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Item CLASSROOM AS A MEDIUM TO DEVELOP CHARACTER VALUES(Faculty of Education & Graduade School Yogyakarta State University, 2015-08-25) Hambali, HambaliThis study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of teachers’ classroom instructional process in disseminating good values for students. The values were evaluated in the development of religious characters, nationalist characters, productive characters and creative characters. The evaluation was done by observing visible changes of behaviours and how students have accepted the values. The survey method was used in this study to analyse the level of students’ acceptance towards the implementation of Nation Character Education in the classroom and teachers’ perspective on how students practise the nation character based on students’ behaviours. Simple random technique was used to determine the school samples from the whole population of 36 secondary schools in Pekanbaru, Riau Indonesia. All items to test the implementation of nation character in the classroom were at the modest/satisfactory and high level. The item which recorded the highest mean score was students’ readiness to adhere rules whether in or outside the school. Findings showed that students are willing to work together as a team and teachers have successfully built students’ productive characters by promoting leadership skills, instructing skills and students have performed well by accomplishing the task given to them. Teachers have used various elements to develop character values among students, and the indication of positive results was shown by students better behaviours. Teachers can play a positive role by stimulating students’ thinking especially by stimulating curiosity among them. Hence, inquiry technique was used by teachers to introduce religious, nationalist, productive and creative characters to their students. Keywords: character education, a chain of moral values, religious characters, nationalist characters, productive characters and creative charactersItem ANALYZING PRIMARY TEACHERS’ CRITICAL THINKING IN SCIENCE LESSON(2018-01-02) Putra, M. Jaya Adi; Hermita, Neni; Sopandi, WahyuThis study is based on our initial attempt in implementing the new primary curriculum. In doing so, we work closely with a group of public primary school located in Bandung to analyze the underlying principles of Kurikulum 2013. Hence, we will report how to analyze the nature of scientific approach that is considered as closely related to science lesson. In addition, we will report the results of our field study regarding initial teachers‟ reasoning based on interview data. Secondly, we describe our series of discussion with teachers regarding how to design and analyze science lesson in accordance with the new curriculum demand, as well as analysis to science lesson discourse. From such activities we recorded and extracted teachers‟ practical reasoning in response to critical feature of both scientific approach and science lesson. We explicate it in relation to teachers‟ thinking toward science concept and students‟ learning. Finally, we discuss lessons learned and future direction in engaging teachers with critical thinking.Item PROFIL KEMAMPUAN LITERASI IPS DAN IPA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS 4 DAN 5 SEKOLAH DASAR DALAM RANGKA GERAKAN LITERASI SEKOLAH(2018-01-02) Rokayah, Rokayah; Hermita, Neni; Rochman, ChaerulKemampuan literasi ilmu pengetahuan social dan ilmu pengetahuan alam melalui telaahan bahasa tulis dan bahasa lisan (oral) merupakan sisi penting dalam rangka implementasi gerakan literasi sekolah. Gambaran kemampuan literasi ini ditujukan untuk mendapatkan profil kemampuan literasi tulis dan oral/lisan materi IPS dan IPA peserta didik kelas IV dan V Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian ini kuasi eksperimen, yaitu mendeskripsikan profil variabel literasi tulis dan oral pada materi IPS dan IPA. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa wacana bahan ajar IPS dan IPS kelas 4 dan 5, tes kinerja daya serap wacana, dan pedoman tes literasi oral/lisan (konsep, proses, konteks, dan sikap). Sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah para peserta didik kelas IV dan V SD Tulus Kartika Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: (1) adanya kecenderungan kemampuan literasi tulis lebih baik dibandingkan literasi oral pada materi IPS dan IPA, (2) adanya kecenderungan kemampuan literasi materi IPA lebih tinggi dibanding dengan IPS, (3) adanya kecenderungan kemampuan literasi kelas V lebih tinggi dibanding dengan kemampuan literasi kelas IV, dan (4) adanya kecenderungan yang positif semakin tinggi kemampuan literasi IPA akan diikuti dengan kemampuan literasi IPSItem IDENTIFIKASI MISKONSEPSI PADA MATERI LISTRIK STATIS PADA MAHASISWA CALON GURU SEKOLAH DASAR(2018-01-02) Hermita, Neni; Suhandi, Andi; Syaodih, ErnawulanPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi yang terjadi pada mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar terkait materi listrik statis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif yang dilakukan terhadap para mahasiswa S1 calon guru sekolah dasar. Jumlah responden penelitian adalah sebanyak 40 orang mahasiswa PGSD FKIP Universitas Riau. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes konsepsi dalam format Four Tier Test. Hasil identifikasi ditemukan beberapa jenis miskonsepsi yang terjadi pada sebagian besar mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar di lembaga tersebut terkait materi listrik statis, yakni: 1) Benda bermuatan listrik tidak dapat menarik benda netral, 2) Benda netral adalah benda yang tidak mengandung muatan listrik dan 3) besar gaya tarik menarik antara dua benda bermuatan bergantung pada besar muatan benda. Rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah perlu dikreasi suatu proses perkuliahan yang dapat memfasilitasi terjadinya pengubahan konsepsi dari konsepsi yang keliru (miskonsepsi) yang terjadi di benak mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar menjadi konsepsi yang ilmiah, karena bagaimanapun juga mereka merupakan calon guru yang dituntut untuk memiliki pemahaman yang utuh dan terbebas dari kekeliruan konsepsi (miskonsepsi).Item REFLEKSI : UPAYA PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MENGAJAR CALON GURU(2018-01-02) Putra, M. Jaya Adi; Hermita, NeniKajian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan sebuah kegiatan calon guru yang memungkinkan untuk mereka meningkatkan kemampuan mereka secara terus-menerus baik secara individu maupun secaraberkelompok saat mereka sudah menjadi guru yaitu refleksi. Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang kegiatan yang memungkinkan mereka melatih kemampuan mereka melakukan refleksi secara berkelompok /RPG (Reflective Practice Groups) yang dapat diterapkan dalam Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan dan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, pada akhir tulisan ini dimuat beberapa catatan berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan PPL dan PTK dalam rangka peningkatan kemampuan mengajar calon guruItem PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS KECERDASAN JAMAK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS IV SD NEGERI 4 CICURUG SUKABUMI(2018-01-02) Hermita, Neni; Nirmal, Sri Dewi; Putra, M. Jaya Adi; Rokayah, RokayahPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang cenderung individualistik dan kompetitif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dikelas IV SDN 4 Cicurug Sukabumi melalui pembelajaran berbasis kecerdasan jamak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21 September 2015. Berdasarkan analisis data diketahui bahwa nilai korelasi antara pretest dan posttest adalah 0.883, artinya hubungan kuat dan positif karena mendekati nilai 1.Hasil dari penelitian yaitu terjadinya peningkatan hasil belajar dari rata-rata pretest 31.83 menjadi rata-rata posttest 74.83. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar yang signifikan setelah menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis kecerdasan jamak.Item PROFIL LEARNING PROGRESSION MAHASISWA CALON GURU SD TERKAIT KONSEP BENDA NETRAL SETELAH AKTIVITAS VMMSCCText(2018-01-02) Hermita, Neni; Suhandi, Andi; Syaodih, Ernawulan; Samsudin, AchmadTelah dilakukan investigasi untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang profil learning progression mahasiswa calon guru SD setelah aktivitas Visual Multimedia Supported Conceptual Change Text (VMMSCCText). Sebelumnya, VMMSCCText telah dikembangkan untuk memfasilitasi learning progression mahasiswa calon guru SD hanya dengan membaca text. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil learning progression mahasiswa calon guru SD terkait konsep benda netral setelah mengikuti aktivitas VMMSCCText. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif yang diimplementasikan pada 30 orang mahasiswa PGSD FKIP Universitas Riau pada mata kuliah Konsep Dasar IPA. Profil learning progression pada mahasiswa diinvestigasi dengan uji diagnostik dalam format four tier test (FTT) dan penilaian pada LKM, kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan tipe learning progression. Tipe learning progression terdiri dari 1) Konsisten dengan konsepsi ilmiah (Tipe I); 2) Berprogres dengan baik (Tipe II); 3) Tidak berprogres (Tipe III); dan Mengalami Degradasi (Tipe IV). Hasil penelitian dengan VMMSCCText menunjukkan tipe I sekitar 13,33%, tipe II sekitar 80%, tipe III 6,67% dan tipe IV sekitar 0%. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa VMMSCCText mampu meremediasi miskonsepsi dan mengemItem The Implementation Of Constructivism-Based Student Worksheets Within The Theme ‘The Prevention Of Land And Forest Fire’ In Science Education For Seventh Graders In Riau(2017-11-28) Yustina, Yustina; Kapsin, KapsinThe issues of land and forest fire require a comprehensive effort, one of which is through the dissemination of educational values, such as science education. This verification study aims to examine the truth of the stage competence on the constructivism approach of the advanced test on student woksheet 1 and 2 and compare it with the test results 2 on the theme of forest and land fire and peat swamp ecosystem as well as global warming and its impact. The study was conducted in the laboratory of Biology department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau and SMPN 1 Bungaraya in September-December 2016. This type of research is verivication research of advanced test results with test results on 2 sets of developed student worksheet. The data were collected from student worksheet. The results from this study indicate that students’ competence in constructing ideas through constructivism approach is ‘good’ at student worksheet 1 (mean score=3.27) and ‘very good’ at student worksheet 2 (mean score=3.43). The data also show that there was a consistency between the advanced test to the experimental test II. This study concludes that student worksheet 1 and student worksheet 2 can improve the students’ competence in building their knowledge on the topic of forest and land fires, and both worksheets (student worksheet 1 and 2) are eligible to be used as a reference for teaching science subject for Grade VII.Item The Study of Pedagogical Competency and Cognitive through Workshopfor PPG SM3T ParticipantatRiau University(2017-11-28) Yustina, Yustina; Syafii, WanThis study aim is to provide an overview of Pedagogy and Cognitive competency of SM3T PPG participants at Riau University through the workshop. This descriptive study was conducted in April 2015 until September 2016. Samples are 63 prospective teachers of PPG- SM3T at Riau University from 7 LPTK (teachers education institution) in Indonesia. The parameters of study included seven aspects: knowledge of pedagogy (lesson plans, worksheets learners, teaching materials, assessment instruments); cognitive (exam/test formative, local exam and national exam). Data is collected by questionnaires, performance assessment, observation sheets and portfolio. Data is analyzed to get mean score, percentage is shown in tables, and then analyzed descriptively. The research results show that four pedagogy and cognitive abilities that are relatively similar. The highest pedagogical ability is acquired by Physics Study Program and the lowest is Chemistry Study Program. Highest knowledge ability is acquired by Economic Study Program and lowest is Physics Study Program. Workshops can enriches teachers with relevant new information and knowledge through independent learning, group-discussions, and workshops are required to improve teachers’ capabilities facilitated by professional instructor in pedagogical and cognitive. Workshop can improve pedagogy and cognitive competence of PPG SM3T participants at Riau UniversityItem System Of Education Financial Recording (Empirical Study At “Smk Labor” Fkip Of Riau University)(2017-10-12) Gimin; Kartikowati, SriMany schools count the cost of educating each student for one year (unit cost) as a measure of efficiency, but the phenomenon shows cannot describe the real costs are charged to period. This study analyzed the system of financial recording for education, formula calculation unit cost, and amount of unit cost. The study was conducted on "SMK Labor" FKIP of Riau University. Main data was in the form of documents, and more focus information gathered by interviews to some key source persons. Data was analyzed descriptively, classified based on subject-matters.The study found "SMK Labor" FKIP of Riau University perform financial recording system using a cash basis on RKAS (School Budget and Activity Plan). This school uses a formula calculating the unit cost "all expenses paid by each student is reduced BOS funds for each student until graduation divided the study period". Unit cost "SMK labor" FKIP of Riau University is unstable, that is Rp2.460.000 in 2014, increase to Rp2.520.000 in 2015 and 2016. The formula calculation unit cost "SMK labor" less reflecting the cost real of education was charged to students because the school has not added any reduction in the value of fixed assets of the school, such as depreciation of equipment, and others. Therefore it is necessary to develop the appropriate accounting model of education.Item Mendesain Standardisasi Pelaksanaan Perkuliahan: Rekomendasi Untuk Pengajaran Mikro(2017-10-12) Gimin; Kartikowati, Sri; Bedriati; Asril; SupentriPerbedaan dosen dalam pelaksanaan perkuliahan Pengajaran Mikro mengakibatkan perbedaan kompetensi lulusan, sehingga diperlukan standard pelaksanaannya. Dalam rangka menghasilkan standard tersebut, kami mendeskripsikan rekomendasi yang dijaring dari dua langkah yang dilakukan dalam rangka mendesain standardisasi pelaksanaan perkuliahan Pengajaran Mikro (Mikro teaching) di Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (P.IPS) di Universitas Riau. Deskripsi rekomendasi merupakan tujuan pertama studi ini dari langkah yang disebut Analisis kebutuhan. Kami mengidentifikasi tingkat kebutuhan Pengajaran Mikro dari data yang diperoleh melalui angket ditujukan kepada responden guru dan mahasiswa. Selanjutnya data diolah menggunakan SPSS V.17. Hasil dari langkah Analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan tingkat kebutuhan keterampilan mengajar sebesar 91%, artinya sangat direkomendasikan tersedianya buku standardisasi Pengajaran Mikro.Tujuan kedua merupakan rekomendasi dari langkah Ujicoba terbatas praktek mengajar tiga orang mahasiswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi atas dua kegiatan praktik mengajar (sebelum dan setelah buku standarisasi Pengajaran Mikro dibaca dan dibahas). Data selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil dari langkah Ujicoba terbatas menunjukkan rata-rata peningkatan sebesar 18,3% pada semua aspek keterampilan yang diamati. Temuan ini merekomendasikan agar dalam buku standarisasi Pengajaran Mikro mencantumkan lebih banyak contoh riil dan komprehensif pada setiap aspek keterampilan mengajar.Item Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Everyone Is A Teacher Here Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Oral Mahasiswa Pada Perkuliahan Sejarah Teori Ekonomi(2017-10-12) Gimin; Haryana, Gani; KartikowatiDalam mata kuliah "sejarah teori ekonomi", banyak aliran yang dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah ekonomi dengan alasan masing-masing. Oleh karena itu agar mata kuliah ini berhasil, mahasiswa harus diarahkan memiliki Aktivitas oral yang tinggi. Disisi lain, penomena memperlihatkan rendahnya aktivitas oral mahasiswa di Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas Riau. Sehubungan dengan kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini diaksudkan untuk mengetahui "Apakah penggunaan model pembelajaran "every one is a teacher here" dapat meningkatkan Aktivitas oral mahasiswa yang mengikuti kuliah sejarah teori ekonomi. Penelitian dilakukan pada perkuliahan Sejarah Teori Ekonomi tahun ajaran 2013/2014, menggunakan pendekatan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas sebanyak 3 siklus. Data dua variable penelitian ini dikumpulkan menggunakan lembar observasi dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif berupa tabel dan grafik. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan Aktivitas oral mahasiswa selama 3siklus meningkat masing-masing sebesar 31,11%, 38,89%, dan 42,78% dari skor idealnya. Kondisi ini ternyata seiring dengan perkembangan skor penerapan model pembelajaran “every one is a teacher here” yang dilakukan oleh dosen, masing-masing sebesar 72,22%, 86,22%, dan 88,89% dari skor idealnya. Kondisi meningkatnya skor kedua variabel yang seiring menunjukkan penggunaan model pembelajaran "every one is a teacher here" yang baik dapat meningkatkan Aktivitas oral mahasiswa.Item Pengembangan Model Learner-Centered Micro Teaching Melalui Peran Kelompok Untuk Meningkatkan Kemahiran Mengajar Mahasiswa Universitas Riau(2017-10-12) Kartikowati, Sri; Gimin; Haryana, GaniPenelitian dengan pendekatan ‘research and development’ ini bertujuan mengembangkan Model ‘Learner Centered Micro Teaching’ (LCMT) melalui peran kelompok dalam rangka meningkatkan kemahiran mengajar mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi. Dengan merujuk pada desain baru, Model CMT +)Kelompok, test dilakukan dua kali terhadap 12 orang mahasiwa yang mengikuti perkuliahan Micro Teaching di Universitas Riau pada semester pertama tahun 2013-2014. Data diperoleh melalui latihan mengajar yang dimulai dari tahap persiapan, aplikasi, perekaman (rekaman video), review rekaman, dan refleksi atas hasil review. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif atas skor data observasi yang diperoleh dari rekaman latihan mengajar sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan Model LCMT +)Kelompok kemudian dihitung dengan formula T-test pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Analisis kualitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik interaktif terhadap data yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor kemahiran mengajar sebelum dan setelah menerapkan Model LCMT +)Kelompok. Dianjurkan untuk mulai menyusun Buku Manual Micro Teaching dalam rangka memfasilitasi peningkatan kemahiran mengajar mahasiswa.Item Difference Of Teach Performance Between Teachers Which Has And Has Not Certificated In Country Junior High School Kuantan Hilir District, Kuantan Singingi Sub-Province(2017-09-12) Gimin; Nas, Syakdanur; Darmi, HelfiAccording to educationist, teacher is more main factor in influencing quality of education. In this case based on UU RI number 14 the year 2005, governmental gives educator certificate to professional teachers to realize purpose of national education. But in this case, phenomenon happened no difference of teacher performance which has certificated. The implementation of this policy, specially in Kuantan Hilir district, Kuantan Singingi sub province that has 5 country junior high school, at the time of this research done has around 20% teachers which have been certificated. On this research aim to know “are there significant difference of teach performance between teachers which has and has not certificated”. Refers formula Slovin, this research done to 50% sample to apply technique of proporsisonal random sampling from population 100 teachers. Data is collected to applies questionaire which is made researcher based on the variable indicator. The data which collected analysed to applies t-test (t-tes) for two separate samples at level 5% significant with help of Program SPSS. Descriptively shows out of 24 performance teach indicators, average of teacher which certificated that “often” and “very often” done is 46% and 43% with score average of 104,7, while teacher which not certificated is “enough often” and “often” each of 40,75% and 33,12% with score average of 79,2. From t-tes analysis is obtained thitung = 11,12. This number bigger ttabel specified 1,677. That means there are difference of teach performance in assures between teachers which has and has not certificated. Thereby policy of certification has benefit, because performance score teach of teacher that has certificated higher of 24,65% compared has not certificatedItem The Improvement of Student’s Activities through the Implementation of Cooperative Script Model(2017-10-12) Kartikowati, Sri; GiminThis paper is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) aimed to describe the improvement process of student’s activities in Business English subject. The improvement was accomplished by implementing model of cooperative script. The experiment was conducted at the Faculty of Education, Riau University. Thirty three students were the subject of this study. The research was conducted in three cycles, each cycle includes the steps of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The data was collected through field observation technique covered lecturer’s activities and student’s activities. The result found that the implementation of the model could improve student’s activities. Assuming that the lecturer’s ability in designing lesson plan and the involvement of student’s activities proportionally could conclude that the implementation of cooperative script as a learning model to be effective.Item The Influence Of Job Competency, Role Clarity, And Work Motivation On The Success Of Small-Scale Business(2017-10-12) Giminthis research aimed to investigate the influence of job competency (X1), role clarity (X2) and work motivation (X3) on the success of small-scale business (Y). Ninety four samples were taken by proportional quota random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regressions and path analyzed with 5% significance level. From path analysis, it was found that Y was directly affected by X2 and X3 with the effectiveness of 6,2% and 24,5%. The X1 affects Y indirectly with the effectiveness of 14,1%. Through multiple regression, it was found that X1, X2, X3 together affect Y significantly with the effectiveness of 26,2%.Item Kemampuan guru menstruktur pembelajaran matemati ka yang Diawali dengan pemberian soal cerita (Penelitian Tindakan Di SDN 004 Rumbai Pekanbaru)(wahyu sari yeni, 2017-09-13) ZulkarnainThis research aims to assess mathematics learning that begins with a story about the provision in a elementary school in Pekanbaru. Researchers looked at the ability of teachers to motivate students and structuring mathematics learning that begins with giving a story. Rule of the research is to study tfie actions performed three cycles_ Action research conducted collaboratively with researchers and a math teacher. Research subjects consisted of 21 fifth grade students (aged 10-11 years). The rule of data collection is done through observation. The results showed that the ability of teachers to run the learning of mathematics that begins with a story about giving unsatisfactory and many have problems at the beginning of the action. However, increasing the ability of teachers and steady at the end of the action. This is evident from the teachers' ability to use mathematics learning that begins with a story about the administration of the first cycle at an average of 22.21 which was ranked less, up to an average of 26.36 on the second cycle that ranks well, and rose again to rate average 32.63 in the third cycle which is ranked very well over the limitItem Studi Komparasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Stad, TPS, Dan Nht Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Viii SMPN Pekanbaru Tahun Pelmaran 201312014 (Study Comparison Of Cooperative Learning Model Of Stad, Tps, And Nht Towards Mathematic Learning Results Of Students From Grade Viii Smpn Pekanbaru 2013/2014 Academic(wahyu sari yeni, 2017-09-13) ZulkarnainPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan dan pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif Studen Team Achievment Division (STAD), Think Pair Square (TPS), dan Number Head Together (NHT)terhadap ihasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VIII SMPN Pekanbaru tahun ajaran 201312014.Bentuk penelitian adalah penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMPN Pekanbaru derigan sampel sate kelas VIII SMPN 14, SMPN 21, dan SMPN 22yang berjurnlah 100 orang siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan der -gar-1 teknik tes dan observasiBerdasarkan hasil analisis data observasi diperoleh model pembelajaran kooperatif memberikan dampak yang balk dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil analisis data pretes menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata hasil belajar kelompok eksperirnen_ Artinya, ketiga kelompok sampel rnemiliki kemampuan awal yang sarna. Sedangkan basil analisis data posies jugs menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata hasil belajar kelompok eksperirnen. Artinya, tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan diantara ketiga moo-der pembelajaran kooperatif yang dipakai. Hasil analisis data pretes dan posies setiap kelompok sampel menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan, dimaria hasil belajar posies lebih baik dari pretes.Item The Impact Of Forest And Peatland Exploitation Towards Decreasing Biodiversity Of Fishes In Rangau River,Riau-Indonesia(wahyu sari yeni, 2017-07-07) YustinaThis survey study was periodically conducted in July, 6 times every year. There were 3 periods: 1st period (2002); 2nd period (2008) and 3rd period (2014). It sheds light on the impact of forest and peat land exploitation on decreasing biodiversity of fishes in Rangau River, Riau-Indonesia. Using some catching tools such as landing net, fishing trap, fishnet stocking and fishing rod. The sampling activity was administered at eight stations which were conducted by applying “catch per unit effort technique” in primary time: 19.30-07.30, for 3 repetitions for each fish net measurement within 30 minutes at every station, at position or continuously casting. The sampled fish were selected which were relatively in minor size but had represent their features and species. The fish were labelled and were preserved with 40% formalin. The determination and identification of fish were conducted at laboratory. Secondary data was collected by mean of interviewing the local fishermen about the surrounding environment condition of Rangau river. Data analysis consisted of biodiversity data, biodiversity index and fish existence frequency. The finding in 1st period, in 2002, total caught fish were 60 species: 36 genera and 17 families. In 2nd period in 2008, total caught fish were 38 species which consist of 30 genera and 16 families. In 3rd period, in 2014, there were 23 of fish species were found comprising 17 genera, 12 families. The highest biodiversity index (H1) through out the survey was in VIII stations, in period 1, 2 and 3 with (H1) 1.99; 1.85 and 1.80. On other hand, (H1) the lowest biodiversity index (H1) in 1st period was at IV station (0.95). In 2nd period, there were no fish identified at station-III ( H I = 0 ) and in 3rd period, there were no fish at station II, III and VII. In 1st period, there were 4 commercial value fish were found. In 2nd period, there were 2 species were found in 3rd period, there was only 1 commercial value fish species were caught. The fish highest existence frequency was Cyprinidae family. The second highest was the fish group of Siluridae and Bagridae family. Conclusion, impact of forest and peat land exploitation towards the decreasing biodiversity of fishes in Rangau River.Item The Study of Pedagogical and Cognitive Competency Through Workshop For PPG SM3T Participants of Riau University(wahyu sari yeni, 2017-09-07) Yustina; WansyafiiThis descriptive study was conducted in April 2015 until September 2016 that aims to provide an overview of Pedagogy and Cognitive competency SM3T PPG-UR participants through the workshop. Applying the total sampling consisted of 63 PPG-SM3T UR participants of 7 LPTK in Indonesia. The parameters of the study included two aspects: knowledge of pedagogy (lesson plans, worksheets learners, teaching materials, assessment instruments) and cognitive (exam / test formative, local exam and national exam). Collecting data use questionnaires, performance assessment, observation sheets and porthpolio. Analysis of data is a mean score, percent shown in the form of a table, then analyzed descriptively. The results were obtained by the research results can be concluded from the four study program show pedagogy and cognitive abilities that are relatively similar. The highest pedagogical ability acquired by the program of study Physics and Chemistry lowest of the study program. As for the ability of highest cognitive acquired by Economic and lows of Physics. Workshops can enrich teachers with relevant new information and knowledge through independent learning, group-discussions, and workshops are required to improve teachers’ capabilities which facilitated by professional instructor in pedagogical and cognitive. Workshop can improve pedagogy and cognitive competence PPG participants SM3T UR