The Youth Attitude For The Usefull Of Handphone (Case Study for The Youth of Perumahan Beringin Surya Damai Kecamatan Labuh Baru Barat Pekanbaru)
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The purpose of the research is to know the youth attitude for the usefull ofhand
phone. The main problem of the research is how the yuoth attitude for the useful hand
phonewether it is positive or negative? Theresearch is descriptive characteristic. To
collect of data, the researcher used the questionaire of 34 items. The sample of thereseach
is 30 of the youth at Perumahan Beringin Surya Damai 30 people. The reseach analysis is
used to point out the category of the attitude of the youth for the useful of hand phone
wether positive or negative. The indicators of the the problem are the knowledge,
perception, believing, judgment, trusting, happy/unhappy, confident, warm, aggressive
and apatism. So, conclution is that the category of attitude of youth for the useful of hand
phoneis positive by hoping the better attitude for the future. This researcher has several
difficulties such as it is hard to findthe youth in the afternoon or night, because they have
many social activities. The deep implication of theresearch is that the youth would be a
better use of hand phone not underestimate to the system itself and not break the low.
The Youth Attitude For The Usefull Of Handphone (Case Study for The Youth of Perumahan Beringin Surya Damai Kecamatan Labuh Baru Barat Pekanbaru)
Hand phone,, attitude of youth, youth,