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    (2014-05-12) Yenita, Nina Edi
    In this case the researchers background by the phenomenon of motor vehicles parked in the pedestrian area and the street vendors who sell diarea pedestrian, less specifically enforcement officers in carrying out the pedestrian, rather than reducing the deviation would lead to many problems in the field. This study aimed to determine the implementation of controlling pedestrian in the city of Pekanbaru and the factors that influence the implementation of the curb. The benefits that can be taken from the results of this study will include, first: in the review of the theoretical benefits is to develop and improve the ability to think through the application of theory in the can author. Secondly, in terms of practical benefit is to add knowledge about the implementation of the curb pedestrian writer in Pekanbaru, for consideration and input for the benefit of the Department of Transportation and the parties who wish to pursue research related to the same problem. The theory used in this study is Mahmudi’s theory about the effectiveness of the entire cycle of the input-process-output, and made repairs to the factors that influence the effectiveness of controlling pedestrian in the city of Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative data collection techniques include observation and interviews. Key informants were used in this study is the Head of the Department of Transportation parking UPTD Pekanbaru, Secretary UPTD parking, staff parking UPTD, society. Later studies developed by the snowball sampling method. Based on the results of research through interviews and observations, it can be concluded that the implementation of the curb pedestrian in the city of Pekanbaru has not done well. In other words, there are still many problems that arise in its implementation. The factors that affect the implementation of the curb pedestrian in Pekanbaru include public participation, these factors have an enormous influence on the effectiveness of the implementation of the curb pedestrian in the city of Pekanbaru.
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    (2014-05-07) ERVANI, ZULIA
    This Research aims to identify and analyze Coordination of Implementation Barelang Bridge Demolition it. And then This Research can know and analyze the factors that affect the coordination of policing Barelang bridge. This Research is a descriptive qualitative where data collection is done with the snowballing sampling technique and incidental sampling. The results showed that Coordination of Implementation Barelang Bridge Demolition does not go well or these are still many problems that arise in its implementation. The factors that affect the coordination of enforcement among other factors Barelang Bridge managerial hierarchy, rules or procedures, planning , Goal Setting and leadership. These four factors greatly affect the coordination of policing Barelang bridge.
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    (2014-05-07) REFITA
    Effectiveness of Religious Affairs Function Implementation In Tualang District Office of Religious Affairs ( Function penghoeloe Case Study ). Accordance with article 29, paragraph 2, the local government institution in charge of providing services to the public on religious matters is the Office of the District or City Department of Religion and Religious Affairs Office in the District. Religious Affairs Office ( KUA ) is a forum for all business activities along with dividing and classifying the jobs done and establish ties and develop working relationships between organizational units. It provides guidance to all components, including the Office of Religious Affairs in the Department of Religious Affairs should participate in regional development program with carrying out its functions. One function KUA Tualang District are not yet done effectively is penghoeloe function ( field of marriage / reconciliation ). At these functions are many issues like entry requirements are less than 10 ( ten ) days prior to the ceremony held, The bride and groom ( catin ) the registration of marriage will not complete the requirements, still a married couple (couples ) who do not know doasetelah touch ( prayer junub bath ). Although penghoeloe or other employees who provide guidance on when it is asking and telling the prayer to the bride and groom ( catin ), Besides the bride and groom ( catin ) who did not arrive on time when going to the guidance. Things like this can disrupt the smooth running of the prince of work activities, which brought requirement sometimes is not the person in question ( catin ). Of the five functions of only 2 functions are effective. While the other two functions are implemented but are less effective and one that did not take place at all or arenot effective. Results of this study indicate that the maximum performance of the functions yet the prince at district religious affairs office wanderer. This is evident from the maximum has not delivered the goals and objectives, the implementation flow of activities that do not fit, and the absence of oversight conducted as reference to determine the success or lack of implementation of the ruler function at district religious affairsofficewanderer.
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    Sosialisasi Lingkungan Hidup (Studi Kasus Sumur Resapan di Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru)
    (2014-05-06) WIDIANTO, SIGIT
    This study aims to determine the socialization process environment life case study catchment wells in Pekanbaru City District of Tampan do by the Environment Agency in Pekanbaru . This research study use this type of qualitative analysis , which examined the problem -solving procedure by exposing the results of the information obtained from interviews and field observations . Then analyzed and interpreted with the conclusion . These results indicate that socialization is carried out by the Environment Agency in Pekanbaru still unwell . It is seen from the number of people who do not build infiltration wells around their buildings , many of the people who still do not understand about the obligation to make infiltration wells for each building standing so that the benefits of infiltration wells in tackling the problems of floods and droughts can not be perceived by the public .
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    Kualitas Pelayanan PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) (Studi Kasus Pengiriman Pos Express di Kantor Pos Pekanbaru 28000)
    (2014-05-06) LUBIS, ARIE ANGGA
    The Service Quality of PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) (A Case Study in Delivery of Pos Express at Pekanbaru 28000 Post Office). This research aimed to describe the service quality of PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Pekanbaru 28000 Post Office in the delivery of Pos Express and to determine the factors inhibiting the delivery of Pos Express. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research in order to obtain a comprehensive overview and in-depth based on interviews with informants and direct observation. The results showed that the services provided by PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Pekanbaru 28000 Post Office can be said to be good, but there is still a small portion that is considered not optimal. Factors that hinder the delivery of Pos Express, namely: 1) Ignorance, negligence, and recklessness; 2) Limitations of ability to communicate; 3) Trust/dependence on other parties; and 4) Limitations of human resources (HR).
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    (2014-05-06) Patria, Desi
    Pendidikan memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam proses peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan merupakan suatu proses yang terintegrasi dengan proses peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia itu sendiri. Menyadari pentingnya proses peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia, maka pemerintah telah berupaya mewujudkan amanat tersebut melalui pengembangan dan perbaikan kurikulum dan sistem evaluasi, perbaikan sarana pendidikan, pengembangan dan pengadaan materi ajar, serta pelatihan bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan lainnya tetapi kenyataan belum cukup dalam meningkatan kualitas pendidikan. Salah satu wujud aktualisasinya dibentuklah suatu badan yakni Komite sekolah. Akan tetapi komite sekolah belum berhasil menjalankan perannya yaitu Pemberi pertimbangan (advisory agency), Pendukung (supporting agency), Pengontrol (controlling agency) Mediator (mediator agency) Dilihat dari gejala tersebut diatas maka penulis ertarik untuk membuat dan menyusun penelitian dengan judul” Efektivitas Mitra Kerja Antara Komite Dengan Sekolah Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan SMA Negeri 3 Bangko Kabupaten Rokan Hilir”.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat efektivitas mitra kerja komite dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi dan wawancara. Key informan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai SMA Negeri 3 Bangko, Komite sekolah Dan wali murid. Kemudian penelitian dikembangkan dengan metode snowball sampling. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori yang dikmukakan oleh Steers (2010) tentang efektivitas dengan menggunakan indikator struktur, teknologi, lingkungan intern dan ekstern. Berdasarkan penelitian hasil penulis dapat disimpulkan bahwa efektivitas mitra kerja antara komite dengan sekolah dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sma negeri 3 bangko di kabupaten rokan hilir tidak efektif. Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya efektivitas antara lain (1) Sarana dan Prasarana (2) Keahlian. (3) Koordinasi.
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    (2014-05-06) Julius, Raflesia Renata
    Green Open Space has a very important benefit in urban areas , the benefits of urban community life can be felt directly and indirectly . Urban green open space basically has the principal function as the main supporter of the sustainability of urban communities and also as a place of recreation , so the presence of green open space in urban areas is a requirement that must be met for a healthy social life .The government developed a strategy Pekanbaru also not running optimally due to lack of budgetary funds and also the lack of community participation . The strategy has been carried Pekanbaru City Government is currently developing a green open space at various universities in the city of Pekanbaru and compose documents on green open space regulations .The purpose of this study is to determine the strategy developed Pekanbaru City Government in Developing green open space in the city of Pekanbaru and to know Factors affecting Pekanbaru City Government Strategies In Improving green open space in the city of Pekanbaru . Theory concepts that researchers use is a strategy and management strategies . This study used qualitative research methods to the assessment of descriptive data . In collecting the data , the researcher used interview techniques , observation , documentation and literature . By using key informants as a source of information and as a source of triangulation techniques in data validity . The results of this study indicate that the Pekanbaru City Government Strategy in Developing Green Open Space is not running optimally, because Pekanbaru City Government has been unable to take advantage of opportunities that exist and the power that, also look at the weaknesses and threats that will be faced.Factors affecting Pekanbaru City Government Strategies In Improving green open space in the city of Pekanbaru is still a lack of quality and quantity of existing human resources, the lack of coordination between the institutions associated with the green open space, the lack of innovation undertaken by the City of Pekanbaru to increase green open space, and given the lack of socialization Pekanbaru City Government to the people who caused the lack of community participation in enhancing the green open space
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    (2014-05-06) Diba, Farah
    This research explains about China’s foreign policy to establish military garrison in Sansha City in the South China Sea.In addition, this research explains the agresive motive of China’s foeign policy, by the fact that the others claimant countries complained of China’s foreign policy of South China sea In analizing China foreign policy in establishing military garrison in Shansa City the research apply foreign policy formulation by Graham T. Allison by using bureaucratic politic model. This theory is not just an output of one monolit, but foreign policy is an iteraction process, acclimatization, and, foreign policy is the result by a lot actor and organization in a country.This research is using qualitative metode by writing a literacy review technic of a lot relevant data. This research show the interaction process of formal authority and chinese interest person whom getting a same mission in establishing military garrison in Shansa around the south china sea conflict. This reseacrh show how china formal authority view the economic development of China running stable year by year. It encouraged military modernization and decided a provocative movement by establishing military Garrison in conflict South China Sea area. Underlieing to be a hegemonic country in Asia Pasific.
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    (2014-05-06) Dewi
    The purpose of this study is to know, how about effectiveness distribution of the raskin and know the factors which influence Raskin distribution in Selatbaru village. This study trade on interview result between research with informan deliberately researches determine in accordance with the needs of the required information. Later observations for viewing and analyzing events in the field. The result shown the distribution of Raskin still founding some matter which not suitable with the result Raskin indicator on achieve the 6T (right apporiate, quantity, price, time, quality and administration) target with the result that can influence the distribution process of Raskin.
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    (2014-05-06) Jailani
    Raskin implementation program for Rimba Melintang District and Teluk Pulau Hilir Village has been started since 8 years ago starting in 2005 . Raskin goal is to reduce the burden of Target Households expenditure ( RTS ) through a partial fulfillment of basic food needs in the form of rice . As the area by the number of poor people is still relatively high, the Teluk Pulau Hilir Village, District target area distribution of Raskin . Government's aim to provide assistance to poor families did not escape from the deviation . Based on the data I have found , there are several problems in the distribution of Raskin program . First , the wrong target . Raskin which should be distributed to poor families turned out ( many do ) fall on other groups ( family welfare ) . Teluk Pulau Hilir village there are 109 RTS - PM who should be eligible to receive a poor rice . But then distributed to the poor rice 479KK . Second , the amount of rice that are often not distributed according to what was programmed . The third problem , related to the previous problem that caused the error data on the number of poor families ( administration ) . Fourth , the price is not in accordance with existing guidelines Not maximal rice for the poor program implementation in the Teluk Pulau Hilir village of exciting writers to examine Rice Distribution beras miskin ( Raskin ) In the Teluk Pulau Hilir village of rimba melintang District for Rokan Hilir regency . The purpose of this study was to determine how the implementation of the distribution of rice for the poor in the Teluk Pulau Hilir village of Rimba Melintang district Sub Rokan Hilir regency . Usefulness of the research are to be a conceptual contribution to the central government , local government , and the village government and the whole society to be able to cooperate to implement their rice for the poor program. Types and methods of research used is descriptive research , which can be interpreted as a problem -solving process in investigated by depicting or describing the state of the subject and object of research at the present time based on the facts that appear or how it is. In data collection the authors conducted in-depth interviews and searches various documents .
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    (2014-05-06) APRIZONALDI
    Facing the demands of the public about the need for particular care about fire prevention is one of the real manifestations of government in providing services to the community in realizing the security and comfort of the community environment, in this case the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Fire Department through the Department of Social Welfare and Labor District Kampar, as executive operations remain prioritize and promote and provide public service to the community, especially in case of fire disaster. The purpose of this study is: To find out how to function Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) in Kampar District Fire Department fire prevention efforts and to determine the factors that influence the function of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) in Kampar District Fire Department fire prevention efforts . The theory used in this study is the theory of Functions Organization / Institution according to Etzioni is a guide for activities, sources of legitimacy, standards of performance, motivation and basic standards of rational organization. The method used descriptive qualitative analysis method that is based on trying to explain the phenomena that exist and explore all the facts relating to the subject matter covered by the research function of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Kampar District Fire In Fire Fighting Efforts, based on interviews of key informants who know well about the UPT. Fire extinguisher. Based on the research and analysis that has been conducted on this study, it can be some conclusions about UPT. Pemmdam Fire In carrying out routine tasks UPT. Firefighters often have constraints on the operational funds and fund office. Funds that had been very limited. Conditions are expected UPT. Fire District. Kampar, the procurement Unit Pos. Fire in the District, it is in an effort to speed up the handling of the fire incident that occurred in the subdistrict and village at least 4 (four) postal district is divided by region in Kebupaten Kampar. There needs to be adequate Office Building, this is all in an effort to increase services to improve the readiness of firefighters in fire prevention in Kampar regency, and the addition of field officers should firefighters look at the vast area of Kampar district of the city is only taken when Bangkinang.
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    (2014-05-06) OCTAVRINA, DARMA
    Implementation Development Policy and Planning Minimarket in Pematang Siantar. Various economic problems faced by all countries, can only be solved by the economic system adopted. Indonesia's economic system cannot be said to refer to the two major forces that compete with each other at this time, the capitalist economic system which is based on liberalism and socialist economic system that is based communist. Indonesian economy to design its own system in accord ance with Indonesian culture it self. A system of national life that could unite the diverse ethnic groups. Pancasila Economic System (SEP) is an economic system that is excavated and constructed from the valuesespoused in Indonesian society. Traditional market in Indonesia continues to try to defend against attacks from modern stores. The presence of modern retail businesses has its own color to the development of the retail industry in Indonesia. Particularly in the Siantar City several modern retail businesses with the ability to develop business capital outstanding in a short time frame. Actors make it happen in the form of minibusinesses, supermarkets and even hypermarkets are now scattered in every area. The rise of mini Indomaret establishment is considered to threaten the fate of small traders who sell in traditional markets and around the Indomaret. That's why minimarket like Indomaret needs to be fostered in order not to adversely affect the small traders around him. Gains some small traders are declining because people prefer to shop at the minimarket. Minimarket Indomaret also needs to be organized so that its location is not adjacent to a traditional market in the Siantar city and the small traders. Keywords : Implementation,
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    Pengembangan Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah oleh Dinas Pasar dan Pertamanan di Duri Kabupaten Bengkalis
    (2014-05-06) MISRAWAN, TEGUH
    The proplem of garbage had been managed by UPTD-PKP ( Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas, Pasar dan Pertamanan ) in Duri city that responsible to cleanliness of the city realize, markets, roads, and the environment. However there are several constraints, such as limited funding, human re sources, and limited facilities and insfrastructure are owned by local goverman Kabupaten Bengkalis, so some areas or Duri city urban area still looks garbage scattered not transported that if left unchacked win cause a variety of negative effects from rerm of ecology,aesthetic and the end the quality of the environment and public health. Hygiene management is by UPTD – PKP in Duri City. That is not maximezed. In order to maximum hygiene management is needed the thevelopment of strategic planning for good hygiene management that clearly. The purpose of this research is knowing the strategy UPTD – PKP for hygiene tackling in Duri and knowing the factors that influences of stratyegy UPTD – PKP for hygiene in Duri Kabupaten Bengkalis. This researeh uses descriptive qualitative research method and techniques of data conection using observation, interviews, documentions.The research is used teori Wheelen- Hunger, informan of this research is personnel office in UPTD – PKP,hygienes and surrounding society. The selection of informant is used. Purposive random sampling. The development strategy of UPTD - PKP for manage garbage is not maximed in Duri Kabupaten Bengkalis. The factors that influences strategy of UPTD – PKP is dense population , public awareness, motivation, partiapastion of the society for hygiene control, innovative management, monitoring, hygiene facilities and infrastructure, then incentive.
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    (2014-05-06) DIANTY, NOVITA
    Implementation Regulation of Mayor of Bukittinggi N0. 14 year 2010 about Controlling and Business Licensing Warnet has not been going well and many of them does not have licence. The target of this research is to know and analyzse implementation regulation of mayor of bukittinggi N0. 14 year 2010 about controlling and business licensing warnet and also know and analyze factors influencing implementation regulation of mayor of bukittinggi N0. 14 year 2010 about controlling and business licensing warnet . This research uses descriptive analytical method.the technique of collecting data is by interview and becoming informan key is dishubkominfo,KPPT,satpol pp,and owner of this warnet.This research uses van meter and van horn theory. Results of research showed that implementation regulation of mayor of bukittinggi N0. 14 year 2010 about controlling and business licensing warnet has not been going well as it should be which marked with there was employess did not know about rule that rules warnet activity,still less the sources that is expence in controlling,communications not been going well ,a shortage of employess and the employess did not put at the position at the background of their education,so that still many of writer found warnet break the rule such as ;contrictor partition too high,operational time above 10.00 pm,and warnet still use dark window and many of them does not have licence Factors influencing implementation regulation of mayor of bukittinggi N0. 14 year 2010 about controlling and business licensing warnet is communication between institute bind each other not been optimal,the implementors did not know about that rules .Resources in the implementation is not enough,because a shortage of employess that handle the warnet, so the proccess become pursued,not at all the information spread out , superior authority and also inadequate facility . bureaucracy structure where management of the proccess and procedure business licensing warnet old ones.
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    Pelaksanaan Pelimpahan Wewenang Walikota Ke Camat Dalam Bidang Ketertiban Umum (Studi Kasus Penertiban Pekerja Seks Komersial di Kecamatan Limapuluh Kota Pekanbaru)
    (2014-05-05) PARDEDE, HOTLAN
    For the purpose of this study was to determine whether Superior has been improve it duties and power granted by the Mayor especially in the field of public order in District LimaPuluh, Pekanbaru City. While the result obtained in this study based on indicators of the delegated determination, the determination of those eligible to receive delegation, devolution resource needed for the task, and intervene when necessary the average respondent to respond quite accomplished. Suggestions from the writer is the Head should be more intense and coordinated with local community, conduct raids, getting
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    (2014-05-05) KURNIADI, R. RIKI
    Small and Medium Enterprises Empowerment With Community Development Partnership Program (Case Study at PTPN V Bukit Selasih Indragiri Hulu). This study aims to determine Empowering small business through a partnership program between Small and Medium Enterprises with PTPN V Bukit Selasih Indragiri Hulu. This is a descriptive qualitative research where data collection is done by random sampling technique accidental. Results of this study indicate that the empowerment of SMEs through the Partnership and Community Development Program at PTPN V Bukit Selasih Indragiri Hulu is viewed from the side of your training SMEs have pretty good category, then when seen from the side has a capital relief is pretty good and last
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    Analisis Kinerja Pelayanan Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Kota Dumai
    (2014-05-05) R.D, Wan Ali
    Performance is the level of achievement of organizational goals. Services provided by the government should give priority service to the community of government officials are no exception Regional Water Company (PDAM) Dumai city. Based on the researcher wishes to conduct a descriptive study of the performance of the Regional Water Company services the town of Dumai. The problem in this study is how the performance of the Regional Water Company service Dumai town and factors - factors that affect the performance of services Regional Water Company (PDAM) of Dumai city. The concept of the theory is the theory that the author of Saduwasistiono performance: productivity, quality of service, responsibility. Factors - factors affecting Capital Resources is a factor, a factor of Human Resources and Technology Resource factors. This study uses qualitative research methods to study descriptive data. In collecting the data, researchers used interviews and observation techniques. These results indicate that the performance of the public service by the Regional Water Company Dumai city is poor. In addition, there is a factor of capital resources, human resource factor and resource factors that impact the performance of the technology
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    Pelaksanaan Program Pengendalian Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kerinci Kabupaten Pelalawan
    (2014-05-05) irawan, Suma
    Implementation of Program Control Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Pangkalan Kerinci District Pelalawan. Dengue disease is one of the infectious disease caused by the dengue virus and transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito. to date Dengue disease is still a public health problem is quite serious in Pangkalan Kerinci District, implementation of Dengue disease control program in Pangkalan Kerinci Pelalawan District is one of the efforts made by the District Health Office Pelalawan to suppress the development of the number of morbidity cases Dengue whose implementation by government regulation No. 40 of 1991 on the prevention of infectious disease outbreaks. This phenomenon indicates that the current implementation of Dengue Control Program conducted by the Health Department Pelalawan still less than optimal. It can be seen from the handling of cases of dengue fever that never completely from year to year. In this study, the size is the Dengue disease control. This research included in survey research with a descriptive presentation of qualitative analysis. The implementation of Dengue disease control program conducted by the Health Department Pelalawan implemented in the form of case control efforts prior to and after the case. Overall the study found that the Health Department has been pursuing a program Pelalawan prevention and vector control through mosquito nest eradication, Fogging and Abatesasi. At the same time, prevention is done through dissemination to the public health. However, control was more likely to be following the case. This is due to lack of socialization prevention through mass media and health education to the community. The factors that influence the implementation of Dengue disease control programs are: behavioral factors, environmental factors and health resource factors. recommended to the District Health Office Pelalawan Cross communications sector to be more open and improve education and the role of the mass media and the public should maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment.
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    (2014-05-05) Sirait, Yenni Ernita
    Local Regulation . 7 of 2000 on location permit . Issuance of this regulation is in consideration to improve the sources of revenue , then granting permission for places of business need to be subject to a levy . In terms of the maintenance procedures Business Permit internet cafes , as for the procedures to be performed by entrepreneurs internet cafes are: making form , check the location , after no resultsInterrogation later in gesture - Business Permit requirement , payment of the levy may result in Interrogation , given a receipt processing . From the results of research in get that : hours of service at the Integrated Service Agency in Pekanbaru for morning services are showing discipline for Integrated Service Agency in Pekanbaru open at 08:00 pm ; procedures for checking the location is one of the absolute requirement when obtaining Business Permit internet cafes , communities must complete the requirements after the news Aacara examination made by the Integrated Service Agency in Pekanbaru ; setting fees based on total place of business , and the last stage in the procedure through management of location permit internet cafes are providing maintenance receipt by Integrated Services Agency employee Pekanbaru . System maintenance services Business Permit internet cafes in the city of Pekanbaru Integrated Service Agency , namely : transparency handling location permit has been running good , by the accountability Integrated Service Agency in Pekanbaru has been properly completed and executed conditional upon approaching the closing hours service , where they will continue to serve the people who need the information , but if people would take care of the file , then the Integrated Service Agency invites the public to come back tomorrow . Public participation in the role of Integrated Services Agency employee Pekanbaru in the licensing procedure location permit has not been done well , done by the equal rights of Integrated Service Agency in Pekanbaru fairly . 1 Strike a balance between the rights and obligations of performing well , city officials Integrated Service Agency Pekanbaru provide good services to the people who will take care of Business Permit internet cafes . Human Resource Services at Integrated Service Agency in Pekanbaru in the management of location permit internet cafes are: discipline is still not good at service , employee courtesy Integrated Service Agency in Pekanbaru done well . Integrated Services Agency employee can not be said of. Pekanbaru friendly in serving the community . Integrated Services Agency employee Pekanbaru not sincere in Giving the public servant.
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    (2014-05-05) ROZALDI, ARI
    This study aims to look at how the implementation of the work program of PDAM Tirta Indragiri in providing adequate water for consumption Tembilahan city costumer. In the work program of PDAM Tirta there are three kinds of programs, that is water quality improvement programs, development program and program services press loss water technical and non-technical. Where these three programs is that the object of research. The theory used in this study is the work program. This study uses qualitative research methods with examine data in a descriptive manner. From the results obtained that the work program has not been effective PDAM, This case demonstrated the persistence of the work program was not implemented due to constrained funding issues and programs that have been implemented but the results have not been up to the quality, quantity and continuity of clean water in the Tembilahan city can not be achieved.