SWL-Social Science and Politics


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    Tata Kelola Komunikasi Dalam Pengembangan Potensi Objek Wisata Sebagai Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat
    (2021) Nurjanah, Nurjanah; Samsir, Samsir
    Industri pariwisata merupakan comoditas industri terbesar di dunia, karena pertumbuhannya dapat menhasilkan perubahan sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan yang cepat. Oleh itu, perlu pemahaman dan langkah strategis untuk mengembangkan potensi objek wisata. Peran ekonomi telah mampu membawa keterlibatan masyarakat lokal dan regional dalam industri pariwisata. Potensi objek wisata di Rupat Utara bisa dikembangkan dan diatur dengan baik secara terpadu agar masyarakat sejahtera di bidang ekonomi yang otonom. Rupat Utara merupakan daerah berpotensi memiliki sumber daya alam untuk dikembangkan sebagai daerah tujuan wisata. Tujuan penelitian untuk memberikan rekomendari praktis kepada industri pariwisata tentang pengelolaan komunikasi dalam pengembangan potensi objek wisata sebagai pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat. Studi dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan desain deskriptif kualitatif, dijelaskan dengan model komunikasi interaksional dengan pendekatan komunikasi pemberdayaan atau partisipatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik pengamatan, intervie, FGD, serta studi pustaka yang berkontribusi pada pengembangan komunikasi pariwisata dalam konteks pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat di kawasan pesisir. Hasilnya menunjukkan tatakelola komunikasi dilakukan secara terintegrasi dalam pengembangan potensi objek wisata sebagai pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, dengan cara melakukan pengelolaan komunikasi sesuai ketetapan tujuan yang sudah direncanakan, diorganisir, dilaksanakan dan dievaluasi. Ada empat kategori sumber daya wisata Rupat Utara yang ada yaitu wisata bahari, wisata budaya, wisata alam, dan wisata religi atau sejarah. Strategi pengelolaan komunikasi pariwisata sebagai pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat melalui perencanaan yang tergambar dalam rencana induk pembangunan pariwisata daerah. Pengorganisasian diawali dengan mengolah data dan informasi bidang ekonomi baru. Evaluasi dilakukan melalui perangkat yang ada kepala desa, POKDARWIS, Tenaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Kecamatan, kepala dusun dan RT, RW. Yang berperan dalam pencapaian tujuan
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    Etnis dan Pilihan Politik dalam Pilkada Dumai Tahun 2005
    (2013-01-15) Adlin, Adlin
    General election of regional head (Pemilukada) is influenced by various factors. This study explains the influence of ethnics towards political choice in local election. This study is using political behavior approach. Collecting data of this study is using field research and data analysis using quantitative and qualitative method. The finding is, influence of ethnics found in several voter especially in case Malay Riau ethnics. But, in other case, several voters from Java ethnic and another “visitors” ethnics vote without identification of ethnic. It can be seen from the factors that influence voter for voting Zulkifli AS-dr Sunaryo candidate. In the local election of Dumai in 2005 found mostly voters who votes Zulkifli AS-Dr Sunaryo candidate did not vote because of ethnics’ identification. So, in this case there is correlation between ethnics and political. But the relation is imperfect. In other words there are many another relations except ethnics’ factors that is linked with political choice in local election of Dumai City in 2005.
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    Analisis Kemenangan Pasangan Khairul Anwar dan Agus Widayat pada Pemilukada Dumai 2010
    (2014-01) Adlin, Adlin
    In the history of general election of regional head (Pemilukada) at Dumai City (Kota Dumai), the incumbent candidate always beaten by new challenger candidate. Interestingly, Khairul Anwar-Agus Widayat is the winner of the general election of regional head 2010. They are candidates in the election Dumai in 2005 and has been a crushing defeat compared to Zul ASSunaryo. This study explains why they succeed win that general election. This study is using political behavior approach. Collecting data of this study is using field research and data analysis using quantitative and qualitative method. The finding is,there are three main causes of victory Khairul Anwar-Agus Widayat. First, this candidates promising change issues. Second, there are many people were disappointed to the icumbent. Third, there are correspondence between vision with the will of the people. Voter has made his choice based on many factors, and other factors have a smaller effect than the three factors.
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    Pilkada dan Pelayanan Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
    (2016-07) Adlin, Adlin; Yusri, Ali
    Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi is one area that participate in implementing simultaneous local elections in Indonesia in December 2015. The organization of local elections in other areas do not have an impact on health services in district hospitals (RSUD). However the reality in the District kuantanSingingi, the elections have resulted in interruption of health services.Since March 7, 2016 outpatients especially BPJS (Social Security Administrator) patients do not get health care.The results of this study showed that there are several factors that cause the cessationof health services in hospitals Kuantan Singingi. First, the political elite in the executive and the legislature is too busy with the activity of winning candidate in the local election; Second, the candidate who supported bye the incumbent was defeated. Then they do a lawsuit to the Mahkamah Konstitusi (Constitutional Court);Third, the Bupati (incumbent regent) and Team (Local Government Budget) is inaccurate and unwise when making budget planning. Including Health Care Budget;Fourth, the bureaucracy has been involved in practical politics. So that they do not carry out their duties and functions as a budget planner;Fifth, the execution time of the lovcal election at the same time with the drafting of the budget.This study is using behavorial approach and the method isqualitative. The data collection is using interviews
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    The Functions of Lubuk Larangan for the Community of Tanjung Belit Village
    (2018-09) Tantoro, Swis; Yesi, Yesi
    One of the famous maritime potential in the Village of TanjungBelit is LubukLarangan. It has come since 1978, this tradition is intentional developed by the custom society because it’s very useful for the society along the current of Subayang River, it’s not only for saving the fish population, but also avoiding the surroundings from the indeferrence toward the environment and its fellow. The goal of research is: describing the function from the existence of LubukLarangan for the life of villagers of TanjungBelit. The research method that is used is qualitative research . The location of this research is in the village of TanjungBelit, Subdistrict of Kampar KiriHulu, Regency of Kampar. The election of informant is done based on certain goal, namely using purposive sampling. It so happens, the informant or subject in this research is village elders/custom figure, village headman, society figure and some people of a member of society. The management of lubuklarangan is done in together by the society, village elders and village equipment. The function of lubuklarangan for the villagers of TanjungBelit namely: the economy function, social function and integration and environment perpetuation function.
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    (2017) Tantoro, Swis
    The company and society that live surroundings are two components that influence each other. The social responsibility or is more known with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of company’s effort to found good relation with the society. Some uses that can be felt by the company through the activity of CSR as the development effort of society. The perception of society toward PT. Medco is reflected from the implementation of its CSR, so the good relation with the stakeholder (in this case the society) can be made and found good relation with the society so the conflict will never happen. This research is analyzed in descriptive quantitative. The location of this study is the area that is around the operational of PT. Medco. The study result is a big part of helps through CSR program of the company that is given to the society is felt useful in the development or solving the social problem around the operational area of PT. Medco. The perception of the society toward the help of PT. Medco through CSR program is positive and useful. Among others the physic helps for the public facility, such as the help for the mosque, school. And the technical help such as the development of village organic garden, Bio-gas making for the stove and manure, so it saves family’s outcome.
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    Empowerment Strategy of Traditional Fisherman (The Study toward the Survival Mechanism In Facing Famine Time In The Village of Meskom of Bengkalis Regency)-
    (2017) Tantoro, Swis; Yoserizal, Yoserizal
    This research has goal to know the survival mechanism of traditional fisherman and try to formulate this empowerment strategy, implemented in the village of Meskom of Bengkalis Regency, by observing 25 traditional fishermen and 6 informants from fishermen and sides that understand about the empowerment effort toward fishermen, which one is decided in purposive suitable with the observed variable. The qualitative method with phenomenonlogical approach is more used here. based on the teoritical concepts about the poverty, empowerment, and social development, that is relevant with the Sociology of Development and Social Change. Some survival mechanisms that they do are: involving human resource in family at the fishery production activity;not doing subsistention economy, but marketting catch result to make more use in the needs fulfillment; decreasing the quality of daily needs; selling or pawning valuable things in a cooperative or pawnshop; hanging on the savings; working as employee on modern fisherman; owing to neighbour or partner. The empowerment strategy to fix the standard of living and give the chance to traditional fishermanso they can do vertical mobility, can be done through: 1) modernization, by pushing status moving of traditional fisherman to be modern fisherman, through another program, the help of business modal, the help of modern technology of fish catching tool, fishery effort management training; 2) revitalization, by keeping on letting traditional fisherman in the traditional status, but giving facility in order to be more forceful and have the tough ability of economy buffer of family against crisis pressure.
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    (2016) Tantoro, Swis; Firdaus
    Komunitas Adat Terpencil (KAT) merupakan salah satu dari 26 jenis penyandang masalah kesejahteraan sosial yang menjadi sasaran garapan KementerianSosial melalui program pembinaan sosial. Masyarakat Suku Asli tinggal dirumah-rumah yang tidak layak huni, dengan jumlah keluarga yang lebih dari 4 atau 5 orang, masyarakatnya rata-rata berpendidikan Sekolah Tujuan peneltian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Bengkalis terhadap KAT di Desa Bantan Timur Kecamatan Bantan. Pembahasan di atas bahwa pembinaan masyarakat pada dasarnyamerupakan proses untuk membuat masyarakatmenjadi berdaya. Setiap anggota masyarakat dalamsebuah komunitas sebenarnya memiliki potensiuntuk berkembang menuju ke arah yang lebih baik. Untuk mengembangkan potensimasyarakat tersebut, maka diperlukan usaha-usahayang dapat mendorong masyarakat, agar potensiyang dimiliki dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengubahkehidupannya menjadi lebih baik..Penanganan KAT mengalami keterlambatan, karena kurangnya koordinasi dan komunikasi antar instansi pemerintahan dalam melakukan pembinaan terhadap KAT.
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    (2013) Tantoro, Swis; Jahi, Jamaludin MD
    Kemiskinan bandar bukan hanya berpunca daripada kurang upaya dari segi akses kepada sumber ekonomi tetapi ada kemungkinan kemiskinan sebegini disebabkan oleh kurang upaya untuk mendapatkan keperluan harian. Malah kemiskinan sebegini juga turut dipengaruhi oleh sikap malas, kekurangan pengalaman, ketiadaan modal untuk berusaha mendapatkan sara hidup serta dikelilingi oleh kekangan yang menghambat kehidupan mereka untuk keluar dari kepompong kemiskinan. Sehubungan dengan itu, peranan kerajaan amat penting bagi menyediakan pelbagai program bagi menangani isu kemiskinan bandar. Salah satu program adalah program bantuan Raskin. Program Raskin ini banyak manfaatnya. Di antara manfaatnya ialah, mengukuhkan aspek keselamatan makanan bagi keluarga miskin, dimana, program ini mewujudkan peningkatan kualiti sumber manusia dengan menyokong aktiviti pertanian seperti penanaman padi bagi meningkatkan ekonomi tempatan. Kertas kerja ini memaparkan hasil kajian yang menunjukkan hubungan bantuan dan signifikan Program Raskin bagi meningkatkan keselamatan makanan untuk keluarga miskin dan nilai R Square 0591. Manakala nilai magnitud koefisien determinan 0.591 atau bersamaan 59.1%.
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    (2012) Tantoro, Swis; Jahi, Jamaludin MD
    This study starts from a curiosity to the poverty alleviation program by the government, nearly every agency has a poverty alleviation program and a variety of research results, but results have not shown a success. This means that poor people remain poor. When evaluated and analyzed where lies the fault of poverty alleviation programs by the government. This study wanted to learn how the poor in trying to alleviate their own poverty. This study highlights the alleviation of poverty from the perspective of the poor themselves, because the desires and needs of the poor, he was the one who knows better. The study results show that the poor still need the help of other parties such as government or any party who wants to help, but the most appropriate assistance is assistance in accordance with the needs and abilities of the poor.Help that needed include: Skills that are tailored to the willingness of the poor, all the informants agreed that the poor were given skill training. Most choose to trade and workshop.
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    (2020) Tantoro, Swis
    The purpose about this research is to identify the social, economic, and cultural characteristics of Tj.Belit Village, Kampar Kiri Hulu District. The research approach used in this study is the qualitative approach. The research location is in Tanjung Belit Village, Kampar Kiri Hulu District, Kampar Regency. The informants were chosen based on a specific purpose to obtain the broadest picture about the local wisdom of the community in maintaining Lubuk Larangan tradition Tanjung Belit Village, Kampar Kiri Hulu District, Kampar Regency. The findings are (1) The management of Lubuk Larangan is intended to protect the prohibited area. The management procedures include the supervision, regulation, sanction, harvesting, and sales. (2) The forms of local wisdom contained in the management of Lubuk Larangan tradition are 1). Fish should not be taken prematurely, 2). Catch the fish with Ethno-technology, 3). Maintain the vegetation of river banks, 4). Only big fish that can be caught. (3) The efforts to maintain local wisdom (local genius) of Lubuk Larangan are to maintain the river unpolluted by keeping the forest ecosystem and preventing forest encroachment. This research is expected to provide a description related to the substance of local wisdom contained in the management of Lubuk Larangan and to provide recommendations in the form of strategy in the preservation of local wisdom values to maintain Lubuk Larangan tradition in Tj.Belit Village, Kampar Kiri Hulu District.
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    The Local Wisdom of Boat People Fishermen is Trapped in the Economic Net of Capitalism in Indragiri Hilir Regency of Riau Province
    (International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020) Tantoro, Swis; Bahri, Syamsul
    The marine and fisheries resource ecosystem which is a habitat for the life of the Boat Peoples Fishermen community, starting from the marine resources and the results, the potential of the coast, coast, river and land has experienced a decline of environmental degradation due to policies, plans and development programs introduced by the government tend to be oriented profit and economic interests without applying the principles of sustainable development. This problem is very real in Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province, where the central and regional governments provide the broadest possible investment and business opportunities to large-scale groups or economic classes to exploit available resources, such as for the people's coconut processing industry, upstream coconut oil industry, the mangrove charcoal industry, the development of oil palm plantations, oil, mining, agriculture and forestry as well as various other development interests without considering the existence and welfare of the tribal sea fishermen who are indigenous and depend their lives on fishery resources. From the era of the new order regime to the current post-reform and autonomy order, the government has done a lot to foster the Remote Indigenous Communities (KAT) of the Sea Tribe in order to improve their living standards. However, tribal fishermen still find it difficult to escape poverty and are loyal to prioritize safety (safety-first) in a patron-client relationship with the skipper (Tauke). Lately, the hue of the life of Sea Tribe fishermen is increasingly blurred because they are trapped in a net of capitalist economic class structures that tend to prey on and exploit the weak class so that traditional rights and local wisdom values of Sea Tribe fishermen are increasingly difficult to develop in the arena of environmental degradation. The tradition of looking for seashells and floating on the sea to catch fish, crabs and bleaches is increasingly difficult, local knowledge of nature is developed to become a teacher (wind season, tohor, cloud signs, seagulls, seawater-resistant wood species) and traditional medical skills (thinning) pregnancy with mangrove trees, traditional herbal medicine, recipes and traditional foods) are fading, diving expertise, the ability to make traditional eco-friendly fishing gear (pento, fishing rod, traps, nets, barrels, togok and sampan) increasingly rare, the tradition of semahsemara and others, were gradually marginalized and lost to the economic wave of modern capitalism.
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    (2016) Sidiq, Rd. Siti Sofro
    Kesejahteraan rumah tangga menjadi ukuran dari penilaian kesejahteraan masyarakat karena rumah tangga adalah unit perumahan dasar dimana produksi ekonomi, konsumsi berlangsung. Desa Pasir Bongkal dihuni oleh mayoritas suku melayu dengan budaya melayu yang sangat kental, namun sebagai sebuah mayoritas kehidupan mereka tidak serta merta sejahtera, yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan mereka berada dalam posisi yang termarjinalkan. Kondisi ini sebenarnya telah teridentifikasi oleh pemerintah, terbukti dengan adanya program pemerintah untuk mendorong peningkatan kesejahteraan warga miskin, namun demikian belum terdapat kemajuan yang dirasakan. Kemajuan justru terlihat dari etnis lain sehingga suku melayu meskipun memiliki sumber daya alam (SDA) yang bagus serta manjadi mayoritas mengalami ketertinggalan. Penelitian ini mngkaji bagaimana upaya keluarga (dalam hal ini adalah kepala keluarga) dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan rumah tangga di Desa Pasir Bongkal Kecamatan Sungai Lala Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Provinsi Riau? guna mengetahui usaha yang telah dilakukan oleh kepala keluarga untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rumah tangga di Desa tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah fenomenologi yang menekankan pada proses penggalian esensi dari pengalaman sesorang terhadap sebuah fenomena berdasarkan kesadaran informan. Data dari penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diproleh dari wawancara mendalam terhadap informan dan pengamatan langsung (observasi), dan data sekunder diperoleh dari studi pustaka yang berupa data dari desa, buku, jurnal serta dokumen lain terkait. Data yang telah diperoleh kemudian dianalisis melalui tiga tahapan yaitu 1) reduksi data, 2) display data, dan 3) penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penlitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya yang dilakukan oleh keluarga untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rumah tangga di Desa Pasir Bongkal Kecamatan Sungai Lala Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Provinsi Riau adalah dengan memenuhi 1) kebutuhan dasar untuk hidup sehari-hari melalui pemanfaatan sumber daya yang tersedia dimana kondisi lingkungan alam sangat menentukan proses pemanfaatan tersebut, 2) kebutuhan berupa keamanan, dan 3) kebutuhan spiritual
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    Potency of Social Conflict In The Meranti Islands Regency
    (2017-08-15) Sidiq, Rd. Siti Sofro
    Riau Province has a diverse community composition both in religion, race and ethnicity. Plurality is like two inseparable sides of a coin. On the one hand, diversity is able to become a force for progress, but on the other hand it can be a trigger for conflict. If not managed properly, this power will turn into an unexpected potential social conflict. Meranti Islands Regency is part of the Riau Province, an area directly adjacent to neighboring Malaysia. Under these conditions, the vulnerability to destructive social conflicts increases. The high potential for social conflict occurs considering that the welfare of the community is still not evenly distributed, despite the abundance of natural resources and plantation products. Welfare can only be enjoyed by people who live in urban areas or in government centers, while indigenous people who generally live in districts near the border live below the decent life line, do not recognize modern models and lifestyles, minimal education, and limited supporting infrastructure. social life. This disparity certainly creates different social conflicts but has the same potential in breaking the integrity of ethnic groups. The case study is used as an approach in this research to identify the sources, motives and issues of social conflict, explore the causes and map the potential for social conflicts that occur in the Meranti Islands district, as a representation of areas near the border. The selection of the district aims to get the character of social conflicts, so that the data obtained from the mapping can be the main reference in determining prevention or handling efforts, to social conflict resolution mechanisms based on the conditions and needs of various parties. The results showed that1) Social conflicts that occur stem from seizure of natural resources in the form of seizure of land or forest with issues management of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) covering an area of 41,205 ha on the island of Padang. This conflict does not only have economic motives but also social motives, 2) KMeranti Islands district has two potential social conflicts, namely conflicts with economic motives, high prices for basic necessities and political motives, the existence of borders that do not yet exist so the potential for multiple voters
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    (2014-03) Sidiq, Rd. Siti Sofro
    Malay culture-based tourism development in Siak Sri Indrapura Riau Province has besome one of the major program of the Government of Riau Province since the enactment of Riau Province Regulation (No. 4 of 2004), Regional Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPPDA) Riau set one September, 6,2004. Hovewer after 8 years of development carried out, not achieving the targets set in the enactment. This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive analitycal method. Data were collected through:(1) observation, (2) in-dept interview and, (3) Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis tehcniques. The purpose of the study is to investigate the development of Malay culture-based tourism in the province of Riau. The results showed that: (1) Malay culture and tourism are two different elements which are complemantary; culture could be a factor for the development in Siak Sri Indrapura consist of govemerment, investor, and society;(3) the reality of interaction between actor in the tourism development of Malay culture based tourism in Siak Sri Indrapura already running, but the intensity is still now;(4) the condition of the environment, nature and culture wich are important factor in the development of Malay culture based tourism development in Siak Sri Indrapura are very conductive for Malay culture based tourism development;(5) optimization of Malay culture based tourism development in Siak Sri Indrapura dne by;(a) increase the availability and quality of tourism facilities and infrastructure toward, and in, the various objects of tourism;(b) intensification of tourism promotion, both at national and internasional levels;(c)encourage the involvetment of various stakeholders, and (d) increase in the government budget of tourism sector;and (6) the values of Malay culture in line with the ethical values of Islam has emerged as the determined soul for the development of Malay culture based tourism in Siak Sri Indrapura
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    Gender Aspects in Remote Indigenous Community Empowerment Program in Indonesia
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2020-07-30) Sidiq, Rd. Siti Sofro; Achmad, R. Willya
    This study attempts to point out the aspects of gender empowerment in the process in isolated indigenouspeople, the involvement of women in decision making will affect their level of participation and will give a different perspective from the policy. Empowerment was conducted in the Akit that of the majority people still patriarchy, the greatest challenge of women in tribes Akit is the justice of gender and equality in taking a decision processed of the empowerment.The methodology used a qualitative approach based on to study descriptive data collection will be done with used technique interviews, observation non-participation and study documentation. The data used the research is primary and secondary data.The primary data was obtained from several informants tribes and research sick his previous.Data collected will be analyzed data through the reduction, categorization data, and the withdrawal of conclusion.The research said that women are limited, motion social cultural and the role of women empowerment, not optimal in the process but in this research to its uniqueness that the participation of women higher though she difficult judge.The factors that make the participation of women high at the internal factor, external and empowerment programs isolated custom communities which are more often include women as objects in the process.
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    Gender Aspects in Remote Indigenous Community Empowerment Program in Indonesia
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2020-06-30) Sidiq, Rd. Siti Sofro; Achmad, R. Willya
    This study attempts to point out the aspects of gender empowerment in the process in isolated indigenouspeople, the involvement of women in decision making will affect their level of participation and will give a different perspective from the policy. Empowerment was conducted in the Akit that of the majority people still patriarchy, the greatest challenge of women in tribes Akit is the justice of gender and equality in taking a decision processed of the empowerment.The methodology used a qualitative approach based on to study descriptive data collection will be done with used technique interviews, observation non-participation and study documentation. The data used the research is primary and secondary data.The primary data was obtained from several informants tribes and research sick his previous.Data collected will be analyzed data through the reduction, categorization data, and the withdrawal of conclusion.The research said that women are limited, motion social cultural and the role of women empowerment, not optimal in the process but in this research to its uniqueness that the participation of women higher though she difficult judge.The factors that make the participation of women high at the internal factor, external and empowerment programs isolated custom communities which are more often include women as objects in the process
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    Construction Of Meaning Communication Graffiti Art For The Community Members Me&Art In Medan
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-29) Yohana, Nova; Handini, Fitri; Sani, Fitri Lestiara
    Community Graffiti ME &ART is a form of subcultural young people in society city of Medan. Their lifestyle in communicating the existence of himself through the art of graffiti become a phenomenon that is unique and distinctive. This research aims to know the variety of motives, the meaning and experience communication of community members ME&ART in expressing the art of graffiti in Medan. This research used qualitative methode by phenomenology approach and the informant is community members ME&ART who active to expressing graffiti art in Medan. Data collection techniques such as observation, in-depth interview and documentation. The result of research showed that two cetegories motives of the community members ME&ART, past-oriented motives (because motive) such of an existing drawing hobby since childhood and invitation a friend to make graffiti, and oriented to the future (in-order-to-motive) such media to convey the message or social criticism, to earn money and to change negative thinking of society about graffiti. Graffiti art for community members ME&ART interpreted as media of self-expression, as a medium of communication and as an encouragement. The communication experience of community members ME&ART to express graffiti art consists of pleasant experience (positive) and unpleasant experience unpleasant (negative)
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    Ilegal Migration Motive For Detainee In Immigration Detention Center Pekanbaru City
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-29) Yozani, Ringgo Eldapi; Suyanto, Suyanto; Wahidar, Tutut Ismi; Yohana, Nova
    The process of globalization has increased the factors that encourage immigrants to seek their fortune abroad. this can lead to positive aspects and negative aspects in every country. both developed and developing countries. International migration is a permanent or semi-permanent change in place of residence. Indonesia is one of the transit countries for illegal immigrants from the Middle East before they are sent to a third country. The immigration agency. Which later became the spearhead to oversee the movement of people, became the spearhead for monitoring this movement. During their stay in Indonesia. detainees Were held at the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim). a temporary shelter for foreigners Who violated the laWs and regulations imposed. immigration actions and Waiting for the return process to his country. The reason for illegally migrating is due to economic reasons. namely the opportunity to get better income. employment and other reasons. In addition. the State's factors that are not conducive due to War are also factors that cause people to carry out illegal migration. No exception for the detainees who made Indonesia a transit country to seek protection. This study aims to explore the motives of the detainees in deciding to migrate illegally from the perspective ofthe Theory' of Push and Pull from Everett S Lee. This research is to find out the motive of interacting by Afghan asylum seekers With the people of Pekanbaru City. The theory used in this study is the Push and Pull Theory that Was coined by Everett S Lee. Lee said that there is a factor in someone's decision to rnigrate. namely the factors found in the area of origin, the factors that exist in the destination. the barrier betWeen. and personal factors (individuals). The analysis in this study uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach from the results of intervieWs and field observations. The results ofthe study shoW that there are several motives possessed by Detainees in the Pekanbaru City' Military' District for illegal migration. The first motive is due to the conducive state of the state of the occurrence of War. The second motive is because you Want to find a better life in a third country. Selanjur. the motive of Wanting to follow in the footsteps ofa friend Who had previously been successful in a third country
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    Manajemen Krisis Kepercayaan Publik Partai Politik
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-29) Yohana, Nova
    Situasi ketidakpercayaan publik terhadap partai politik menjelang Pemilu 2014 di Indonesia saat ini tidak bisa dibiarkan secara terus menerus. Bagi publik, partai politik tidak bermanfaat positif untuk perbaikan kehidupan bangsa dan negara,justru m rusak tatanan hukum dan demokrasi serta menciptakan kondisi politik yang tidak be aturan. Krisis kepercayaan ini dilatarbelakangi adanya kinerja buruk partai politik yang ditunjukkan melalui banyaknya kader partai politik terlibat kasus korupsi, kader partai tidak berpihak kepada rakyat dan melakukan tindakan amoral. Partai politik yang mengabaikan peran dan fungsinya sebagai pejuang aspirasi rakyat, mengabaikan demokrasi, dan membudayakan politik uang secara langsung menjadikan bangsa dan negara semakin terpuruk. Untuk mengatasi krisis ini Partai Politik sudah selayaknya melakukan manajemen krisis dan mengambil langkah-langkah strategis untuk mengembalikan kepercayaan publik dan elektabilitas partai pada Pemilu 2014 dengan mengoptimalkan fungsi kerakyatannya, berupaya memperbaiki kaderisasi dan penataan sumber keuangan, serta mampu berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat tanpa dibatasi waktu dan ruang elitis