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Item Hubungan Eksplosif Power Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Hasil Tolak Peluru Gaya Ortodox Pada Mahasiswa Putra Prodi Penjaskesrek Semester 6 Universitas Riau(2013-08-28) Okta, Riska EThis form of research is correlational research penjaskesrek six semester student population. The sampling technique in this research by using total sampling, where samples preformance this research is the population of 20 people.Instruments that do ntuk collect data in this research is to use the test and direct measurement explosive muscle power arm and shoulder with bullet style of reject orthodox. Explosive muscle power measurement by using a medicine ball and shot put orthodox style as much as 3 times. This study aims to determine how much information the relationship between explosive power arm and shoulder muscles with the results of shot put, as well as to determine whether there is any information about a meaningful relationship between the two variables.The data obtained as a result of the research is quantitative data through tests and measurements which will then be processed with statistical normality test done to test Liliefors at level α = 0.05. To find out how much the relationship between the two variables can be determined by using the product moment formula, whereas to find significant correlations can be determined by using t-test. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between explosive muscle power arm and shoulder with the , bullet style of reject orthodox, where the level of α = 0.05 obtained t 88,2 1.734 so t tabel Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, donations variable X the Y variables considered sufficient and obtained r = 0,98.Item Kontribusi Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Terhadap Ketepatan Servis Panjang Pada PB Wahana Silva Putra Pekanbaru(2013-08-28) Hendra, MartaThe problem in this study is whether there is any contribution Arm and Shoulder Muscle Strength of the accuracy of long servicein Man at PB Wahana Silva Pekanbaru. The purpose of this study is to determine how much contribution Arm and Shoulder Muscle Strength of the accuracy of long service in Man on PB Wahana Silva Pekanbaru. The research was conducted in Gor Wahana Silva at Tanjung Datuk Street Pekanbaru with 10 people of sample. There are two variables in this research were variable X (arm and shoulder muscle strength) with a variable Y (the accuracy of long service). Research methods used by correlation techniques. The instrument used in this study is the test arm and shoulder muscle strength and long service outcomes. Furthermore, the data was tested with the data normality (normality of the data), is by using Liliefors test then test correlation (product moment correlation) to find out how much the relationship between the variables X (arm and shoulder muscle strength) with a variable Y (the accuracy of long service) and test t significant to know whether or not the data. Of testing correlation of data obtained correlation coefficient of r = 0.86 which tested itss association with t obtained t = 4.75> t table = 1.860 HO rejected in other words, the relationship between variable X and variable Y is categorized as very high with significant level α = 0.05 in other words there are significant kontribusiyang between Arm and Shoulder Muscle Strength of the accuracy of long service in PB Badminton rides Silva Pekanbaru son.Item Kontribusi Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Terhadap Kekuatan Jump Smash Pada Permainan Bulu Tangkis di Pb.Mandiri Putra Pekanbaru.(2013-08-26) Suwarman, DonnyProblem of the research was whether there was any contribution explosive leg muscle power to force a jump smash in Badminton game at Putra PB.Mandiri Pekanbaru. The purpose of the research was to determine how much explosive power contribution to the strength of leg muscles jump smash in badminton game in PB.Mandiri Son Pekanbaru. The research was conducted in Gor Mandiri street Peace Marpoyan Pekanbaru with a total sample of 15 peoples. There are two variables in this research were variable X (Power Burst leg muscle) with a variable Y (the power jump smash) Research methods used by correlation techniques. The instrument used in this research is explosive leg muscle power tests and the results jump smash. Furthermore, the data was tested with the data normality (normality of the data),was, by using Liliefors test then test correlation (product moment correlation) to find out how much the relationship between the variables X (leg muscle explosive power) with a variable Y (the power jump smash) and the t test significant to determine whether or not the data. From Correlation of the data obtained of correlation coefficient level r = 0,77 which means tested with t obtained thitung =6,93 > table = 1.771 HO rejected in other words, the relationship between variable X and variable Y is categorized as very high with significant level α = 0.05 in other words there is a significant contribution to the explosive power of the leg muscle strength jump smash in badminton game in PB.Mandiri Son Pekanbaru.Item Hubungan Kelincahan Dengan Keterampilan Dribbling Pada Tim Sepak Bola SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru(2013-08-26) Kurniawan, EdiThe results of field observations indicate that one of the factors that influence the dribbling skills is the lack of agility and is a problem that must be overcome in order to be able to dribble the ball well. This study aims to determine how much information the relationship between agility with football dribbling skills. This research is correlational research with populations football team SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru. The sampling technique in this study by using total sampling technique, where the sample in this study was the entire population of 18 people. The instrument was to collect data in this research is to use the test and measurement company with the agility dribbling skills. Agility measurement is by using a zig-zag run test and measurement dribbling skills. To find out how much the relationship between the two variables can be determined by using the product moment formula, while to determine significant correlations can be determined by using t-test. From the analysis of data addressing that there is a significant relationship between the variables X and Y. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between agility with football dribbling skills, which at level α = 0.05 obtained t 4.86 ttabel 1,764 so Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, donations variable X to variable Y categorized enough and obtained rhitung = 0.69> rtable = 0.468.Item Hubungan Kelincahan Dengan Keterampilan Menggiring Bola Pada Tim Ekstrakurikuler SMP Santa Theresia Pasir Penyu Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu(2013-08-26) Nuri, HasanThe Result o f the identification of the problem shows that the Santa Theresia Junior High School P a s i r P e n y u ’ s extracurricular team has not a good agility in dribbling a ball. This is caused by the lackness of exercise that aim to the physical condition and the technique in dribbling. Therefore, this research aimed to know the correlation between the agility and the skill in dribbling a ball at the Santa Theresia Junior High School P a s i r P e n y u. This research is correlation research. This research conducted in Santa Theresia Junior High School P a s i r P e n y u ’ s extracurricular team. The Data o f t h e r e s e a r c h found and collected trought dogging run test and dribling a ball skill test. The data which have found were analyzed q u a n t i t a t i v e ly , and then tested the hypothesis of the research that has submitted appropriately to the problem, there are: there is a significant correlation between agility (X) and dribling a ball skill (Y) to the Santa Theresia Junior High School P a s i r P e n y u I n d r a g i r i H u l u ’ s extracurricular team. Based on th e analysis T-Test produces t count 4,81 t table 1,711. It means t count > t table . It can be conclude that Ho accepted and Ha rejected at alpha significant level of 0,05. The Results of analysis shows that there is a significant correlation between agility and dribling a ball skill to the Santa Theresia Junior High School P a s i r P e n y u I n d r a g i r i H u l u ’ s extracurricular team.Item Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Lengan dan Bahu dengan Ketepatan Servis Panjang pada Permainan Bulu Tangkis Club Putra RTV Pekanbaru(2013-08-26) HalomoanThis Research is a co relational research, the researcher used technique total sampling, because the sample of this research was all the population or the number of population was smaller than 100 that is 8 persons. The instrument in this research is explosive power measurement muscle arm and shoulder to use medicine ball and long serve precision. The data was taken by statistic, before and after using the data a researcher make some tests like normality test to use liliefors tests, at 0,05 α. The hypothesis are there are correlation between explosive power muscle arm and shoulder with long serves precision to badminton Club Putra RTV Pekanbaru. Based on the writer’s preliminary research, we can conclude that explosive power muscle arm and shoulder have significant correlation with long serves precision. Where, from the normality test the data was found Lcount (x) 0,1734 while Lcount (y) 0,1792 and L table 0,285, so L count Ltable. Thus, null Hypothesis (Ho) is denied and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. From counting of view product moment between Explosive Power Muscle Arm and Shoulder with long Serves Precision can shows rcount 0,84 and r table 0,707 thus Ho is denied and Ha is accepted, which show x and y variables categories High. Come from counting t test can show t count is 3, 8 it meant tcount>ttable (3,8>1,943) so we can get the result Ho is denied and Ha is acceptedItem Hubungan Power Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Hasil Lempar Lembing Pada Siswa Putra Kelas XI SMA N 3 Pekanbaru(2013-07-19) Franto Manullang, Jhon; YohanesThis form of research is correlational research with populations Team sampling in this study is the total sampling technique. Because the population of more 100 people, then the sample is taken from the sum of population of 20 people. Instrument in this study is a test of muscle power measurements of the arms and shoulders using a medichine ball. Then the data is processed by the statistic, the data is processed then tested for normality using Liliefors test at significance level α of 0.05. The hypothesis proposed that there is a significant relations between the power of the arm and shoulder muscles to the results throw javelin of men's at the students of SMA N 3 Pekanbaru class XI. Based on the results of research conducted, it can be concluded that the power of the arm and shoulder muscles had a significant association with javelin throw. Where the test for normality of the data obtained Lcount (X) 0.1157 while Lcount (Y) Ltable 0,052 and Ltable 0.190, so L count ttable (6.13> 1.734) thus rejected Ho Ha received.Item Hubungan Kecepatan Lari 50 Meter Dengan Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Jongkok Siswa Putra SMP PGRI Pekanbaru 2012/2013(2013-07-19) Primadana, FahmiThe correlation between the running speed off 50 meters with the result of long jump with squatting to the male student of SMP PGRI Pekanbaru years 2012/2013. Study program of health body and recreation. Field of study sports education the faculty of teacher an education of Riau University 2013. Consultant I. Drs. Ramadi, S.Pd, M.kes, AIFO. Consultant II. Zainur, M.Pd The objective of this correlational study is to know the correlation between the running speed of 50 meters with the result of long jump with squatting style of male students of junior high school PGRI Pekanbaru year of 2012/2013. This hypothesis bused the close correlation between the running speed of 50 meters with the long jump with squatting style. The sample have taken to the 27 male students with the random sampling. Technique and the dates have collected through the test technique of the running speed of 50 meters as X variable, and the result of long jump with squatting style of male students of PGRI Pekanbaru year of 2012/2013 as Y variable. Based on the data analysis the result of this study, its know that the distribution of the data is normal with Lo maks 0,1172, to the X variable an Lo maks 0,2945 to the Y variable > L tabel 0,1705. Funther more the result of the study about the correlation of the running speed 50 meters to the long jump with squatting style is negative. This result is based on the t-test. The t count is 1,237 meanwhile the t tabel , with the free degree n-2 at α 0,05 (tcount < ttable), so the coefesient of the correlation is not significant. Based on this study we can conclude that the work of the hypothesis (Ha) means that there is a significant correlation between the running speed of 50 meters with the result of long jump with squatting style to the male student of SMP PGRI Pekanbaru is rejected, and hypothesis nol (Ho) it’s mean that there is no significant correlation between the running speed of 50 meters with the result of long jump with squatting style of the male students of SMP PGRI Pekanbaru is accepted.Item Hubungan Kelincahan Dengan Keterampilan Menggiring Bola Pada Pemain Sepakbola Club Ps Satria Zahra Pekanbaru(2013-07-16) Thirteen, NofriThe purpose of this study is to find out about whether there is a significant relationship between agility with dribbling skills. The problem in this study is the low ability of clubs Football player ps. Satria Zahra Pekanbaru in doing dribbling. This research is a form of Correlational Research, with a population of Football player ps. Satria zahra Pekanbaru, the data in this study is the total sampling technique. The sample in this study is a population of around 23 people. Instrument in this research is a test run for dogging and Tests kelincahanuh to dribble dribbling skills. Then the data is processed by statistic, to test for normality with lilifors test at significance level α of 0.05, the hypothesis is the relationship with the agility results dribbling skills. Based on the results of research and data processing using statistical procedures for the study it was concluded that the relationship variable x with variable y obtained value r = 0.76, then the relationship between the variables x and y variables are categorized enough, it can be concluded that agility has a significant relationship with results dribbling skills, which obtained t 5.35 1.721 t table, so t> t table consequently Ho is rejected and Ha acceptedItem Hubugan Explosive Power Otot Tungkai dengan Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Jongkok Siswa SMK Negeri 1Kelas XI Putra Benai Kecamatan BENAI Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi(2013-07-16) SupardiProblem in this study originated from the observation the author encountered in the field, that is still a lot of results long jump students is still low, it is seen the low explosives power leg muscle during jump then run speed is still weak. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of explosive muscle power leg with the results of the long jump student son XI SMK Negeri 1 Benai District Benai Regency Kuantan Singingi. This type of research is correlational. The population in this study was the son of class XI students of SMK Negeri 1 Benai District Benai Regency Kuantan Singingi totaling 17 people, sampling in this study is to use the technique of sampling total sample numbered as many as 17 people. research data used to obtain the standing broad jump and long jump ability. Data were analyzed with a simple product moment correlation. lysis of the data found that a significant relationship exists between explosive leg muscle power with a long jump results of class XI student son SMK Negeri 1 Benai District Benai Regency Kuantan Singingi , where rtab at significant level α (0.05) = 0.482 means rhitung (0,559) > rtab (0,482).Item Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Akurasi Servis Forehand Dalam Permainan Bulutangkis Pada Mahasiswa Putra Semester IV A Penjaskesrek Universitas Riau(2013-07-16) YusrizalKinds of this research is a correlation that have purpose to know are there a relationship arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the badminton game to forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau. Base of the background of problems, the writer formulates the problems are “ Is there a relationship arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the badminton game to forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau?. The populations in this research are forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau they are 25 students, because the samples is a little, so the technique interpretation of the samples by using total sampling. The result analysis of the research data to know that data have normal distribution because L table = 0,173> Lo Max 0,1636. The relationship arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the badminton game to forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau is r =0,68. In significant level 5% is r tabel = 0,369. Meaning that r arithmetic > r tabel or 0,68 > 0,369 with level categories relationship is strong. Next, to test the correlation by using the formula Significances test t. From the calculation result t arithmetic = 4,46 whereas t table to confidence level 95% is 1,714. Meaning that writer takes conclusion that hypothesis nol (Ho) “unaccepted” and hypothesis alternative (Ha) “there is a relationship arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the badminton game to forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau “accepted”Item Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Terhadap Hasil Lempar Cakram Pada Siswa Putra Kelas X TSM SMK N 5 Pekanbaru(2013-07-16) Febrianto Simbolon, HendraThis form of research is correlational research with populations Team sampling in this study is the total sampling technique. Because the population of under 100 people or less, then the sample is taken from the sum of all population of 16 people. Instrument in this study is a test of muscle strength measurements of the arms and shoulders using a discus throw results Expanding Dynamometer. Then the data is processed by the statistics, before the data is processed then tested for normality using Liliefors test at significance level α of 0.05. The hypothesis proposed that there is a significant relationship between the strength of the arm and shoulder muscles to the results of men's discus throw at the students of SMK N 5 Pekanbaru class X TSM. Based on the results of research conducted, it can be concluded that the strength of the arm and shoulder muscles had a significant association with outcome discus throw, where the test for normality of the data obtained Lhitung (X) 0.1529 while Lhitung (Y) Ltabel 0.1269 and 0.213, so L count ttable (6.29> 1.761) thus rejected Ho Ha received.Item Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Lompat Tinggi Gaya Straddel Pada Mahasiswa Putra Penjaskesrek Semester IIA Universitas Riau Angkatan 2012(2013-07-16) MustopikThis is a form of research Correlational research with IIA Semester Penjaskesrek student population,the data in this study is the total sampling technique.The sample is the entire population of 35 people. The issues raised in this study is "Are there Limb Muscle Power Relationships with explosives High Jump Style Straddel results in Student Semester Penjaskesrek IIA University Putra Riau Force 2012?". This study aims to determine the relationship of limb muscles Explosive Power with Style Straddel high jump results in student son Penjaskesrek half IIA University of Riau. Instrument in this research is a test vertical jump and high jump results. Then the data is processed with statistics, to test for normality with Liliefors test at significance level α of 0.05, the hypothesis is the relationship with vertical jump high jump results. Based on the results of research conducted, it can be concluded that the high jump straddle style, which gained 4.00 t 1.645 t table, so t count > t table consequently Ho accepted and Ha rejected from the calculation of the product moment correlation between explosive leg muscle power with results obtained straddle style high jump count r = 0,57Item Motivasi Siswa Kelas Xi Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013 Dalam Mengikuti Pembelajaran Bola Voli Di SMA Negeri 1 Siak(2013-07-16) Febrianto, RyanThis research aims to determine the motivation of students of class XI Academic Year 2012/2013 in the following learning volleyball at SMA Negeri 1 Siak.Research background is in background due to lack of effective learning volleyball and lack of interest and motivation of students in comparison to other sports.This study uses a descriptive method describes a phenomenon that can be concluded from the respondents to the statement - the statement conveyed. In taking the sample using random sampling techniques. Total population in this research were 171 students of SMA Negeri 1 Siak, who then take 15% of the population. So it becomes a sample of 25 respondents. The data was obtained using a questionnaire which spread to the respondents (the sample). Which consists of three indicators, namely, 1. Teacher ability, 2. Student interest, 3. Facilities and infrastructure. Furthermore, the data has been obtained and, in the analysis by using statistical formulas and in persentasikan. Data collection was performed on May 11 at SMA Negeri 1 Siak. Sampling is done by taking some part of the population (random sample) by Arikunto, when the population of more than 100 people, it can be between 10% -15% or 20% -25% made in the sample. Further data have been obtained and, in the analysis by using statistical formulas and in persentasikan. Presented the results of the data analysis class XI student motivation Academic Year 2012/2013 In the following study in high school volleyball Siak District 1 in 30 statement obtained from the 3 indicators. Of each - each indicator is obtained: 1). Statements about the ability of teachers in the overall amount of data obtained in 69.8% presented categorized Enough 2). Statements about students' interest in obtaining a total of 72.1% of data are presented categorized Enough 3). Statement on Infrastructure is obtained for a total of 55.3% of data are presented categorized Less. And the overall percentage of the data obtained was 67.8% mean percentage motivation of students of class XI Academic Year 2012/2013 in the following category learning volleyball Enough. So, can take the conclusion that influence motivation class XI student of the school year 2012/2013 in SMA Negeri 1 Siak not for the ability of the teacher and student interest, but lack of facilities and infrastructure that exist in SMA Negeri 1 Siak for learning volleyball.Item Hubungan Kelincahan Dengan Keterampilan Menggiring Bola Pada Pemain Sepakbola Club PS Satria Zahra Pekanbaru(2013-07-08) Thirteen, NofriThe purpose of this study is to find out about whether there is a significant relationship between agility with dribbling skills. The problem in this study is the low ability of clubs Football player ps. Satria Zahra Pekanbaru in doing dribbling. This research is a form of Correlational Research, with a population of Football player ps. Satria zahra Pekanbaru, the data in this study is the total sampling technique. The sample in this study is a population of around 23 people. Instrument in this research is a test run for dogging and Tests kelincahanuh to dribble dribbling skills. Then the data is processed by statistic, to test for normality with lilifors test at significance level α of 0.05, the hypothesis is the relationship with the agility results dribbling skills. Based on the results of research and data processing using statistical procedures for the study it was concluded that the relationship variable x with variable y obtained value r = 0.76, then the relationship between the variables x and y variables are categorized enough, it can be concluded that agility has a significant relationship with results dribbling skills, which obtained t 5.35 1.721 t table, so t> t table consequently Ho is rejected and Ha acceptedItem Hubugan Explosive Power Otot Tungkai dengan Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Jongkok Siswa SMK Negeri 1Kelas XI Putra Benai Kecamatan BENAI Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi(2013-07-08) SupardiProblem in this study originated from the observation the author encountered in the field, that is still a lot of results long jump students is still low, it is seen the low explosives power leg muscle during jump then run speed is still weak. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of explosive muscle power leg with the results of the long jump student son XI SMK Negeri 1 Benai District Benai Regency Kuantan Singingi. This type of research is correlational. The population in this study was the son of class XI students of SMK Negeri 1 Benai District Benai Regency Kuantan Singingi totaling 17 people, sampling in this study is to use the technique of sampling total sample numbered as many as 17 people. research data used to obtain the standing broad jump and long jump ability. Data were analyzed with a simple product moment correlation. lysis of the data found that a significant relationship exists between explosive leg muscle power with a long jump results of class XI student son SMK Negeri 1 Benai District Benai Regency Kuantan Singingi , where rtab at significant level α (0.05) = 0.482 means rhitung (0,559) > rtab (0,482).Item Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Akurasi Servis Forehand Dalam Permainan Bulutangkis Pada Mahasiswa Putra Semester IV A Penjaskesrek Universitas Riau(2013-07-03) YusrizalKinds of this research is a correlation that have purpose to know are there a relationship arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the badminton game to forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau. Base of the background of problems, the writer formulates the problems are “ Is there a relationship arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the badminton game to forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau?. The populations in this research are forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau they are 25 students, because the samples is a little, so the technique interpretation of the samples by using total sampling. The result analysis of the research data to know that data have normal distribution because L table = 0,173> Lo Max 0,1636. The relationship arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the badminton game to forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau is r =0,68. In significant level 5% is r tabel = 0,369. Meaning that r arithmetic > r tabel or 0,68 > 0,369 with level categories relationship is strong. Next, to test the correlation by using the formula Significances test t. From the calculation result t arithmetic = 4,46 whereas t table to confidence level 95% is 1,714. Meaning that writer takes conclusion that hypothesis nol (Ho) “unaccepted” and hypothesis alternative (Ha) “there is a relationship arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the badminton game to forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau “accepted”.Item Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Terhadap Hasil Lempar Cakram Pada Siswa Putra Kelas X TSM SMK N 5 Pekanbaru(2013-07-03) Febrianto Simbolon, HendraThis form of research is correlational research with populations Team sampling in this study is the total sampling technique. Because the population of under 100 people or less, then the sample is taken from the sum of all population of 16 people. Instrument in this study is a test of muscle strength measurements of the arms and shoulders using a discus throw results Expanding Dynamometer. Then the data is processed by the statistics, before the data is processed then tested for normality using Liliefors test at significance level α of 0.05. The hypothesis proposed that there is a significant relationship between the strength of the arm and shoulder muscles to the results of men's discus throw at the students of SMK N 5 Pekanbaru class X TSM. Based on the results of research conducted, it can be concluded that the strength of the arm and shoulder muscles had a significant association with outcome discus throw, where the test for normality of the data obtained Lhitung (X) 0.1529 while Lhitung (Y) Ltabel 0.1269 and 0.213, so L count ttable (6.29> 1.761) thus rejected Ho Ha received.Item Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Lompat Tinggi Gaya Straddel Pada Mahasiswa Putra Penjaskesrek Semester IIA Universitas Riau Angkatan 2012(2013-07-02) MustopikThis is a form of research Correlational research with IIA Semester Penjaskesrek student population,the data in this study is the total sampling technique.The sample is the entire population of 35 people. The issues raised in this study is "Are there Limb Muscle Power Relationships with explosives High Jump Style Straddel results in Student Semester Penjaskesrek IIA University Putra Riau Force 2012?". This study aims to determine the relationship of limb muscles Explosive Power with Style Straddel high jump results in student son Penjaskesrek half IIA University of Riau. Instrument in this research is a test vertical jump and high jump results. Then the data is processed with statistics, to test for normality with Liliefors test at significance level α of 0.05, the hypothesis is the relationship with vertical jump high jump results. Based on the results of research conducted, it can be concluded that the high jump straddle style, which gained 4.00 t 1.645 t table, so t count > t table consequently Ho accepted and Ha rejected from the calculation of the product moment correlation between explosive leg muscle power with results obtained straddle style high jump count r = 0,57Item Motivasi Siswa Kelas XI Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013 Dalam Mengikuti Pembelajaran Bola Voli Di SMA Negeri 1 Siak(2013-06-28) Febrianto, RyanThis research aims to determine the motivation of students of class XI Academic Year 2012/2013 in the following learning volleyball at SMA Negeri 1 Siak.Research background is in background due to lack of effective learning volleyball and lack of interest and motivation of students in comparison to other sports.This study uses a descriptive method describes a phenomenon that can be concluded from the respondents to the statement - the statement conveyed. In taking the sample using random sampling techniques. Total population in this research were 171 students of SMA Negeri 1 Siak, who then take 15% of the population. So it becomes a sample of 25 respondents. The data was obtained using a questionnaire which spread to the respondents (the sample). Which consists of three indicators, namely, 1. Teacher ability, 2. Student interest, 3. Facilities and infrastructure. Furthermore, the data has been obtained and, in the analysis by using statistical formulas and in persentasikan. Data collection was performed on May 11 at SMA Negeri 1 Siak. Sampling is done by taking some part of the population (random sample) by Arikunto, when the population of more than 100 people, it can be between 10% -15% or 20% -25% made in the sample. Further data have been obtained and, in the analysis by using statistical formulas and in persentasikan. Presented the results of the data analysis class XI student motivation Academic Year 2012/2013 In the following study in high school volleyball Siak District 1 in 30 statement obtained from the 3 indicators. Of each - each indicator is obtained: 1). Statements about the ability of teachers in the overall amount of data obtained in 69.8% presented categorized Enough 2). Statements about students' interest in obtaining a total of 72.1% of data are presented categorized Enough 3). Statement on Infrastructure is obtained for a total of 55.3% of data are presented categorized Less. And the overall percentage of the data obtained was 67.8% mean percentage motivation of students of class XI Academic Year 2012/2013 in the following category learning volleyball Enough. So, can take the conclusion that influence motivation class XI student of the school year 2012/2013 in SMA Negeri 1 Siak not for the ability of the teacher and student interest, but lack of facilities and infrastructure that exist in SMA Negeri 1 Siak for learning volleyball.