Japanese Language Education


Recent Submissions

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    Analisis Semantik Sinonim Tomodachi, Yuujin, dan Nakama Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Jepang
    (2013-08-01) Sentosa, Nardi
    This research was about a synonym of tomodachi, yuujin, and nakama in Japanese. Tomodachi, yuujin, and nakama have similar meaning in Japanese, that is „friend‟, but the usage is different in sentence, depend on the context and situation of sentence. The purpose of this research wants to know of the meaning and similar meaning of tomodachi, yuujin, and nakama. The collecting data from some Japanese dictionary, Japan movie, and Japanese books related with this research.
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    Reduplikasi dalam bahasa Jepang
    (2013-08-01) Ramadhani, Siti R
    This study is to analyze the modification of vowel phonemes and consonant phonemes after the reduplication. The purpose of this study is to understand and discover comprehensively the modification and meaning after reduplication so that there will be no mistakes and errors in comprehension thems particularly for the students of the Japanese study program, Education Faculty, Riau University.
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    Struktur Pembentukan Kosakata Kanji Majemuk Bahasa Jepang (Nihongo no Kanji Jukugo no Gokeisei)
    (2013-08-01) Sari, Oni K
    This study is focus to analyze the Kanji compound in Japanese language. The purpose of this study is to understand and discovercomprehensively of the modification structure of kanji compound in Japanese language. So that there will be no errors in comprehension them particularly for students. The methods applied in this study is descriptive where the primary data gathered from Asahi Newspaper.
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    Makna Penerjemahan Idiom Bahasa Jepang Pada Komik Doraemon Edisi Sebelas
    (2013-08-01) Nuraini
    This thesis entitled “definition of idiom translation in Doraemon comic at eleven editions”. This research is about translation of Japanese’s idiom into Indonesia’s language which takes Doraemon comic in Japanese language and the translation in Indonesia language as the object. The method of this research was descriptive, and the theory that used in this research was semantic theory, shift translation, and theory of idioms. The analysis of this research starts from the determination of Japanese idioms that related to parts of the body and feelings that include in that comic. The result of the research showed that form 20 source language idioms that already found, there are 3 idioms that change into target language idioms and there are 17 translate into non idiom, when we looked to the appropriateness, almost data that already translated are appropriate with the context of the pictures in that comic. There are many changeable shift from the translation. This research is expected can give useful contribution and help the other research about translation of Japanese language into Indonesia language, especially, in idioms translation.
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    Penerjemahan Buku Manual Peralatan Elektronik
    (2013-08-01) Nurma S, Dina
    Focus of this study is to Translation In Electronic Equipment Manual. The purpose of this study is to describe how the manual translation of electronic products. The methods applied in this study is descriptive where the primary data gathered from the electronic product manuals SHARP electronic dictionary PW-AT790 . In this study using the theory of translation and technical text
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    “Penerjemahan Bahasa Vulgar Dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Jepang Dalam Novel Cantik Itu Luka”
    (2013-07-09) Desfriani
    This research is intended to find out how the Indonesian vulgar words translated into Japanese in the novel Cantik Itu Luka, which has been translated into Japanese entitled Bi Wa Kizu. The method of this research is descriptive research. The writer analyzed the method and procedure the translator used in translating the Indonesian vulgar words into Japanese and so do the theory used in creating the correspondence between the meanings of the words. The writer also investigated whether the Japanese norm gives space for those vulgar words to be translated in the same manner as in Indonesia Language. The result of the research revealed that the Communicative Translation Method, which emphasizes the translation into the target language, is used in translating the Indonesian vulgar words into Japanese in novel Cantik Itu Luka. Whereas, the procedures used are the Modulation and Tranposition. Furthermore, in gaining the correspondence between the meanings of the words, the translator chose the euphemism theory. The result of the research also indicated that the Japanese norm does not give enough space for the vulgar words to be translated in same manner as in Indonesian Language.
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    “Makna Kanji Berbushu Kokoro Hen dan Kokoro Ashi”
    (2013-07-04) Rachmah, Sari; Eka
    One of effective way for learner to learn kanji easily is learning bushu. Bushu or this basic character has 214 character. „Kokoro‟ is one of them. There are two forms of „kokoro‟, 忄(kokoro hen) is bushu which place in the left side of kanji. While 心 is bushu which place in the bottom side of kanji. Both of this bushu have the same meaning, related to affection, but the difference position of both bushu make the differenciation in meaning. Based on the analysis of kanji‟s meaning that the bushu was „kokoro hen‟ and „kokoro ashi‟, „kokoro hen‟ refers to affection which come from heart or mental condition. Beside that, „kokoro ashi‟ refers to affection also things that relation to the thinking activity, in the other word the realization of the affect which is expressed.
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    “Penggunaan Nakerebanaranai , Beki, dan Hazu sebagai Modalitas Deontik (toui) dan Modalitas Epistemik (gaigen)”
    (2013-07-03) Desmita, Liza
    The research describes about the use of nakerebanaranai 4 , beki 5 dan hazu 6 as toui modality and gaigen modality. The purpose of this research is to help students and other learners to understand the function and meaning of those three forms of modality. Furthermore nakerebanaranai and beki are explained based on deontik modality as one of the part of modality in japanese, and hazu is explained based on epistemik modality. As of deontik modality, nakerebanaranai and beki are the form of modality that are used to state about „necessity‟ according to social principle. As of epistemik modality, hazu are the form of modality that are used to state about „necessity‟ according to rational principle. Descriptive method is the method that applied in this research. The writer used the data from two Japanese anime, Tonari no Kaibutsu Kun and Digimon Adventure 02.
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    Penerapan Metode STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Hiragana Pembelajar Kelas X SMA Cendana Rumbai
    (2013-07-03) Amani, Zati; Tiva
    This research aimed at describing and testing whether cooperative learning STAD can increase students’ writing ability at first grade student Cendana Senior High School Pekanbaru. The participants were 30 students. The data collection techniques used consisted of observation, interview, and tests. The research result can be briefly explained as follows: First, the students’ writing ability could be improved by using this method. Before the research was done, some students get score under standard score . Second, the students’ interest and motivation improved also. These can be seen from the increasing of students’ awareness in writing the paragraph. Third, the teacher was able to apply the cooperative learning STAD to make the teaching process effective.
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    Analisis Makna Kanji Berkarakter Dasar Ukanmuri Ditinjau Dari Segi Semiotika (Kajian Charles Sander Pierce)
    (2013-07-01) Bahri, Samsul
    This research about basic character meaning of Ukanmuri is evaluated from facet of semiotika studied by Charles Sanders Pierce. The purpose of this research is to give a knowledge for Japan Language student that kanji can understanded as character which the meaning can know from forming of it and to know kanji which have basic character of ukanmuri correlate with a roof or house. This research uses descriptive method. The data collected from Jouyou Kanji dictionary which there are 35 kanji using basic character meaning of Ukanmuri. The result of this research is describe that kanji is categorized as icon because ther e are similarly signs and object. Then, kanji which have basic character of ukanmuri have correlate with a roof or house either from function and forming.
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    Fitur Semantik Prefiks fu (不) hi (非), mi (未), mu (無)
    (2013-06-25) Diamitra, Astrid
    In Japanese language, prefix or settouji is an important element, because of its productive character and its frequency of emergence, such as fu, hi, mi, mu. These prefix describe negative meaning. Howover, not all of the words can be paired with these four kanji. The purpose of this study is to make the students understand about the use of these kanji and to be able to us it correctly. The method used in this study is descriptive method. This study explains that kanji fu is used in simple rejection and it can be paired with every verbs and adjectives. Kanji hi shows unusual meaning and it can be paired with nouns and adjectiva -na. Kanji mi shows an event that has not accured yet and it can be paired with verbs and nouns. Kanji mu shows somethin that does not exist and it can be paired with nouns and verbs.
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    Analisis Tindak Tutur Penolakan Bahasa Jepang
    (2013-06-25) Kana, Yeyenda
    This study of the Japanese refusal speech act, which aims to find out the speech act of rejection by the language is Japanese and politeness strategies. The methods used in this research is descriptive method. In analyzing the data, the authors analyze every conversation containing the speech act of rejection is taken from various sources. The results showed that the shape of the Japanese reject speech act is associated with politeness done in various ways, namely by using range polite, lengthen utterances denial, refusing indirectly influential in the course of communication.
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    Analisis Etnogafi Penanda Kalimat Perintah (Meireibun) dalam Bahasa Jepang
    (2013-06-25) Marylin, Rani
    This research is about an analysis of using imperative sentence (meireibun) based on Japanese communication ethnography. The purpose of this research is to find the definition, meaning, and the function of using imperative sentence based on the ethnography in Japanese text book, therefore the students can erase the mistakes in using it, especially for Japanese students of Riau University. The method of the research is descriptive method and the theory used in this research is the theory from Yoshio Ogawa. The result of this research shows that from six forms of imperative sentence that is used by the people, there are four ethnography concepts which influence them such as the concept of Danjyo, the concept of Jouge, the concept of Uchi and Soto, and the concept of situation.
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    Analisis Makna Dan Penggunaan Irai Hyougen Dalam Bahasa Jepang
    (2013-06-25) Misnora
    This study is about an analysis of the meaning and the use of irai hyougen in Japanese. The purpose of this study is to know and understand more about the meaning and the use of irai hyougen so that there will be no mistakes and errors in using them particularly for the students of the Japanese study program, Education Faculty, Riau University. The method applied in this study is descriptive where the primary data gathered from various sources of Japanese Text books such as Minna no Nihongo I and Minna no Nihongo II. The theory used in this study is the theory proposed by Yoshio Ogawa. This study explains that from nine forms of irai hyougen and four ways of its communication, the sentence should be based on and appropriated with the politeness form/ politeness degree in Japanese language (keigo)
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    Pemahaman Ungkapan Penolakan Bahasa Jepang pada Mahasiswa Semester V Universitas Riau
    (2013-06-25) Nurhayati, Nunung
    The research discusses how understanding the fifth semester students of the Riau University to use the reject and request expression of the higher spoken, equal and lower. The method used is descriptive method, the research conducted to describe to clarify a phenomenon than occurs at this time by using scientific procedures to answer the actual problem. The data is taken from the fifth semester students of the Riau University as sample, by using a questionnaire as a data collection technique. The questionnaire used is a Discourse Completion Test (DCT)
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    Ungkapan Larangan di Tempat Umum di Jepang Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Riau Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013
    (2013-06-25) Sari, Rahmita
    This research is about the forms and phrasing of forbidden expression of public places in Japan. The purpose of this reseach is to determine the form of forbidden expression of public places in Japan.The data is taken from the internet. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data in the form of the sentence is recorded and classified according to the type of expression. The results showed that there were thirteen expression pattern forming forbidden expression of public places in Japan. The language choice used in these expressions is influenced by the relationship of speakers and listeners, the purpose of the speech and the context of speech.
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    Analisis Kesalahan Penggunaan Fungsi Joshi「は」“Wa” Dan「が」“Ga” Dalam Mata Kuliah Sakubun 5 Mahasiswa Semester VI Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Riau Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013
    (2013-06-25) Dwita Sari, Yona
    The central focus of this study is to research an error analyze using the function of joshi wa (は) and ga ( が) which to make by respondent semester VI university student japanese languange education University of Riau . The purpose of this study is to know causal factor and error in the using joshi wa and ga to make by university student in to the sakubun lecture and to know more advaced about the function of joshi wa and ga. The methods applied in this study is kualitatif’s descriptive where the primary data gathered from the sakubun of the university student. The result this study is that want to don’t it error again in to differentiate between joshi wa and ga especially in writing sakubun
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    Fungsi Kata Kerja Bentuk te iru dalam Buku Minna no Nihongo I dan Minna no Nihongo II Ditinjau dari Segi Aspek
    (2013-01-21) Gustia
    Fungsi Kata Kerja Bentuk te iru dalam Buku Minna no Nihongo I dan Minna no Nihongo II Ditinjau dari Segi Aspek Oleh: Gustia1 Anggota: 1. Nana Rahayu2 2. Arza Aibonotika3 Email: tia_maonyan@yahoo.com, No. HP: 085263818959 ABSTRACT The central focus of this study is to analyze the function of te iru verb forms exposed in the two Japanese text books: Minna no Nihongo I and Minna no Nihongo II. The purpose of this study is to understand and discover comprehensively the functions of te iru verb forms so that there will be no mistakes and errors in using thems particularly for the students of the Japanese study program, Education Faculty, Riau University. The methods applied in this study is descriptive where the primary data gathered from the two Japanese Text books: Minna no Nihongo I and Minna no Nihongo II. The findings reveals the functions of te iru provided in these two textbooks
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    Persepsi Bunyi Choo’on Dalam Kosakata Terhadap Mahasiswa Tingkat IV Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Riau Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012
    (2013-01-21) Sukma, R.T
    Persepsi Bunyi Choo’on Dalam Kosakata Terhadap Mahasiswa Tingkat IV Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Riau Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 Oleh: Rahayu Tri Sukma1 Anggota : 1. Arza Aibonotika2 2. Nana Rahayu3 Email: rahayutrisukma@yahoo.com, No. HP: 085278780022 ABSTRACT This study analized the level of the speech sound provided in the three Students’ Textbooks: Minna no Nihongo I, Minna no Nihongo II and Kana Nyumon. The words were collected based on the vocabularies with the long speech articulation which was then recorded using the native speaker’s voice and the subjects in this respect were required to measure their competence in identifying the short and long speech articulations. Praat computer software had been used in analyzing the short and long speech articulations which was aimed at establishing how many pitches (haku) belongs to the choo’on sounds and pitches (haku) which are not grouped in to choo’on sounds. The objective of this study is to discover students’ ability in identifying choo’on sounds againts the vocabularies and the same time to see the correlation between the competence of identifying sounds with the familiar vocabularies.
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    Tindak Tutur Memohon Bahasa Jepang dalam Buku Nameraka Nihongo Kaiwa
    (2013-01-21) Zulaika, I
    Tindak Tutur Memohon Bahasa Jepang dalam Buku Nameraka Nihongo Kaiwa Oleh: Ita Zulaika1 Anggota : 1. Nana Rahayu2 2. Arza Aibonotika3 Email : Zulaika_i10@yahoo.com, No. HP : 081270427642 ABSTRACT The research is on the form of request expression and its relationship with the politeness level sociolinguisticly in Japanese language as listed in the book “Nameraka Nihongo Kaiwa”. The purpose of this research is to provide knowledge of the Japanese language learners about request expression and understand its uses in conversation especially for the students of the Japanese language education of Riau University. The research uses descriptive method. The data is taken from the book Nameraka Nihongo Kaiwa. The results of this research explains that there are seven kinds of request expressions. They greatly affect the communication process.