Non Formal Education


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    Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Gairah Belajar Warga Belajar Program Kesetaraan Di PKBM Mitra Riau Jaya Cemerlang Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai Kota Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-29) Karnita, Nurfia
    This research aimed to understand the influence of the student learning passion for the program equivalence of education at PKBM Riau Jaya, Marpoyan Pekanbaru. The type of research is descriptive with quantitative approach. The samplewas the30 participants of the program equivalence at PKBM Mitra Jaya, with 3 programs: PAKET A = 7, PAKETt B = 11, and PAKET C = 12 PARTICIPANT. To collect the data, the questionaire is used wit four alternative unswers. Theresewarch indicators are divided into two parts; that are intrinsics and extrinsicks. The result shows that the extrinsic aspects is more influencing to the student learning passion rather than intrinsic aspect. As the whole, the result describe that the student learning passion at the program equavalence of education is pretty good.
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    The Efectiviness Of Program Implementation In Sewing Life Skill At PKBM Mekar Jaya Kelurahan Sungai Pagar Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hilir Kabupaten Kampar
    (2013-08-29) Amelia
    The research aims to know the effectiveness of the implementation of sewing program at the PKBM Mekar Jaya, Kelurahan Sungai Pagar, Kecamatan Kampar Kiri, Kab. Kampar. The type of research is descriptive in term of quantitative. Questionnaire is used to collect the data. The number of sample is 50 students of PKBM in sewing program. The indicators used to evaluate the program are 1) Learning process in achieving program objective, 2) Learning process in achieving student’s needs in entrepreneurship, 3) The students have a skill to get job, 4) the students get skill from learning result, 5) learning process is applied in true learning situation, 6) learning process will produce the actual work. The result is that the implementation program of sewing life skill at PKBM Mekar Jaya is effective. The average mean of all indicators is 3,94 and standard deviation is 9,93. This means that the implementation program of sewing life skill is quite good. In other word we may say that the program is running well but still need to increase the learning process in order to get more good result. The researcher understands that the research conducted is far from perfect because the theory used is quite less and the researcher is lack of knowledge in research.
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    STUDENT’S PERCEPTION OFPORNOGRAPHY ATTHE SOSIAL NETWORKS (Study for Non-formal Education Students, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Riau University)
    (2013-08-29) Windari, Sri
    This research was conducted to find out whether the perceptions of students against pornography at the social networks is good. Type of this research is descriptive with quantitative approad. Means of collecting the data used is quisionare. The number of samples in the study was 92 students which then grouped into 30 students sample tests and 62 sample research. Research was conducted by means of measuring student’s perception on the basis of indicators of perception: (1) selection of stimulus pornography, (2) the preparation of the stimulus pornography (3) interpretation of the stimulus of pornography. Based on the results of the research, it can be inferred that the perceptions of students against pornography at the social networks is good. The Data obtained are then processed and analyzed. The results showed that 39% of respondents stated strongly agree, 27% of respondents agree, 7% stated lack of concern, the respondent declared a 7.5 disagreed, and 3% of respondents stated strongly disagree. In terms of the analyzed obtained, showed the mean values (mean 4,05 and standard deviation 12,89) are on scale interpretation.Researchers realized that research done is far from perfect, and still a lot of shortcomings. One of the shortcomings in research is less strong theories to support, and lack of knowledge in research.
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    Functions Parents In Instilling Manners In Children(Religious Functions) In The Housing Griya Asri Fir Pekanbaru
    (2013-07-27) Witriana
    This study aims to determine the function of parents in instilling manners in children (religious functions) in the housing GriyaAsri Fir Pekanbaru. This type of research is quantitative. Data collection tool that is used in the form of a questionnaire with item number 45 statement then tested the validity of the test questionnaire and validity of the data obtained statement item. Having analyzed a valid item 35 item 45 item, item numbers drop 10 points with 6,8,9,22,30,33,34,37,39 statement and 40. Questionnaire prepared using four alternative answers are: strongly agree (SS) were given a score of 4, agree (S) was given a score of 3, less agree (KS) given skor2, disagree (TS) given Silverback 1, the number of samples in this study was 44 parents who were then grouped into 20 samples and 44 test sample. Research carried out by measuring the function of the parents to their children based on indicators 1. in social life through the dimension (mutual respect, fostering harmony Selau, Recognize the rights of the people, Securing and preserving nature and the environment, Complying with all applicable regulations in the environmental community, Implement obligations as citizens, 2. In real life day through dimensions (Running all the commandments of God Almighty and His larangann away, Practicing in accordance with their respective religions, tolerance of freedom of worship da freedom to live)is going well according to the parent function. Judging from the results of the analysis of processing research data which showed 43.59% of the respondents strongly agreed, 47.91% of respondents agreed, 7.29% of respondents who expressed less agreed, 1.01% of respondents disagree. be reviewed mean results obtained from the mean value 3.35 and a standard deviation of 12.02 at the high category. Key Word: Functions, parents, manners, children, (rel
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    The Role Of Parents In Fostering Self-Confidence For The Fishermen’s’ Children Studying In College At Bantan Air Village Sub-District Of Bantan The Regency Of Bengkalis
    (2013-07-27) Wati, Miske
    The purpose of study was to find out the role of parents in fostering self-confidence for the fishermen’s’ children studying in college at Bantan Air village sub-district of Bantan the regency of Bengkalis. The right thing in the study was that the parents educated their children until college. The method used in the study was descriptive and the population of study was parents numbering 30 parents. The writer did not take any sample because the population of study was not much. In collecting the data about the role of parents in fostering self -confidence for the fishermen’s’ children studying in college the writer used questionnaires directed to the respondents or parents. The data which have been collected were analyzed quantitative approach it was product moment correlation technique. After collecting and analyzing the data the writer concluded that there was the role of parents in fostering self-confidence for the fishermen’s’ children studying in college at Bantan Air village sub-district of Bantan the regency of Bengkalis. The analysis resulted the statistic reliability with amount of 0.951. The score means the role of parents in fostering self-confidence for the fishermen’s’ children studying in college. In other word, the better parents’ role and more the students will study in college.
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    Kompetensi Sosial Tutor Dalam Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Kesetaraan Pada Pkbm Syafira Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru
    (2013-07-27) Izatun, Nur
    The research goal is to describe the social competence of tutors in implementation of educational equality. The research concept is that the social competence of tutors is important to increase the service quality in non-formal learning activities. The research uses qualitative method and interview is primary technique to collect the data from the informen. The research is taken place at PKBM Syafira, Pekanbaru, starting on March to May 2013. The research subject is 3 tutors of PKBM on Paket C Program. The results describe that the social competence of tutors is classified quite high. It is because the they did their best in written and verbal communication politely. They used information and communication technology in doing their job professionally. They touch students friendly. They were able to communicate and associate well and friendly with their students, their collage, administrative staff, students parents, and community who live around the PKBM as well as possible. So, the learning process at PKBM run well.
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    Alasan Orang Tua Menyekolahkan Anaknya Pada Homeschooling (Komunitas) Kak Seto Pekanbaru
    (2013-07-27) Wahyuningsih
    The purpose of the research is (1) to find out the reason parents send their children to Homeschooling (Community) Kak Seto Pekanbaru; (2) to determine the dominant reason of parents send their children to Homeschooling (Community) Kak Seto Pekanbaru. This research is a descriptive quantitative approach. The population of the research is the parent who send their children at Homeschooling (Community) Kak Seto Pekanbaru. The amount number is 40 people. The entire population are taken as a sample. The instruments used this in research is the questionnaire with 57 number of items. The questionnaire statement is divided into two aspects that are intrinsic and extrinsic of the reason why the parent send their children to Homeschooling (Community) Kak Seto Pekanbaru. The alternative answer is 4 choices (a = very correct, b = correct, c = less correct, d = wrong). The a answer is scored 4, the b = 3, the c = 2,and the the d = 1. The result showed that the intrinsic factors is a dominant factors motivating the parent send their children to Homeschooling (Community) Kak Seto Pekanbaru. The average mean of intrinsic factors is about 2,90 by standar deviation 7,78. While the extrinsic factors is 2,85 of the mean average and 8,01 of standar deviation.
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    Hubungan Pengawasan Orang Tua Di Rumah Dengan Kenakalan Siswa Di Ma Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru
    (2013-07-27) Indriani, Jepi
    The research aims to understand the correlation between parental supervision and student’s delinquency at Madrasah Aliyah Nuhammadiyah Pekanbaru. The problems identifications are; 1) the students behavior are not quite good, 2) the student discipline is less in class learning time, 3) the students against the school role. So the research problems are: 1). How the parent supervisions to the students of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah are undertaken? 2). How the student delinquency are happened? 3). Is there correlation between parental supervision and student delinquency at Madrasah Aliyah Pekanbaru? The method used is descriptive in term of quantities approach. To collect the data, the researcher uses questionnaires, documentation, and observation. The number of population is 60 students. The random sampling technique is used by using Slavin formula, so the number of sample is about 52 students. The result describes that a).Parental supervision to the students delinquency is medium classification with the average score is 122,17. b). The students delinquency is also medium classification wit the average score is 154. C). The correlation between parental supervision and student delinquency by using Product Moment Technique is fond that the r count (0,4503) > r table (0,273). This means that the parental supervision is correlated to students delinquency, but in term of low correlation. The conclusion is that the more parental supervision conducted , the less the student delinquency is.
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    The Service of Sewing Skill Activities at Rumah Singgah Aditya Karya Bagansiapiapi, Kabupaten Rokan Hilir.
    (2013-07-27) Wahyuni, Sri
    The resert objective is to understand the service conducted to the children at Rumah Singgah Aditya Karya Bagansiapiapi. The program is dealing wiyh sewing skill. The type of the research is naturalistically descriptive by using qualitative approach. The information resources are 4 people, chairman and 2 tutors. The primary technique in collecting data is interview. Therefore, the researcher prepare the guideline of question before going down to the research location. The analytic technique used is ethnography and reporting. The result shows that the services gave to the children at the Rumah Singgah is dealing with sewing skill program. The sewing skill given to the children are dealing with planning of preparation. The activities are: preparing the children to have sewing knowledge, preparing the student to understand the means of sewing, cloth and others. The next service is about applying the program. The service conducted are: how to take the measurement of dress, drawing the basic type of dress, cutting the cloth based on the measurement taken.The children learn to drive the sewing machine and saw the dress step by step. The last service conducted is to give the children the knowledge of how to avaluate their sewing activity and product. The activities are including to evaluate the product of their sewing activities, to analyze the means of sewing , to correct all of their basic type of dress based on the measurement taken. Last but least, the children have to check their quality of their product and activities.
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    Penggunaan Handphone Oleh Anak Sekolah Dasar Negeri 011 Di Desa Air Emas Kecamatan Singingi Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
    (2013-07-19) Nilasari Purba, Susi
    This research aims to determine the use of mobile phones by children at Elementary School 011 The Village Of Golden Water Singingi Kuantan Singing Regency. This type of research is descriptive quantitative approach. Data collection tools be used in the form of questionnaire with the population in research were students from grades 5 and 6, amounting to 33 students and 30 students research sample. Based on the the research result shows that the use of mobile phones by elementary school children as a whole from each indicator viewed from an average score can be seen respondents who stating always by 12.6%, of respondents who stating often by 22.1%, while respondents who rarely amounted to 34.5% and the respondents who never to 27.3%. If the answer are combined is always, and often combined (SL + SR) means of (12.6% +22.1%) accounted for 34.7% respondents stated often. Based on the assessment criteria specified, it is concluded that the use of mobile phones by children at Elementary School 011 as a whole from each indicator viewed from an average score classified high enough. It means that the use of mobile phones by children at Elementary School 011 The Village Of Golden Water Singingi Kuantan Singing classified yet either
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    Sikap Warga Belajar Terhadap Pendidikan Kesetaraan Pada Pkbm Primatrain Kota Pekanbaru
    (2013-07-17) Utami, Putri; Sisca
    The purposes of study were to find out the followings 1) cognitive attitude of students toward the education of relevancy at PKBM Primatrain Pekanbaru. 2) Affective attitude of students toward the education of Equivalence at PKBM Primatrain Pekanbaru. 3) Conative attitude of students toward t the education of Equivalence at PKBM Primatrain Pekanbaru. The question that guided the study was: how students‟ attitude toward the education of Equivalence?. The study was designed descriptively, the data was collected through questionnaires consisted of 40 questions. After testing, the questionnaires that were valid 31 items and 9 items were not valid. All instruments were valid with “r calculation = 0.444 with high validity. The population of study was the students at the education of equivalence at PKBM Primatrain Pekanbaru numbering 55 persons. The samples were taken using random sampling, then 20 persons were taken for test sample and the rest 35 become the sample of study. Based on the results of study the writer concluded that students „attitude toward the Equivalence of education at cognitive indicator, affective and conative was categorize good/high. Students‟ attitude toward the the education of equivalence at PKBM Primatrain Pekanbaru at every aspect based on average scores, respondent‟s answers said very agreed was 36.65%, respondent‟s answers said agreed was 45.20%, respondent‟s answers said less-agreed was 10.67% and respondent‟s answers said disagreed was 4.13% and respondent‟s answers said very disagree was 3.11%. When the answers of very agreed and agreed were combined this means (36.65%+45.20%) or 81.85% respondents. Based on scoring criteria specified the writer concluded that students‟ attitude toward the Equivalence education at PKBM Primatrain Pekanbaru was categorized very good. Student‟s cognitive attitude toward the education of equivalence was higher than student‟s affective attitude and conative. This means that knowledge, opinion, faith, and idea on students had the important role then the parts of affective and conative
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    The implementation of Teen of Mosque Al Mustaqim Activities The Village of Sail Sub-District of Tenayan Raya
    (2013-07-17) Hurima
    The purpose of study was to find out the implementation of teen of mosque Al Mustaqim activities the village of Sail sub-district of Tenayan Raya. The Kind of study was descriptive with qualitative approach. The problem of study was “how the implementation of teen mosque Al Mustaqim activities the village of Sail sub-district of Tenayan Raya. Data collection technique was interview technique. The informant of study was mosque care taker and teen mosque. The study focused on 1) how the effort of mosque caretaker in prosperity the mosque?, 2) how the effort of mosque caretaker in developing teen of mosque? 3) How the effort mosque caretaker in regenerating teen of mosque? 4) How the effort of mosque caretaker in dakwah and social activities?, the results of study were 1) to prosperity the mosque, all mosque caretaker pray in congregation with teen of mosque, 2) developing teen of mosque, the mosque caretakers develop the faith of teen of mosque through Islamic teaching at mosque, 3) regeneration, the mosque caretakers regenerate through leadership training, 4) dakwah and social, it was conducted through teaching at seven minutes and for social activities conducted through mutual aid, condolence.
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    (2013-02-02) Tamba, Novita M
    EMPOWERMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS TO INCREASE SUNDAY BIBLE STUDIES CATHOLIC CHURCH SAINT PAUL PEKANBARU NOVITA MODESTA TAMBA Dosen Pembimbing I: Drs. Aswandi Bahar, M.Lib, Pembimbing II: Dra. Hj. Murni Baheram, M.Pd The problems study. How educational goals Sunday School at St. Paul's Catholic Church Pekanbaru. How is the role of education in the Sunday School of St. Paul Catholic Church Pekanbaru. How to organize a Sunday school education at St. Paul's Catholic Church Pekanbaru. What about Sunday School education administration at St. Paul's Catholic Church Pekanbaru. How will the educational activities of the Sunday School at St. Paul's Catholic Church Pekanbaru. Informants in this study is the Church of St. Paul Catholic Church Pekanbaru. As many as three people and backed by one informant control. The purpose of this study was to determine educational goal Sunday School at St. Paul's Catholic Church Pekanbaru. The role of education in the Sunday School of St. Paul Catholic Church Pekanbaru. Organizing education Sunday school at St. Paul's Catholic Church Pekanbaru. Sunday School education in the administration of the Catholic Church of St. Paul Pekanbaru. Setting educational activities Sunday School at St. Paul's Catholic Church Pekanbaru. Data collection techniques in this study includes three techniques namely observation techniques, interview techniques and engineering documentation. The dominant technique used in this study is observation and interview techniques, as. The results of this study are based on the establishment of the management organization structure and deliberations that have been established, the management make up conducted meetings with the community, if not found then draft an agreement that was made immediately agreed, in preparing kepengurus then put tasks in order to perform their duties more effective and efficient. Pengadministrasi are all activities conducted through collaboration within an organization based on pre-defined plan to achieve the goals of the organization or the development plan of the Catholic Church Sunday School organisasi. Settings Sinto Paul Pekanbaru held every Sunday from 8.30 am to 11 noon.
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    Pemberdayaan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Dalam Bidang Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (Tpa) Al-Muhajirin Dalam Pendidikan Masyarakat Di Kelurahan Tuah Karya Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru
    (2013-02-01) Sari, A.i
    ABSTRACT Ayu Ilham Sari, 0805135402 Empowerment Institule education Islam Taman Pendidikan AL-Qur’an (TPA) in education Communtity In Village Tuah Karya Sub-district handsome Pekanbaru,Education Taman Pendidikan AL-Qur’an (TPA) is unti education religios Islam nonformal which organizee education religion Islam as Complement for student school base (school/base/equal), which organize education religion Islam level base with period learn 4 (four) year, and number hour learn minimal 18 hour lesson oneweek, whick organize education religion Islam whick cover : Al-Qur’an Haditths, Fiqh worship, Faith morals, History Culture Islam (SKI), and language Arabic, then plusa with subject like : Calligraphy, speech, sport, practice worship Arabic wither, language english and skills, Appropriate with title research this consist of one variable, empowerment institute education Islam Taman Pendidikan AL-Qur’an (TPA) in education community in village Tuah Karya sub-districk handsome pekanbaru. Then of it research this is shaped descriptive qualitative that is to say is data which will copied by what presence in context this is empowerment institute education Islam Taman Pendidikan AL-Qur’an (TPA) in education Community in village Tuah Karya sub-districk handsome pekanbaru.
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    The Youth Attitude For The Usefull Of Handphone (Case Study for The Youth of Perumahan Beringin Surya Damai Kecamatan Labuh Baru Barat Pekanbaru)
    Sari Pohan, Olia
    The purpose of the research is to know the youth attitude for the usefull ofhand phone. The main problem of the research is how the yuoth attitude for the useful hand phonewether it is positive or negative? Theresearch is descriptive characteristic. To collect of data, the researcher used the questionaire of 34 items. The sample of thereseach is 30 of the youth at Perumahan Beringin Surya Damai 30 people. The reseach analysis is used to point out the category of the attitude of the youth for the useful of hand phone wether positive or negative. The indicators of the the problem are the knowledge, perception, believing, judgment, trusting, happy/unhappy, confident, warm, aggressive and apatism. So, conclution is that the category of attitude of youth for the useful of hand phoneis positive by hoping the better attitude for the future. This researcher has several difficulties such as it is hard to findthe youth in the afternoon or night, because they have many social activities. The deep implication of theresearch is that the youth would be a better use of hand phone not underestimate to the system itself and not break the low.