Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Lompat Tinggi Gaya Straddel Pada Mahasiswa Putra Penjaskesrek Semester IIA Universitas Riau Angkatan 2012
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This is a form of research Correlational research with IIA Semester
Penjaskesrek student population,the data in this study is the total sampling
technique.The sample is the entire population of 35 people.
The issues raised in this study is "Are there Limb Muscle Power
Relationships with explosives High Jump Style Straddel results in Student
Semester Penjaskesrek IIA University Putra Riau Force 2012?". This study aims
to determine the relationship of limb muscles Explosive Power with Style
Straddel high jump results in student son Penjaskesrek half IIA University of
Riau. Instrument in this research is a test vertical jump and high jump results.
Then the data is processed with statistics, to test for normality with Liliefors test
at significance level α of 0.05, the hypothesis is the relationship with vertical jump
high jump results.
Based on the results of research conducted, it can be concluded that the
high jump straddle style, which gained 4.00 t 1.645 t table, so t count > t table
consequently Ho accepted and Ha rejected from the calculation of the product
moment correlation between explosive leg muscle power with results obtained
straddle style high jump count r = 0,57
Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Lompat Tinggi Gaya Straddel
Explosive leg muscle power,, yield high jump style strddel