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Item Relationships Speed Meter Run 50 Results In the Men's Long Jump student of SMK 5 PEKANBARU Force TSM Programs Class X 2011(2012-11-27) Khaidir, i.ABSTRACT Ikhwanul Khaidir, 2012: Relationships Speed Meter Run 50 Results In the Men's Long Jump student of SMK 5 PEKANBARU Force TSM Programs Class X 2011 Ikhwanul Khaidir Di bawah bimbingan Drs. Saripin, S.Pd, M.Kes, AIFO Drs. Yuherdi, S. Pd Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga (PENJASKES) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Riau Kampus Bina Widya Km. 12,5 Simpang Baru – Pekanbaru 28293, INDONESIA Type of study is research by student population Kolerasional son SMK 5 PEKANBARU class of 2011. The sampling technique in this study using the techniques of total sampling, where the sample in this study is a population numbering around 30 people. Instrument conducted to collect data in this research is to use the tests and direct measurement of speed ran 50 yards with a long jump results. Measurements using the running speed run speed test is a test of how much the running speed and ability to jump long jump with test 3 times. This study aimed to discover how much information the relationship between running speed of 50 meters with the results of the long jump as well as to find information about the presence or absence of a meaningful relationship between the two variables. The data obtained as a result of the research is quantitative data through tests and measurements which will then be processed with statistics, normality tests done to test liliefors at level a = 0.05, to know how much relations between the two variables can be determined by using the product moment formula, while for determine the significance of these correlations can be determined by using a t-test. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between running speed of 50 meters with the results of the long jump, where the level of a = 0.05 is obtained Houng 4.32> 1.645 ttabel so Ho is rejectedItem Hubungan Kelincahan dengan Dribbling Sepak bola di SMP 15 Pekanbaru(2012-12-04) Putra, Y.AABSTRACT Yudhi Adi Putra, 2012 : Relationship Agility on Dribbling Soccer in Junior High School (SMP) 15 Pekanbaru Yudhi Adi Putra Di bawah bimbingan Drs. Yuherdi, S.Pd Drs. Masrur, M. Pd Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga (PENJASKES) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Riau Jl. Paus no. 5 Rumbai Pekanbaru 0761-53437 INDONESIA This study uses correlation method that describes a symptom which can be deduced from the results of the test and measurement. Statements made relating to: Relationship Agility on Dribbling Soccer in Junior High School (SMP) 15 Pekanbaru. In this study, sampling was using the technique purposive sampling by taking some population. With respect to this research, given the number of population is 129 people, so that the sample in this study only 25 people from the part of the population. Thus, the number of samples is 25 junior high school students 15 Pekanbaru. The required data is obtained using tests and measurements. Furthermore, the data obtained was analyzed using statistical formations tabulated frequencies and percentages. From the 25 samples (by boys) obtained significant data that the hypothesis is accepted at the 0.05 significance level, in other words there is a significant relationship between Agility (x) with Dribbling (y), with the determination of 10.24%. Based on calculations from the data obtained, the coefficient of correlation between Agility with Dribbling of (rxy = 0.32) in the category of low-level relationships. From the test results obtained t value of 1.63 from the distribution list obtained at 0.05 t 0.05 (23) = 1.714, then Ho is rejected, it means with 99% confidence level was concluded that the correlation coefficient between the two variables Agility (x) with Dribbling (y) has a close relationship. Keywords : Agility and DribblingItem Hubungan Kesegaran Jasmani Dengan Hasil Belajar Pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 79 Pekanbaru(2013-01-08) Sidiq, AlrasyidThis research is aimed to find out the relationship between Physical fitness and Students’ score at grade V of SDN 79 Pekanbaru academic year 2012∕2013. Hypothesis of this research is that there is significant relationship between physical fitness and students’ score. This research is classified into correlation research. There are 29 sample chosen by using purposive sampling technique. Data are collected by conducting test. There are two kinds of test conducted in this research; Indonesian physical fitness test for variable X and mid semester test for variable Y. The result of this research showed that there is correlation between physical fitness and students’ score, but it is not a significant correlation. It is showed by the score of r = -0,062. The negative score of r means that there is correlation between two variables but it is not significant, Then, in this research t = 0,323 which is less than t in the table. It showed that H0 is accepted. It means that hypothesis is failed. So, there is no significant correlation between physical fitness and students’score for male students at grade V of SDN 79 Pekanbaru.Item Pengaruh Metode Latihan Interval 50 Meter Terhadap Kecepatan Lari Siswa Putra Ekstrakurikuler Atletik Sman 2 Batam(2013-01-09) RiyandiPENGARUH METODE LATIHAN INTERVAL 50 METER TERHADAP KECEPATAN LARI SISWA PUTRA EKSTRAKURIKULER ATLETIK SMAN 2 BATAM Riyandi1, Drs.Ramadi,M.Kes,AIFO2, Drs.Slamet,M.Kes,AIFO3 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract This research is experimental research. It is conducted to the male students of extra classes of SMAN 2 athletic, Batam. The data is collected by the free test and post test of 50 meter interval training. The data collection is descriptive analyses. The result of identification of problem showed that male students of extra classes of SMAN 2 athletic, Batam have had 100 meter run speed yet. The problem is caused by less of practice to the technique. In addition, the schedule of training is not systematic and well prepared. The formulation of the problem is “is there any effect of 50 meter interval training method to the 100 meter run speed of male students of extra classes of SMAN 2 Batam? The hypothesis shows that “there is an effect of 50 meter of interval training to the 100 meter run speed method of the male students of extra classes of SMAN 2 Batam”. This research is aimed to know the effect of 50 meter interval training to the 100 meter run speed of the male students of extra classes of SMAN 2 Batam. The result of the analyses showed that there is any significant effect of 50 meter interval training (X) to 100 meter run speed (Y) of the male students of SMAN 2 Batam. The analyses of t-Test found that t-arithmetic is 9,14 and t-table is 1,761. Because of t-arithmetic higher than t-table, thus get the concluison that HO is rejected and H1 is accepeted. The enchacement of overall avarage 0,48 after testing with t-test is showed that t-arithmetic higher than t-table, so that this training is called showed significansess on 100 meter run speed after 16 times practicing.Item Pembinaan Olahraga Judo Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Menuju Pon Xviii Pengda Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia Provinsi Riau(2013-01-15) Septiadi, AnggaPEMBINAAN OLAHRAGA JUDO DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI MENUJU PON XVIII PENGDA PERSATUAN JUDO SELURUH INDONESIA PROVINSI RIAU Angga Septiadi , Drs.Slamet,M.Kes,AIFO , Drs.Ramadi,S.Pd,M.Kes,AIFO PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract This study aims to determine the Judo Sports coaching to improve performance towards Pon XVIII Pengda Judo Association of All Indonesian province of Riau. This study used a descriptive method describes a phenomenon that can be concluded from the responses to the statement conveyed. Conveyed a statement relating to: 1. Organizational Leadership PJSI Riau province. 2. Quality Coach PJSI PON Riau province. 3. The selection of athletes by PJSI Riau province. Doing Sampling in by taking the overall population (total sampling). The studies carried out in the month of January until the implementation is complete in SMEs PON UR Gobah Judo Dojo Riau province. The required data was obtained using a questionnaire distributed to respondents yag, then the respondents replied that the statement was available. Furthermore, the data obtained in the analysis using statistical formulas in persentasikan. The results of the analysis mempersentasikan Sport Judo coaching to improve performance towards Pon XVIII Pengda Judo Association of All Indonesian province of Riau obtained 30 statements from the three indicators. From each indicator: 1. Statement on the management aspects of the organization's Riau province PJSI obtained with the percentage being 78.59% categorized either. 2. Statement on quality aspects PJSI coach PON Riau province obtained a 80.02% percentage categorized either. 3. Statement on aspects of elections in Riau province PJSI athletes earn a percentage of 82.33% categorized either. And the overall percentage of 80.31% with a percentage indicator. Sports coaching Judo means to improve performance towards Pon XVIII Pengda Judo Association of All Indonesian Riau Good category.Item Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Tembakan Jump Shoot Pada Permainan Bola Basket Mahasiswa Puteri Semester I Penjaskesrek Universitas Riau(2013-01-15) Novaria, IisHUBUNGAN EXPLOSIVE POWER OTOT TUNGKAI DENGAN HASIL TEMBAKAN JUMP SHOOT PADA PERMAINAN BOLA BASKET MAHASISWA PUTERI SEMESTER I PENJASKESREK UNIVERSITAS RIAU Iis Novaria1, Drs.Slamet,M.Kes,AIFO2, Zainur,S.Pd,M.Pd3 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract The purpose of this study is to see how the relationship explosive leg muscle power to shoot a jump shot in the game of basketball semester student daughter Penjaskesrek Riau University in 2012. Type of research is correlational. The population is the daughter of the first semester students Penjaskesrek Riau University in 2012, amounting to 17 people. Sampling technique using total sampling, meaning that all the sampled population study. The research instrument used in data collection is a test explosive leg muscle power to shoot jump shots. Data processed by statistical regression on 0.05α significant level. The hypothesis is explosive leg muscle power to shoot jump shots. The results of the data analysis states that r = 0.80. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between explosive leg muscle power to shoot jump shots Basketball, where the level of α = 0.05 obtained t count (5.24)> t table (1.753), thus H0 rejected and Ha accepted.Item Pengaruh Latihan Mengiring Bola Cone Ke Cone Terhadap Kelincahan Mengiring Bola (Dribbling) Pada Permainan Bola Kaki Siswa Ekstrakurikuler Sma 2 Kampar(2013-01-22) Gusnanda, Mhd. AriPENGARUH LATIHAN MENGIRING BOLA CONE KE CONE TERHADAP KELINCAHAN MENGIRING BOLA (DRIBBLING) PADA PERMAINAN BOLA KAKI SISWA EKSTRAKURIKULER SMA 2 KAMPAR Mhd. Ari Gusnanda 1, Drs. Ramadi, S.Pd, M.kes, AIFO2, Drs.Slamet,M.Kes,AIFO3 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract Objective of this research was to find out the Effect of Dribbling Cone to Cone Exercise toward dribbling agility in playing football at Extracurricular Students of SMAN 2 Kampar. Population of the research was extracurricular students of SMAN 2 Kampar about 16 students by using total sampling technique. The data was collected by using survey and test techniques. Exercise in this research means exercise of dribbling ball cone to cone toward dribbling agility in playing football at extracurricular students of SMAN 2 Kampar. The tests were agility test and dribble speed, Nurhasan, 2001:106. The problem in this research was is there any significants effect of exercise of dribbling ball cone to cone toward students’ dribbling agility in playing football at extracurricular students of SMAN 2 Kampar? This is an eperimental design research. The data was analyzed by using descriptive technique. Then it was tested to hypothesis alternatif of this research: There is a significant effects of exercise of dribbling ball cone to cone (X) toward students’ dribbling agility (Y). Based on the pree-test data, students’ average were 16.30 and post-test were 15.90. The data was analyzed by using T-test and the writer found the enchancement of the average was 0.40. Then he found t count was 4.65 and t table was 1.753. It means t hitung was lower than t table ( t count > t table). It could be concluded Ho was rejected while Ha was accepted. Based on the data above, it can be conclude that there is a significant effect of exercise of dribbling ball cone to cone toward dribbling agility in playing football at extracurricular students of SMAN 2 Kampar.Item Hubungan Kecepatan Lari Dengan Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Menggantung Pada Siswa Putra Kelas Xi Sman 2 Xiii Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar(2013-01-22) MahyudinHUBUNGAN KECEPATAN LARI DENGAN HASIL LOMPAT JAUH GAYA MENGGANTUNG PADA SISWA PUTRA KELAS XI SMAN 2 XIII KOTO KAMPAR KABUPATEN KAMPAR Mahyudin 1, Drs.Slamet, M.Kes, AIFO2, Drs. Ramadi, S.Pd, M.kes, AIFO3 PENDIDIKAN KEPELATIHAN OLAHRAGA FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract The purpose of this research is: the first, to know the correlation of running speed and long jump result by schapper. The second, to know the correlation of running speed and long jump result by schapper. The population in this research is thirty (30) students XI class at SMAN 2 XIII koto Kampar. The technique to collect the data used by using total sampling, until all of students XI class at SMAN 2 XIII koto Kampar is used as research sample. bundle variable in this research is long jump result by schapper and free variable is running speed. To collect the data the writer do by using test technique and measurement. The data analyzed by using regression analyze and sample correlation although double. The result of the correlation is (1) there is correlation about running speed and long jump result by schapper. (2) there is correlation coefficient 0,66 to significant standard α 0,05 the other words there is significant correlation about running speed (x) long jump result by schapper (y) by determination (different) as much as 43,56 % so it is showing running speed has significant correlation by long jump result by schapper. Based on the data analyze has correlation coefficient as much as r= 0,66 which the meaning it is test by test T and get T count as much as 4,65 that is T count > + table (4,65> 1,699) so Ha receive and Ho reject. Based on the result of research, the writer conclude this research is there is significant correlation about running speed (x) and long jump result by schapper (y) to students XI class at SMAN 2 XIII koto Kampar.Item Kontribusi Power Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Terhadap Akurasi Service Atas Pada Tim Bola Voli Putra Kecamatan Lubuk Batu Jaya Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu(2013-01-28) YuliyantoKONTRIBUSI POWER OTOT LENGAN DAN BAHU TERHADAP AKURASI SERVICE ATAS PADA TIM BOLA VOLI PUTRA KECAMATAN LUBUK BATU JAYA KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HULU Yuliyanto1, Drs.Ramadi, S.Pd,M.Kes,AIFO2, Ardiah Juita,S.Pd,M.Pd3 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract This observational form is observational korelasional with Bolavoli's Team population regency sporting week Son lubuk's district petrifies kabupatyen indra giri's dignity upstream. One that intent to know how big contribution Power Arm and shoulder muscle to Accuration service on on Bolavoli's Team regency sporting week Son lubuk's district petrifies kabupatyen indra giri's dignity upstream.. Samples taking trick in observational it is tech full scale sampling . Instrument of the observation is essay measurement power arm and shoulder muscle by essays two hand medicine ball put and essays accuration service on with essays target service (Nurhasan, 2001:172). Then data at o with statistic, earlier one done by normality quiz utilizes to test liliefors on signifikan's level α 0,05. Hypothesis that is proposed which is available contribution power arm and shoulder muscle to accuration service on on Bolavoli's Team Son lubuk's district petrifies indra giri's regency dignity upstream. Base observational result that is done, therefore gets to be concluded that power arm and shoulder muscle have relationship that adequately signifikan with accuration service on, where of a variety quiz which is done, Element power Arm and Shoulder muscle words variabelitas as big as 2 x 100% = 31,36% to accurations floating service in bolavoli and as more as it enlightened by other variableItem Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Jongkok Mahasiswa Putra 3a Penjaskesrek Angkatan 2011/2012 Universitas Riau(2013-01-29) Habibi, AlmuswandiHUBUNGAN DAYA LEDAK OTOT TUNGKAI DENGAN HASIL LOMPAT JAUH GAYA JONGKOK MAHASISWA PUTRA 3A PENJASKESREK ANGKATAN 2011/2012 UNIVERSITAS RIAU Almuswandi Habibi1, Drs.Ramadi,S.Pd,M.Kes,AIFO2, Drs.Saripin,M.Kes,AIFO3 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract Form this research is correlation research with men student population 3A penjaskesrek generation 2011/2012 University Riau, taking semester lecturing 3 consisted of by 28 people. The research type is total technique of sampling. Sampel Entirety amount to 28 people. Instrument of performed within this research is tes energy burst muscle in vertical direction by using appliance Jump MD and tes long jump. Pursuant to from data processing, inferential hence the data correlation in obtaining kooefisien correlation of equal to r = 0,72 where its meaning in uji-t earn thitung= 5,30 ttabel.1,706. Become if thitung=5,30 > ttable=1,706 hence earn in concluding Ho refused and Is Ha accepted, relation of between variable X and variable Y in categorize Enough. From above calculation result, hence the the data expressed normal. By using test liliefors of variable X and variable Y, where variable X in obtaining Lhitung=0,1428, while variable Y in obtaining Lhitung=0,1557. Later;Then Ltable=0,161. Become if Lhitung < Ltable , hence the the data expressed normal. Hypothesis conclusion accepted with belief storey;level 95% and level signifikan α=0,05, thereby there are relation which signifikan of between energy burst foot/feet muscle with result of long jump of style cringe men Student 3A Penjaskesrek Generation 2011/2012 University Riau.Item Hubungankekuatan Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Jongkok Pada Putra Kelas Viii Smp Negeri 15 Kota Pekanbaru(2013-01-29) Pulungan, Indra FebrianHUBUNGANKEKUATAN OTOT TUNGKAI DENGAN HASIL LOMPAT JAUH GAYA JONGKOK PADA PUTRA KELAS VIII SMP NEGERI 15 KOTA PEKANBARU Indra Febrin Pul1, Drs.Slamet,M.Kes,AIFO2, Ardia Juwita, S.Pd.,M.Pd3 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU ABSTRACT The form of this research is correlational research with a population of the students at SMP Negeri 15 Pekanbaru which consists of 30 students. The data in this research is the total sampling techniques. The sample in the study is the whole of the population, so the sample is 30 students. Instrument that was in this research is the power leg muscles with leg dynamometer test and the result of broad jump squat style test by using numbers. Then the data was processed with statistical, to normality test with liliefors test in the significant level α = 0.05, the hypothesis is the power leg muscles with the results of broad jump squat style. Based on the data processed, it can be concluded that the data correlation that got the kooefisien correlation data obtained of r = 0.72 which is means that in the t-test got thitung= 5.48 ttabel 1. 701. So if thitung = 5.48> ttable = 1.701, it can be concluded Ho rejected and Ha accepted, then the relationship between the X variables and Y in the Enough categorize. From the calculation above, then the data is otherwise normal. By using Liliefors test of the X variables and Y, where X variables obtained Lhitung = 0.1517, while the variable Y obtained Lhitung = 0.2086. Then Ltable = 0.161, so if Lhitung = 0.1517Item Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Kecepatan Lari Pada Putra Kelas VIII Smp Negeri 15 Pekanbaru(2013-01-29) Damayanti, IntanHUBUNGAN DAYA LEDAK OTOT TUNGKAI DENGAN HASIL KECEPATAN LARI PADA PUTRA KELAS VIII SMP NEGERI 15 PEKANBARU Intan Damayanti1, Drs.Saripin,M.Kes,AIFO2, ,Drs Yuherdi S.Pd,3 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU ABSTRACT The form of this research is correlational research with a population of students at SMP Negeri 15 Pekanbaru which consists of 30 students. The data in this research is the total sampling techniques. The sample in the study is the whole of the population, so the sample is 30 students. Instrument that was in this research is a explosive power leg muscles with vertical jump test and the result of running speed test by using numbers. Then the data was processed with statistical, to normality test with liliefors test in the significant level α= 0.05, the hypothesis is explosive power leg muscles with the results of running speed. Based on the data processed, it can be concluded that the data correlation that got the kooefisien correlation data obtained of r=0.94 which is means that in the t-test got thitung=14.62 ttabel.1 can t count, 1,701. So if thitung=14.62> ttable=1,701, it can be concluded Ho rejected and Ha accepted, then the relationship between the X variables and Y in the High categorize. From the calculation above, then the data is otherwise normal. By using Liliefors test of the X variables and Y, where X variables obtained Lhitung =0.0664, while the variable Y obtained Lhitung=0.1787. Then Ltable=0.161, so if Lhitung= 0.0664Item Hubungan Kelentukan Pergelangan Tangan Dengan Akurasi Servis Backhand Topspin Tenis Meja Pada Atlet Putra Sma Negeri Olahraga Pekanbaru(2013-01-29) Amelia, WindiHUBUNGAN KELENTUKAN PERGELANGAN TANGAN DENGAN AKURASI SERVIS BACKHAND TOPSPIN TENIS MEJA PADA ATLET PUTRA SMA NEGERI OLAHRAGA PEKANBARU 1 ,23 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN OLAHRAGA FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract This type of research is a correlation that aims to determine whether there is a connection flexibility Wrists With Accuracy Services Backhand Topspin Men's Table Tennis Athlete In Sports SMA Pekanbaru. Measurement data collected through measurement flexibility Wrists With Accuracy Services Backhand Topspin Table Tennis Athletes Men In Sports SMA Pekanbaru. The number of samples used in this study, there are 10 high schools sports athletes son Pekanbaru. With the results of the analysis showed the flexibility Wrists With Accuracy Services Backhand Topspin Table Tennis Athletes Men In Sports SMA Pekanbaru. The hypothesis reads: wrist flexibility (X) has a significant relationship with accuracy table tennis topspin backhand service at the athlete's son SMA Sports Pekanbaru. Based on the data analysis of the data obtained with the help of simple correlation statistics and so hypothesis tested using hypothesis testing (t-test) at the 95% level. The results of these studies is the discovery of relationships flexibility Wrists With Accuracy Services Backhand Topspin Table Tennis Athlete In Sports SMA Pekanbaru son of r = 0.88 and t = 5.18> t table = 1.860. Thus H0 is rejected and Ha accepted, which means flexibility wrist (X) has a significant relationship with accuracy table tennis topspin backhand service at the athlete's son SMA Sports Pekanbaru. So, the hypothesis received significant level α = 0.05, in other words there is flexibility wrist (X) has a significant relationship with accuracy table tennis topspin backhand service.Item Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Kesegaran Jasmani Pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 79 Kota Pekanbaru(2013-01-30) Septianda, ReskiHUBUNGAN STATUS GIZI DENGAN KESEGARAN JASMANI PADA SISWA KELAS V SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI 79 KOTA PEKANBARU Reski Septianda1, Drs.Slamet,M.Kes,AIFO2, Drs.Ramadi,M.Kes,AIFO3 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract This research is aimed to find out the relationship between Nutrition Status and Physical fitness at grade V of SDN 79 Pekanbaru academic year 2012/2013. Hypothesis of this research is that there is significant relationship between Nutrition Status and Physical fitness. This research is classified into correlation research. There are 29 sample chosen by using purposive sampling technique. Data are collected by conducting test. There are two kinds of test conducted in this research; Nutritional Anthropometry test for variable X and Indonesian physical fitness test for variable Y. The result of this research showed that there is correlation between Nutrition Status and Physical fitness, but it is not a significant correlation. It is showed by the score of r = 0,255. The positive score of r means that there is correlation between two variable but it is not significant, then, in this research t=1,341 which is less than t in the table. It showed that Ho is accepted. It means that hypothesis is failed. So,there is no significant correlation between Nutrition Status and Physical fitness for male students at grade V of SDN 79 Pekanbaru.Item Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Akurasi Jumping Service Pada Tim Bola Voli Putra Mahasiswa Pendidikan Olahraga Universitas Riau(2013-01-30) AchengHUBUNGAN EXPLOSIVE POWER OTOT TUNGKAI DENGAN HASIL AKURASI JUMPING SERVICE PADA TIM BOLA VOLI PUTRA MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN OLAHRAGA UNIVERSITAS RIAU Acheng1, Drs.Ramadi, S.Pd, M.Kes,AIFO2, Drs. Yuherdi, S.Pd3. PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract This observational form is observational korelasional with total population 21 person. Then data at o with statistic, before data at o therefore done by normality quiz utilizes to test liliefors on signifikan's level α 0,05. Hypothesis that is proposed which is available relationship among explosive power leg's muscle by usufructs accuration jumping service on Son Volleyball Team Sporting Education College Student Riau's University. Base observational result that is done, therefore gets to be concluded that explosive power tungkai's muscle have relationship that adequately signifikan with accuration jumping service , where of tests data normality be gotten L computing (x ) 0,1424 meanwhile l computing (y. ) 0,1495 and L table 0,190 , so L computing< L table accordingly Ho is refused and Ha is accepted.Item Hubungan Eksplosive Power Tungkai Dengan Kemampuan Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Jongkok Siswa Kelas X Tkj I Smk Negeri 7 Kota Pekanbaru(2013-01-30) Darmawan“HUBUNGAN EKSPLOSIVE POWER TUNGKAI DENGAN KEMAMPUAN HASIL LOMPAT JAUH GAYA JONGKOK SISWA KELAS X TKJ I SMK NEGERI 7 KOTA PEKANBARU” Darmawan1, Drs. Saripin, M. Kes, AIFO 2, Drs. Ramadi, S.Pd., M. Kes, AIFO 3 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract The purpose of this study was to see how the leg muscle explosive power relations on the ability of the long jump squat style class X TKJ I SMK 7 Pekanbaru research is correlational. The population is a class X TKJ is 35 students, which consisted of 15 female students and 20 male students. While the sample in this study were students of SMK Negeri 7 class X TKJ I Pekanbaru son who totaled 20 people. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. According A.Muri (2005:205) Determination of the sample by using purposive sampling based on goals or certain considerations first. The research instrument used in data collection is a test explosive leg muscle power and data long jump squat style. Data processed by a statistically significant regression 0.05α level. The hypothesis is that there is a relation explosive leg muscle power to shoot jump shots. The results of the data analysis states that r = 0.627 Based on these results, we can conclude that there is a significant relationship between explosive leg muscle power to shoot jump shots Basketball, where the level of α = 0.05 is obtained t count (3.417)> t table (1.734) , so H0 is rejected and ha received.Item Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Akurasi Smash Pada Team Bola Voli Putra Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga Universitas Riau Angkatan 2010(2013-02-12) Irwanto, DediHUBUNGAN EXPLOSIVE POWER OTOT TUNGKAI DENGAN HASIL AKURASI SMASH PADA TEAM BOLA VOLI PUTRA JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN OLAHRAGA UNIVERSITAS RIAU ANGKATAN 2010 Dedi Irwanto^1, ZAINUR. S.Pd.MPd^2, Drs.YUHERDI. S.Pd^3. PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU ABSTRAK The form of this research is correlational by team population sampling in this study is the total sampling technique. Because the population is less or below 100 people, then the total number of samples taken from a population of 15 people (Suharsimi Arikunt,2006:130).Instrument in this study is the measurement of the test explosive leg muscle power to the test using a vertical jump Jump smash MD and accuracy tests with test accuracy rate as the target smash. Then the data is processed by the statistics, before the data is processed then the normality test using the test at the significant level α liliefors 0.05. The hypothesis that there is a relationship between explosive leg muscle power with accuracy results smash the men's volleyball team Department of Physical Education University of Riau force 2010. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that explosive leg muscle power has a significant relationship with the smash accuracy results, which test for normality of the data obtained Lhitung (X) 0.0422 whereas Lhitung (Y) -0,0107 and Ltabel 0.220, so Lhitung < Ltabel finally Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. From the calculated product moment correlation between leg muscle power to smash accuracy results obtained rhitung 0.27 and consequently rtabel 1771 Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, donations variable X to variable Y categorized Low. Based on the analysis of data obtained correlation coefficient of r = 0.27 which significant tested by t test and obtained thitung of 1.094 means tcountItem Kompetensi Guru Dalam Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Olah Raga Dan Kesehatan Di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri Se - Kecamatan Tenayan Raya - Pekanbaru(2013-02-16) HariadiThe purpose of this study was to determine the Competence of Teacher High School District State in Tenayan Raya, the implementation of Learning Physical Education Sport and Health research is motivated to find the truth about teacher competence. The method used in this research is a descriptive study, data were collected using observation and Teacher Competency Assessment Tool (APKG). The results based on data collection in the field after the value of the percentage (P) obtained by dividing the frequency (f) by the sheer number of frequencies (N) then it could be concluded that the data showed that: From the research that I researched about Competency of Teacher sport education in senior high school at Tenayan Raya is good with an average percentage of 70.33%, and there are still deficiencies that must be corrected again by the teacher in the implementation of Sport Education View and analyze the results and conclusions of the study, the researchers wanted to pass on some advice to his special sport teachers to continue improve competence in applying sports education to observe the implementation of learning activities, and helped teacher in develop competence especially in the implementation of teaching sport.Item Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Terhadap Hasil Shooting Team Putra Bola Basket Pendidikan Olahraga Universitas Riau Pekanbaru(2013-02-18) Prawiro, NataThe form of this research is the correlation with population men's basketball team sports education Riau University PEKANBARU, the data in this study are all a population of 10 people. The instruments used in this research is to test them medisin shoot a test set for shooting capabilities. then the data is processed by stasistic, to test for normality with lilifors test at significance level α of 0.05,the hypothesis what is the relationship of the proposed power Exsplosive arm and shoulder muscles with the shooting. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that the power exsplosive arm muscles have seknifikan relationship with the results of the shooting, which gained 1.37 t count> t table 1.860 Ha then Ho is accepted and rejected, and the calculation of the product moment correlation between power exsplosive arm and shoulder muscles jump shoot with the results obtained r count 0.2. Element Exsplosive arm muscle power to explain the variability by 23% with the results of the shoot and the rest is explained by other variables.Item Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Lompat Jangkit Siswa Putra Sma Setia Dharma Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013(2013-02-18) Hazlansyah, MuhammadThe form of this research is correlational with a population of high school students Faithful Dharma Pekanbaru son. How to use sampling techniques Sampling. Therefore, in this study, researchers took 25% of the total population numbered 28 students from a population of 111 students. Instrument in this study is a test explosive leg muscle power measurements with test and measurement long jump transmissible to perform the test. Then the data is processed by the statistics, before the data is processed then the normality test using the test at significance level liliefors 0.05. The hypothesis that there is a relationship between muscular explosive power relations with long jump results at high school students Setia Dharma Pekanbaru. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that the explosive power leg muscles have a significant relationship with outcome transmissible jump, where the test for normality of the data obtained Lomaks (x) 0.0615 while Lomaks (y) 0.1304 and 0.161 Ltabel, so Lomaks Ttable (5.59> 1.701) so that the variables X and Y have a significant relationship.