Perbedaan Motivasi Belajar Fisika Siswa Dengan Penerapan Pembelajaran Menggunakan LKS Konstruktivisme Dan Konvensional

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The purpose of this research to determine the average difference and increase students’ motivation to learn physics in the class by using Constructivism Student Worksheet and the class that using Conventional Student Worksheet on the subject matter of static fluid in class XI Science SMAN 8 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted with the design using two groups: experimental classes and control classes. The instruments used in the data collection was a questionnaire consisting of ARCS motivation indicators attention, relevance, and satisfaction confidance. Data were analyzed students' motivation to learn physics can be of analysis descriptive and inferensial. From the descriptive analysis of students motivation to learn physics that uses Constructivism Student Worksheet is lower than class that using Conventional Student Worksheet. Inferential analysis of the data using SPSS version 16 with Independent Samples T-Test was obtained significance 0.518, tcount = 2,225 while ttable = 2,024. Based on the criteria for testing the value of t is tcount > ttable or 2,225 < 2,024. So that there is a significant difference in students' motivation which they learning physics using Constructivism Student Worksheet with Conventional Student Worksheet level of 95%.


Perbedaan Motivasi Belajar Fisika Siswa Dengan Penerapan Pembelajaran Menggunakan LKS Konstruktivisme Dan Konvensional


Motivation to Learn Physics, Constructivism Student Worksheet, Conventional Student Worksheet
