Pancasila and Citizenship Education
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Item Analisis Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Pada Seni Budaya Kuda Lumping Di Desa Perkebunan Sungai Lala Kecamatan Sungai Lala Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu(2013-08-29) Ramadhani, RizkiThis research Formulation of the problem by Pancasila values found in lumping horse art, which in the art of Kuda lumping hussar tells about the struggle against Dutch colonialism. But in lumping horse art as idolatrous there negative value because doing sesajian and trance. Problem formulation in this study is Is there a Pancasila values in art and culture in rural kuda lumping Perk. Sei Lala Lala River District Medan District. This study aims to determine whether there are values of Pancasila in the art kuda lumping in River Plantation Village Lala, Lala River District, Indragiri Hulu. The study was conducted in the village Perk. Sei Lala Lala River District Medan District which runs from April 2013 to complete the study. The population in this study is 3534 people and in sample selection technique used is purposive sampling to obtained a sample of 17 people consisting of the head, gambuh, dancers and music players kuda lumping. Authors use data collection 4 data collection techniques, namely: the first form of observation, the second interview, third fourth technical documentation literature. Analysis of the data used in this study is a descriptive analysis or qualitative data processing. With this hypothesis showed that there Pancasila values in art and culture in rural kuda lumping Perk. Sei Lala Lala River District Medan District. Results of this study showed that There Pancasila values in rural kuda lumping art Perk. Sei Lala Lala River District Medan District. So the hypothesis put forward: "There Pancasila values in rural kuda lumping Art Perk. Sei Lala Lala River District Medan District received.Item Pengaruh Metode Kontekstual Terhadap Prestasi Belajar PKn Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 01 Benai(2013-08-29) Handayani, RestyFormulation of the problem in this study is there “ Is There a Method of Using Contextual Effects Against Achievement Civics Class X SMA Negeri 01 Benai “. The purpose of this study to determine whether there is Influence Learning Method Achievement Against Kontektuan Civics Class X SMA Negeri 01 Benai. The research was conducted from February to June 2013 in SMA Negeri 01 Benai. The sample in this study is majority of the study population that can represent the population, so classes are sampled with an average value of the same the class X 1 and X 2 are numbered classes each class is 45 students. The total number of samples is 90 students. The parameters in this study is the achievement of students in learning to use the Contextual method using experimental methods that control class and the experimental class. Results of the study showed an increase in student achievement on classroom experiments using the Contextual methods which can be proved by the results of studies showing the average grade for classroom experiments obtained at 47.33 and 72.88 before getting treatment after receiving treatment. Once processed, based on t-test analysis known value of t both classes (experimental and control) is is 1.66. tarithmetic > ttable specifically 9.11> 1.66 which means that there is a significant effect on a significant level of 5%. Thus the experimental class learning achievement is higher in comparison to the control class which caused the difference in teaching methods in class X public high school 01 Benai.Item A Comparative Study Of The Use Of Learning Model Jigsaw Type And Stad Type Toward The Second Year Students’ Learning Result Of Civics Education Of Mts Hidayatul Mutaallim Kepulauan Meranti Regency(2013-08-29) Amin MThe purpose of this research is to compare the use of Jigsaw learning technique with STAD learning technique, which one is more effective toward the second year students’ result of Civics Education of MTs Hidayatul Mutaalim Kepulauan Meranti regency. This research is a comparative study, comparing two learning models (Jigsaw and STAD) to know which one is more effective to be applied into Civics Education subject. The samples of this research are all of the second year students of MTs Hidayatul Mutaalim 2013 Academic year. There are two classes. Each class consists of 30 students. One class is taught by using Jigsaw technique and the other is using STAD technique. Before given treatment, the students are given a pre test and after treatment they are given a post test with the same questions, amount of questions, and time. The data collection technique is done by analyzing the students’ result of post test to know weather there is a significant different learning result or not between the students taught by using Jigsaw technique and using STAD technique. The data are analyzed by using t-test formula with determination when the t-count ≥ t-table, it means that there is a different learning result. On the contrary, when the t-count ≤ t-table, it means that there is not a significant different learning result. The result of data calculation, the value of t-test shows that the value of t-count = 12.09 and t-table = 1.67. Therefore, there is difference of the students’ learning result between taught by using Jigsaw technique and STAD technique. Beside, the average score of the two classes shows that Jigsaw technique is more effective than STAD one and the comparative score is 17:12.Item Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Kancing Gemerincing Terhadap Minat Belajar PKn Siswa Kelas VII Di SMPN Satu Atap Pauh Angit Kecamatan Pangean Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi(2013-07-27) ZulfitriThis research is motivated by the lack of intrest in learning civics class VII in SMP Satu Atap Pauh Angit. The research was carried out in SMP Satu Atap Pauh Angit high scool in Juni 2013. The sample in this study is VII.A as the experimental class and the class VII.B numbered as control classes totaling 35 people. The hyphothesis is “the use of learning model Talking Chips provides a positive and significant impact on students’ interest in learning civics class SMP Satu Atap Pauh Angit”. The result showed the everage value of questionnaire distributed to the student of the experimental class was 25,17 before treatment and after treatment is 31,74 and the everage value of the control class was 26,88 before treatment adn after treatment was 28,17. Based on the known value of t test analysis class second t t>t table or 2,13 > 1,29 which means that there is a significant difference between the 5% interest in learning with student being taugh learning model Talking Chips with student interest is taugh by using the method conventional. From an increase in the average value of the experimental questionnaire graders higher than the average value of grade control questionnaire, it can be concuded that the use of the learning model Talking Chips provides a positive and significant efefect in creasing interest in learning civics. Thus the hypothesis can be accepted. Keywords: Model LItem Analisa Tentang Pelaksanaan Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) Dalam Pemerintahan Desa Dundangan Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras Kabupaten Pelalawan(2013-07-27) Hermawati, AuliaThis research is Law No.32 on Local Government and Government Regulation No. 72 of 2005 on the Village. Pelalawan Government issued Regulation No.5 of 2007 on Guidelines for Establishment of Village Consultative Body. As an embodiment of democratic institutions in the village governance. Village Consultative Body (BPD) has 4 functions that must be implemented for the realization of the democratic process. It is Government by a regional law number 5 of 2007 Pelalawan article 4 paragraph (2) which states that Village Consultative Body (BPD) functioning customs nurturing, make regulations village, community and share their aspirations, and to supervise the administration of the village. Formulation off the problem in this research is how the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in village Government functions Dundangan District Pangkalan Kuras Drain Pelalawan. This study aims to determine how the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in village Government functions Dundangan District Pangkalan Kuras Drain Pelalawan. The population in this study was the village head (1 people), members of Village Consultative Body (6 people), 16 community leaders and 16 youth leaders who totaled 39 people. While the sampling technique using purposive sampling technique with Suharsimi Arikunto that sampling based on goals and usability research. Data were collected through observations, interviews and questionnaires. In analyzing the data using qualitative descriptive data processing data results are presented through percentages and were briefed by using the formula P= F/N x 100 % with the benchmark of 66,67% - 100% is good, of 33,34% - 66,66% is pretty good and of 0 – 33,33% is not good. Based on the results of field research that the authors get that “Implementation of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in Government functions Dundangan District Pangkalan Kuras Drain Pelalawan is pretty good. Then the hypothesis is rejected or not accepted.Item Pengaruh Minat Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar PKn Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Pekanbaru(2013-07-27) Herdanis, YesiThis research was backgrounded by lower the study result civic education class student of VII at public junior high school 3 Pekanbaru which stiil under KKM is 75. Formula in this research is how the influence learning of enthusiasm to the study result civic education class student of VII at public junior high school 3 Pekanbaru. This research aim to know the influence learning of enthusiasm to the study result civic education class student of VII at public junior high school 3 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted at public junior high school 3 Pekanbaru on Mei 2013, the population of this research is all class student of VII at public junior high school 3 Pekanbaru, numbered 238 student, while the sample of this research is all class student of VII what consist of 6 class, taken by proporsional random sampling, numbered 70 student. The hypothesis which is posed is there positive and significant influence of the learning enthusiasm to the study result civic education class student of VII at public junior high school 3 Pekanbaru. The data which is collected used observation, documentation, and enquette. The data analysis technique in prossesing X and Y variable test which means F count > Ftable , the simple Regretion Linear Analysis is Y = a + bX and Determination Coefitient (R 2 ). The result of this research shows that the learning enthusiasm gives positive and significant influence to the study result civic education class student of VII at public junior high school 3 Pekanbaru. This is shown from significant test which is know that Fcount as many as (5,364) is bigger than F table as many as (3,98) and with signification level as many as 0,024 is smaller than 0,05, with equation of regresi Y = 60,414 + 0,22X, which means that every addition the learning of enthusiasm equal to 1 set, hence the student of study result mount equal to 0,22 set, or on the contraly, and Tcount as many as (2,316) is bigger than T table as many as (1,995), which means that the learning of enthusiasm gives positive and significant influence to the study of result. Then the number student learning of enthusiasm can be shown from the result of determinasi test (R 2 ) as many as 7,3% and the rest is 92,7% which influenced by other factorsItem Studi Tentang Pergeseran Tata Cara Perkawinan Adat Piliang Di Desa Pulau Terap Kecamatan Kuok Kabupaten Kampar(2013-07-27) Febriana, HelniThis research is motivated by the met Piliang people who have left the traditional marriage customs procedures Piliang, which leads to marriage procedures more practical. Because they think that by wearing traditional marriage in a lot of the cost is considerable. Formulation of the problem in this study is whether there are shifts customary procedure of arranging marriages Piliang island village Kuok district Kampar district. This study aims to determine whether there are shifts Piliang village ordinances marriage applicability island Kuok district Kampar district. The population in this study was the prince of the tribe datuokPiliang, datuokPiliang tribal villages, tribal prince piiang, ninikmamakPiliang tribe, tribal community leaders Piliang married and legally marry his daughter, who was 60 orang.sedangkan sampling technique using purposive sampling with SuharsimiArikuntoie if the subject under study is too much then the samples can be taken 10% of the total population. so all the population sampled penelitin 60 people. Data collected questionnaires and interviews melelui observation in analyzing data using descriptive Kualitatifyaitu by reviewing all available data from various sources, namely: text inteaarviews, observations that have been written in the field notes, documentation, gamba and so on. Statement with the question why, what reason, and how it occurs constantly be utilized by researchers. (Lexi J. Moleong, 2006:11) by using the formula P = F / N × 100% by using a benchmark that is equal to 51-100% = Yes, da 0-50% = Not. Based on the results of field research that the author got that "there is a shift of traditional wedding etiquette Piliang applicability island village Kuok district Kampar district".the hypothesis that "there is a shift of traditional wedding etiquette Piliang applicability island village Kuok district Kampar district", is acceptedItem Effect Of Learning Models Information Search On Results Learn Civic Education Students Class Seventat Junior High School Public Three Koto Tuo XIII Sub Districts, Koto Kampar Dstricts(2013-07-27) ZurvanidaThe observation author in class seventh at Junior High School Public Three Koto Tuo XIII Sub Districts, Koto Kampar Districts encountered facts or phenomena especially on the lessons Civic Educationthat of 36 people student class seventh at Junior High School Public Three Koto Tuo XIII Sub Districts, Koto Kampar Districts only the results learn obtained students not optimal, it is seen from the test result, students results learn is still at an average grade class 56,67 or still below the value KKM which has been established that 70. Models information searchconstitute one way that teachers do it turn on subject matter are considered dry. Students seeking the material in groups and answer the teacher’s question to them. (Hisyam Zaini, 2008:48). The research was conducted in the classroom seventh at Junior High School Public Three Koto Tuo XIII Sub Districts, Koto Kampar Districts. The population in this research were all students class seventh Junior High School Public Three Koto Tuo XIII Sub Districts, Koto Kampar Districts which amounts to 97 people student. The sample in research taken by Purposive sampling. Class of the sample is class VIIb which amounts to 32 student’s and class VIIc which amountto 32 student’s. So overall is 64 student’s. Based formulation of the problem, in concluded that there is influence result learn Civic Education are tough to learning models Information Search student’s class seventh Junior High School Public Three Koto Tuo XIII Sub Districts, Koto Kampar Districts. Based hypothesis testing value which is greater than at significant level 5% an 1% (5.128 > 1.671) means on influence Result Learn Civic Education are tough use learning methods Information Searchwith learning Methods on student class VII Junior High School Public Three Koto Tuo XIII Sub Districts, Koto Kampar Districts. That is to say, that the more often the better implementation are tough to use learning models Information Searchthe better and also high results learn Student’s in Class VII Junior High School Public Three Koto Tuo XIII Sub Districts, Koto Kampar DistrictsItem Pengaruh Pembinaan Karakter Religius Dalam Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Terhadap Perilaku Religius Siswa Di SMA Negeri 2 Karimun(2013-07-27) Fitri, FirdianaThis research is backgrounded since a lot of behaviour deviates that did by students which while away after teaching and learning activity with activity that don't one utilitarians can wreck characters on them. Problem formula on observational it which is How Characters Implemented Influence Religious in activity Extracurricularing to Formation Student Religious Behaviour at SMA Country 2 Karimun. There is aim even this research is subject to be know Religious Character Implement Influence in activity Extracurricularing to Students Religious Behaviour at SMA Country 2 Karimun. This research at performs at SMA Country 2 Karimun Karimun's Regencies, Riau's archipelago. Population in observational it is Learn and Student at SMA Country 2 Karimun. Meanwhile sample take tech utilize purposive's tech sampling, well for teacher and also its student. Data collecting tech that is utilized in this research which is by use of questionnaire, observation and documentation. In bring off data of questionnaire already being broadcast to method utilizes that respondent descriptive quantitative. Hypothesis on observational it is as follows: There is Influence in Religious Character Construction Student in activity Extracurricularing to Students Religious Behaviour at SMA Country 2 Karimun. Base observational result that writer gets at field, to menngetahui what there is influence or not on this research, menganalisis's researcher data by use of simple regression formula. At gets result of count f computing as big as 9,4 and f table as big as 4,11. With demkian is gotten that F computing > F table , or 9,4> 4,11 therefore accepted hypothesis. Thus, can be concluded that exists Religious Character Construction influence in activity Extracurricularing to Students Religious Behaviour SMA Country 2 KarimunItem Relationship With The School Disipline Learnig Outcomes Pancasila and Citizenship Education in The Public Hingh School 2 Kampar.(2013-07-26) NopriadiThis study raised the issue of school discipline relationship with the learning outcomes of Pancasila and citizenship education in the public high school 2 Kampar. in order to know How is the relationship with the school rules and the Pancasila education learning outcomes kewarganegaan in high school on the land 2 Kampar using the product monent. This study also presents the types of violations of school rules will be undertaken by the students through the calculation of percentages and give explanations in need. research done in October 2012 until April 2013. population and sample sebayak 50 students (2012-2013 school year). and of the results of the study indicate that the product moment correlation relationship with the school discipline learning outcomes Pancasila and citizenship education has a weak relationship or no significant where t-count is smaller than the t-table ie 4.495 <5.998Item Pengaruh Komunikasi Interpersonal Dosen Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa FKIP PPKn Universitas Riau(2013-07-26) Reviola, JelitaThe issues raised in this study is the effect of interpersonal communication lecturer on learning outcomes of students of PPKn Faculty Teaching and Education Riau University. This study aims to determine the effect of interpersonal communication lecturer on learning outcomes of students of PPKn Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the University of Riau. In this case I chose Education Program Pancasila and citizenship because they apart is the author's own study programs as well as the interaction between the lecturer PPKn intensely intertwined in the form of interpersonal communication to students on PPKn Study Program. The population in this study were all students and the lecturer faculty study program Pancasila and Citizenship Education Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the University of Riau. Sample size was determined by simple random sampling method (Gay in Winata, 2010: 35), namely random sampling technique. The number of population according to data from the Academic Head of Riau University student who is active in the program recorded Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study as many as 242 people and number of lecturer in PPKn Studies are 8 people, so that the total population of 250then be people. However, this number is still too large, the authors refer to the opinions Suharsimi Arikunto, when the subject will be studied more than 100 people, the researchers take 10-15% or 20-25% or more. So for the samples in this study were taken 40% of the 250 100 people. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The results obtained with tests of significance begins with product moment t count = 0.012, and t table = 2.000, then t countItem Analisis Kesulitan Guru Dalam Membuat Perangkat Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran PKN Berdasarkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) Di SMK Se-Kecamatan Siabu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Sumatera Utara(2013-07-19) Salamah, UmmiThe research was based on Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System is said that the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the content and learning materials and methods used to guide the organization of teaching, which is the content and subject material it self is the composition and materials studies and lessons for achieving the objectives of a relevant education in an effort to achieving national education goals. As well since enacted Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) starting in 2006/2007 within their Education Department policies set out in the Ministry of Education No. regulation. 22 of 2006 on the Content Standards (SI) and No. minister rules. 23 of 2006 on the Graduate Competency Standards (SKL), schools are required to draw up its own curriculum based on the guidelines as well as the agency prepared the National Standards (BSNP). Formulation of the problem in this research is "How difficult teachers in making learning device based subjects PKN Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) in SMK SE-sub Siabu Mandailing Natal regency of North Sumatra". Thus the hypothesis that "teachers have difficulty in making the subjects PKN based learning curriculum unit level education (SBC) at SMK Sekecamatan Siabu Mandailing Natal regency of North Sumatra". The population in this study are: the entire teacher in vocational subjects PKN Sekecamatan Siabu Mandailing Natal regency in North Sumatra as many as 10 people. Based on the population if the population is less than 30 people, the population in this study can be used as a sample (Riduwan, 2010:45), the number of samples in this study as many as 10 people. Data was collected by observation, interview, questionnaire technique / questionnaires, literature. Data processing was performed using descriptive qualitative method. Data obtained from respondents are presented in percentages (%) in the next tabulated in table form. By the formula P = F / NX 100% by using the measures, the percentage of 0% -20% said no trouble, 21% -40% less dikatan having difficulty, 41% -60% say enough trouble, 61% -80% said to be having difficulty, 81% -100% is said to be having trouble. Based on those results of field research that the authors get that "Guru Analysis Difficulty in Making learning tools based on those Civics Lesson Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) in SMK Sekecamatan Siabu Mandailing Natal district of North Sumatra is Enough Experiencing difficulty, then the hypothesis which states that" Teachers have difficulty in creating a learning device based subjects PKN Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) in SMK Sekecamatan Siabu Mandailing Natal regency of North Sumatra is rejected or not accepted.Item Peranan Kerjasama Sekolah Dan Orang Tua Dalam Mengatasi Kenakalan Remaja Di SMA Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru(2013-07-19) Siska, LiaIn this paper the authors study raised the title of research on “the role of parents and school cooperation in addressing juvenile delinquency in sma tri bhakti pekanbaru” the authors take issue is how the role of parents and school cooperation in addressing juvenile delinquency in high school Tri Bhakti. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of parents and school cooperation in addressing juvenile delinquency in high school Tri Bhakti. Hypothesis that the authors propose in this study is the role of the cooperation of parents and school well enough in addressing juvenile delinquency in high school Tri Bhakti. In this thesis research method that I use is descriptive and qualitative. By using the formula P = 100% (Sudijono, 2009:43). Data were collected through questionnaires and observation Where the questionnaire distributed to a sample of 49 respondents drawn from 10% of the total high school student population Tri Bhakti as many as 495 students Pekanbaru. Once the data is collected and analyzed the resultant average of 25 (51.02%) of respondents said that the role of parents and school cooperation in addressing juvenile delinquency in high school Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru. Thus the author proposed the hypothesis that the receivedItem Implementasi Hubungan Kekerabatan Antara Induk Bako Dengan Anak Pancae Di Kenegerian Kari Kecamatan Kuantan Tengah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi(2013-07-17) SosmiliantiIndonesia is a country known for its multicultural society. From Sabang to Merauke, there are hundreds of ethnic groups with their own language. Bangasa quarter is every culture living in a society which can exist as a rural community, as a city, as a kinship group, or other indigenous groups, may show a distinctive pattern that is mainly seen by outsiders who are not citizens of the community. Role Model of the formal religion of the several hundred tribes are also not the same, because that Indonesia called pluralistic society. Formulation of the problem in this research is aggression antara How Bako parent with children in the enacted pancae Kari, Middle District of Kuantan, Kuantan District Singingi.penelitian aims to find out How kinship ties between Bako parent with children in the enacted pancae Kari, Middle District of Kuantan, Kuantan District Singingi. According to Amir, revealing the master Bako B are brothers with their father added her father's nephew. The population in this study were all bako parent, child pancae, prince of the tribe patopang, ninik mamak patopang tribe, community leaders and village heads in Kenegerian curry, KK 2534 and numbered 11490 people. And sampling techniques in this study using purposive sampling that samples are the ones who truly elected by the researchers according to the specific characteristics in the sample that had the sample in this study is the parent bako, pancae children and key informants. The research data collection instruments in the form of interviews, observation, documentation and library research. In analyzing the data using descriptive methods kuanlitatif. Results of this study indicate that there is friction aggression Bako parent with children enacted curry pancae in Kuantan district center. This is evident from the results of data analysis in urain interviews and observations, the authors propose the hypothesis that there is a shift in the relationship between parent bako kinship with children pancae in Kenegerian Kari, Regency Kuantan Kuantan districts Central Singingi Riau Province. From the analysis and observation wawncara authors propose hypotheses receivedItem Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Penggunaan Narkoba Di Kalangan Pelajar SMA Kecamatan Bukit Kapur Kota Dumai(2013-07-17) Aprillia N, PitriA strong push within the youth to emulate and follow lifestyle trend slang and solidarity with its peer social environtment causes young poeple vulnarable to drug abuse. Formulation of the problem in this research is Are there underlying factors Chalk Hill District high school students taking drugs Dumai City, What is the impact of drug use for high school students in the District of Bukit Kapur Dumai. This study aimed to determine whether there are factors cause drug abuse among high school students limestone hill districts Dumai city, to know how the impact of drug abuse among high school students and limestone hills district town of Dumai. According to Dada Hawari is a narcotic is a substance that can cause certain effects for the people who use it, that is by entering into the body. In general, the factors that cause a person to try to use a drug that causes dependence on akhirya consists of 2 main factors namely the factor of self (internal), external factors (external). The population in this study is the Chalk Hill District high school students in particular and high school students who have a positive Dumai as drug users as many as 85 students. And sampling techniques in this study using purposive sampling that samples are the ones who truly elected by the researchers according to the specific characteristics in the sample that had the sample in this study is a limestone hill district students who have tested positive for drugs. Existing populations of 85 researchers will take 20 people who will be the study respondents. The research data collection instruments such as questionnaires interviews, observation, documentation and library research. In analyzing the data using descriptive qualitative method. Results of this study showed that there was drug use Chalk Hill District high school students are due to several factors. Factor of the self (internal), external factors (external). From the analysis of interviews and observations on the proposed hypothesis that the author received.Item Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Saling Tukar Pengetahuan Atau Active Knowledge Sharing Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Pkn Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 4 Rengat Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu(2013-07-17) Sari, UlanThis research is motivated by the lack of inferest in learning civics class VIII in SMPN 4 Rengat Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. The research was carried out in SMPN 4 in May 2013. The sample in this study is VIIIb class as the exprimental classes totalling 30 people and the class VIIIc numbered as control classes totalling 28 people. The hypothesis is “The use of learning cooperatif model active knowledge sharing provides a positive and significant impact on students’ interest in learning civics class VIII SMPN 4 Rengat Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu”. The result showed the average value of a questionnaire distributed to the students of the experimental class 16,57 before treatment and after treatment is 20,6 and the average value of the control class was 16,96 before treatment and after treatment was 18,14. Based on the known value of the test analysis class is second ˃ or 3.97 ˃ 1.67 which means that there is a significant difference between the 5% interest in learning with students being taught learning cooperatif active knowledge sharing with student interest is taught by using the method conventional. From an increase in the average value of the experimental questionnaire graider higher than average value of grade control questionnaire, it can be concluded that the use of the learning cooperatif active knowledge sharing provides a positive and significant effect in increasing interest in learning civics. Thus the hypothesis can be acceptedItem Analysis Of Driving Factors The Pick Back Jefri Noer As Regent Period 2011-2016 In Kampar District(2013-07-17) Reza, NirpitaThe title is analysis of driving factors the pick back Jefri Noer as regent period 2011-2016 in Kampar district. This reserch is motivatied by the events that occurred during the tenure of which Jefri Noer been disabled on his tenure even lowered as Kampar regent 2001-2006 period. And by the time the elections were held for the period 2011-2016 Kampar regent, Jefri gets the most votes, and served as regent Kampar back. The reserch’s prblem is whether driving factors the pick back Jefri Noer as regent period 2011-2016 in Kampar districk. The study aims is to determine whether people’s driving factor to chose again Jefri Noer as regent period 2011-2016 in Kampar district. This study of primary data that is in the focus groups, observation, interviews, and documentation by using data analysis techniques puposive sampling is sampling technique with specific considerations. Among the considerations used in determining the location of the reserch aims sample or respondents that reserch is to determine the subject who many respondents living in areas of easy to visit and choose the most votes choose Jefri. In case I took the sample villges namely Tarai Bangun 10% of the 879 is 88 respondents. Totallyvof the population who has chosen the righ to vote and used their voting rights to choose Jefri is 11.543. By the formula :P=F/Nx100%. From in resent Recapitulation of data obtained data on driving factors the pick back Jefri Noer as regent period 2011-2016 in Kampar district because Jefri enjoys his job and its good performance with the dominant alternative respondents in 87 respondents or 98,86%. Obtained through the questionnaire driving factors of the citizen to the pick back Jefi Noer as regent period 2011-2016 in Kampar districtItem Peranan Gerakan Pramuka Terhadap Peningkatan Kesadaran Bela Negara Di SDN 06 Bantan Tengah Kecamatan Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis(2013-07-17) Sari, Nirmala; WahyuThe research was motivated by a decreased level of consciousness of the younger generation to defend the State and the declining interest of young generation following the scouting organization. Formulation of the problem in this study is "What Scouts contribute to the State-Defense Awareness in SDN 06 Middle Bantan Bantan Bengkalis district. This study aims to determine whether the scout movement contributes to increased awareness to defend the country in the Middle Bantan SDN 06, the population of this study was all students who take extracurricular scouts at SDN 06 Central Bantan totaling 20 people, while the sampling technique using total sampling. Data retrieved through questionnaires, interviews and direct observations were analyzed through descriptive qualitative analysis. Results of this study indicate that the Scout Movement contribute to increased awareness to defend the country in the Middle Bantan SDN 06 with a percentage of 81%. If in the opinion of the review of the Scout Movement Hadi Sutrisno in SDN 06 Bantan central role with the benchmark 66.66% -100%. The hypothesis that reads "scout contribute to increased awareness to defend the country in the Middle Bantan SDN 06" proven or acceptedItem Relationship With The School Disipline Learning Outcomes Pancasila and Citizenship Education in The Public High School 2 Kampar.(2013-07-11) NopriadiThis study raised the issue of school discipline relationship with the learning outcomes of Pancasila and citizenship education in the public high school 2 Kampar. in order to know How is the relationship with the school rules and the Pancasila education learning outcomes kewarganegaan in high school on the land 2 Kampar using the product monent. This study also presents the types of violations of school rules will be undertaken by the students through the calculation of percentages and give explanations in need. research done in October 2012 until April 2013. population and sample sebayak 50 students (2012-2013 school year). and of the results of the study indicate that the product moment correlation relationship with the school discipline learning outcomes Pancasila and citizenship education has a weak relationship or no significant where t-count is smaller than the t-table ie 4.495 <5.998Item Pengaruh Komunikasi Interpersonal Dosen Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Fkip PPKn Universitas Riau(2013-07-05) Reviola, JelitaThe issues raised in this study is the effect of interpersonal communication lecturer on learning outcomes of students of PPKn Faculty Teaching and Education Riau University. This study aims to determine the effect of interpersonal communication lecturer on learning outcomes of students of PPKn Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the University of Riau. In this case I chose Education Program Pancasila and citizenship because they apart is the author's own study programs as well as the interaction between the lecturer PPKn intensely intertwined in the form of interpersonal communication to students on PPKn Study Program. The population in this study were all students and the lecturer faculty study program Pancasila and Citizenship Education Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the University of Riau. Sample size was determined by simple random sampling method (Gay in Winata, 2010: 35), namely random sampling technique. The number of population according to data from the Academic Head of Riau University student who is active in the program recorded Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study as many as 242 people and number of lecturer in PPKn Studies are 8 people, so that the total population of 250then be people. However, this number is still too large, the authors refer to the opinions Suharsimi Arikunto, when the subject will be studied more than 100 people, the researchers take 10-15% or 20-25% or more. So for the samples in this study were taken 40% of the 250 100 people. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The results obtained with tests of significance begins with product moment t count = 0.012, and t table = 2.000, then t count
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