Technology of the Fishery

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    (2014-03-01) Suryanto, Ambrosius; Desmelati; Mirna Ilza2
    This research was conducted to determine the quality of smoked selais fish is stored at room temperature using different curing methods. five types of smoked selais fish were preserved using liquid smoke from laban’s wood with treatment concentration of 6%, 8% which soaked in liquid smoke rough, and concentration of 6%, 8% in the distillation of liquid smoke, immersion time 60 and 90 minutes as the traditional fumigation control. Smoked selais fish were observed for 10, 20, 30, 40 days. The results indicated that the smoked fish have a good and uniform quality of all treatments, with the organoleptic quality assessment, water contain, pH, and peroxide.
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    (2013-07-31) Yulhendra, Syafri
    The research was conducted to evaluate fresh bilis (Mystacoleuseus padangensis) freshness level to know the nutritional content of fresh and dried bilis and know the best type of packaging for the product dried bilis. Total Bilis used in this study were obtained 1 kg were taken from Lake of Singkarak of West Sumatra. The research was conducted by 4 stages. First, identification the level of freshness of bilis. Second proximate analysis of fresh fish. Third, proximate analysis of dried Bilis, and the fourth dried Bilis packaging. The results showed that fresh bilis relatively short lived. Organoleptic value shows the best treatment is packed Bilis using HDPE plastic. Total value of the fungi showed HDPE plastic storage can inhibit fungal growth. Proximate value of dried bilis more had higher levels of protein and fat better than the levels of protein and fat wet bilis. while the moisture content and ash are relatively the same as other products that drained the dried product has a high ash content while the wet product has a high water content .
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    (2013-07-23) Tato’ Alik, Agustinus
    This research was carried out to evaluate consumer acceptance of tilapia abon fortified with white oyster mushroom. Tilapia weighing 400-600 g each was taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. Four types of fish abons were prepared from the fish meat which was fortified with white oyster mushroom 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% of the fish weight. The fish abons were evaluated for consumer acceptance by 80 panelist. The results indicated that the fish abons fortified with 25% white oyster mushroom was the most acceptable by consumer. Moisture, protein, fat, and crude fiber of the fish abon was: 5.83%, 33.79%, 29.03%, and 1.49% respectively.
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    (2013-07-15) Muliati, Lilis
    The study was intended to examine the effect of addition of seaweed on consumer acceptance of squid ball. About 2 kg squid was taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. Four types of squid balls were prepared from squid meat which was fortificated with 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% seaweed. The squid balls were evaluate for consumer acceptance, chemical composition, and Total Coliform. The results indicate that the squid balls added with 5% seaweed was the most preferable by consumers. Squid balls contains: 73.89% water, 10.93% protein, 0.14% fat, 4.24% crude fiber, and 4 MPN coliform/g.
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    (2013-06-26) Syaputra, Dedy
    This research was carried out to evaluate consumer acceptance and nutritional quality of hump banana nugget fortified with catfish protein concentrate. Three nuggets were prepared from hump banana (Musa paradiciaca) and each nugget was fortified with catfish protein concentrate (75.31% 1.06% protein and calcium) at a level of 0%, 5%, 10% respectively. The product were evaluated for consumer acceptance and nutritional quality. The results showed the nugget fortified with 5% catfish protein concentrate was the most preparable by consumer. The chemical composition of the nugget fortified with 5% fish protein concentrate was: moisture 62.66%, protein 9.18%, crude fiber 1.80% and calcium 28.61%; fortified with 10% was: moisture 60.24%, protein 12.56%, crude fiber 2.13%, and calcium 33.69% and fortified with 0% was: moisture 67.91%, protein 6.91%, crude fiber 0,35%, and calcium 14.98%.
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    (2013-06-14) Alamsyah, Jonny
    This research was conducted to evaluate fatty acid profile of pond cultured catfish liver. Catfish weighing ±1 Kg each were taken from a fish pond culture in Kampar. Fish was slaughtered and their liver was taken, and oven-dried at 600 for 72 hours. The liver were minced in etanhol solution at the ratio eg 1:3 (1 part of liver : 3 part of ethanol, w/v), filtered and the filtrate were analyzed for fatty acid profiles using Gas Chromatography (GC). The results showed that the catfish liver contained 29 fatty acids which were comprised of 11 Saturated fatty acid, 7 Monounsaturated fatty acid and 11 Polyunsaturated fatty acid. EPA and DHA were composed of 0.89% and 1.48% respectively. The ratio Omega-6 and Omega-3 was 9:1.
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    (2013-04-16) Saib, Muhammad Ali
    The objective of this research was to determine the quality changes of pangasius catfis nori packaged in plastic bags of high density polyethylene, low density polyethylene and polypropilene during room temperature storage. Pangasius catfish weighing 250-300 each was taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. The fish was processed nori and nori in plastic bags of HDPE,LDPE and PP and stored at room temperature for 30 days. The fish nori was evaluated sensory value, moisture , total plate count, and identity of mould every 0, 15 and 30 days. The results showed that the quality degradation of fish nori packaged catfish preformance PP plastic bags decreased faster than those packaged in HDPE and LDPE. Based on sensory test, fish nori packaged in HDPE and LDPE was acceftable up 30 days of storage while that packaged in HDPE and LDPE we rejected at 30 days storage. Moisture, total plate count and mould of fish nori packaged in HDPE during storage was 27,93 - 14,78%, 2,60 x 103 to 2,11 x 105 respectively, nori packaget in LDPE was 27,50 - 17,99%, 2,75 x 103 to 2,30 x 105 respectively, and nori packed in PP was 28,6 - 25,39%, 2,7 x 103 – 2,35 x 105 respectively. Growth of mould during storage was not identified except the nori stored in PP at day 30.
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    The Study of Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) Freshness by Handling with Different Systems
    (2013-03-01) Friski, Yogi
    The objective of this research was to determine the differences of freshness level of catfish were treated with different systems. By using the experimental method that is experimenting with giving different treatment to the system handling. To conducted comparative studies with the parameters used are organoleptic assessment (such as appearance, color, flavor, and texture or elasticity of fish meat), pH, total bacterial colonies (TPC) and total volatile base (TVB). Observations made during storage 0 hours, 3 hours, 6 hours, 9 hours, and 12 hours. Based on the results of organoleptic, pH, TPC, TVB has been done, it can be concluded that treatment with ice for handling catfish is better than the cold water.
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    Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Udang Menjadi Kitosan dan Aplikasinya Sebagai Bahan Penjernih Air
    (2013-02-19) Zulaftori, Muhammad
    This research was conducted to evaluate the quality of chitosan utilized from shrimp shell, and its capacity for water purification. Shrimp shell weighing 200 gram was processed through three stages: demineralization with HCl 1 N, deproteination with NaOH 3.5 %, and deacetylation with NaOH 50 %. Ten gram chitosan was treated into 1 liter under-ground-water of low- quality. Quality characteristic of shrimp shell chitosan was evaluated fordeacetylation degree,ash, moisture, and nitrogen. Its capacity on water purification was compared to that commercial chitosan. The result indicated that the shrimp shell chitosan was characterized by deacetylation degree 88 %, ash 2 %, moisture 8 %, and nitrogen 5.95. These values were comparable to that commercial chitosan which the values were deacetylation degree 88 %, ash 0.3 %, moisture 8 %, and nitrogen 0,5 %). Purification effect of shrimp shell chitosan moreover was better than that of commercial chitosan, except for iron, temperature, and total disolved solids . The quality of the water of untreated was : E. coli 1600 cfu/ml, turbidity 6 NTU, iron 0.0678 ppm, temperature 29.50C, pH 4, Total Dissolved Solids 81 mg/l, and Total Suspended Solids 12 mg/l; treated with shrimp shell chitosan was : E. coli 2 cfu/ml, turbidity 2NTU, iron 0.0354 ppm, temperature 25 0C, pH 7.5, Total Dissolved Solids 211 mg/l, and Total Suspended Solids 11 mg/l; and treated with commercial chitosan was : E. coli 23 cfu/ml, turbidity 5 NTU, iron 0.0059 ppm, temperature 21.40C, pH 7, Total Dissolved Solids 20 mg/l, and Total Suspended Solids 11 mg/l.
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    The effect of addition of Fish Protein Concentrate on quality of instant sago noodle during room temperature storage
    (2013-02-05) Yenni
    The research was conducted in August to September 2012 at the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology, Food Chemistry and Food Microbiology and Biotechnology Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of addition of fish protein concentrate on quality of instant sago noodle during room temperature storage. Sago noodle was prepared from sago flour; and fish protein concentrate (0%, 5%, 10% and 15%) was added to fortify quality characteristic of the noodle. The noodle was evaluated for sensory quality, moisture, protein, fiber, dehydration capacity, peroxide value, and total plate count every 0, 15, 30 and 45 days. The result indicated that the instant sago noodle fortified with 15% fish protein concentrate was the best quality product. Moisture, protein and fiber composition of the product at the end of 45 days storage was 12.02%, 3,73%, and 19,50% respectively. Dehydration capacity, peroxide value and total plate count of the product at the end of 45 day storage was 48,02%, 25,61 meq/1000 gram sample, and 4,20 bacteri/gram respecively.
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    (2013-01-29) Anggara, Jaka
    Lomek fish products rise every year, in 2006, the total products of Lomek reach to 480, 9 ton and in 2007; they rise to 644, 1 ton. Until today, the utilization of Lomek fish is still relatively minor, just only drainage and salinity (marine and fishery department Riau province, 2008). To increase the utilization and lomek fish consuming need a processing product of fishery. Diversification product is an alternative in making a processing product of fishery. Diversification way is one of a processing fish products become a various type of meal, thus it invites society interest to consume. A type of diversification product is fumigation. Diversification of lomek fish products is generally has, but it is just dehydrated and salted. The location of Fumigation is really hard to find. For that reasons, the researcher tries to take the lomek fish as a basic material of this research. in addition, researcher also add the citronella extract in processing of smoky fish to see the effect of adding the citronella extract concerning about the taste and the aroma of lomek fish products.
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    Quality Characteristics of Cryptopterus Catfish Cracker Fortified With White Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)
    (2013-01-29) Paulo Bukit, Jimi
    The research was intended to determine the quality characteristics of Cryptopterus catfish crackers fortified with white mushroom. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology and Food Chemistry Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau in September 2012. Cryptopterus catfish (Cryptopterus bichircis) weighing 200-300 gr each were taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. The fish was ground and made for cracker by addition of 0 gr, 50 gr, 75gr and 100 gr white mushroom. Crackers were evaluated for quality characteristics: sensory quality, moisture, protein, fat and fiber. The results indicated that the crackers fortified with 75 gr white mushroom was the best quality product. Moisture, protein, fat and fiber compotition of the product was 4,43%, 14,10%, 6,62% and 2,56% respectively.
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    Shelf-Life of Cryptopterus Catfish (Cryptopterus sp) Treated with Cumin (Coleus amboinicus) and Stored at Refrigerated Temperature (50C)
    (2013-01-23) Sari Dewi, Puspa
    The research on shelf-life of cryptopterus catfish treated with cumin extract and stored at refrigerated temperature (50C) was conducted at the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology, Food Chemistry and Microbiology-Biotechnology Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau in October-November 2012. Cryptopterus catfish weighing 200-250 gr each was obtained from a fish market in Pekanbaru. The fish was eviscerated, washed and treated with 30% (w/w) cumin and stored in a refrigerator for 17 days. The fish was analyzed for TVB and TPC every two days and the storage life was estimated based on TVB and TPC using the method of Arrhenius. The results indicated that shelf-life of cryptopterus catfish stored at refrigerated temperature was 17 days. TVB and TPC value of cryptopterus catfish at spoilage was 26,4mg%N and 5,71 log cfu/g respectively.
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    Shelf-Life of Catfish Mystus (Mystus nemurus) Treated with Turmeric-Gingger Mixture and Stored at Refrigerarated Temperature (5oC)
    (2013-01-23) Gotner Oloan, Sitinjak
    The research on shelf-life of Mystus catfish treated with turmeric and ginger mixture and stored at refrigerated temperature (5oC) was conducted at the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology, Food Chemistry and Microbiology-Biotechnology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau in October-November 2012. Mystus catfish weighing 200-250 gr each was obtained from a fish market in Pekanbaru. The fish was eviscerated, washed and treated with a 15% turmeric-ginger mixture (7,5% : 7,5%) and stored in refrigerator for 20 days. The fish was analyzed for TVB and TPC every two days and the self-life was estimated based on TVB and TPC, using the method of Arrhenius. The results indicated that the shelf-life of mystus catfish was 20 days. TVB and TPC at spoilage was 28 mg % N and 5,46 cfu/g respectively.
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    (2013-01-18) Rama, Fajri
    The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Fisheries Technology, Food Chemistry and Microbiology-Biotechnology Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau in January 2012. The purpose of this study was to evaluate consumer acceptance of smoked catfish prepared by addition of different types of liquid smoke. Catfish weighing 250-300 g each were obtained from a fish pond culture in Pekanbaru. The fish were transported live to the laboratory; and at the laboratory, the fish were dressed, washed and grouped into 3 groups. Each group of fish was soaked respectively in liquid smoke of coconut shell, laban wood and destilled laban wood for 60 minutes. The fish then was oven -dried at 600 C for 16 hours. The smoked fish was evaluated for consumer acceptance by 80 panelists. The smoked fish was also analyzed for total phenol content, acidity, pH, moisture and total Staphylococcus . The results showed that the smoked fish prepared by addition of distilled liquid smoke of laban wood was the most preparable by consumers. Total phenol content, acidity, pH, moisture and total Staphylococcus sp of the product was 10.63 ppm, 6.86, 8.8%, 3.88% and was not found Staphylococcus sp respectively.
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    Visceral Protease Activity of Short Bodied Mackerel (Rastrelliger Sp.) at Different pH and Salt Concentrations
    (2013-01-16) Andesba Arifin, Muhammad
    This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Biochemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Riau and Department of Public Works Riau Province in November 2011 to March 2012. This study aimed to evaluate visceral protease activity of short bodied mackerel at different pH and salt concentration. Mackerel weighing ± 150 g/each were obtained from a fish market in Pekanbaru. Fish were transported to the laboratory; and at the laboratory, the fish were eviscerated and their visceral organs (intestines, kidneys, liver, spleen, cord, pancreas and gonad) were blended in buffer Tris-HCl and filtered for their crude extract. The protease activity was measured at pH 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 and 11.0 and salt concentration 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 15%. The results showed that the protease activity varies with pH value and salt concentration. Protease activity at pH 11.0 showed the highest activity. The protease activity decreased with increasing salt concentration.
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    A Study on Consumer Acceptance of Fish Peanut Brittle Prepared by Addition of Different Amount of Tapioca Flour
    (2013-01-10) Rusdi
    The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Fish Processing and Food Chemistry Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau in June 2012. The research was intended to determine consumer acceptance of fish peanut brittle prepared by addition of different amount of tapioca flour. (Clarias gariepinus) catfish weighing 300-400 g each were taken from a fish market in pekanbaru. The fish was filleted, washed, ground. The mince was added with spice and different amount of tapioca flour: 10% and 20%. The product were evaluated for consumer acceptance, moisture, protein and fat compotition. The result indicated that the peanut brittle fortified with 20% tapioca flour was the best quality product. Proximat compotition of the product was moisture: 12.307%, protein: 21.093% and fat: 15.22%.
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    (2013-01-09) Ernawati
    The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Fish Proccesing Technology and Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Faculty of Fisheris and Marine Science, University of Riau in June 2012. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effect of ginger extract on consumer acceptance of seaweed jam. About 3 kg dry seaweed were taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. The seaweed was ground and made for jam. Four formulations were prepared by using of 250 gr seaweed with ginger extract 0 ml (control), 40 ml, 50 ml, and 60 ml. All jam weresensorically evaluated on consumer acceptance by 80 panelist. The jams were also analyzed for mouisture and reduced sugar. The result showed that the seaweed jam added with 60 ml ginger extract was the most acceptance product. Mouisture and reduced sugar of the product was 33,80% and 56,47% respectively.
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    The Effect of Corn Flavor on Consumer Acceptance of Catfish Macaroni (Pangasius hyphopthalmus)
    (2013-01-09) Zulpikar
    The research was intended to determine the effect of corn flavor on consumer acceptance of catfish macaroni. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology and Food Chemistry Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau in Juli 2012. Catfish weighing 500-700 gram each were taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. The fish was ground and made for macaroni by addition of 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% corn flavor. The final products were evaluated for consumer acceptance, moisture, protein, fat and rehydration capacity. The results indicated that the fish macaroni fortified with 1.5% corn flavor was the most acceptable by consumer. The compotition of the product was moisture: 10.89%, protein: 10.71%, fat: 1.64% and rehydration capacity: 41.04%.
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    The Influence of Roselle extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa) on Quality Acceptance of Seawed Jam Prepared from Eucheumma cottoni
    (2013-01-09) Dewanti, Amalia
    The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology and Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau in July 2012. The purpose of the research was to evaluated the effect of rosela extract on quality acceptance of seaweed jam. Dry seaweed was taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. The seaweed was ground and added with Rosela extract ; 5%. 10% and 15% of the seaweed weight and was cooked for jam. The product was analyzed for sensory quality, moisture and reduced sugar. The result indicated that the seaweed jam added 15% Rosela extract was the superior product. Water content and reduced sugar of the product was 48,74% and 30,99% respectively.