Browsing by Author "Roza, Rodesia Mustika"
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Item AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI ISOLAT AKTINOMISETES DALAM MENGHAMBAT PERTUMBUHAN Escherichia coli(Elfitra, 2022-04) Yahani, Imel; Roza, Rodesia MustikaThe use of antibiotics for infections treatment in the long term may cause bacteria become resistant. Exploration of microorganisms capable to produce antimicrobial compounds have widely been reported. One of which is actinomycetes, a gram-positive bacteria that produce various secondary metabolites. The purpose of this study was to test and select the ability of 20 isolates of actinomycetes (14 isolates from the rhizosphere of the Siak-siak plant (Dianella ensifolia) and six isolates from mangrove soil in Kuala Enok, Tanah Merah district, Indragiri Hilir) using plug agar diffusion method against E.coli under Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) medium for 24 hours. Two isolates (RK4 and RW5) formed inhibition zones against E.coli with diameters of 8 mm and 10.5 mm, respectively. Based on the results obtained, the two isolates were classified as bacteriostatic. In addition, inhibition capability of RK4 and RW5 isolates were respectively classified into weak and moderate inhibitory criteria.Item AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI METABOLIT SEKUNDER AKTINOMISETES YANG DIEKSTRAKSI MENGGUNAKAN ETIL ASETAT(2020-08) Melindah, Tamina; Roza, Rodesia MustikaInfection from pathogenic bacteria can cause various diseases in humans, such as diarrhea. The diarrheal disease can be caused by bacteria Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Shigella flexineri. Meanwhile, actinomycetes are reported to be one of the producers of antibiotics. The actinomycetes used were isolated from soil in the Universitas Riau Arboretum, namely isolates B1.06, B3.13, C2.18, A2.01, and C2.20. The purpose of this study was to study the antibacterial activity of secondary metabolites of Actinomycetes extracted using ethyl acetate against pathogenic bacteria that cause diarrheal diseases. The disk diffusion method was used for testing antibacterial activity. From the results, it was found that the actinomycetes isolate was able to overcome the pathogenic bacteria, with a diameter of inhibition zone formed was 8.2 mm against Salmonella typhimurium and 20.6 mm against Shigella flexineri. The diameter of the inhibition zone formed was compared with the tetracylcline and produced antibacterial activity criteria of actinomycetes isolates that were resistant, intermediate and sensitive.Item Eksplorasi Dan Uji Daya Hambat Aktinomisetes Asal Tanah Gambut Cagar Biosfir Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Riau Terhadap Bakteri Dan Jamur(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-23) Roza, Rodesia Mustika; Linda, Tetty Marta; Martina, Atria; Fahrizawati, FahrizawatiCagar Biosfir Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit (Cagar Biosfir GSK-BB) merupakan hutan gambut dataran rendah. Tanah gambut ini merupakan habitat utama mikroba tersterial salah satunya aktinomisetes. Aktinomisetes memiliki kemampuan menghasilkan berbagai metabolit sekunder. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi aktinomisetes asal tanah gambut Cagar Biosfir GSK-BB dan melakukan uji daya hambat aktinomisetes terhadap bakteri dan jamur. Sebanyak 33 isolat aktinomisetes yang diisolasi dari sampel tanah gambut menggunakan metode pour plate dalam medium Strach Casein Agar, 2 isolat (GSK.5.7 dan GSK.5.10) mampu menghambat S. pyogenes dan 1 isolat (GSK.4.9) mampu menghambat E. Coli, 2 Isolat (GSK.4.3 dan GSK.4.5) mampu menghambat pertumbuhan F. oxysporum, dan 11 isolat (GSK.1.1, GSK.4.1, GSK.4.4, GSK.4.6, GSK.4.7, GSK.4.8, GSK.4.10, GSK.4.12, GSK.5.5, GSK.5.6, dan GSK.5.9) mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Ganoderma sp. BTA1.Item Eksplorasi Dan Uji Daya Hambat Aktinomisetes Asal Tanah Gambut Cagar Biosfir Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu,Riau Terhadap Jamur(2018-08-23) Roza, Rodesia Mustika; Linda, Tetty Marta; Martina, Atria; Fahrizawati, FahrizawatiTanah merupakan habitat utama mikroba teresterial sekaligus sumber utama mikroba yang banyak digunakan dalam industri. Tiap-tiap tanah karena perbedaan sifat fisikokimianya menyebabkan pada masing-masing tempat memiliki kekhasan mikroba yang berbeda-beda. Crueger dan Crueger (1984), menjelaskan bahwa kelimpahan mikroba di dalam tanah bervariasi diantaranya genus Arthrobacter jumlah kelimpahan 5-60%, Bacillus 7-67%, Pseudomonas 3-15%, Agrobacterium 1-20%, Alcaligenes 2-12%, Flavobacterium 2-10% dan Actinomycetes 10-33%. Menurut Madigan, Martinko dan Parker (1994), aktinomisetes merupakan kelompok bakteri yang berbentuk filamen, Gram Positif dan membentuk cabang-cabang filamen (miselium) serta dapat hidup pada lingkungan yang beragam dan ekstrim. Aktinomisetes memiliki warna yang buram atau opak, tidak mengkilap, permukaan bertepung serta melekat kuat pada agar. Permukaan yang bertepung merupakan kumpulan hifa yang terdiri dari spora. Morfologi ini hanya terlihat pada aktinomisetes dewasa sedangkan pada koloni yang masih muda hanya terdiri dari hifa. Aktinomisetes dapat merubah warna medium karena memiliki warna yang mudah larut dalam air dan akan berdifusi ke dalam medium.Oskay, Tamer dan Azeri (2004) menjelaskan aktinomisetes mampu menghasilkan berbagai metabolit sekunder yang berbeda-beda seperti antibiotik, herbisida, pestisida, anti parasit dan enzim-enzim seperrti sellulosa dan xilanase. Dalam studi ini, sampel tanah akan dikoleksi dari berbagai habitat berbeda pada kawasan Cagar Biosfir Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Riau untuk dikaji keragaman aktinomisetesnya. Aktinomisetes yang diisolasi akan diuji daya hambatnya terhadap jamur.Item ISOLASI BAKTERI DAN JAMUR ENDOFIT DARI TANAMAN MANGGA LIAR MACANG (Mangifera foetida Lour)(Elfitra, 2023-04) Yannizur, R. Annisa; Roza, Rodesia MustikaMacang (Mangifera foetida Lour) belongs to the Anacadiaceae family which contains secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, tannins, phenols, saponoins, alkaloids and steroids which act as antibacterials. In general, the compound content in M. foetida is in line with the content produced by endophytic microbes in its plant tissues. This study aimed to isolate endophytic bacteria and endophytic fungi from the leaves and bark of the mango macang (M. foetida) plant. The study was conducted using the direct method. The results showed that 11 isolates of endophytic microbes were successfully obtained ie., five isolates of endophytic bacteria and six endophytic fungi isolateItem Isolasi Dan Aktivitas Antimikroba Aktinomisetes Asal Tanah Rizosfer Cagar Biosfer Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Riau(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-23) Roza, Rodesia Mustika; Linda, Tetty Marta; Martina, Atria; Haloho, LindasariThe aims of study are to isolate actinomycetes from rhizosphere soil, to determine the ability of actinomycetes to inhibit the growth of bacteria (Streptococcus pyogenes and Escherichia coli) and fungi (Fusarium oxysporum and Ganoderma BTA1). A total of 15 actinomycetes strains were recovered from rhizosphere soil samples using pour plate method with Starch Casein Agar (SCA). The results showed that 7 isolates (TBR1, TBR2, TBR3, MHGI1, MHG3, MHG4, FPR4) were active againts all microbial targets, 1 isolate (MHG2) was active againts S. pyogenes, F. oxysporum, and Ganoderma sp BTA1, 2 isolates (MHG5, FPR3) were active againts S. pyogenes, E. coli and F. oxysporum, and Ganoderma sp BTA1, 1 isolates (FPR1) was active againts S. pyogenes, E. coli and F. oxysporum, 1 isolate (FPR5) was only active againts Ganoderma sp BTA1, 2 isolates (TBR4, FPR2) were only active againts E. coli, and isolates (AKA1) was not active againts all microbial targets.Item ISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI AKTINOMISETES RIZOSFER DARI TANAMAN SENTUL (Sandoricum koetjape (Burm.f.) Merr.)(Elfitra, 2021-12) Humairoh, Hanifah; Roza, Rodesia MustikaActinomycetes is a group of gram-positive bacteria that produce various secondary metabolites and generally live in the soil, especially in the rhizosphere of plants including Sandoricum koetjape. This study aimed to isolate and characterize rhizosphere actinomycetes from S. koetjape plants. Soil samples were collected from the plant rhizosphere, then diluted and inoculated by pour plate on SCA media. The actinomycetes isolates obtained were characterized. The results showed that, seven isolates of actinomycetes had circular and irregular colony shapes. The edges of the colonies were serrate, entire, and undulate. Colony elevation could be raised, umbonate, convex and flat. In addition, various color of the colonies were white, cream and gray.Item ISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI PARSIAL AKTINOMISETES DARI TANAH MANGROVE Avicennia alba Blume(perpustakaan UR, 2021-10) Kurniafebi, Fitri Aulia; Roza, Rodesia MustikaActinomycetes are gram-positive bacteria that have the ability to adapt in various environmental conditions. Mangrove forests are one of the ecosystems that have extreme environmental conditions. The purpose of this study was to explore and characterize activities of actinomycetes isolated from soil where Avicennia alba Blume population grown in Kuala Enok. Soil samples were taken from three different points. Isolation of actinomycetes using pour plate method with Starch Casein Agar (SCA) media. The results of isolation obtained in this study was four actinomycetes with varied morphology. Microscopic characteristics showed that the isolates are positive gram. In addition, biochemical tests showed negative results on catalase tests, while in amylase tests A4 isolates showed positive result.Item Isolasi Dan Seleksi Bakteri Termotoleran Penghasil Xilanase Dari Kompos(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-23) Roza, Rodesia Mustika; Linda, Tetty Marta; Sihombing, IkaPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyeleksi dan mengkarakterisasi bakteri termotoleran penghasil xilanase dari kompos. Isolasi dan seleksi bakteri penghasil enzim xilanase dilakukan dengan menggunakan medium yang mengandung xilan 0,5 % diinkubasi selama 72 jam pada suhu 50oC. Bakteri yang mampu menghasilkan xilanase akan membentuk zona bening. Diperoleh sembilan isolat bakteri yang mampu menghasilkan xilanase. Aktivitas xilanase dihitung berdasarkan rasio zona bening per diameter koloni (Z/K). Berdasarkan rasio ini aktivitas xilanase yang paling tinggi diperoleh dari isolat KX7 dengan rasio Z/K 3,17. Isolat ini termasuk Gram positif, berbentuk batang, mampu membentuk spora, bereaksi positif terhadap uji katalase, uji oksidase, uji VP, uiji reduksi nitrat, uji karbohidrat (glukosa dan galaktosa).Item KARAKTERISASI PARSIAL AKTINOMISETES HASIL ISOLASI DARI RIZOSFIR TUMBUHAN SIAK-SIAK (Dianella ensifolia (L.) DC.)(perpustakaan UR, 2021-10) Rasmida, Hasnya Yuqa; Roza, Rodesia MustikaActinomycetes are gram-positive bacteria whose colonies are similar to fungi because they have hyphae. Actinomycetes have been known as strains that produce metabolites that play an important role in various fields. The potential of actinomycetes is high, so it is necessary to isolate and to characterize their properties. The bacteria were isolated from rhizosphere soils that have dense microbial population. The study successfully obtained two isolates from the rhizosphere soil of the siak-siak (Dianella ensifolia) plants. The two isolates showed different morphological characteristics and biochemical test resultsItem KARAKTERISASI PARSIAL AKTINOMISETES HASIL ISOLASI DARI TANAH KEBUN SAYUR YANG DITANAMI PARE (Momordica charantia L.)(Elfitra, 2022-04) Mahallati, Mirza; Roza, Rodesia MustikaActinomycetes have the ability to produce various products of bioactive compounds that are widely used for industrial purposes. A variety of promising actinomycetes potential leads to sustainable exploration efforts. Vegetable garden soil is one of the potential sources for obtaining actinomycetes. The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize actinomycetes from soil sampled from bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) garden in Pekanbaru. Actinomycetes was isolated using serial dilution and spread plate method on Starch Casein Agar (SCA) medium. The results found five actinomycetes isolates with various macroscopic, microscopic, and biochemical characteristics.Item OPTIMASI WAKTU PRODUKSI METABOLIT SEKUNDER AKTINOMISETES ASAL TANAH KEBUN SAYUR DI KOTA PEKANBARU: UJI DAYA HAMBAT PERTUMBUHAN Staphylococcus aureus(Elfitra, 2023-04) Nofriani, Nisa; Roza, Rodesia MustikaActinomycetes is a gram-positive bacteria that produce various secondary metabolites such as antibiotics. Secondary metabolites can use to control microbial pathogen such as Staphylococcus aureus. Actinomycetes isolates had been isolated from Vegetable Garden Soil of Pekanbaru city namely isolates M1.T1, M1.T3, M1.T4 and M1.T5. The purpose of this research is to determine the optimal secondary metabolite time used by actinomycetes isolate from Vegetable Garden Soil to inhibit the grows of Staphylococcus aureus. Optimization of secondary metabolites production time was done by incubation until 14 days. The test method used to examine antibacterial activity was disc diffusion method. The optimum incubation period in producing secondary metabolite in isolate actinomycetes against Staphylococcus aureus is on the M1.T1 isolated the 3rd day incubation with inhibiton of 18,8±0,1 mm, on the M1.T3 isolated the 8th day incubation with inhibition of 12,3±0,2 mm, on the M1.T4 and M1.T5 isolated the 9th day incubation with each inhibition of 10,6±0,2 and 18,8±0,1 mm. The diameter of the inhibition zone formed was compared with the tetracylcline and produced antibacterial activity criteria of actinomycetes isolates that were resistant, intermediate and sensitive.Item OPTIMASI WAKTU PRODUKSI METABOLITE SEKUNDER AKTINOMISETES ASAL ARBORETUM UNIVERSITAS RIAU: UJI DAYA HAMBAT TERHADAP Escherichia coli dan Salmonella typhi(Elfitra, 2022-02) Pulungan, Fitri Suryani Agustini; Roza, Rodesia MustikaEscherichia coli and Salmonella typhi is a gram negative, facultatively anaerobic bacteria and unable to form spores. The aim of this research is to determine the optimal time for actinomycetes arboretum riau university to inhibit growth of Escherichia coli and Salmonella thyphi that will bring disease inside digestive tract. The most common bacteria to cause infection in food are S.typhi and E.Coli. This research is done by adopting paper disc method alongside utilizing MHA medium. The optimum incubation period in producing secondary metabolite in isolate actinomycetes code B1.06,C2.18,C2.20 to Escherichia coli is on the 10th, 20th, 8th day of incubation period with inhibition on the 10th day 10,7 mm, 20th day 15,5 mm, 8th day 10,9 mm, the optimum time of the production of secondary metabolite in isolate actinomycetes code B1.06,C2.18,C2.20 to Salmonella typhi is on the 13th, 14th, 8th day with each inhibition on the 13th day 9,8 mm, 14th day 10,4 mm, 8th day 14,4 mm.Item UJI AKTIVITAS AKTINOMISETES LAHAN GAMBUT RIMBO PANJANG KAMPAR RIAU SEBAGAI AGEN BIOKONTROL TERHADAP Ganoderma boninense (Pat.)(2016-01-26) Istiana, Nabella; Roza, Rodesia Mustika; Martina, AtriaActinomycetes is a group of microbes which is able to produce antimicrobial compounds. Antimicrobial compounds can be used to control microbial pathogens. One of pathogens that cause plant diseases is Ganoderma boninense, a causing agent of basal-stem rotten in oil palm. The purpose of this study were to study the potential of actinomycetes isolated from peat soil at Rimbo Panjang, Kampar, Riau. Antifungal compound produced by actinomycetes with different fermentation times, 3, 5, and 7 days were tested for its activity using paper disc method. The result indicated that the isolates with 3 days of fermentation showed no antifungal activity against G.boninense. Furthermore, 6 isolates with 5 days of fermentation indicated the highest antifungal activity. The highest antifungal activity showed by KN 5.19 isolates with 5 days of fermetationItem UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI METABOLIT SEKUNDER AKTINOMISETES YANG DIEKSTRAKSI MENGGUNAKAN PELARUT METANOL HANGAT TERHADAP BAKTERI PENYEBAB PENYAKIT DIARE(2020-11) Anggraini, Dini; Roza, Rodesia MustikaDisease due to infection is one of the growing problems in the health sector. Infection caused by pathogenic bacteria can cause various diseases such as diarrhea. Diarrhea can be caused by Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and Shigella flexineri. Actinomycetes are one of the antibiotic producers. The actinomycetes used were isolated from the soil of the Universitas Riau Arboretum with isolate codes A2.01, B1.06, B3.12, C2.18 and C2.20. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial ability of the secondary metabolites of actinomycetes extracted using warm methanol solvent (40oC) against pathogenic bacteria causing diarrhea. Antibacterial activity test was performed using the disc diffusion method. The results of the antibacterial activity test showed that actinomycetes isolates were able to inhibit diarrhea-causing bacteria, with an inhibition zone of 15.7 mm by isolate B3.13 against Escherichia coli, 10.6 mm by isolate C2.18 against Shigella flexineri, and 12,8 mm by isolate B3.13 against Salmonella typhimurium. The inhibition zone criteria so that the activity of the secondary metabolites of actinomycetes can be categorized into weak, moderate and strong.Item UJI KEMAMPUAN ISOLAT AKTINOMISETES LOKAL ASAL SIAK DAN INDRAGIRI HILIR DALAM MENGHASILKAN ENZIM AMILASE(Elfitra, 2023-01) Hendry, Pebri Smelvia; Roza, Rodesia MustikaEnzymes are one of the natural products that play an important role in various industrial applications, one of them is the amylase. Amylase is widely used in the industrial sector, including in the textile industry to prevent fiber dilation, to reduce viscosity in paper in the paper industry, and as artificial sweetener in food industries. This study aimed to analyze the ability of 22 actinomycetes isolates (16 isolates from the rhizosphere of Siak-siak plant (Dianella ensifolia L.) and six isolates from mangrove soil in Kuala Enok, Tanah Merah, Indragiri Hilir) in producing amylase enzymes by qualitative assay. Assay the ability of actinomycetes isolates in producing amylase used dotted method on the selective medium with starch as substrate. Based on the results, 14 isolates are capable of producing the enzyme amylase with the highest enzymatic index of 4.42 demonstrated by RK4 isolate.