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Item Administrators’ Role in management of ICT integration at secondary school in Indonesia(2014-02-03) Achmad, Said SuhilThe aim of this paper is to identify the concept of administrators’ role in the integration management of ICT at secondary schools in Indonesia, which is whether the administrators’ role in planning, organizing, leadership and controling the ICT integration at schools can run effectively and efficiently. The function of ICT in education is as a source of learning, learning aids, learning facilities, Standard competence, administration system, decision support, and infrastructure which can fix the effectiveness of school management and improve the academic achievement of students and teaching staff. The absence of an ICT good design will not provide optimum benefit, even it is possible that it will be a barrier educational activity. A number of studies show that a relationship between effective management and quality schools, or in other words, management, can make the difference between an effective and efficient school. Management functions that must be performed by the administrator are planning, organizing, leadership and controlling, so that the integration of ICT in schools can actually achieve the goals that have been defined together. Schoolbased school management proved more effective because school administrators take over educational responsibilities from the national govemment, regional and local strategic approach which integrate several different aspects of management to set and achieve their own educational institutions. Furthermore, the role of administrators in the information technology integration is very important especially in Indonesia which is still in the replicate level, new settings, and adjustment, like the use of technology into learningItem ANALISA PARADIGMA PENGAJARAN READING DI SMA NEGERI PROVINSI RIAU(2014-01-27) Ras, FakhriPenelitian yang berjudul “Analisis Paradigma Pengajaran Reading di SMU Negeri propinsi Riau” bertujuan untuk menemukan kerangka kerja pengajaran efektif dan efisien atas dasar kelebihan (strengths) dan kelemahan (weakness) para siswa. Dengun tercapainya tujuan tersebut, para guru dapat menghemat enegri di kelas (sebagai fasilitator dan komunikator) dalam memperkuat pemahaman siswa terhadap bacaan yang sedang mereka pelajari. Subjek penelitian adalah para siswa SMU Negeri Provinsi Riau yang terbagi kepada dua wilayah – daratan dan lautan namun mengingat sulitnya lokasi untuk dijangkau penelitian dilakukan dua wilayah daratan diwakili oleh siswa SMU Negeri Kotamadya Pekanbaru, Kabupaten Kampar, dan Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. Dalam penelitian ini akan diambil satu SMU di kotamadya Pekanbaru (SMUN 8), dua lagi di kabupaten Kampar (SMUN 1 Bangkinang) dan di Kabupaten Ingragiri Hulu (SMAN 1 Rengat). Siswanya dibatasi padakelas dua saja mengingat masih besarnya pengaruh belajar di SLTP pada kelas I dan sibuknya para siswa mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi EBTANAS pada siswa kelas III. Bentuk kelompok target dan kelompok kontrol, data dikumpulkan dalam satu rentangan waktu penelitian yakni 10 bulan yang dimulai dengan pretest dan post-test (kedua-dua test tersebut adalah rancangan peneliti). Untuk mendapatkan test yang valid dan reliable, test yang sudah dirancang diujicoba (trying out) di SMU Negeri di luar kota terzebut diatas tetapi masih dalam wilayah Provinsi Riau. Hasil ujicoba tersebut akan diadakan analisis setiap pertanyaan tentang ambang batas tingkat kesulitan atau kemudahan yakni antara 26% sampai 75%. Untuk kelompok target, setiap dua kali kegiatan belajar bacaan akan diberikan assessment untuk menentukan posisi subjek penelitian dengan test yang sesuai pada kegiatan berikutnya. Demikian pula untuk setiap dua kali kegiatan berikutnya sampai dengan dilakukannya post-test. “The Fry Readability Estimate” dipakai menentukan setiap teks bacaan yang akan diapaki dalam kegiatan penelitian (pre-test bahan ajar dan post-test). Sumber bahan bacaannya adalah buku teks yang berlaku, buatan peneliti sendiri, dan majalah dan Koran berbahasa Inggris yang relevan. Sedangkan untuk kelompok control, bahan bacaan yang dipakai adalah seluruh bacaan yang sedang dipakai di SMU tersebut. Data yang terkumpul dari kedua kelompok tersebut akan dianalisis kelebihan dan kekurangan subjek penelitian dalam hal pemahaman elemen-elemen pendukung reading yakni penguasaan tata bahasa, kosakata, dan kompleksitas ide-ide bacaan. Selanjutnya hasil kegiatan dari hasil kedua kelompok tersebut akan dibandingkan untuk menentukan apakah ada perbedaan hasil dari dua jenis tindakan pengajaran tersebut dengan cara/comparing the two means (lihat Evelyn harch dan Hossein Farhady : 1982).Item Analisis Pelaksanaan Praktikum Kimia Di Sekolah Menengah Atas(2014-11-10) Copriady, Jimmi; T. Subahan, Mohd Meerah; Kamisah, OsmanPembelajaran sains kimia merupakan ilmu natural yang mempelajari fenomena-fenomena perubahan senyawa kimia yang terjadi ketika dilakukan penggabungan beberapa unsure kimia. Dengan demikian pelajaran sains kimia tidak dapat hanya dilakukan secara teori dalam kelas, akan tetapi siswa sains kimia dapat dilakukan melalui praktikum. Praktikum sains kimia membantu siswa melihat fakta, data dan memahami fenomena yang terjadi secara nyata dan langsung. Data data yang didapati dari pelaksanaan praktikum akan dianalisis untuk membantu menjelaskan fenomena (alias baba 1997, che Husna Azhari 2003, Ku Azfarizal 2002, Mokhtar 2007). Pentingnya pelaksanaan praktikum di laboratorium sains sekolah adalah seiring dengan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains yaitu untuk meningkatkan pencapaian dalam mata pelajaran sains (Pooh 1998, Mokhtar 2007). Dengan demikian pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran mata pelajaran sains kimia bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa dalam melakukan praktikum dan melakukan pengamatan dan analisis proses perubahan kimia yang terjadi. Menurut Alias baba (1999), Che Husna Azhari (2003), Ku Azfarizal (2002) menjelaskan praktikum merupakan kegiatan untuk menjadi jawaban persoalan-persoalan sains secara benar melalui analisis untuk membantu menerangkan fenomena persoalan sains yang dikajiItem ANALISIS PEMIKIRAN MATEMATIKA DALAM PERMAINAN CONGKAKUNTUK PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER MELALUI PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA REALISTIK(2014-04-12) Roza, Yenita; Solfitri, Titi; Siregar, Sarifah NurPendidikan karakter melctlui sekolah, tidak senzata-nzata pemberian pengetahuctn, tetapi penancunan moral, nilai-nilai etika, estetika, budi pekerti yang luhur. Salah satu budaya yang berkembang di masyarakat dan scmgat dekat dengan peserta didik adalah permainan (rakyat). Biasanya permainan rakyat menggunakcm alat-alat yang masih sederhana yang mudah diperoleh dan ada di sekitar masyarakat setempctt. Hal ini sangat sesuai dengan pendidikan matematika realistik Indonesia yang menggagaskan bahwa pembelajaran matematika hares merupakan `realitas' yang dekat dengan peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melctkukan analisis pemikiran matematika dan kandungan nilai karakter pada permainan congkak yang dapat digunakan &dam pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian inidimulai dengan mengamati permainan congkak secara teliti yang dimainkan oleh peserta didik sekolah SD 018 Teluk Kenidai Kabupaten Kampar. Hasil pengcunatan dijadikan dasar untuk melakukan analisis petnikiran matematika dan kandungan nilai karakter dalanz permainan congkak -. Hasil analisis menunjukan permainan congkak dapat digunakan untuk pengembangcm karakter dalanz pembelajaran matematika realistik untuk topik aritmatika di kelas 2,3 dan 4 sekolah dasar.Item Analisis Pengembangan Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Pada Sekolah Dasar Pekanbaru Dengan Teknik Permodelan Interpretasi Struktural(2015-09-10) Alpusari, MahmudThe purpose of this study is to see the development of environmental education for elementary students and stakeholder perceptions ofenvironmental education through Structural Interpretation of modeling that includes goals, constraints, and institutional activities. In this study the type of data used consists of primary and seoondary data. The primary data sourced from survey (direct observation) in schools, interviews with elementary students and relevant stakeholders such as the Head of Education, Principal, Teacher on environmental education. Secondary data were obtained from the condition of the school in the form of document environmental education activities (PLH) in schools and other stakeholders. Based on the analysis obtained from modeling the structural interpretation is SBC aims to develop students' competency as a whole. Competence is a part of one's personality (people) are manifested as performance (performance) in a manner whioh is consistent (predictable) or work in a variety of situations encountered. Constraints faced in environmental education is a high burden of curriculum, so that teachers achieve the target curriculum lesson by giving a heavy burden to the students, and ignores environmental education. Activity development of environmental education in the formal education is environmental education into the local curriculum, providing socialization and training, support stakeholders in environmental education and integrated policy among stakeholders in environmental education performed simultaneously and in line. Institutions that can support environmental education is a policy with Department of Education and the Environment Agency Province/RegencylCity in the implementation of environmental education in schoolsItem Analisis Perhitungan Biaya Pendidikan dengan Penerapan Activity Based Costing System pada FKIP Universitas Riau Pekanbaru(2015-08-24) Gusnardi; Trisnawati, FennyEnforcement of tuition single (UKT) which began in 2013, based on the issuance of Directorate General of Higher Number: 21/E/T/2012 dated January 4, 2012. Tuition is the single most cost borne by every single college student based on their economic capabilities. With the enactment of this UKT expected financial management in higher education will get better and transparent. One attempt to achieve this goal is to design financial management system college-based activities by calculating the standard cost of education per student using Activity-based Costing (ABC).The purpose of this study was to: 1) identify and analyze the cost-based educational activities (Activity-based Costing) at the college is the FKIP University of Riau, 2) calculate the cost per unit of activitybased education in FKIP University of Riau, and 3) the calculation of the efficiency cost of providing education at the FKIP University of Riau. This study was an exploratory study through a survey with descriptive methods (descriptive research) conducted at universities that have the status of BLU, because the University of Riau including so that the population in this study is that there are whole study program FKIP University of Riau. Based on the results of research and discussion , it was concluded that: 1) the allocation of the cost of education that allows to accommodate all activities related to generating a scholar is to approach the ABC system, it is based on that ABC is a costing system, where the shelter is not only a cost as in traditional systems, 2) in calculating the cost per unit of activity-based education is done by identifying indirect costs plus the direct costs associated with the completion of his studies, to obtain a Bachelor of Education (SPd), 3) the cost of education at FKIP University of Riau yet meet the level of efficiency. It can also be seen from the calculation of the BKT in FKIP Riau University of Rp. 4.254 million per semester, and are paid by the students far below it, the difference is what is borne by the government. Costs borne by students in UKT relatively still lower than the cost incurred by the institution or faculty, the calculations obtained that BKT much greater than UKT that imposed on students.Item ANALISIS SIKAP ILMIAH DAN KETERAMPILAN PROSES MAHASISWA PADA MATA KULIAH PERKEMBANGAN HEWAN PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI(2014-05-19) Arnentis; Suryawati, Evi; IdrisA research has been carried out to analyse students' scientific attitude and the skill proses in animal development subject, Biology Study Program 2009/2010. The research had been done from March until June 2010 in Biology Study Program laboratorium. Sample of the research 45 studens of 2008 consisting of 43 girls and 3 boys. The parameter of research is scientific attitude and skill proses. The percentages of students' scientific attitude are responsibility about 97.13% (very good), curiousity about 73.13% (good), teamwork 90.99% (very good), accuracy about 82.88% (very good), discipline 87,34% (very good) and self compidence about 57.91% (poor). Overall, the percentage of the discipline scientific attitude is about 81.56% categorized very good. Meanwhile, the percentages of skill process parameter are observiting skill about 67.79% (averages), communicating about 77.04% (good), precditing about 67.30% (average), inferring about 63.57% (average) and controlling variable about 57.56% (good). Overall, the percentage of the student skill proses is about 69.61% which is categorized average.Item An Analysis of Interpersonal Attitudes through Dormitory-based Education of Teacher Candidates: Participants of Teachers Pre-Service Professional Training Program-Bachelors Degree Graduates, Teaching in the Frontier, Outlying and Underdeveloped Regions (PPG-SM3T), Riau University(wahyu sari yeni, 2017-08-24) Yustina; DahnilsyahThis study investigated interpersonal attitude through dormitory-based life of PPG-SM3T participants and was conducted from March to September, 2015. It had 2 periods. Each periods lasted for 3 months. Total sampling technique was applied with 64 participated in this study. They represented Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Economics fild studies and were divided in to 5 groups. Parameters in this study covered 9 items for interpersonal attitudes. The employed data analysis was descriptive: in the forms of means and percentages. The findings demonstrated that the mean score was ≥ 3,6: In the 1st period, the creative score reached 71,88% and improved to be 84,38% in the 2nd period. Discipline attitude in the 1st period was 76,56% and improved 100% in the second period. The score for courtesy in the 1st period was 84,37% and increased 100% in the 2nd period. Disciplined, courteous and creative attitudes in the 1st period need guidance. After following guidance in the 2nd period, only creative attitude need guidance. This study concludes that such guidance is effective to build interpersonal attitudes.Item ANALYSIS OF NON POLAR FRACTION FROM MAHKOTA DEWA (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl.) FRUIT WITH GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS SPECTROSCOPY(2014-03-27) Susilawati; Matsjeh, Sabirin; Pranowo, Harno Dwi; Anwar, ChairilAnalysis of n-hexane fraction from mahkota dewa fruit had been carried out by using GC-MS. The result of GC separation revealed that n-hexane fraction contains 27 component but only 8 component were identified. Based on the GC-MS library prediction, compounds from peak 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 20, 22 and 25 respectively were analysed as styrene (1), furan, tetrahydro-2,2-dimethyl (2), phenol, 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)- eugenol (3), 2-propanoic acid 3-phenyl methyl ester (methyl cinnamic) (4), benzene 1,2-dimethoxy-propenyl 4-2 metileugenol (5), hexadecanoic acid methyl ester (methyl palmitic) (6) methyldihydromalvalic (7) tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester (8). Unfortunately another peak unidentified. Analysis fragmentation were carried out for the 3 compounds that have been successfully identified.Item ANALYZING PRIMARY TEACHERS’ CRITICAL THINKING IN SCIENCE LESSON(2018-01-02) Putra, M. Jaya Adi; Hermita, Neni; Sopandi, WahyuThis study is based on our initial attempt in implementing the new primary curriculum. In doing so, we work closely with a group of public primary school located in Bandung to analyze the underlying principles of Kurikulum 2013. Hence, we will report how to analyze the nature of scientific approach that is considered as closely related to science lesson. In addition, we will report the results of our field study regarding initial teachers‟ reasoning based on interview data. Secondly, we describe our series of discussion with teachers regarding how to design and analyze science lesson in accordance with the new curriculum demand, as well as analysis to science lesson discourse. From such activities we recorded and extracted teachers‟ practical reasoning in response to critical feature of both scientific approach and science lesson. We explicate it in relation to teachers‟ thinking toward science concept and students‟ learning. Finally, we discuss lessons learned and future direction in engaging teachers with critical thinking.Item THE APLICATION OF RECIPROCAL TEACHING IN TYPE STAD COORPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE THE STUDENT'S STUDY ON CALCULUS SUBJECT(2013-07-11) Heleni, SusdaLearning about mathematics closely related activity, a learning process and think. This in linewith the four pillar launched by UNESCO, namely:1) learning thin, 2)learning to do, 3)learning to be, dan 4) learning to live together. Calculus i achieved by the students are not maximal, because of the learning process still conventional. Students difficult in building their own knowledge to find the concept. Activation of students in the learning process just about skill in solving problems. One alternative that can be taken to improve student achievement is trough creativity in choosing a leraning model and the development of innovative learning tools. This study aims to;1) improve students learning outcomes at the subject calculus I, 2) describe coorperative learning model. This study is a collaborative action research consisting of 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of 3 times for face-to-face lectures and 1 time for implementationof the subjects consit of 40 people (9men and 34 women). Analysis of the data used in this research is descriptive statistical analys. Based on the result or research and discussion, it can be concluded that the application of reciprocal teaching in the model type STAD cooperative learning can improve student learning outcomes at mathematics educational study program FKIP University of Riau in odd semesteron 2012/2013 years of study on calculus I subject.Item APPLICATION MODEL LEARNING CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING (CPS) MATH LEARNING TO IMPROVE RESULTS CLASS VIII SMPN 3 PEKANBARU(2013-07-11) Heleni, SusdaPemecahan masalah matematika merupakan salah satu dari lima dasar proses dalam NCTM, selain komunikasi, penalaran dan pembuktian, koneksi dan representasi. Di samping itu pemecahan masalah merupakan salah satu tujuan pembelajaran matematika dalam KTSP. Pengembangan pemecahan masalah matematika ini dapat membekali siswa berpikir logis, analitis, sistematis, kritis dan kreatif. Sayangnya, proses pembelajaran matematika pada jenjang pendidikan di SMP kemampuan pemecahan masalah ini belum menunjukkan hasil yang memuaskan. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi kelemahan siswa dalam pemecahan masalah adalah menerapkan model pembelajaran CPS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika melalui penerapan model pembelajaran CPS pada materi bilangan pecahan di kelas VII I SMPN 3 Pekanbaru tahun pelajaran 2010/2011. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas kolaboratif yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII I c,SMPN 3 Pekanbaru dengan jumlah siswa 34 orang (17 laki-laki dan 17 siswa perempuan). Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar pengamatan dan tes hasil belajar matematika. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving dapat meningkatkan basil belajar matematika siswa pada materi bilangan pecahan di kelas VII I SMPN 3 Pekanbaru tahun pelajaran 2010/2011.Item THE APPLICATION OF COOPERATIVE INTEGRATED READING AND COMPOSITION (CIRC) TO THE STUDENTS OF ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM IN ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING COURSE(2014-02-03) Aruan, RumiriThis classroom action research seeks to investigate the learning process by applying Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC). The students who become research subjects were students of fourth semester school year 2011 / 2012. Before applying the CIRC, first performed a pre - test. The result of pre - test showed that students’ writing ability is still low, if the value obtained is converted to the academic regulations of Riau University. There were 24% of students who obtained below average grades, and 76% students failed. While there were no students who obtained excellent and good grades. Once the application of CIRC implemented in two cycles, the results obtained were very meaningful learning. The result of first cycle showed that 28% students got average, 60 % students got below average, and 12% students failed. When the second cycle applied, the students percentage who obtained excellent is 16%, 72.84% in good grades, and 12% got average level. From the data of the study concluded that CIRC could be applied to the students of reading and academic writing course as one alternative method of teaching process.Item Application of Process Skills to Enhance Problem Solving Skills and Learning Outcomes Students Calculus II in Mathematics Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education the University of Riau(2015-03-03) Yuanita, Putri; Solfitri, TitiThis study is a classroom action research, which aims to improve problem solving skills and students learning outcomes by improving the learning process. The research was carried out two cycles where each cycle consists of two meetings, after each cycle performed the quiz so in this study there are two quizzes. The data collected by the testing techniques are used to collect data on students learning outcomes. analyzing data showed an increase in the average ability of solving problems where problem-solving abilities in beginning tests, quizzes I and II which increased to the conceptual that in the beginning test 2,36, first quiz 3.11, and second quiz 3,52. Similarly, for the procedural which beginning test is 2,47, the first quiz is 3,20, and second quiz is 3,43. Distribution of scores in a frequency distribution table shows an increasing number of students that have a high score, from 0 to 4 and 10 at the end of the action as well as for the low score, from 20 to 10 and 3 at the end of the action.Item ASKING QUESTIONS IN TEACHING ENGLISH(2014-02-06) SupriusmanAsking questions in teaching learning process in the classroom or outside classroom is one of the basic skills ofteaching that teachers should use. The questions used vary from one teacher to others depending on their objectives and competence, question levels, and tlpes of questions used in asking learners. This paper describes the definition ofquestion, types ofquestions, teachers' objectives in asking questions, and question levels used by the teachers. This study used library research in which various references such as books, journals and dictionary were used to discuss this topic. It is expected that this paper is useful for teachers especially English teachers "Item ASPEK REPRODUKSI BELUT RAWA Synbranchus sp DALAM MEDIA DENGAN PENAMBAHAN TKKS DAN SERBUK GERGAJI(2014-02-26) Yustina; Arnentis; Hayati, Mismar; Sukmawati, MeryA study on reproduction aspect Synbranchus sp has been studied on Mei-Desember 2006, this research used experiment methode by using completely randomized design with 3 replication, 2 treatment and control. The treatment used SG medium and TKKS medium for 5 periods, and one month for each periods. The result shows a total of 90 individuals Synbrancus sp, females size with long < 46 mm and weigh <59 gr. Male size, long is > 46 mm and weigh >59 gr. Interseks is cannibalism phase with body size, long 42-46 mm and weight 59-64 gr. The gonad mature degree IV of famele, the variation of eggs 812-823 grain, egg size diameter 3,125-4 mm. Synbranchus Sp have indicated fecundity content of lowest and the hatchlings by using partial spawner tipe. The treatment used SG medium and TKKS medium has not significantly for reproduction aspect of synbranchus spItem AUTHENTIC TACHING MATERIALS BERBASIS ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP) DALAM MENGANISIPASI MASYARAKAT EKONOMI ASEAN (MEA)(2016-09-01) Azhar, FadlyMasyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) yang menaungi masyarakat yang berdomisili di sepuluh negara ASEAN seperti Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Kamboja, Laos, Malaysia, Miyanmar, Singapura, Thailand, Timor Leste, dan Vietnam telah dimulai pada tanggal 1 Januari 2016. Sebagai konsekuensinya, Bahasa Inggris sebagai alat komunikasi dalam mengantisipasi MEA sangat memainkan peran yang signifikan. Untuk mengantisipasi konteks ini, maka pengembangan materi ajar baik yang diajarkan di sekolah maupun di perguruan tinggi sudah saatnya berorientasi kepada materi ajar otentik (authentic materials). Materi ajar otentik secara umum dapat di definisikan sebagai materi ajar yang dikutip dari berbagai sumer seperti majalah, surat kabar, surat undangan, pengumuman, layanan pesan singkat, iklan, brosur, dan berbagai jenis teks pendek lainnya. Makalah ini menjelaskan tentang berbagai system pengembangan materi ajar otentik yang lebih berbasis pada pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus (English for Specific Purposes) yang dalam konteks ini meliputi keterampilan menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis dalam mengantisipasi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA).Item CHITOSAN GEL + CU 2+ AS THE CORROSION INHIBITOR ON MILD STEEL IN THE PEAT WATER MEDIA(2014-03-10) Erna, Maria; AbdullahThe corrosion inhibition of mild steel by chitosan gel is investigated in peat water by using weight loss measurements. The results showed that the inhibition efficiency on static and dynamic system were 80.28% and 41.8% respectively. The spectrum analysis done by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) from the corrosion product on steel surface showed that chitosan gel could obstruct the process of corrosion on mild steel in peat water media, because it formed Fe-chelating compounds. The characterization by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed that chitosan gel forming a passivatable layer. To increase the corrosion inhibition efficiency in the dynamic system in this research done by modification with Cu2+ ions. The result of experiment showed that the increase of inhibition efficiency is reaching 60%.Item CLASSROOM AS A MEDIUM TO DEVELOP CHARACTER VALUES(Faculty of Education & Graduade School Yogyakarta State University, 2015-08-25) Hambali, HambaliThis study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of teachers’ classroom instructional process in disseminating good values for students. The values were evaluated in the development of religious characters, nationalist characters, productive characters and creative characters. The evaluation was done by observing visible changes of behaviours and how students have accepted the values. The survey method was used in this study to analyse the level of students’ acceptance towards the implementation of Nation Character Education in the classroom and teachers’ perspective on how students practise the nation character based on students’ behaviours. Simple random technique was used to determine the school samples from the whole population of 36 secondary schools in Pekanbaru, Riau Indonesia. All items to test the implementation of nation character in the classroom were at the modest/satisfactory and high level. The item which recorded the highest mean score was students’ readiness to adhere rules whether in or outside the school. Findings showed that students are willing to work together as a team and teachers have successfully built students’ productive characters by promoting leadership skills, instructing skills and students have performed well by accomplishing the task given to them. Teachers have used various elements to develop character values among students, and the indication of positive results was shown by students better behaviours. Teachers can play a positive role by stimulating students’ thinking especially by stimulating curiosity among them. Hence, inquiry technique was used by teachers to introduce religious, nationalist, productive and creative characters to their students. Keywords: character education, a chain of moral values, religious characters, nationalist characters, productive characters and creative charactersItem CONSTRUCTIVISM APPROACH APPLYING NUMERICAL METHODS LEARNING OF STUDENT OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FACULTY OF RIAU UNIVERSITY(2014-02-18) ArmisThis research aims to improve learning process of numerical methods of student of Mathematics Education Department of Education Faculty of Riau University in 2011./2012 Odd semester. The studied variabels were (1) the students activity in learning process; (2) the students learning outcomes in the end of each cycle; (3) the students perception about lecturer teaching skill. This research did in three cycles with 23 students of participants. Based on data analysis result obtained that (1) in learning, the students activity was the longer the better; (2) the average of students outcomes was 77.565 in the end of first cycle, in the end of second cycles, its decreased to 77_217; but its increased to 86.9565 in the third cycles: the final value of students was 82.60% of A grade and 17.40% of B grade after calculated with task value in the end of semester; and (3) student who followed numerical methods learning gave very positive reaction about constructivism approach applying and the average of lecturer teaching skill was 3.725 in very good category