Hubungan Kelincahan Dengan Keterampilan Menggiring Bola Pada Pemain Sepakbola Club Ps Satria Zahra Pekanbaru
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The purpose of this study is to find out about whether there is a significant
relationship between agility with dribbling skills. The problem in this study is the low
ability of clubs Football player ps. Satria Zahra Pekanbaru in doing dribbling. This
research is a form of Correlational Research, with a population of Football player ps.
Satria zahra Pekanbaru, the data in this study is the total sampling technique. The sample
in this study is a population of around 23 people.
Instrument in this research is a test run for dogging and Tests kelincahanuh to
dribble dribbling skills. Then the data is processed by statistic, to test for normality with
lilifors test at significance level α of 0.05, the hypothesis is the relationship with the
agility results dribbling skills.
Based on the results of research and data processing using statistical procedures
for the study it was concluded that the relationship variable x with variable y obtained
value r = 0.76, then the relationship between the variables x and y variables are
categorized enough, it can be concluded that agility has a significant relationship with
results dribbling skills, which obtained t 5.35 1.721 t table, so t> t table consequently Ho
is rejected and Ha accepted
Hubungan Kelincahan Dengan Keterampilan Menggiring Bola Pada Pemain Sepakbola Club Ps Satria Zahra Pekanbaru
agility,, dribbling skills