A SD Negeri 8 Pekanbaru on materials division two digit numbers.
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    Penerapan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V SDN 1 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Malia, Vera
    The observation of the first cycle was a good teacher showed activity (percentage 62.5%) and in accordance with the plan, for the second meeting of the teacher's activities are categorized either (roughly 75%). For the second cycle teachers increased activity observed with very good category (percentage 87.5%) and in accordance with the plan, for the activity of the second meeting of the second cycle teachers also increased with very good category (percentage of 95%). While the observation of student activities are already well on the first meeting (percentage 62.5%), the activity of the second meeting of students categorized as good (roughly 75%). For the second cycle students increased activity observed with very good category (percentage 82.5%) and student activity also increased with the category very well at the last meeting (percentage 95%). Based on the analysis of data from the study, the average elementary student score before applying Contextual Teaching and Learning is 59.2 then increased to 73.87 in the first cycle and increased again to 80.80 in the second cycle. It can be concluded that with the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning can improve student learning outcomes IPA SDN 1 Pekanbaru.
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    Penerapan Model Problem Based Instruction (PBI) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IVB SD Negeri 153 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Warmaningsih, Roza
    The application of direct instructional model is applied in class III.A SD Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. Research purposes to improve learning outcomes in social studies materials morale III.A grade students of SD Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. The research subject graders III.A SD Negeri 1 Pekanbaru, amounting to 32 people consisting of 19 men and 13 women and conducted in 2 cycles. Analysis of results of the action that is the percentage of student activity results in the first cycle to 65% and 75% category category quite well. In the second cycle of 90% and 95% with very good category. Percentage of the activity of teachers in the first cycle to 65% and 75% category category quite well. In the second cycle of 85% and 90% with very good kategorgori. Mastery learning students also increased. Before the measures, students who completed only 13 people (41%) with an average value of 59.84. Subsequent to the action in the first cycle of students who pass increased to 25 people (78%) with an average value of 75. And the second cycle the number of students who pass the increase to 31 people (97%) with an average value of 80.00 and improved learning outcomes after the action on the first cycle of 25.33% and the second cycle 33.69% increase in learning outcomes. Thus, application of direct learning model to improve learning outcomes III.A grade IPS SD Negeri 1 Pekanbaru
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Intruction Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas II SDN 011 Sungai Jalau
    (2013-08-27) Rusdiani
    This research is a form of action research. The research instrument consists of learning tools and teacher observation sheet activities and activities of students during the learning process. I know that the cycle of science learning outcomes of students with an average grade of 73.5 kentuntasan class reaches 75%. After the improvement in the second cycle then increased by an average of 77.0 mastery class has reached 85%. This success is due to the increasing activity of the teachers and students' activities undertaken. From these data suggest that the hypothesis "if applied to problem based learning model Intruction (PBI) can improve the learning outcomes of grade II IPA SDN 011 Sungai Jalau school year 2012/2013. Thus when applied to problem based learning model Intruction (PBI) is true in learning can improve learning outcomes then science second grade students of SDN 011 Sungai Jalau
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    Penerapan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV A SDN 69 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Novinika, Selvi
    Researchers aim to improve students' mathematics learning outcomes through pembelajran Realistic Mathematics in grade IV A SDN 69 Pekanbaru school year 2012/2013. This research method is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is implemented by two cycles with five meetings and two replications. Research subjects A fourth grade students of SDN 69 Pekanbaru with the number of students 29. From the research, the average mathematics achievement in the first cycle 72.41, 79.48 second cycle. While mastery learning students in the first cycle and second cycle of 65.52% with 86.21% declared complete. Activities of teachers in the first cycle 80% with both categories. And the cycle has increased 92.5% in the second cycle with good Amat category. Activities of students in the first cycle 71.67% with both categories, and the second cycle 90% with both categories. Improved learning outcomes can be seen from the initial data to the first cycle to 13.1 points from cycle I to cycle II 7:07 points. It can be concluded that the use of realistic mathematics learning approaches to improve learning outcomes A fourth grade math students of SDN 69 Pekanbaru.
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    Penerapan Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VB SDN 54 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Hajar, Siti
    The problem in this study was low grade mathematics learning outcomes VB SDN 54 Pekanbaru. In this thesis presented observations of teacher activity, student activity and student learning outcomes through the end of cycle test results I and II. The average activity of teachers in fostering the learning process with the action in the first cycle is 71.42% while the cycle either category II is 87.49% better category. The average activity of students during the learning process in the first cycle is 64.28% and the second cycle either category average of 85.71% very good category. On the basis of the average score of 50.68 and 75.00 cycle I with an increase of 24.32. In the first cycle, the average daily test cycle II 75.00 and 80.75 with the increase from the first cycle to the second cycle of 5.75. While the average percentage of students in the classical mastery learning gained from daily tests have increased in the first cycle is 85% (categories completed) and the second cycle is 90% (complete category). It can be concluded that the hypothesis in this study is "If applied models of realistic mathematics education approach that can improve student learning outcomes Math class VB SDN 54 Pekanbaru acceptable
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV B SDN 111 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Tanjung, Sri S
    This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of the fourth B grade students of SDN 111 Pekanbaru, amounting to 32 people. With the formulation of the problem is the application of guided inquiry learning model to improve learning outcomes grade IV B SDN 111 Pekanbaru. This thesis presents the results of student learning get in daily test cycle I and cycle II. In the first cycle, the average student in the cycle is the second cycle are 71.09 and 86.00. So the increase in the average value of 15.00. The results of the data analysis activities during the learning progress of students in the classroom inquiry learning activity during the first cycle with an average of 60% Category enough and the second cycle an average of 95% is very good category. And activities of teachers in fostering the learning process in the first cycle on average 65% enough categories, while the second cycle an average of 95% is very good category. The results prove that the SDN 111 Pekanbaru pembelajara guided inquiry model application can improve learning outcomes IPA fourth grade students at SDN 111 B Pekanbaru
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas II C SD Negeri 21pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Anggraini, Suci
    Percentage of teacher activity observed in the first cycle was 70% (both categories) increased to 90% (very good category) with a large increase of 20%. While the percentage of student activity in the first cycle of 70% (both categories) increased to 87.5% (very good category) with 17.5% of the increase is. Based on the data analysis and discussion of the study, the average student learning outcomes also increased. Average student learning outcomes in basic score is 63.91, in the first cycle increased to 82.29 with the large increase of 18.38 points. And the average student learning outcomes in second cycle increased to 87.43 with the 5.14 points of the increase. Percentage of completeness in the classical student learning outcomes at the baseline score was 45.94% in the first cycle increased to 72.97% with 27.03% of the increase is. And classical completeness percentage in the second cycle is 89.18% with 16.21% of the increase is. It can be concluded that the application of direct learning model to improve learning outcomes math grade II C SD Negeri 21 Pekanbaru.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 008 Sungai Jalau Kecamatan Kampar Utara
    (2013-08-27) Misdaneli
    Problems studied in this research is the low learning outcomes IPA Fourth Grade SDN 008 Sungai Jalau Kecamatan Kampar Utara. This research is a classroom action research that aims to improve learning outcomes IPS. The research was conducted in March 2013. Subjects were fourth graders 008 Sungai Jalau 20 the number of students, which consisted of 9 male students and 11 female students. The study consisted of 2 cycles. I cycle consists of 2 meetings and the second cycle consists of 2 meetings. Research data to increase student learning outcomes, which before the measures Bamboo Dance of 20 students, 9 men (45%) were completed, while 11 people (55%) are still not completely in the learning and still below the expected value of the average values obtained 67.75% of students are still below the KKM. After the act of Cooperative Learning Model Inkuiri type base score increased from 67.75% increase menjadi71, 74%, increase 3, 99%. In the first cycle, whereas from cycle I to cycle II was increased sebesar77, 51%. Become 79, 51% activity of students during the learning process (cycle I cycle II) categorized Well once with an average 66.7% in the first cycle and 83.35% in the second cycle with an increase of 16.65%. It can be concluded that the hypothesis of this study when applied learning models inkuiri terbimbing can improve learning outcomes IPA fourth grade students SDN 008 Sungai Jalau Kecamatan Kampar Utara.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas VB SD Negeri 136 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Sari, Anita
    This background research internal issue is lowering of result learn class student of VB SD Country 136 Pekanbaru average value 60,8 from 30 student which not yet reached KKM counted 24 student ( 80%), while tired [of] KKM only 6 student ( 20%). This formula research internal issue do applying of model study of type co-operative of jigsaw can improve result learn IPA class student of VB SD Country 136 Pekanbaru? Target of this research to increase result of learning IPA class student of VB SD Country 136 Pekanbaru pass/through applying of model study of type co-operative of jigsaw. This research is executed by at even semester of School Year 2012 / 2013 at Januari-April 2013. This research subjek of class student of VB SD Country 136 Pekanbaru counted 30 student. This research desain is Research Of Action Class ( PTK). Instrument data collecting at this research is observation sheet learn and student and also tes result of learning. After applied by model study of type co-operative of jigsaw hence result of result of research indicate that result learn natural student is make-up of from elementary score 60,8 mounting equal to 8,15% becoming 65,76 at UAS cycle of I and hereinafter at UAS cycle of II student average value mount 20,74% from UAS I become 79,4%. Complete by klasikal experience of the make-up of from data early 20% mounting equal to 40% becoming 60% at cycle of I, hereinafter mount again equal to 26,66% becoming 86,66% at cycle of II. Activity teacher mount equal to 20,21% from 76,66% at cycle of I become 96,87% at cycle of II. Activity student also experience of the make-up of equal to 32,18% that is from 64,28% at cycle of I become 96,42% at cycle of II. Pursuant to result of this research can be concluded that passing applying of model study of type co-operative of jigsaw can improve result learn IPA class student of VB SD Country 136 Pekanbaru.