Hubungan Kelincahan Dengan Keterampilan Menggiring Bola Pada Tim Ekstrakurikuler SMP Santa Theresia Pasir Penyu Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu
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The Result o f the identification of the problem shows that the Santa Theresia
Junior High School P a s i r P e n y u ’ s extracurricular team has not a good agility in dribbling
a ball. This is caused by the lackness of exercise that aim to the physical condition and the
technique in dribbling. Therefore, this research aimed to know the correlation between the agility
and the skill in dribbling a ball at the Santa Theresia Junior High School P a s i r P e n y u.
This research is correlation research. This research conducted in Santa Theresia Junior
High School P a s i r P e n y u ’ s extracurricular team. The Data o f t h e r e s e a r c h found
and collected trought dogging run test and dribling a ball skill test. The data which have found
were analyzed q u a n t i t a t i v e ly , and then tested the hypothesis of the research that has
submitted appropriately to the problem, there are: there is a significant correlation between
agility (X) and dribling a ball skill (Y) to the Santa Theresia Junior High School P a s i r P e n y u
I n d r a g i r i H u l u ’ s extracurricular team.
Based on th e analysis T-Test produces t
4,81 t
1,711. It means t
count >
. It can be conclude that Ho accepted and Ha rejected at alpha significant level of
0,05. The Results of analysis shows that there is a significant correlation between agility and
dribling a ball skill to the Santa Theresia Junior High School P a s i r P e n y u I n d r a g i r i
H u l u ’ s extracurricular team.
Hubungan Kelincahan Dengan Keterampilan Menggiring Bola Pada Tim Ekstrakurikuler SMP
agility and dribling a ball skill