Threat to The Peat Region and Ecosystem (The Early Study of Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) /Riau Ecosystem Restoration in Kampar Peninsula)
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The Kampar Peninsula is the biggest remain peat swamp forest in Sumatra which located on the
eastern Sumatra coastal line and has 473.000 hectare of natural forest. This Peninsula has 4
conservation regions; Danau Pulau Besar Conservation (28,237ha), Tasik Belat Conservation
(2,529ha), Tasik Besar / Tasik Metas Conservation (3,200ha), Tasik Serkap / Tasik Sarang Burung
Conservation (6,900ha). Tasik Belat, Tasik Sarang Burung, and Tasik Serkap are the small
conservations seperated by rivers and lakes. Since being declared, the Kampar Peninsula is threatened
by illegal lodging, demographic tension, the use and the domination of lands, hunting and conflict
among humans and animals.