The Functions of Lubuk Larangan for the Community of Tanjung Belit Village
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Tantoro, Swis
Yesi, Yesi
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One of the famous maritime potential in the Village of TanjungBelit is LubukLarangan. It has come since 1978, this tradition is intentional developed by the custom society because it’s very useful for the society along the current of Subayang River, it’s not only for saving the fish population, but also avoiding the surroundings from the indeferrence toward the environment and its fellow.
The goal of research is: describing the function from the existence of LubukLarangan for the life of villagers of TanjungBelit. The research method that is used is qualitative research . The location of this research is in the village of TanjungBelit, Subdistrict of Kampar KiriHulu, Regency of Kampar. The election of informant is done based on certain goal, namely using purposive sampling. It so happens, the informant or subject in this research is village elders/custom figure, village headman, society figure and some people of a member of society. The management of lubuklarangan is done in together by the society, village elders and village equipment. The function of lubuklarangan for the villagers of TanjungBelit namely: the economy function, social function and integration and environment perpetuation function.
function, lubuklarangan, TanjungBelit, Kampar
PROCEEDING CelSciTech-UMRI 2018, Vol 3-Sep2018