3. Proceedings Of The 3rd International Seminar On Higher Education 2018


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    Growing The Character Values To Students
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-09) Romadani, Wiwik
    At this time student delinquency is very concerning. They acted as they pleased as if they had never learned about education of character at school. This study aims to review how the strategy of applying character values to students in the school to prevent immoral actions like what happened at this time. This is a literature study where books, concepts, and the results of previous studies are used to produce information concerning with character values. Based on literature analysis, it was arguad that applying the character values to students, that all schools must collaborate starting from the principal, teacher, parents, and all school residents must do four components namely applying characters with role model, aplycation in learning, habituation, and punishment. The conclusion is when these four components are implemented by schools’ stakeholder then the growing characters values to students will succeed.
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    The Correlation Betweenwork Motivation And Discipline Of Civil Servants In Education Department Of Profilerated Districts In Riau Province, Indonesia
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-09) Sumardi, Sumardi
    This research aimed to analyze and describe the correlation between work motivation and discipline of civil servants in the Education Department of Riau Province, Indonesia. The quantitative research method with a correlational technique was employed. The data were gathered using a set of questionnaire. The targetted research population was the civil servants of Education Department in Proliferated district, Riau Province. The sample was taken by using simple random sampling technique through randomly selecting two districts and a city, consisting of 250 civil servants. Some 130 civil servants from each district and a city were treated as the respondents using the Slovin formula. The research result showed that there was a positive correlation between motivation at work and discipline of the civil servants. From the result of the study, it could be concluded that the discipline of civil servants could be improved by reinforcing their work motivation
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    The Indonesian Education System In Industrial Revolution 4.0
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-09) Sudirman, Sudirman; Sari, Dian Cita
    The goal of education policy over the past fifty years is to integrate various races into a more united Indonesia so that solidarity will be the basis for nation building. Because Industrial revolution is a Science Phenomena, Teacher, students, lecturer, and scientist are made head of the Regulation Council in all Indonesian states. All of these policies are integrated into the Indonesia education system starting from the vocational's scientific library base to the complete student dormitory system that adopts the education pattern. This is a source of energy that must be carried out continuously. Continuity of Indonesia education began with a gradual revolution to develop the nation's energy resources. From the results of this study there are initiatives to strengthen its benefits for the development of education in Indonesia to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0, among others by further mapping the actors who have been recorded in the Pentahelix format of stakeholders and defining their respective roles. Then, a further study was carried out to develop a strategy for the development of world class education. Stages in pursuing pentahelix role identification strategy through 3C stages: Connect-Collaborate-Celebrate all stakeholders. This strategy involves Pentahelix elements of education, namely ABCGM: Academics, Business, Community, Government and Media. The result is expected to be a model of community living standard conservation by the role of pentahelix with management vocational education as core values.
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    The Effective Leadership And Character Education
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-09) Suarman, Suarman
    Leadership is a process of someone that has an effort in influencing any of peoples and directs their organization to achieve goals, so that the relationship between human beings within the organization is more cohesive and coherent. One of the problems that educational institutions face is the crisis of leadership. In educational environment, there is not uncommons for the authoritative parties to only provide opportunities for certain people or groups to fill the leadership position. In order for the development process of education human resources to run well, the effective and character of leadership are required. The Effective leadership is a leadership that respects to subordinate efforts, who treat them appropriate to their talents, abilities, and interests of each individual, which gives supports to develop and directing themselves toward the achievement of the educational institution goals. In addition, the character leadership has four main characteristics: honest, have future thought, inspiring, and capable. The combinations of four characters are formings credibility. A credible leader can be trusted. The essence of leadership is trust. The way to perform the effective and character leadership is to do a real example to subordinates, so that they are affected to do so.
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    Designing Economics Learning: Making Model Of Articulation More Meaningful With Students Involvement
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-09) Silvi, Sinta Ramadhan; Suarman, Suarman; Kartikowati, Rr Sri
    Several students are not able to engage the learning process by applying students centered approach. Therefore, the student centered approach should still be juxtaposed with the teacher centered approach that still emphasize the existence of students involvement. As an initial part of a development research, this paper aims to produce a learning design from an articulation learning model that emphasizes the role of active learners. This paper is an initial stage report of development research steps. Study of literature is used to generate learning instructional design of Economics in High School Plus Bina Bangsa which includes the concepts of learning development, articulation models, and students involvement. The data analysis is done by referring to the ISMAN model to produce the development of a complete learning design. The result is an economy that uses instructional design models oriented articulation students involvement. The design includes components of input, process, output, feedback and learning.
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    Transformation Of Educational Organization Facing Industry 4.0 (Case Study Of Universitas Abdurrab)
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-09) Hartati, Seri; Arisandi, Diki
    The world of education is currently experiencing 'shocks' facing the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. This challenge must be responded quickly and accurately by all stakeholders in education. This era will also disrupt various human activities, including the fields of science and technology and higher education. The University as a formal institution is expected to produce skilled human resource who are ready to face the industry 4.0. Universitas Abdurrab is a private university that has been established since 2005. Therefore, it’s necessary to transform the educational organization following the needs of the community to deal with the "shock" of industry 4.0. This research offers a model of transformation of educational organizations that are suitable for the needs of industry 4.0. It’s the adoption of the existing educational organization model into a new model transformation that is suitable for the industrial 4.0. Using the qualitative method this research also observes how the readiness of Universitas Aburrab then provides solutions according to the Cobit 5 framework as a best practice for IT management. Through the transformation model, it can be the answer to the demands of industry 4.0 as initiation and solution for Universitas Abdurrab in the future
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    The Controlling Of Integrating Ict In Schools
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-09) Achmad, Said Suhil; Hamzah, Izham Modh; Ayub, D
    The purpose of this research is to know the level and process of controlling ICT integration in school. This research is necessary because by controlling the integration of ICT in a good school can support an effective school. This research method is built using a mixed approach between qualitative and quantitative research, the research design uses a sequential exploratory strategy. Quantitative data were collected using questionnaires to 100 high school principals in Pekanbaru City, and 5 were selected as respondents for qualitative data collected by interview techniques. Quantitative data analysis technique is done by using descriptive statistics while the qualitative data analysis is done manually. The results show that MIN controlling ICT integration in Schools is between 4.59 to 3.60, indicating the level of control of ICT integration in schools at a "high" level. The majority of respondents agreed that it was necessary to find a solution if the school-community relationship was not in line with national standards; provide an outlet if there are activities that are inconsistent with national school accreditation standards; and formulate school performance in accordance with national school accreditation standards. The way the principal implements the control of Internet usage in schools is by way of making guidelines, in the presence of these guidelines, it can compare actual performance with standards, while also taking corrective action when necessary
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    Identifying The World Of Teacher-Preneurs
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Kartikowati, Rr Sri
    We have known well the term of 'entrepreneur' well as the term of 'edupreneur'. However, many of us are not familiar with the term of 'teacher-preneurs' or even it is misunderstood. How is the teacher's figure with the attributes of entrepreneurship? This study intends to provide a description about the world of 'teacher-preneurs'. This research adopts explorative approach and applies a literature based method that aims to interpret meaning of concepts. The description includes some definitions of 'teacher-preneurs' that are viewed from educational and industrial perspectives, and it is complemented by an example of a successful 'teacher-preneur'.
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    A Model For Investigating The Influence Of Leadermember Exchange On Employees’ Affective Commitment In Saudi Universities
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Almasradi, Rajeh Bati; Aisyah, Siti; Noordin, Nurul Farhana
    Employee’s emotional attachment to their workplaces (referred to as affective commitment) plays crucial roles in their long-term performance and interactions. The literature on employee commitment to their works advances several factors that explain the nature, directions, and implications of employees’ affective commitment. However, most of these studies were carried out within private industrial settings. Relatively few of such studies investigate leader-member exchange (LMX) as a multi-dimensional antecedent to employees’ affective commitment in knowledgeintensive industry context such as the academia. Specifically, relatively few studies were done that were grounded on established empirical literature and sound theoretical grids investigate about the influences of employees’ affect, loyalty, contribution, and professional respect on the affective commitment. In this paper therefore, we traced the multi-dimensional LMX antecedents of the affective commitment of administrative employees in Saudi Arabian Universities and then develop a model for investigating the impact in such relationship between these two important variables
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    Factors Influencing International Students To Study In Southeast Asian Universities: A Case Study On Malaysia
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Haniya, Osama K; Said, Hamdan
    The international trade in higher education services changed drastically as the changing macroeconomic environment has transformed traditional host countries of international students into a global export industry. The current study aimed to pinpoint the most influential factors that affect international students’ decision to study in Malaysian universities. The focus of the study was directed towards the factors stated in previous studies from the year 2007-2018 from students’ perspective. The study applied a meta-analysis to investigate these influential factors on 14 previous research papers. The findings indicated that (a) cost of education is the key factor that affects international students’ choice decision of university in Malaysia; (b) learning environment plays a highly influential factor enticing students to study in Malaysia; (c) quality education and facility shape international students’ mind of choice decision; and (d) decision influencer, programs offered, and academic reputation have a significant influence on students’ choice decision of university. In general, the study revealed that international students enrolled in Malaysian universities to pursue high quality education in well-recognized universities to develop the required capacities and to acquire high qualifications to be competitive individuals in the labor market
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    Lecturers Profile And Level Of Infrastructure At Higher Education In Riau Province In Responding 4 Ir
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Novitri, Novitri; Maarof, Nooreiny; Yunus, Melor MD
    In responding the challenge of 4.0 Revolution Industry, higher education has to be in line its development by fulfilling sufficient infrastructure when preparing the works of academia such as of research, teaching and learning and community works. The research objectives were to find out the lecturers profile and the level of infrastructure for EFL reading based on the lecturers’ perception. The research design used is quantitative with 97 respondents teaching at public and private university in Riau. The instrument was questionnaire using 5-Likert scale. The research finding revealed that the lecturers’ perception of infrastructure for EFL reading is at a moderate level. This means the infrastructure of facilities provided by the two groups universities were not at satisfactory level yet.
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    Impact Of Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurial Motive, And Community Culture In Increasing Competitive Advantage In Small And Medium Industries (Smis) In Pekanbaru City Riau Province
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Novaliza, Novaliza; Hendriani, Susi; Efni, Yulia; Tiyasiningsih, Ezky; Ilfathonah, Sri Kanti
    This study aims to determine the effect of knowledge management, entrepreneurial motives, and community culture in increasing competitive advantage in small and medium industries (SMIs) in the city of Pekanbaru, Riau Province. The population in this study were Small and Medium Industry Business Actors (SMIs) in Pekanbaru City, amounting to 369 people. The sample size is determined by the Slovin formula with a total of 78 people. Data was collected using questionnaires distributed directly to respondents. The analytical tool used is Multiple Linear Regression using factor analysis through the SPSS Version 21 application. The F Test results are proven together Knowledge Management variables, Entrepreneurial Motives, Community Culture have an influence of 24.89 with a significance level of 0.00 against Competitive Advantages, and based on the results of the T test on Hypothesis 1 Testing, there is the influence of Knowledge Management on Competitive Advantages. Testing Hypothesis 2 there is no effect of entrepreneurial motives on competitive advantage and hypothesis 3 testing there is an influence of community culture on competitive advantage.
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    Analysis Of Multimedia Physics Learning With Integrated Packing Learning Tools In Senior High School Based On Industrial Revolution 4.0
    (2019-05-06) Nasir, Muhammad; Budiawati, Budiawati
    This research aims to develop and analysis of multimedia physics learning integrated with packing preparation of learning tools in senior high school. This research method used is Research and Development (R & D) with ADDIE’s model. Method steps include analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation and then emperical analysis with use it in limited class. The instrument of learning device validity developed consisted of aspect of planning, pedagogic, content and technique. The result of multimedia validation in aspect of planning got the average mark was 4.52 with high category, aspect of pedagogic is 4.53 with high category, aspect of content is 4.54 with high category and aspect of technique is 4.52 with high category empirical analysis show that α = 7.82 so multimedia in this reaserch was declared valid and realiable to use as physics learning media for senior high school
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    Analysis On Smartphones Usage As Learning Resources In Classes
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Gimin, Gimin; Hygi Prihastuti, Asepma
    The majority of middle school students have smartphones to search for information in globalization that we cannot avoid. But the phenomenon shows: (1) they use smartphones only for social communication, and search for less important information, (2) the majority of schools forbid students bring smartphones to school. If this continues, it will hinder the acceleration of students' knowledge development. This study aims to explore the benefits of smartphones for OSN (National Science Olympiad) coaching participants who are taught to use smartphones as learning resources. Data was collected using a questionnaire distributed through WhatsApp. Furthermore, the data were analyzed descriptively. The results of study found: (a) 70.1% of respondents in using smartphones to prepare OSN increased in the high category, (b) of the 6 indicators studied all increased in the high category, (c) 5.6% of respondents felt the benefits were low because they experienced difficulties in individual and group learning patterns. Furthermore, schools are advised to use smartphones as a learning resource in schools, but their use is under the control (command and supervision) of teachers
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    An Analysis Of Writing Ability On English For Bussiness Communication Of Vocational Students In Coastal Areas (Dumai, Bengkalis, Meranti, And Inhil) - Riau
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Ras, Fakhri
    The objective of this study is to analyze the writing ability which focuses on English for Bussiness Communication Competence (making personal letter and curriculum vitae) of the students of vocational schools in coastal areas of Riau Province. The target groups of the study are the students of the vocational schools as big as 2476 persons. Due to the homogenous characters of the population, in term of age and academic backgrounds, the sample is taken randomly as big as 25% out of them that is 619 students. The samples comprise gender and ethnicity of the students’ demography backgrounds. The thehnique of collecting data is asking the respondents to write personal letter and curriculum vitae. The collected data are judged by using Brown’s writing description (Brown:2004). The findings are as the following: the the average score of female students is higher (3.56) than that of the male students (3.34). Dealing with the ability of writing the two matters by the students from various ethnics, the scores range from 3.49 (Java students) to Malay students (3.28). The average score of Java students is the highest (3.49) among other ethnic groups (Minang, Malay, Batak, and Chinese). To increase the scores of the current findings, the students should be equipped with more exercises in applying the standard form of structure / sentences and the appropriate use of the vocabulary items
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    What Should Teachers Do To Assist Students’ Concentration In Learning Process
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Erwiza, Erwiza
    This research aim is to develop a learning concentration strategy that can be done by the teacher and students in the process of learning economics. The method used is a literature review focused on Economics lessons at the senior high school level. Furthermore, the data relates with the previous research, the learning concentration concept, factor that influence the concentration of learning for develeop the strategy that could help the student. This research result is a strategy to increase the learning concentratuon of student that can be used by teacher and student in learning process. Researchers suggest the teacher to apply this strategy which including : a) Make a condusif class; b) give the reward and punishment in learning process; c) using the various method.
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    The Effect Of Personality And Reward On Work Burnout At The State High School Teachers In Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Harianti, Dona; Kartikowati, Rr Sri; Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini
    This study aims to determine the effect of personality and rewards on job burnout of teachers at state high school in Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir, either simultaneously or partially. This survey research has 117 population which is then taken 91 persons as a sample, using random sampling technique. The data then is analyzed using regression analisys including, regression coefficient, and the coefficient of determination. Results showed that there are significant positive simultan personality and reward on job burnout amounted to 47,2% of teacher. While partially personality positive effect on job burnout amounted to 0,39% of teachers, and reward positive effect on job burnout of teachers by 45,9%. It can be concluded that the personality and reward jointly positive effect job burnout of state high school teachers in Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir.
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    The Relationship Between Parents’ Education And Knowledge Level And Children Protection
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Risma, Devi; Solfiah, Yeni; Satria, Defni
    The violence of children is increasing rapidly in Riau Province, where Riau occupies the second ranks in Indonesia. Based on data from P2TP2A, it is known that Pekanbaru City is the highest area reporting violence cases of children. On the other hand, the government continues to improve the socialization about children protection both formal and non-formal education, as well as advertisements and messages to the public. Pekanbaru as a heterogeneous community certainly has a different level of education. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of parents’ education level and knowledge level about children protection. This research is a correlation study with research locations in Pekanbaru. The sampling technique uses quota random sampling with 100 people. Parents’ education level is grouped into latest education, starting from Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School and Universities. Data collection techniques are carried out by testing knowledge about children protection referred to the Children Protection Law in Indonesia. The results findings obtained the value of F = 0.647 and the probability of sig t = 0.020. Because the value of p <005 can be concluded there is a significant relationship of parents’ education level and knowledge level about children protection.
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    The Description Of Kindergarten Management At Kindergarten Of Fkip Riau University
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Chairilsyah, Daviq
    The purpose of this descriptive research is to describe kindergarten management atKindergartenof FKIP Riau University. The object of this research is kindergarten management at Kindergarten of FKIP Riau University which used5 indicators and 22 sub-indicators. Data collection techniques used was an observation. The results ofdata analysis show the percentage of 5 indicators, namely: (1) Planning of Kindergarten of FKIP Riau University getsa score of 85% (very good); (2) The organizing of Kindergarten of FKIP Riau University got a score of 75% (good); (3) The implementation of Kindergarten of FKIP Riau University obtained a score of 71 % (good); (4) The controlling of Kindergarten of FKIP Riau University obtained a score of 50% (sufficient); (5) Assessment of Kindergarten of FKIP Riau University obtained a score of 45 ( sufficient). Overall, it can be concluded that kindergarten management at Kindergarten of FKIP Riau Universityis categorized into good level
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    Visionary Leadership Of School Leaders
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Natuna, Daeng Ayub
    Visionary Leadership Of School Leaders is the most important component of school in improving the quality of education. The purpose of this study was to find and analyze the level of visionary leadership of principals in Siak District, Siak Regency. This research is quantitative descriptive which is carried out by survey. The population is 82 and the sample of this study is 66 principals.The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results of this study found that the visionary leadership level of principals was in the very high category (Mean, 4.35), and the influence of each indicator as a factor was classified as moderate (44.53 percent). This finding means that the better of principal acts as a determinant of direction for the organization, change agent, spokesperson, and coach and communicator, the better the visionary leadership will be. It is expected that all principals can strengthen the implementation of visionary leadership in realizing an effective school