Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Akurasi Servis Forehand Dalam Permainan Bulutangkis Pada Mahasiswa Putra Semester IV A Penjaskesrek Universitas Riau
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Kinds of this research is a correlation that have purpose to know are there a
relationship arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the
badminton game to forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau. Base of
the background of problems, the writer formulates the problems are “ Is there a
relationship arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the
badminton game to forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau?.
The populations in this research are forth level students of Penjaskesrek
University of Riau they are 25 students, because the samples is a little, so the
technique interpretation of the samples by using total sampling.
The result analysis of the research data to know that data have normal
distribution because L table = 0,173> Lo Max 0,1636. The relationship arm muscle
force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the badminton game to forth
level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau is r =0,68. In significant level 5% is
r tabel = 0,369. Meaning that r arithmetic > r tabel or 0,68 > 0,369 with level
categories relationship is strong. Next, to test the correlation by using the formula
Significances test t. From the calculation result t arithmetic = 4,46 whereas t table to
confidence level 95% is 1,714. Meaning that writer takes conclusion that hypothesis
nol (Ho) “unaccepted” and hypothesis alternative (Ha) “there is a relationship arm
muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand in the badminton game to
forth level students of Penjaskesrek University of Riau “accepted”.
Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Akurasi Servis Forehand Dalam Permainan Bulutangkis Pada Mahasiswa Putra
arm muscle force and shoulder with accuracy Servis Forehand