3. International Seminar On Ecology, Human Habitat And Environmental Change In The Malay World Tahun 2014
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Item Archaeology, Culture and History: Concept and Their Contribution in Malaysia(2016-11-14) Ramli, ZuliskandarArcheology, history and culture are seen as capable of contributing to national development. The three things are linked because the three have a strong bond. In the opinion of the author, archaeology, history and culture are in harmony of each other. This is because archeology is part of history and cultural data, including the paleo-environment data (ecofact), which are the primary data in archaeological research. However, this view would conflict with those who adhere to the idea that 'archeology is anthropology or it is nothing. It is the faith of those who subscribe to the "New Archaeology" born in America. The movement began in the late 1950’s when American researchers began to move the entire discipline away from the study of artifacts to the study of people behavior. Work of Gordon Willey and Philip Philips in ‘Method and Theory in American Archaeology’ stated that “American archaeology is anthropology or it is nothing (Whillwy and Phillips 1958: 2). The idea implied that the goals of archaeology were, in fact, the goals of anthropology, which were to answer questions about humans and human society. This was a critique of the former period in archaeology, the culture-historical phase in which archaeologists thought that any information which artifacts contained is about past people and their way of live once the items are included in the archaeological record. All they felt that could be done was to catalogue, describe and create timelines based on artifacts (Trigger, 1989). In 1960’s, scholars like Lewis Binfood, David Clarke, David Leonard and others suggested that archaeology must be more scientific, with explicit theory and rigorous methodologies. Lewis Binfood in his book New Perspectives in Archaeology published in 1968 stressed on: i) the need to use new technologies such as the computer for statistical and matrix analyses of data; ii) the concept of the ecosystem for the understanding of the economic and subsistence bases of prehistoric societies; iii) an evolutionary view of culture; iv) the use of models of cultures that could be viewed as systems; v) incorporation of an evolutionary approach to culture change; and vi) a close relationship between archaeology and anthropology. In Britain, David Clarke and David Leonard, in the book entitled Analytical Archaeology, also published in 1968, took up similar themes, emphasizing particularly the application of systems theory to archaeological modeling.Item Informal Recycling Activities in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: Student Perspectives(2016-11-14) Nasir, Zubaidah Mohd; Yaacob, Mashitoh; Ahmad, MaisarahOne of the major challenges in solid waste management in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) is how best to work with informal recycling sector to improve efficiency in recycling. In order to find the best way to integrate the informal and formal sectors of recycling in UKM, UKM needs to document, understand and build on existing informal collection and recycling systems. However, base-line data on informal recycling activities in UKM are non-existence. The purpose of this paper is to discuss base-line data on informal recycling activities in UKM. Quantitative survey method was employed to collect data on informal recycling activities in UKM, and one hundred students responded to a set of questionnaire. Descriptive mean and standard deviation were obtained. Reliability and validity were tested to approve the variables used. The results of this paper indicated that according to students, the informal recyclers in UKM were amongst the cleaning service workers with a mean score of 3.18 compared to other categories of informal recyclers such as residential college staffs (2.34), students (2.28), support staffs (2.15), cafeteria staffs (2.11), academic staffs (2.04) and administrative staffs (2.03). Students clarified that informal waste recycling collectors and collecting waste recycling parties were itinerant waste buyers with the mean scores of 2.93 and 2.59, respectively. Students also identified recycling micro and small enterprise (MSEs) as the main trading party (2.96) compared to other parties. Materials collected by the informal recyclers in UKM were mostly papers (3.37). Of all recyclables, paper was accumulated the most with a range of volume between 5 to 9 kilograms per day. In addition, paper also gain the highest in profit obtained which is from RM 11 to RM 19 per day. The findings of this study form a basis of understanding on unacknowledged recycling activities by informal recyclers in UKM.Item The Implementation of Plantation Business License in Siak Regency(2016-11-14) Rusli, ZailiPalm oil plantation business licensing in Siak Regency has not been implemented effectively in accordance with the in force regulations (act on forestry, permenhut, permentan, SKB 3 Ministers), especially regarding to the release permission of forest area and HGU permit. This condition is affected by several factors, namely communication, namely the dissemination, system and procedure (SOP) for implementing the licensing effort of implementation of palm plantation in siak Regency. Therefore it is necessary to take some steps in order to overcome the factors that affect the success of the palm plantation business licensing implementation in Siak Regency, such as the increase of socialization to the target, the transformation of the information clearly and consistently, the increase of the quality and quantity of the implementing policy reform, as well as crafting a clear SOP so that law enforcement can run optimally.Item Threat to The Peat Region and Ecosystem (The Early Study of Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) /Riau Ecosystem Restoration in Kampar Peninsula)(2016-11-14) YoserizalThe Kampar Peninsula is the biggest remain peat swamp forest in Sumatra which located on the eastern Sumatra coastal line and has 473.000 hectare of natural forest. This Peninsula has 4 conservation regions; Danau Pulau Besar Conservation (28,237ha), Tasik Belat Conservation (2,529ha), Tasik Besar / Tasik Metas Conservation (3,200ha), Tasik Serkap / Tasik Sarang Burung Conservation (6,900ha). Tasik Belat, Tasik Sarang Burung, and Tasik Serkap are the small conservations seperated by rivers and lakes. Since being declared, the Kampar Peninsula is threatened by illegal lodging, demographic tension, the use and the domination of lands, hunting and conflict among humans and animals.Item The Intensity of Pest (Callosobruchusspp) Attack on Ten Seed Breeding Results of Soybeans Varieties (Case Study BPP Majalengka)(2016-11-14) Muliani, Yenny; Fernando, Robie; Irmawatie, Lilis; Mustariani, ErryThis study aims to determine the intensity of pests (Callosobruchuschinensis) on 10 varieties of soybeans. One of the parameter of this study is to analyze symptoms of damage on soybean seed. Soybean varieties were tested consisting of ten varieties of soybean breeding results inBPP Majalengka. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Islam Nusantara, Bandung West Java. The method used in this study was the experimental method completely randomized design (CRD) with ten treatments and three replications. Such treatment are A (Argomulyo variety), B (Rajabasa variety), C(Wilis variety), D (Sinabung variety), E (Detam variety), F (Anjasmoro variety), G (Grobogan variety), H (Bromo variety ) , I (M3 variety), J (Mitani variety). The results showed that Argomulyo has highest seed damage due to pests CallosobruchuschinensisItem Influential Aspects on Environmentally Ethical Behavior (EEB) of Muslim Women in Kuala Lumpur(2016-11-14) Petera, W. Syairah Hazwani W; Yaacob, MashitohWomen have been in the frontline of most household socio-economic activities. Thus, their participation in environmentally ethical behavior (EEB) namely pre-cycling, re-using and recycling activities towards household waste generation particularly in high density area should be discussed. To identify the influential aspects that reinforcing EEB amongst Muslim women in Kuala Lumpur, a qualitative study was conducted. The study was guided by the following research objectives: a) to identify the type of EEB that has been practicing by informants; b) to discover their reasons for performing EEB; and c) to find out the main aspect that influence them in applying EEB in their daily lives. Twenty-four of Muslim women informants were selected using convenience sampling and they have been interviewed. The findings reveal five key categories or aspects of influences: a) economic; b) social; c) religion; d) politic; and e) environment that emphasizing EEB amongst informants. The findings are useful as a platform in order to advocate EEB among Muslim community in Malaysia.Item Implementation of Regional Autonomy in Riau Province(2016-11-14) Putro, Tri Sukirno; Samian, Abdul Latif; Jahi, Jamaluddin MdThis study aims to analyze the existing implementation of regional autonomy and decentralization in Riau province, based on the law number 32 year 2004 about "local government" and the law number 33 year 2004 about "Fiscal Balance between central and local governments" which began efectif date of January 1, 2001. To carry out autonomous and decentralized, autonomous region given financial support by the central government, in existence: (1) Balanced Funds, comprising: (a) the general allocation fund, and (b) specific allocation of funds, (2) Funds for Yield (DBH ) tax and DBH original source. The main goal of financial aid is to reduce the degree of difference between rich region (producers of natural resources) and poor districts (non-producing natural resources). The impact of the policy is causing dissatisfaction for natural resource-producing region, because of the financial support received is too small, so Riau Province and some other areas (such as: the province Darussalam and Papua province), was able to claim the status of "autonomous region specific ". Funds to support childhood Riau provincial administration can be seen through :: (1) the degree of fiscal decentralizations small, between 30.86 percent to 43.66 percent (less than 50 percent), (2) the level of financial dependence, between 56.32 percent to 69.17 percent (over 50 percent) and (3) Regional selfsufficiency rate is relatively small. Especially during the years 2004-2007 of 40.51 percent. Based on the above facts, Riau province has been treated unfairly and demanded that the variables used to determine the amount of general fund allocation changes, such as by removing the factor of "revenue sharing" as a variable to determine the magnitude of fiscal capacity. Because of revenue sharing is "compensation" for damages to natural resources as a result of mining activities (oil and gas) will be borne by the Riau province.Item Exploration Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal (AMF) Spores Indigenous at Coal Mine Area PT. KIM, Job Site Muara Bungo, Jambi(2016-11-14) Supriatun, Titin; Rossiana, Nia; Khaliq, Khaidil PTolerant plants that can still be living in the mining area, because of the possibility of symbiosis with microorganisms, including mycorrhizal types, the spores of living microorganisms in the root zone through the formation of roots and symbiotic hyphae penetrate the root epidermis cells. Interwoven hyphae that will serve to expand the field of far-reaching absorption of nutrients from the soil surface, especially the elements and phosphate can also act as a filter absorption of heavy metals by plants. Research on the exploration diversity of indigen MAF spores conducted in five locations (at Wika 1, Kelok S, Kampung Jawa, KIM 2, and East Pit ) mining area coal PT. KIM in Muara Bungo, Jambi, This research consists of two phases, the first phase of soil sampling in the field and the second stage is the isolation and identification of AMF infection as well as observations in the laboratory, analyzed the data descriptionThe results showed that in the area; The MAF spores found were : 13 of Glomus , Septoglomus constrictum, Rhizophagus Clarus, and Septoglomus deserticola species. While the infected MAF on plant are: Chromolaena odorata (60%), Mallotus panniculatus (60%), Cyperus sp. (40%), Hevea brassiliensis (60%), Axonopus Paspalum (90%), A.compressus (80%), Ipomea triloba (70%) and Clidemia hirta (100%).Item Local-Face and Mixed-Race in Femina Magazine and Nova Tabloid: Hybridity and Mimicry in Beauty and Daily Products in Indonesia’s Advertisements(2016-11-14) Yazid, Tantri PuspitaThis article compares ads of beauty products featured by mixed-race models and ads of daily products (daily consumption) featured by local-look models in Indonesian women’s magazines. By using semiotic approach, in this context I have tried to identify hybridity and mimicry in Royco, Mama Lemon, Scotch Brite, Lux, Marie-France and Pond’s ads and then related the findings to whiteness and consumption. There seems to be uniformity in perceiving beauty by making Western woman as the reference, and the mixed-race that physically resembles much more closely the appearance of Western woman can therefore be dominant in beauty products ads. Mimicry and hybridity that I find in most ads is presented in different ways. Daily products tend to use metaphors to represent hybridity whereas beauty products employ mixed-raced models as the element of hybrid. However, the ambivalence inherent in hybrid enables mixed-race to imitate and to be imitated at the same time. In this context, the hybrid imitates a Western woman as the original and then the hybrid is imitated by the local face to become a hybrid. The difference of treatment of daily and beauty products can be seen in the women’s role and how they consume the products in both types of ads. While it is evident that ads of daily product fortify the position of local women in domestic affairs, the mixed-race women as the imitation of Western women are stereotyped as women of freedom and beauty. This strengthens the connotation of Western lifestyle that tends to live in glamour, leisure, and wealth.Item Social Enterprenership in The Programme for Economic Democracy in Poverty in Dumai(2016-11-14) Marnelly, T. RomiImplementation of Economic Democracy in Dumai City in order to alleviate poverty and improve the welfare of the community, among others develop and strengthen the ability of poor people to improve their living standards by opening employment opportunities, business opportunities, educational opportunities and increased service a variety of needs. Thus the program is worth continuing for Economic Democracy as perceived very useful for the community. Economic Democracy program for poverty reduction will be run effectively if all infrastructure owned by the City of Dumai able to carry out their duties with passion more responsive, faster, better, and closer than what has been done so far. This means the need to revitalize the infrastructure that are both physical and non-physical nature. Revitalization of the infrastructure is the most rational approach is relatively fast and in order to support the implementation of the Programmer for Economic Democracy, as well as strategies and objectives betweenItem Policy Model of Development and Empowerment in Conflict- Prone Border Region Towards the Reliant Community(2016-11-14) SujiantoGovernance management reforms at the beginning were expected to involve three components (stakeholders) which are; the country, communities and the private sector. Each component is determined by its own standard role according to the used paradigms of development. The development paradigm must be parallel with the changing paradigm of Government which demand the balance in the same responsibility for community development and empowerment. However, unfortunately, the applied development concept in many developing countries experienced for a failure. Riau Province within one decade has its economic growth over 7% per year on average. But in fact, most of the residents of Riau Province have not attained that economic growth. Based on the described phenomenon it is needed for theoritical study to find a model of community empowerment in accordance with local potential. Therefore, in this occasion I posed the following research title; “Policy Model of Development and Empowerment in Conflict-Prone Border Region towards the Reliant Community." From what's disclosed the research problems are formulated as follows; 1. How are the community’s views on local government towards development activities in border areas (economic, social, cultural, political and public service) in Riau? 2. How does the local Government view on the Community area on the borders of conflict-prone in Riau? 3. What are the factors and efforts to support the community development and empowerment towards the reliance community in conflict-prone areas in Riau? 4. What kind of policy model of development and empowerment that can dampen the community conflict in conflict-prone area in Riau? As for the goals of this research are: a. to ind out and to analyze the community’s views on local government towards development activities in border areas (economic, social, cultural, political and public service) in Riau b. to know and to analyse the view of local governments on the community in the area of conflict-prone border in Riau. c. to know and to analyse the factors and efforts to support the community development and empowerment towards the reliance community in conflict-prone areas in Riau d. to drafting and to formulate policy model of development and empowerment that can dampen the community conflict in conflict-prone area in Riau To answer those questions, theoritically the policy model approach is used. The applied Model is using a combination of concepts and elaborating policy models that correspond to the question of development and empowerment in each region at the border. Therefore, this research method is designed using a mixed methods approach which is qualitative and quantitative. This is the method for making overlapped between a method with other methods.Item The Performance of Medical Personnel and Public Service on Puskesmas(2016-11-14) Achnes, SofiaThis study aims to investigate the performance of employee and public health services and the relationship with the employee's performance on public health services at Puskesmas Rumbio Jaya. The population in this study were all employees of Puskesmas Rumbio Jaya (head/leader Puskesmas, Chief of Administration Puskesmas, administrative employee Puskesmas, employee Puskesmas) as well as people who need health services at Puskesmas Rumbio Jaya. To facilitate the carrying out of research, techniques for the determination of employee Puskesmasrespondents using census techniques that all employee health clinic (32) and as many as 45 communities as respondents. The results showed a positive relationship between the performance of employees with public health services at Puskesmas Rumbio Jaya. The better performance of employees, the better the public health services at Puskesmas Rumbio JayaItem The Rural Transformation Centre (RTC) Programme of Malaysia: An Examination From The Perspective of Inclusive Rural Development Concept(2016-11-14) Shahriar, Shawon Muhammad; Siwar, Chamhuri; Ghazali, Rospidah; Chamhuri, NorshamlizaIn the contemporary discourse, it is argued that the ultimate objective of rural development is to improve the quality of life for rural people. This makes it essential to go beyond the income-related factors of rural development. Inclusive Rural Development, a more specific concept than the concept of conventional rural development, accommodates the variables for the quality of life in rural development. This concept covers three different but interrelated dimensions: economic dimension, social dimension and political dimension. The key drivers of this concept are: high overall economic growth, effective land reform, rural infrastructure, effective institutions, rural financial services, a dynamic agricultural sector, rural non-farm enterprises, and subsidies. Rural Transformation Centre (RTC), implemented by the government of Malaysia, is the third generation of the rural development programmes in the country. RTC is a site to implement some integrated initiatives for the rural communities within 100 kilometre radius of the sites. There are eight major initiatives under the RTC implementation programmes, which are: training of rural population; setting up of 1Malaysia information kiosks; high-value agriculture initiatives; agro-food products processing; agricultural produce supply chain management; university cooperation; food safety and pharmaceuticals services; and rural population financial facilities. This paper will attempt to examine the merits of RTC concept of Malaysia in light of the concept of Inclusive Rural Development, which will help relevant governmental and non-governmental bodies and researchers to gain some insights regarding the potentials and challenges of RTC in improving the quality of life for rural people.Item Tengkolok as The Heritage of Perak Darul Ridzuan: The Binder, Techniques, Manner & Amp; Taboo(2016-11-14) Manan, Salina Abdul; Haron, Hamdzun; Ramli, Zuliskandar; Ismail, Noor Hafiza; Ismail, RozaidiTengkolok is a unique head covering for Malay men and it is still worn to this very day.However, its adornment only is limited to certain functions and events. With this, this articleis written to document in further detail the binders of the Malay-inherited tengkolok especiallyin the state of Perak DarulRidzuan. Some questions need to be answered, such as ‘who arethe tengkolok binders in Perak?’, ‘how are the tengkolok-folding techniques used?’ and ‘whatare the etiquettes and taboo in the making of tengkolok?’. Offering explanation, aqualitative cultural approach will be adopted. Both interview and observation will be used toobtain data wither in writing or visually. The observation done has suggested that there arefour tengkolok binders who are still active in Perak. Each of them has their own respectivetengkolok folding techniques. This article will discuss the work of these binders, their foldingtechniques, the manner and etiquettes as well as the taboo in tengkolok-making. It isanticipated that this article would be able to catch the interest of researchers especiallythose studying Malay textiles and clothing also the younger generation in order for themknow tengkolok better and at the same time to learn this skill. Our observation is also ofhigh value as it is able to contribute to the sustainability of tengkolok-binding heritage thathas long been of ‘low-profile and not really popularised among the younger peoplenowadays. The documentation of this tengkolok binder would serve as one of the ways toappreciate tengkolok-binders as part of the Malay priceless heritageItem The Role of Extension Towards Empowering Independent Smallholder Farmers of Oil Palm Plantation in Riau Province, Indonesia(2016-11-14) Rosnita; Arifudin; Yulida, Roza; Tarumun, SuardiThe objective of the study is to know the influence of extension’s role toward empowerment of independent smallholder farmers of oil palm. This study was used explanation’s research, whereas 180 independent smallholder farmers of oil palm were taken as repondents by disproposionate stratified random sampling in three districts in Riau Province, Indonesia: Kampar, Rokan Hulu, and Indragiri Hilir. Stuructural Equation Modelling was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the empowerment of farmers significantly influenced by the role of dissemination, facilitation, supervision, and monitoring and evaluation, while the education’s role does not affect to the empowerment of farmers. Therefore, the role of extension education needs to be improved through knowledge transfer of extensionItem Cultural Ecosystem: Relationship Between Nature and Development of Malay Art in The East Coast of Malay Peninsula(2016-11-14) Zakaria, Ros Mahwati Ahmad; Haron, Norlelawaty; Hassan, Hasnira; Ramli, Zuliskandar; Rahman, Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abdul; Wahab, Mohd Rohaizat Abdul; Ahmad, Helmi; Ali, Mohamad Shafiq MohdNature is always the best teacher to mankind. The East Coast of Malay Peninsula is rich with its natural habitat of flora and fauna. The strategic location with a long coastal line facing the South China Sea contributes the best fishing area for the population. There were several Malay kingdoms established in the East Coast area such as the Terengganu Sultanate, Kelantan Sultanate and Patani Sultanate. These kingdoms managed to produce fine artistic works throughout the centuries especially on wood carving, metalwork and textile. The population made nature their home and incorporated the environment around them into their daily life activities as source of materials and decorative inspirations. This paper will study the relationship between nature and the population of the East Coast area in producing their works of art.Item Good Governance and Sustainable Development: Case of Ecology Crisis in Singingi Hilir District(2016-11-08) Amin, Raja Muhammad; WazniThis paper describes the relationship between good governance and sustainable development which good governance is essential to sustainable development. Well-functioning legal institutions and governments bound by the rule of law are, in turn, vital to good governance, especially in order to solve and minimize the ecology crisis in Singingi Hilir cause of illegal gold mining (PETI) in Singingi River. Local Government of Kuantan Singingi Regency has the duty to promote and ensure the rule of law which includes a balance development between economic, social and environmental aspects.Item Community Based Development in Agrotourism Case Study: Dragon Fruit Plantation in Desa Baru, Kampar District, Riau Province(2016-11-08) Astuti, PujiConditions of soil and climate in Desa Baru is perfect for Dragon fruit plants, so the it has a plantation area of Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) which is managed by a private of 500 Ha . While there was still a lot of vacant land in Desa Baru that has not been used by the community for life. Most of the people work as farmers, either individually or cultivate land as farm laborers. The public must be able to harness the potential in Desa Baru as a tool to improve the economy, due to the economic level of local population is still relatively low. Dragon fruit plantation can become tourist activities and the results can be sold as a source of income for the community. Another advantage is the location of the plantation not far from Pekanbaru City (20 Km) as a capital of Riau Province and directly adjacent to Desa Buluh Cina as a ecotourism village (Rimbo Tujuah Danau). So the Dragon fruit growing areas can synergize with other tourist activities in Riau Province.This study aims to assess the development potential ofcommunity based development in agroturismespeciallydragon fruitplantation. Astudy using qualitative descriptive research method. Data were collected by using observation, question naires and interviews. Based on the research activities are contributing factors in agrowisata dragon fruit plantation in Desa Baru : 1) Prospects Dragon Fruit plantations are profitable . 2) Absorb local labor . 3) Revenue and local communities can be increased . 4) The potential of the land and the location of the advantageous location . 5) People are friendly to newcomers . While the inhibiting factors that : 1) . The state of infrastructure is inadequate . 3) Lack of support from the government . 4) The low quality of human resources . 5) Lack of promotion for tourists . Plantation development aims to increase people's income so development concept is based on the analysis of agrotourism, the development of strategies that can be done such as (1) the formation of which has a specific tourist areas . (2) the establishment of small industrial activities especially in Dragon Fruit processing and handicraft . (3) Improvement of infrastructure and facilities in the field of agro plantation. 4) increase local income by selling dragon fruit both local and international market.Item Gender Responsiveness of Land Management Policy Supporting Bengawan Solo Watershed Revitalization(2016-11-08) Meilani, Nur LailaThis research is conducted to know gender responsiveness from cultivating land policies to support Bengawan Solo Watershed revitalization using Gender Analysis Pathways (GAP) model. Data is collected by documentation study, interview, and observation in three institutions; Forestry and Plantation Official Wonogiri Regency, Balai Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (BPDAS) Solo, and Perum Perhutani KPH Surakarta. Sampling technique used in the qualitative descriptive research is purposive sampling with snowball method. The data is analyzed using content analysis technique. The research shows that most of land management policy in three locations still neutral gender. Responsive gender in land management policy formulation is only found in Pengarusutamaan Gender (PUG) program in Forestry Development (Letter Decision of Forestry Ministry Number 82/Kpts-II/2003 about Forestry PUG Group Work). There is a gender discrepancy especially for accessing (chance/opportunity to cultivate land), role (participation in cultivating land), controlling (power to make decision), and benefit (benefit/result from the best land management). It needs a reformation to the justice and gender equality in the available policy reformulation form and arranging land management grand design to support Bengawan Solo Watershed revitalization mixing land management policies from each institution in the affirmative action policy/program/activity and gender mainstreaming.Item Ministry of Education on Healthy School Canteen’s Management Towards Quality of Life in Malaysia(2016-11-08) Nordin, Norul Hajar; Razman, Muhammad Rizal; Zakaria, Sharifah Zarina SyedSchool canteen plays an important role and has gained an increasing responsibility concerning the food and nutrient intakes of children and young people. Because of that, it is important and closely linked to have clean and better school canteen for their comfort, get a safe food and increase healthy people towards a better quality of life. Therefore, effective management of school canteens and human health with the enforcement, adoption legislation, non legislation as well as guidelines then ensure a perfect human health to address the problem of food safety in school canteens and cause food poisoning. For the realization of effective and efficient management, the Ministry of Education has taken the initiative to publish the Healthy School Canteen’s Management Handbook as guidance and reference to all schools in Malaysia. Daily Self-Check Report on School Canteen is one of school canteen management requirements under the responsibility of the school canteen committee comprising school principals and school canteen teachers. This Self-check report is one of the important strategies to ensure a cleanliness school canteen for a better quality of food.
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