Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pelajaran Sejarah Di Sma Negeri Dharma Pendidikan Kempas Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berwawancara Siswa Kelas V SDN 021 Bangkinang Kabupaten Kampar Oleh Satri Mulia Tami Sulta1, Otang Kurnaman, M. Pd2, Erlisnawati, M. Pd3 Abstract This study aims to improve interview skills fifth grade elementary school students SDN 021 Bangkinang Kampar district by applying direct learning model. Activity Cycle I teachers first meeting with a percentage of 60%, in the second meeting cycle increased to 80%. At the first meeting of the second cycle the percentage of the value of the teacher's activities increased 90% and at the second meeting of the second cycle percentage gained another 95% increase. In the percentage of student activity obtained at the first meeting of the first cycle is 42,85%, the second meeting of the first cycle has increased 64,28%. While at the first meeting of the second cycle had increased again to 85,71% and the percentage of student activity at the second meeting of the second cycle increased from 92,85% the previous meeting. Interview skills gained from the initial data and the average 42,8 percentage achieving success KKM 70 only 14,3%. Average increase obtained after implementing the learning model directly at the first meeting with the first cycle is 67,1 percentage of students who pass is 28,5%. At the second meeting of the first cycle an average of 70,0 and has increased the percentage of students who completed 42.9%. UH in the first cycle I gained an average of 71,7 maningkat ie, the percentage of students who completed 57.1%. At the first meeting of the second cycle average increased to 75,7 and the percentage of students who pass the 71,4%, the second meeting of the second cycle the average increase is 79,6 and the percentage of students who completed 78,5%. While at UH 2 second cycle average increased to 86,5 and the percentage of students who completed 92,8%. Based on these results, the application of learning models directly in the eyes of Indonesian language teaching can improve skills interview fifth grade elementary school students SDN 021 Bangkinang Kampar regency.


Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berwawancara


Direct Learning Model, interview skills
