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Item Perubahan Sistem Sosial Batobo Desa Kinali Kecamatan Kuantan Mudik Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi(2012-10-30) Juliwanti, siskaPERUBAHAN SISTEM SOSIAL BATOBO DESA KINALI KECAMATAN KUANTAN MUDIK KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI Siska Juliwanti Sofyan Suri Marwoto Saiman Pendidkan Sejarah, FKIP-Universitas Riau Jl. Bina Widya KM 12,5 Pekanbaru Alamat Korespondensi : ABSTRACT Have been conducted by a culture research, what aim to to know the social system change of batobo in countryside of kinali of pestle subdistrict go upstream the regency of Kuantan Singingi. this research is conducted at date of 8 juni until 12 juni 2012. Responder amount in this research as much 10 people. Method which is used in this research is method of deskriftif qualitative. Research conducted by data categorize pursuant to some theme as according to its research focus. Data collecting technique use observation technique, interview, and book study. From knowable research result that social system of batobo in countryside kinali have experienced of the change though there are some llama element which still be awaked. At former epoch social system of Batobo done mutual assistancely and voluntary but at the time now social system of Batobo more tend to fee system. What people care about this good enough Batobo proven by to the number of society of in following activity of this Batobo. Besides what people care about member oof Tobo also very either due many society which is group energy using of Batobo.Item Peranan Pulau Penyengat Sebagai Objek Wisata Sejarah Di Kota Tanjungpinang Provinsi Kepulauan Riau(2012-10-30) JulaihaPERANAN PULAU PENYENGAT SEBAGAI OBJEK WISATA SEJARAH DI KOTA TANJUNGPINANG PROVINSI KEPULAUAN RIAU Julaiha Ridwan Melay Tugiman 085272227244 ABSTRACT Tanjungpinang the newly expanded City Administrative status of a city based on Law no. 5 of 2001 in August 2001 gave a positive sense of the world of culture and tourism. Positive meaning in question is because there is a village that is within the Urban Biting the artifacts there are many administrative, cultural heritage objects and sites. The existence of the intangible cultural heritage objects and architectural building tombs is the potential of tourism in the city Tanjungpinang particular historical and cultural tourism potential which is a major potential owend. Tourism an industry that is able to provide a new style of fast economic growth in terms of employment, income, level of life and in turn other sectors in the country (receiving tourists). Therefore Penyengat Island is one of the only historical attractions less attention from the government, local communities and even tourism. Though there are many in this Pualu buildings with interesting architecture and historic tombs. And no less interesting was the mosque which has the basic ingredients egg whites so it looks magnificent and unique architecture. The purpose of this study is how the role of island attractions Penyengat For History In Tanjungpinang Riau Islands Province. And to know the extent of government's role with Penyengat island in use as a historical attraction. Data collected by the engineering literature, interview and observation techniques. The results show that Penyengat Island indeed content regarded as historical attractions, but because of the lack of attention from the government, department of tourism, in particular, the public cares less resulting in websites that serve as a historical attraction is less attractive and groomed when each site was maintain the so-called "Savior Maintain".Item Pengaruh Minat dan Motivasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar Sejarah Pada Siswa Kelas Viii SMP Latersia Tp 2011/2012(2012-10-30) Widuri, FransiskaABSTRACT The purpose of the study entitled "the effect of the interest and Motivation of the results of the Study of history in Grade VIII Latersia 2011/2012" is 1) to determine the influence of interest proceeds studied history at grade VIII JUNIOR Latersia TP 2011/2012, 2) to determine the influence of motivation against the results of the study of history in grade VIII Junior Latersia 2011/2012. The time this research was carried out for 6 months (August 2011 to January 2012). The population in this research is the whole grade VIII Latersia 2011/2012, with the number of students of 120 students, consisting of 67 students male and 53 female students. In this study, the researchers took samples of 30% from the subject class VIII. the sample in this study as many as 36 students in class VIII. Based on the presentation and analysis of data, then it can be concluded that the results of this research: 1) there is a significant positive correlation between interest (variable X) with the results of the study (variable Y) in class VIII Latersia 2011/2012. This is because rxy = 0,5687 located between the phosphorus – which means being korelasinya 0,700. so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) received. 2) Kolerasi between motivation (the variable X) with the results of the study (variable Y) in class VIII Latersia 2011/2012 is positive but rxy = 0,1802 lies between 0.00 – 0,200 which means korelasinya is very weak, because of the low, this is due to less diligent students face the task, less resilient, requiring a quick boost, satisfied with his achievements, less interest on various issues, are less able to defend their opinions, and less happy in solving the question of lessons.Item Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Peer Lessons Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pelajaran Sejarah Di Kelas Xi.Is Sma Negeri 1 Gaung Anak Serka Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir(2012-10-30) HikmahSTRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN PEER LESSONS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA PELAJARAN SEJARAH DI KELAS XI.IS SMA NEGERI 1 GAUNG ANAK SERKA KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HILIR Hikmah Marwoto Saiman Kamaruddin Pendidikan Sejarah,FKIP-Universitas Riau Email : 085265720362 ABSTRACT Have done Classroom Action Research (CAR), which aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes history class XI IS.2 SMA Negeri 1 Gaung Anak Serka Indragiri Hilir District School Year 2012/2013 to use peer learning strategy lessons. The study was conducted from July 14 to September 8, 2012. The number of students in the study as many as 30 people (18 male students and 12 female students). Parameter study were all teachers, student activity and learning outcomes (absorption and mastery learning students). The results showed that the average number of all teachers in the first cycle was 12% with categories (very good), the second cycle increased to 27% with categories (very good). The average number of all student activities for the entire activity of the cycle I was 333% (enough), on the second cycle increased to 568% (excellent). Absorption results in the form of student learning and mastery learning students in the first cycle, 68% post-test I (reasonably) on the post test II increased to 74% (good) with a daily test 81.3% (good). While on the second cycle, 80% post-test III (good) at post test IV increased to 86% (very good) with daily test II 88.6% (very good). Student mastery first cycle was 83.3% and the second cycle ketuntasannya is 100%. From the results of this study concluded that with the implementation of peer strategy lessons to improve student learning outcomes of subjects in class XI History IS.2 SMA Negeri 1 Gaung Anak Serka Indragiri Hilir district.Item Penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif teknik bertukar pasangan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar ips sejarah siswa kelas viii smpn 2 tambang Kabupaten kampar(2012-10-30) Anita, FitriPENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TEKNIK BERTUKAR PASANGAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR IPS SEJARAH SISWA KELAS VIII SMPN 2 TAMBANG KABUPATEN KAMPAR Di susun oleh Fitri Anita Ridwan Melay Marwoto Saiman Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP – Universitas Riau Jl. Bina Widya KM 12,5 Pekanbaru Email: 082387739334 ABSTRACT The observations found low outcomes for learning at seventh grade students in SMPN 2 Tambang, this was due the teachers were still using conventional learning system (Lecture and Q & A) in active teaching learning process, the result was the students learning outcomes not fit to the criteria of minimal completeness (KKM) has been established by schoolinstitutions, that was 73. This classroom action research was held at seventh grade of SMPN 2 Tambang Kampar in The Academic Year of 2011/2012 to 22 students, which was conducted in 2 cycles from May to August 2012. From the analyses of the data obtainedshow the following outcome: 1) learning outcomes of students in the main subject of analyzing the process of western colonialism in Indonesia by the using of Pair Exchange Technique. 2) student learning outcome gained a large increase in social sciene subject by the using of cooperative learning modelinpair exchange techniques, from a score of 77.2% to 95.4%. It can be concluded that the application of Pair Exchange Techniques can improve student learning outcomesto social scieneItem Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Number Head Together Pada Mata Pelajaran Ips Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas Vii-A Smp Negeri 12 Siak(2012-10-31) Nur'ainiPENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE NUMBER HEAD TOGETHER PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS VII-A SMP NEGERI 12 SIAK Disusun oleh Nur’aini Sofyan Suri Marwoto Saiman Email: 085274833588 ABSTRACT Have done Classroom Action Research (CAR), wich aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes VII-A class IPS SMP Negeri 12 Siak. Siak district. Academic yaer 2012/2013 using the cooperative learning model type number head together. Research conducted on the 14th of july to 4 august 2012. The number of students in the study were 28 people ( 14 male students and 14 female students). Parameters of the study were all teachers, student activity and learning outcomes (absorption and mastery lerning students). The results showed that the average number of teacher activity in cycle I was 15,5% with a category (good), in cycle II increased to 23 with categories (very good). The average number of students for all the activities of all the activity in cycle I was 372% (enough), in cycle II increased to 447,5% (good). Absorption results in the form of student learning and mastery learning, in cycle I, post test I 68,7% (enough) on the post test II increased to 75,3% (both) with either daily test 78,3% (good). While in cycle II, III post test 79,2% (good) on IV increased to 85,17% (very good) with daily test II 85% ( very good). Student mastery of cycle I and cycle II was 78,5% completeness is 100%. From the research concluded that the use of cooperative learning model number type head together to improve learning out comes in students grades VII-A IPS SMP Negeri 12 Siak.Item Peranan Guru Sejarah Dalam Menumbuhkan Semangat Patriotisme Siswa Dalam Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Dikelas Xi Sman 2 Peranap Kecamatan Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu(2012-10-31) Anrianti, ResaPERANAN GURU SEJARAH DALAM MENUMBUHKAN SEMANGAT PATRIOTISME SISWA DALAM MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH DIKELAS XI SMAN 2 PERANAP KECAMATAN PERANAP KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HULU Disusun Oleh : Resa Anrianti Sofyan Suri Ridwan Melay Email : / Hp: 085278745384 ABSTRAK Have been done/conducted by Research of Action School, with aim to know Role Of Teacher History In Grow the Spirit Of Patriotism Student In Subject History Class of XI SMAN 2 Peranap, District Of Peranap Sub-Province of Indragiri Hulu. School year 2012 / 2013 . Research done/conducted on 30 juli until 4 agustus 2012 . Amount of student in this research counted 59 people ( 31 class of IPS and 28 class of IPA). From result of research can know that pursuant to result of kuesioner can know that history teacher which teaching in class of XI SMAN 2 Peranap share and grow the spirit of student patriotism, spanned value 51,2 %. And also the spirit of student patriotism have kreteria enough nicely spanned value 58,54 %. Becoming can be concluded that Teacher history play important role in Grow the Spirit Of Patriotism Student In Subject History ClaItem Efektivitas Pendidikan Karakter Pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kelas Xi Ips Sman 10 Pekanbaru(2012-11-01) Mumpuni, RetnoEFEKTIVITAS PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER PADA MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH KELAS XI IPS SMAN 10 PEKANBARU Disusun Oleh : Retno Mumpuni Isjoni Syofyan Suri Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP – Universitas Riau Jl.Bina Widya Km.12,5 Pekanbaru ABSTRACT Research on the effectiveness of character education class at SMAN 10 XI IPS Pekanbaru using 129 respondents were students from all majors class XI IPS consists of 4 classes by distributing question naires to students XI IPS and interviews to teachers of history, the principal and parties – other parties that support. The purpose of this study conducted to determine how successful character education in class XI IPS SMAN 10 Pekanbaru that has been running for 1 year with a look at how SMAN 10 Pekanbaru implement character education, any character that is difficult given by the teachers of the students, and how to respond students to the educational character. This research was conducted with descriptive and qualitative methodst oobtain data touse traditional interview techniques and filling question naires by students of SMAN 10 XI IPS Pekanbaru. The results showed that students' attitudes XI IPS SMAN 10 Pekanbaru who have acquired the character education to be changed towards a better over all though not yet from the student to receive educational character well. It is recognized by teachers of history are still finding little resistance in delive ring some of the characters because not all characters can be directly absorbed by students and implemented in daily life-days.Item Strategi Guru Sejarah Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Ejarah di SMAN 10 Pekanbaru(2012-11-01) Trisnawati, DewiSTRATEGI GURU SEJARAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH DI SMAN 10 PEKANBARU Dewi Trisnawati Isjoni Marwoto Saiman Pendidikan Sejarah,FKIP-Universitas Riau Jl. Bina Widya KM 12,5 Pekanbaru Alamat Korespondensi : ABSTRACT The purpose of this study to determine how the strategies history teachers in raising interest Study abroad students in history courses at SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. The study was conducted using descriptive methods. Data were collected using interviews and literature. That research is used as expected and can achieve the goal well, we need a methodology of research, the study authors used descriptive method. The problem in this study is due to declining student interest in teaching methods that teachers carry out less varied so that students feel bored, busy and paying attention menggantuk in history. The results show that strategies history teachers in increasing student interest in subjects sejarahdi SMAN 10 Pekanbaru, through interviews with teachers of history has gone well. But there are strategies undertaken by teachers less than the maximum, and the lack of interest of students studying on the subjects of history and limited facilities and pre-school facilities.Item Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe teams Games tournaments untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS - sejarah siswa kelas viii- 1 DI SMP NEGERI 21 Pekanbaru Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011(2012-11-05) Debataraja, Tumei YPENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE TEAMS GAMES TOURNAMENTS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR IPS - SEJARAH SISWA KELAS VIII- 1 DI SMP NEGERI 21 PEKANBARU TAHUN AJARAN 2010/2011 Disusun Oleh: Tumei Y Debataraja Tugiman Nurlela Hayati Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP- Universitas Riau Jl. Bina widya KM 12,5 Pekanbaru Email : hp 085272665768 ABSTRACT The background of this research is the situation in SMP Negeri 21 Pekanbaru the author of the study, in which student learning outcomes in learning history IPS is very low with an average score below the value of KKM are 7, 5. In general it can be seen that most of the students in the learning less passionate, always dull, sleepy, tired, lazy and unfocused in following the teaching and learning process. If there is an argument that it only appears to come from the same students. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes class VIII-1 in subjects with a history of implementing cooperative learning type of Games Tournament Team. This study was conducted on Thursday, 24 March 2011. The subjects were student of classVIII-1 SMP Negeri 21 Pekanbaru with enrollment of 42 people, consisting of 38 female students and 4 boys. Variable of this study is that student learning outcomes were measured using the evaluation sheet and assignment sheet that was done by a group of teachers while activity measured using teacher observation sheet. The results assessed in two cycle I student learning outcomes at an average of 73,20 with the category high, while in the second cycle II reached 84,84 to the category of very high, or increased 11,64. While all teachers first cyle I in the study archieved an average score of 21 with a category of good and the second cycle II increased to an average score of 33,66 with a category of very good or an increase of 12,66. Based on these results it can be concuded that the type of Cooperative Learning Team Games Tournament can improve learning outcomes history IPS SMP Negeri 21 Pekanbaru in class VIII-1 in Academic year 2010-2011.Item Sejarah Dan Nilai Budaya Kayat Di Desa Tanjung Putus Kecamatan Kuantan Hilir Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi(2012-11-05) Anjasari, FitriSEJARAH DAN NILAI BUDAYA KAYAT DI DESA TANJUNG PUTUS KECAMATAN KUANTAN HILIR KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI Disusun Oleh : Fitri Anjarsari Isjoni Ishaq Nurlela Hayati Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP-Universitas Riau Jl.Bina Widya Km.12,5 Pekanbaru ABSTRACT The study, entitled The History and Cultural Values Kayat I researched this on the grounds that the public get to know and explore the local culture is an important element for national culture. The authors see this Kayat art is a rich tradition of art with cultural values that can lead us to behave well. That's why the writer is interested in researching this Kayat art. Moreover, art has begun displaced by the times and the technology that is caused by the lack of public attention KuantanHilir.Kayat study aims to determine the history of the origins of Kayat, describing the cultural values found in Kayat, and knowing Kayat function for society.The method used by the author in this study is descriptive qualitative method. Data collected through observation, interviews, literature and documentation. The data was analyzed descriptively that a systematic and accurate description of the fact that it becomes a historical story bena can actually accounted scholarship.Recapitulation of the whole then known Kayat is kind of traditional art islamic containing the folklore of the past, the present and the future (the Day of Resurrection) and then presenting Kayat sung with a beautiful tone and distinctive music. In RantauKuantan had 4 jeniKayat the Kayatporang, Tengkurak Dry, Child and Limerick. The four Kayat presented at different events.From the results of this research is that Kayat is the result of the influence of Islamic culture came to Kuantan seacoast, so that the contents Kayat contains many teachings of Islam. Kayat not only as a medium for entertainment purposes, but it can also be a medium of instruction.Society is very welcome presence in RantauKayatKuantan. This can take a look at the value of cultural and Kayat function for society. After watching the show can be seen Kayat attitudes and social change after witnessing Kayat.Item Penggunaan model pembelajaran murder ( mood, understand, recall, digest, expand, review ) untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran sejarah kelas xi ips - 3 di sma negeri 1 kampar Air tiris, kec. Kampar(2012-11-05) basri, HasanPENGGUNAAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MURDER ( MOOD, UNDERSTAND, RECALL, DIGEST, EXPAND, REVIEW ) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH KELAS XI IPS - 3 DI SMA NEGERI 1 KAMPAR AIR TIRIS, KEC. KAMPAR Disusun oleh Hasan Basri Sofyan Suri Marwoto Saiman Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP-Universitas Riau Jl. Bina Widya KM 12,5 Pekanbaru ABSTRACT Educational history is an important subject in educational institutions / schools that make up the character of the students to love the homeland. But in reality students are less motivated to learn the history and even the history of the subject assumes students are subject boring and sleepy. Students also mentioned that the teacher explain the lesson still using conventional learning models and monotonous atmosphere of learning that is not alive. Departing from these problems, the researchers tried to use MURDER learning model to enhance students' motivation on historical subjects. Classroom Action Research (CAR) aims to determine the increase in student motivation XI IPS-3 SMA Negeri 1 Kampar, Air tiris, Kec. Kampar. Academic Year 2012/2013 using learning model MURDER (Mood, Understand, Recall, Digest, Expand, Review). The study was conducted on the 4th of July until 4 September 2012. The number of students in the study were 41 people (15 male students and 26 female students). Parameter study were all teachers, student motivation and activities of student learning activities in the group. The results showed that the average number of all teachers in the first cycle was 80% with a category (perfect), the second cycle increased to 94% with the category (so perfect). The average number of student motivation activity in the first cycle was 61% (good), on the second cycle increased to 79% (very good). Then the students' learning activities within the group in the first cycle, the percentage is 65% (good) in the second cycle increased to 86% (very good). From the results of this study concluded that the use of learning model MURDER (Mood, Understand, Recall, Digest, Expand, Review) can increase student motivation XI IPS-3 SMA Negeri 1 Kampar, Air tiris, Kec. Kampar. Hopefully this research can be continued and developed in the world education, especially in the management of effective learning in the classroom, so as to produce quality output, professional, and courteous sublime.Item Pembentukan Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti 2008 ( Suatu Tinjauan Historis)(2012-11-07) Gozali, ImamPEMBENTUKAN KABUPATEN KEPULAUAN MERANTI 2008 ( SUATU TINJAUAN HISTORIS) Di Susun Oleh Imam Gozali Marwoto Saiman Kamarudin Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP – Universitas Riau Jl. Bina Widya KM 12,5 Pekanbaru Abstrak Meranti Islands Regency established by Law No. 12 Year 2009 and officially became Kabupaten on May 26, 2009. The formation of Meranti Islands Regency known as the formation of Ex Kewedanaan Selat Panjang covering Bantar, Belitung, Tanjung Samak. Actually the long history of Meranti island regency’s division was started since 1957. The objective of this study was to determine the developmental formation Meranti Islands Regency, before becoming regency until forming as a Meranti Islands Regency (2008). This study includes changes in the conditions of living, socio-cultural, economic, political and educational communities of Meranti Islands Regency. This study used a comparative study, as an effort to collect, actualize, and interpret the data and study it more clearly from some factors related with the condition, situation, and the phenomena which provided. The results of this study showed that the development of Meranti island regency, before becoming regency had reveal progress, in the field of socio-cultural, economic, political, and education but not evenly. Therefore the Meranti Islands Regency wanted to set the region (autonomy). After the meranti islands regency became regency, local government gave more attention in the development of facilities and infrastructure in their respective fields, as well as the Meranti Islands Regency’s social life.Item Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Whole Brain Teaching (Wbt) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kelas X Sma Lancang Kuning Kota Dumai(2012-11-07) Agustin, SelviaPENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN WHOLE BRAIN TEACHING (WBT) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH KELAS X SMA LANCANG KUNING KOTA DUMAI Selvia Agustin Marwoto Saiman Isjoni Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP – Universitas Riau Jl. Bina Widya KM 12,5 Pekanbaru e-mail: ABSTRACT Based on information from teachers of history, the researchers looked at the class X High School Lancang Kuning Dumai City many students score below KKM (minimum completeness criteria) are established to 75. Lack of student interest, lack of involvement of the student, did not want to ask, the lack of understanding of students and most students do not pay attention when learning takes place, so the end result is to be achieved individually and classical completeness has not been achieved. This study was Classroom Action Research (CAR). Actions given in the classroom learning process by using a learning model Whole Brain Teaching. The study involved a total of 32 study subjects students of class X, which consisted of 15 male students and 17 female students.The research was conducted to know the implementation of Whole Brain Teaching learning model and to know the student learning outcomes after the implementation of the learning model Whole Brain Teaching history on the subjects of class X High School Lancang Kuning Dumai City. The method used in this study is descriptive and analytical methods and to obtain the data observation sheet used observation techniques by the observer. From data the study showed an increase, student learning outcomes, prior to classroom action research daily test average is 70.31% after PTK based daily test increased to 85.46% and is included in the category of Very Good. In the daily test II increased to 90.62% and belong to the category Very Good. As such implementation Whole Brain Teaching learning model can improve student learning outcomes in subjects History class X High School Lancang Kuning Dumai City.Item Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Berkirim Salam Dan Soal Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kelas Xi Sma N 1 Kuantan Hilir Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi(2013-01-07) MarliantiPENGGUNAAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TEKNIK BERKIRIM SALAM DAN SOAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH KELAS XI SMA N 1 KUANTAN HILIR KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI Marlianti Marwoto Saiman Ridwan Melay Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP-Universitas Riau Jl. Bina Widya KM.12,5 Pekanbaru ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the use of cooperative learning techniques and problem exchanging greetings in increasing students' motivation in learning the history of the class XI SMA N 1 Kuantan Hilir Kuantan Singingi District. Research was conducted in two cycles consisting of four meetings beginning in July 2012 until September 2012. subject under study is a class XI students of SMAN 1 Kuantan Hilir Kuantan Singingi District, the number of students 39 people, consisting of 19 male students and 20 female students. The characteristic is thatItem Pengaruh Sistem Pembelajaran Moving Class Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kelas Xii Ips 2 Di MAN 1 Pekanbaru(2013-01-08) Tami, A.FPENGARUH SISTEM PEMBELAJARAN MOVING CLASS TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH KELAS XII IPS 2 Di MAN 1 PEKANBARU Ana Fitra Tami Tugiman Marwoto Saiman Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP – Universitas Riau Jl. Bina Widya Km 12,5 Pekanbaru ABSTRACT The purpose of the study entitled "The Effect of Moving Class Learning Systems Toward Student Motivation History Lesson In Class XII IPS 2 At MAN 1 Pekanbaru" are: 1) To determine the students' motivation to learn history before moving class to class XII IPS 2 Pekanbaru MAN 1, 2 ) To find out the Students' motivation to learn history after moving class to class XII IPS 2 MAN 1 Pekanbaru. When the study was planned for 6 months (June 2012 to November 2012) as of the seminar continued with research proposals thesis writing up to undergraduate exams. In this study, researchers took 25% of the subject class XII. Then the samples in this study were 24 students in class XII. Based on the presentation and analysis of data, it can be concluded from this research that: the price obtainable criticism "t" or a table at 5% significance t_tabel at 2:07, while the 1% significance level of 2.81 is obtained T_T. By comparing the amount of "t" obtained in the calculation (t_o = 3,571) and the amount of "t" value listed in Table t (t_ (t.ts.5%) = 2.07 and t_ (t.ts1%) = 2.81) then it can be seen that t_o is greater than the 2:07 T_T <3571> 2.81. Can be said conclusively Class Learning Systems Moving Toward Student Motivation History Lesson on Class XII IPS 2 MAN 1 Pekanbaru showed significant effectiveness. Within the meaning of the word can be relied upon aas a good learning system to teach the subject areas of history at MAN 1 Pekanbaru.Item PENGARUH RESTORASI MEIJI TERHADAP MODERNISASI DI NEGARA JEPANG TAHUN 1868-1912(2013-01-08) Sari, Y.NPENGARUH RESTORASI MEIJI TERHADAP MODERNISASI DI NEGARA JEPANG TAHUN 1868-1912 YUNIKA NURDINA SARI Ridwan melay Tugiman Pendidikan Sejarah,FKIP-Universitas Riau Email : 085278649278 ABSTRACT The background of this thesis is on the Effect of the Meiji Restoration in the State Modernization Of Japan Year 1868-1912. Japanese nationals who have a feudal system of government headed by the emperor alone. But in fact the government is running a military family. Initially the State of Japan was very open with the arrival of foreign Nations, but after the development of Christianity as opposed to the system of feudal Japan, the Tokugawa finally decided to shut down Japan from the outside world. It lasted for centuries, until the Japanese finally re-opened with the arrival Comodorr Perry, chairman of the U.S. Navy. It also marks the return of power to the emperor. Emperor who holds the government of the day is the Emperor Meiji. Therefore this period is called the Meiji Restoration. The new government made some breakthrough that finally makes the State of Japan being a developed country and a recognized world. The results of this study show that the influence of the Meiji Restoration is a great event. Japan is a country that used to shut yourself off from the world civilization in a short time can turn into a developed country in various fields. Currently, Japan is also one of the countries in Asia that can be compared with other developed countries in Europe and America. With all that accomplished modernization, Japan is a country that really appreciate and preserve cultural country. They are not necessarily trying to imitate western culture and leave their own culture. Japanese culture is still maintained today.Item Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru Di SMA Negeri 2 Kampar(2013-01-09) Dellan, Hersisca EfrilyaIn general, in performing their duties the teachers tend to be monotonous, within the meaning of the teacher carry out his duties as a teacher, either as teachers, educators and administrative staff of origin as the discharge of their responsibilities just as a teacher. Teachers are less challenged to creativity for school, such as the media and create simple props for learning. For that the performance of teachers in carrying out the task it was time to repair to overcome various problems of education in the schools. The purpose of this study were: 1) Determine the level of job satisfaction of teachers at SMAN 2 Kampar, 2) Finding a teacher's performance in carrying out tasks in SMA Negeri 2 Kampar, 3) Knowing the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of teachers in performing at SMAN 2 Kampar. This study was conducted at SMAN 2 Kampar with total sample of 30 teachers. Methods of data collection by questionnaire and observation techniques. Data processing using Product Moment formula. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) the level of job satisfaction of teachers SMA Negeri 2 Kampar in the category of the 20 respondents were satisfied on the interval from 22,51 to 29,25, 2) the level of teacher performance SMAN 2 Kampar enter both categories namely 26 respondents were in the interval from 60,01 to 78,00, 3) There is a significant positive correlation between job satisfaction (variable X) and learning outcomes (variable Y), this is because rxy = 0,800 in the range of 0,61 – 0,80 this means a strong positive correlation or high, and the alternative hypothesis (Hi) is accepted.Item Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pelajaran Sejarah Di Sma Negeri Dharma Pendidikan Kempas Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir(2013-01-09) Mutiah, SPenerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berwawancara Siswa Kelas V SDN 021 Bangkinang Kabupaten Kampar Oleh Satri Mulia Tami Sulta1, Otang Kurnaman, M. Pd2, Erlisnawati, M. Pd3 Abstract This study aims to improve interview skills fifth grade elementary school students SDN 021 Bangkinang Kampar district by applying direct learning model. Activity Cycle I teachers first meeting with a percentage of 60%, in the second meeting cycle increased to 80%. At the first meeting of the second cycle the percentage of the value of the teacher's activities increased 90% and at the second meeting of the second cycle percentage gained another 95% increase. In the percentage of student activity obtained at the first meeting of the first cycle is 42,85%, the second meeting of the first cycle has increased 64,28%. While at the first meeting of the second cycle had increased again to 85,71% and the percentage of student activity at the second meeting of the second cycle increased from 92,85% the previous meeting. Interview skills gained from the initial data and the average 42,8 percentage achieving success KKM 70 only 14,3%. Average increase obtained after implementing the learning model directly at the first meeting with the first cycle is 67,1 percentage of students who pass is 28,5%. At the second meeting of the first cycle an average of 70,0 and has increased the percentage of students who completed 42.9%. UH in the first cycle I gained an average of 71,7 maningkat ie, the percentage of students who completed 57.1%. At the first meeting of the second cycle average increased to 75,7 and the percentage of students who pass the 71,4%, the second meeting of the second cycle the average increase is 79,6 and the percentage of students who completed 78,5%. While at UH 2 second cycle average increased to 86,5 and the percentage of students who completed 92,8%. Based on these results, the application of learning models directly in the eyes of Indonesian language teaching can improve skills interview fifth grade elementary school students SDN 021 Bangkinang Kampar regency.Item Pengaruh Sertifikasi Terhadap Kinerja Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Ips Di Smk Negeri 4 Pekanbaru(2013-01-09)Certification aims to produce teachers who have the professional competence to plan, implement, and evaluate learning. The fact there is a difference in the learning process in implementing the teaching and learning among teachers who are certified and who have not been certified. Teachers who are certified in the PBM better able to master the subject matter and classroom management in order to see enthusiastic students to participate in classroom lessons. The purpose of this study were: 1) Determine the effect on the performance of social studies teacher certification, 2) Knowing the effect of certification on student learning outcomes in social studies, 3) Knowing the effect of certification on teacher performance in improving student learning outcomes in social studies. This study was conducted at SMK Negeri 4 Pekanbaru with 2 people total sample social studies teacher. Methods of data collection by observation, data analysis and comparing the total score. Based on the presentation of data analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) Teachers who have certified its performance is better than teachers who have not seen the certification of teachers' total score of 104 categories of certification are very good while the teacher is not certified either 90 categories, 2 ) learning outcomes of students who take the learning process by certified teachers who already have a percentage of 27.02% while the value of a good student learning outcomes of students who take the learning process by certified teachers who have not had a percentage of 74.28% of the students either. So the authors concluded that the "Certification can improve the performance of social studies teachers are getting better and influence on student learning outcomes by following MGMP and have teaching experience also affect student learning outcomes.
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