Analisis Pengembangan Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Pada Sekolah Dasar Pekanbaru Dengan Teknik Permodelan Interpretasi Struktural
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The purpose of this study is to see the development of environmental education for
elementary students and stakeholder perceptions ofenvironmental education through Structural
Interpretation of modeling that includes goals, constraints, and institutional activities. In this
study the type of data used consists of primary and seoondary data. The primary data sourced
from survey (direct observation) in schools, interviews with elementary students and relevant
stakeholders such as the Head of Education, Principal, Teacher on environmental education.
Secondary data were obtained from the condition of the school in the form of document
environmental education activities (PLH) in schools and other stakeholders. Based on the
analysis obtained from modeling the structural interpretation is SBC aims to develop students'
competency as a whole. Competence is a part of one's personality (people) are manifested as
performance (performance) in a manner whioh is consistent (predictable) or work in a variety of
situations encountered. Constraints faced in environmental education is a high burden of
curriculum, so that teachers achieve the target curriculum lesson by giving a heavy burden to the
students, and ignores environmental education. Activity development of environmental
education in the formal education is environmental education into the local curriculum,
providing socialization and training, support stakeholders in environmental education and
integrated policy among stakeholders in environmental education performed simultaneously and
in line. Institutions that can support environmental education is a policy with Department of
Education and the Environment Agency Province/RegencylCity in the implementation of
environmental education in schools
Analysis, Interpretation Strukural, Environmental Education