Mathematics Education


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    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Siswa Kelas III A SDN 008 Salo Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar TP 2011-2012
    (2013-08-29) Yuliati, Dewi S
    This research is a classroom actionresearch aims to improve and enhance the learning outcomes math. Implementation of the research done in class IIIA SDN 008 Salo Kecamatan Salo, were 22 students the first semester of 2012. The research was conducted by two cycles, each cycle performed three learning sessions and one tests. Quantitative data obtained through testing for learning outcomes and qualitativedata abaut the activities of teachers and students through observation sheet. Quantitative analysis of the result of the analysis showed that the average score of the class IIIA SDN 008 Salo Kecamatan Salo has increased. Quantitative an increase in motivation, interests, and activities of students and teachers in learning of operation of fraction number math with type cooperative learning STAD. Based on the results of this study concluded that with the implementation of cooperative learning model type STAD can improve student learning outcomes math class IIIA SDN 008 Salo Kecamatan Salo.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Struktural Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas VIIIC Mts Hasanah Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Dekriati, Tiaranita
    This research is to improve the students achivement of math at class VIIIC MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru through apply of cooperative learning model structural approach of Numbered Heads Together. This research is classroom action research with two cycles including planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The success of the action is marked by improved of the learning process and increase of achievement. Improvement of the learning process can be seen from the reflection of observations result and increased of achievement marked by value of student's individual progress and reaching of KKM score also an average value of student’s achievement. The results of research showed activity of teacher and students improved after doing an action. Number of students who reach a score of KKM on UH in the end of each cycle increase compared to the number of students who reach a score of KKM on base score and the number of students who get value of individual progress 20 and 30 more than the number of students who get value of individual progress 5 and 10 also increased an average value of student’s achievement from base score. The results of this research show that apply of cooperative learning model structural approach of NHT make a change in the learning process and increased students achivement of math at class VIIIC MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru. Based on these results, apply of cooperative learning model structural approach of NHT can improve achievement of students math.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X APH 1 SMK Tigama Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Aryanita
    This study aims to improve learning outcomes math class X APH 1 SMK Tigama Pekanbaru with implementing cooperative learning model of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI). This research is a form of collaborative action research. The research was conducted in two cycles. Research procedures are implemented in a class-action planning, action, observation and reflection. Activities and student learning outcomes data obtained by collecting activity data using observation sheets and test unit. The results showed after TAI applied cooperative learning can increase student participation in the classroom, resulting in improved learning outcomes math class X APH 1 SMK Tigama Pekanbaru. Number of students who achieve a score of KKM on unit tests at the end of each cycle compared to the increase in the number of students who achieve a score of KKM on base score with the percentage increasing by 50% on the basis of scores, 55% on the test unit I and 80% on the test unit II. While the number of students who scored 20 and 30 individuals progress more than the number of students who receive grades of 5 and 10 individual progress. It also showed an increase in student learning outcomes. Results of this study showed that by implementing cooperative learning model Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) to make changes in the process of learning and improving learning outcomes in mathematics class X APH 1 SMK Tigama Pekanbaru. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Struktural Team Pear Squer (TPS) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas VIIA SMP Negeri 2 Bangkinang
    (2013-08-28) Patmawati
    This study aims to improve mathematics learning outcomes through the implementation of the structural approach Cooperative Think Pair Square (TPS) in SMP 2 Bangkinang VIIA class in the academic year 2011/2012 for the subject matter up flat rectangle. This research is a form of collaborative action research. The research was conducted in two cycles, and each cycle consists of 3 sessions and 1 times daily tests. Research procedures were conducted in a class-action planning, action, observation and reflection. The research was conducted in class by the number of students VIIA as many as 24 students consisting of 16 girls and 8 boys. The results showed that an increase in student learning outcomes, it is shown in the number of students who achieve the minimum completeness criteria 65. Number of students who achieve scores KKM on the basis of only 10 people or 41.67%, while the number of students who achieve minimum completeness criteria on daily tests I have increased as many as 14 people or 58.33%, and the number of students who minimum completeness criteria achieved at daily tests II also increased as many as 19 people or 79.083%. Based on these results, we can conclude that the application of the structural approach Cooperative Think Pair Square (TPS) can improve the learning outcomes of students of mathematics.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 013 Sintong Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013
    (2013-08-28) Asari
    This research aimed at improving students learning outcomes in teaching and learning process at SDN 013 Sintong by implementing cooperative learning model of student teams achievement divisions in mathematics lesson. This study uses classroom research. It was conducted in two cycles. The procedur of research that is planning, acting, observing, and refleckting. The activity and students learning outcomes data were gained by collecting activity data by using observation sheet and daily test. The result of data in class is happen increase before and after of the research that consederation the first cycle and second cycle. The result result study in the first cycle found that percentage of students who achieve KKM is 57,58 % and the second cycle is 78,79% and increase from before the measure the percentage is only 33.33 %. The conclusion of the study showed that implementing of cooperative learning model of student teama achievement divisions could improving students learning outcomes mathematic.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Struktural Think Pair Square (TPS) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas X-TPTU2 SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Mawaddah, Uly
    This research aimed at improving student’s learning outcomes of mathematics in teaching and learning process in the classroom X-TPTU2 SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru by implementing cooperative learning model of think pair square. Form of research is collaborative classroom action research. This study was conducted in two cycles. Research procedures were carried out in a class action including plan, implementation, observation and reflection. The results of this study show that applied the structural approach to cooperative learning think pair square increased student’s learning outcomes of mathematics, student participation in the classroom and learning process in the classroom X-TPTU 2 SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru. Based on these results, we can conclude the implementation of the structural approach to cooperative learning model think pair square to improve learning outcomes of mathematics learners.
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    Hubungan Pemahaman 4 Pilar Kebangsaan Dengan Sikap Terhadap Fenomena Ancaman Disintegrasi Bangsa Pada Mahasiswa Prodi PPKN FKIP Universitas Riau
    (2013-08-28) Rasit
    Formulation of the problem in this study is how the four pillars of national understanding among students Prodi PPKn FKIP How Riau University and student attitude toward the threat of national disintegration and Is there a significant relationship between pemahan 4 pillars with the attitude towards the phenomenon of the threat of national disintegration. The purpose of this study was to determine the four pillars of national understanding among students Prodi PPKn FKIP Riau University and to determine student attitude toward the threat of national disintegration and to know Is there a significant relationship between pemahan 4 pillars with the attitude towards the phenomenon of the threat of national disintegration. There is a hypothesis in the study was a significant relationship between the 4 Pillars Kebangasaan Understanding the phenomenon of attitude toward the threat of disintegration among Prodi PPKn Student Guidance and Counseling University of Riau. The research was conducted in April 2013 to June 2013. This research is quantitative descriptive. The population in this study were all students Prodi PPKn FKIP 2009-2012 University of Riau force as much as 205 people. Samples was determined by the method of simple random sampling (Gay in Winata, 2010: 35), namely random sampling technique. Number of samples taken by 20% of the total population of as many as 41 people. Data was collected by observation, questionnaires and libraries, and then analyzed by product moment correlation. The results showed that the 4 pillars of understanding student nationality at the University of Riau FKIP PPKn Prodi obtained an average score of 83.22 when it gained 95.65% dipersentasikan then categorized as good. And for attitudes toward the threat of national disintegration phenomena obtained an average score of 20.51 when it gained 75.97% dipersentasikan so categorized good. In this study there was no significant relationship between the understanding of the 4 pillars of national attitudes towards the threat of national disintegration phenomenon in students Prodi PPKn FKIP University of Riau. This is evidenced by a series of statisti test correlation between variables X and Y veriabel, obtained count equal to r - 0.17 and r value table obtained from the study of the correlation coefficient "r" table with n = 41, at a significance level of 5% with df = 39 obtained r table is 0.325. Thus the count r
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas VIII.2 SMP Negeri 21 Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Lismayeni, Lusy
    This research aims to improve the achievement of students math class VIII.2 SMPN 21 Pekanbaru through cooperative learning model tipe NHT. Form of research is classroom action research. This research was conducted in two cycles. The cooperative learning model tipe NHT employs student’s identification numbers to increase student’s sense of responsibility during the learning process. Data collected during the research was Teacher’s activities data, student’s activities data and student’s learning results as well. The teacher’s and student’s activities data were obtained from teacher’s observation sheets and student’s observation sheets. While student’s achievement data was obtained from student’s test result. The results showed after applied the cooperative learning tipe NHT increased participation of learners in the classroom resulted in increased student achievement in math class VIII.2 SMPN 21 Pekanbaru. Based on these results, we can conclude the implementation of the cooperative learning to improve learning outcomes NHT math learners.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads (NH) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X2 SMA Negeri 2 Tanjungpinang
    (2013-08-28) Elsalawaty
    This research aims to increase mathematics learning outcomes of students by implementing cooperative learning model of numbered heads type approach in class X 2 SMA Negeri 2 Tanjungpinang even semester of academic year 2011/2012 . This study uses action research of class. It was conducted in two cycles. The subjects studied were students of class X2 SMA Negeri 2 Tanjungpinang with the number of 32 people comprising from 17 male students and 15 female students. Students in the class are heterogeneous in terms of academic and gender. The activity and students learning outcomes data were gained by collecting activity data by using observation sheet and answer sheets of daily test. Analysis of the data used is descriptive statistical analysis that describes the activities of teacher and students, analysis of learning outcomes and succesful measurements. The results in the first cycle found that the percentage of students who achieve KKM is 46.88% and the second cycle was 62.5%, which increased the percentage of prior actions that only 40.62%. The award based on the first cycle of two, a teams awarded good team and seven other awarded great team, while in the second cycle, six teams awarded great team and two teams awarded the super team. The conclusion of the study showed that the implementing cooperative learning model of numbered heads type approach could improving mathematics learning outcomes of students.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah Secara Kelompok Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X.MO2 SMK Taruna Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Asri, Devi
    This research aims to increase mathematics learning outcomes of students by implementing cooperative team of problem based instuction approach in class X.MO2 SMK Taruna Pekanbaru even semester of academic year 2011/2012 . This study uses action research. It was conducted in two cycles. The subjects studied were students of class X.MO2 SMK Taruna Pekanbaru with the number of 37 people comprising from that all of students were male. Students in the class are heterogeneous in terms of academic. The activity and students learning outcomes data were gained by collecting activity data by using observation sheet and daily test. Analysis of the data used is descriptive statistical analysis that describes the activities of teacher and students, analysis of learning outcomes and succesful measurements. The results in the first cycle found that the percentage of students who achieve KKM is 51,35% and the second cycle was 70,27%, which increased the percentage of prior actions that only about 8%, and the award based on the first cycle of four teams awarded a great team and two teams awarded the super team, while in the second cycle of five teams awarded great team and three teams awarded the super team. The conclusion of the study showed that the implementing cooperative team of problem based instruction approach could improving mathematics learning outcomes of students.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Struktural Think Pair Square (TPS) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X Otomotif SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-28) Yuliando, Alvi
    The research was applied in vocational high school Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru. Subjects were students in first year of automotive department. Consisted of 25 male students who have the academic ability of the heterogeneous. The purpose of this research is to improve students' mathematics learning outcomes, especially in materials equation and inequality with with implementing cooperative learning approach to structural Think Pair Square. This research is a class action research. There are two cycles in this study. Each a cycle has four stages, the stages are planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results showed a rise in student learning outcomes. In the first cycle showed that the percentage of students who achieve the minimum mastery criteria is 56% and the second cycle was 72%, this indicates an increase in learning outcomes, before measures the percentage is only 28%. Conclusion the study shows that the application of cooperative learning approach to structural Think Pair Square, can improve student learning outcomes math first year of automotive department Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru vocational high school with the subject matter on the equation and inequality semester academic year 2012/2013
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Struktural Think-Pair-Share (Tps) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IXA Mts. Daarun Nahdhah Thawalib Bangkinang
    (2013-08-28) Zahera, Rifqa
    The research was conducted in MTs Daarun Nahdhah Thawalib Bangkinang . Subjects were students in the class IXA. Consisted of 32 female students who have the academic ability of the heterogeneous. The purpose of this research is to improve students' mathematics learning outcomes, especially in materials with curved side with implementing cooperative learning approach to structural Think Pair Share. This research is a class act. There are two cycles in this study. Each cycle has four stages, the stages are planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results showed a rise in student learning outcomes. In the first cycle showed that the percentage of students who achieve the KKM is 78.12% and the second cycle was 87.50%, this indicates an increase in learning outcomes, before measures the percentage is only 68.75%. Conclusion The study shows that the application of cooperative learning approach to structural Think Pair Share, can improve student learning outcomes math class IXA Daarun Nahdhah Thawalib Bangkinang MTs. , With the subject matter on the curved side semester academic year 2012/2013
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VIIIA SMP N 2 Cerenti
    (2013-08-28) Opera, Jessy
    This research aims to improve mathematics learning outcomes VIII a grade students at SMP N 2 Cerenti second semester of academic year 2011/2012 to implement cooperative learning model two stay two stray. This study is a class action consisting of two cycles. Data collected in this study is a teacher and student activity data and student learning outcomes data. Teacher andstudent activity data collected through observation techniques using observation sheets, while the student learning outcomes data gathered through the test (repeat daily) use problems. Results showed that the teacher in the learning activities are more appropriate to the lesson plan, as well as with student activities that can be seen from the first cycle is the percentage of students who achieve KKM 15% of the 20 students, then increased in the second cycle with 70% percentage of completeness, when seen from the results of learning, there is a decrease in the first cycle, the percentage of students at mastery base score is 55%, then on the second cycle after the given measure student mastery percentage increased to 70%. So it can be concluded that by implementing cooperative learning model TSTS can improve student learning outcomes.
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    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Antara Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Struktural Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Dengan Pembelajaran Konvensional Pada Peserta Didik Kelas X SMAN 1 Peranap
    (2013-08-28) Junda, Desmita
    Learning is commonly applied is conventional learning along this time, that is a learning is centered to the teacher. This cause students experience saturation that effect losing study-interest of students which impact to the result of learning. The study-interest will appear and raise if the activity of learning is hold in variety, either model or media of learning. In order to the purpose of learning is reached, mathematics teacher needs to choose the certain model of learning, one of models that can be applied is Cooperative Learning Model Structural Approach Numbered Heads Together (NHT). This research was held to analyze the difference of the result of learning of students between Cooperative Learning Model Structural Approach NHT with conventional learning of students at class X SMAN 1 Peranap in odd semester at year 2011-2012. The sample in this research is class X.1 and X.3. X.1 being the experiment-class and class X.3 being the control-class. The result of this research show that there is difference of the result of learning of students who study by Cooperative Learning Model Structural Approach NHT and conventional learning model. The result of learning of students who study by Cooperative Learning Model Structural Approach NHT is better than conventional learning model. According to the result of this research then suggested to apply NHT Cooperative Learning Model Structural Approach NHT at SMAN 1 Peranap in order to increase the result of learning of students.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri 003 Koto Perambahan
    (2013-08-28) Nurhaidah
    This research is a classroom action research aims to improve and enhance the learning process that leads to improved learning outcomes math. Implementation of the research done in class III SDN 003 Koto Perambahan by 20 students the second semester of 2012. The research was conducted by 2 cycles, each cycle performed three learning sessions. Kuantitaf data obtained through testing for learning outcomes and qualitative data about the activities of teachers and students through observation sheets. The results of quantitative analysis showed that the mean score of students' mathematics learning outcomes class III SDN 003 Koto Perambahan has increased. Based on the results of this study concluded that with the implementation of type STAD cooperative learning can improve learning outcomes math class III SDN 003 Koto Perambahan.
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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Struktural Think Pair Square (TPS) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VIIB SMP Negeri 3 Siak Hulu
    (2013-08-27) Ermiwati
    This study was conducted at SMP Negri 3 Siak Hulu, in the first semester of the school years 2012/2013. The subject of the research is students of class VII B . There are 32 student in that class, consisting 16 girl and 16 boys who have heterogeneous academic ability. The goal of this study to improve students mathematics achievement, especially in fractions by applying the Cooperative Learning Think Pair Square Approach. This study is an action research. There are two cycles and four stages in this study. Each cycle has four stages, they are planning, action, observation, and reflection. The result of research showed that the improvement of students learning achievement. The percentage of first cycle showed that students who get minimum achievement criteria (MMC), from 43.75% to 56.25%. While, in the second cycle, the percentage of students who minimum achievement criteria (MMC) increase to 78.13%. In other words, the implementation of Cooperative Learning Think Pair Square Approach can improve students’ mathematics achievement in class VII B of SMPN 3 Siak Hulu, especially in fractions in the school years 2012/2013.
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    Penerapan Strategi Fire-Up Dalam Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VII3 SMPN 2 Tambang
    (2013-08-24) Andriadi
    This study aims to improve mathematics learning outcomes through the implementation of strategies FIRE-UP in the STAD cooperative learning model in the class VII3 SMP 2 Tambang in the academic year 2012/2013 for the subject matter up flat rectangle. This research is a form of collaborative action research. The research was conducted in two cycles, and each cycle consists of 3 sessions and 1 times daily tests. Research procedures were conducted in a class-action planning, action, observation and reflection. The research was conducted in the classroom VIIa by the number of students by 23 students consisting of 14 girls and 9 boys. The results showed that an increase in student learning outcomes, it is shown in the number of students who achieve a minimum completeness criteria is 68. Number of students who achieve the minimum completeness criteria on the basis of scores equal to the number of students who achieve a minimum completeness criteria on daily tests I was 6 people or 26.08%, and the number of students who achieve mastery criteria on the minimum daily test II has increased as many as 16 people or 69.56%. Meanwhile the average number of students on the basis of scores reached 41.3 and for the daily test I increased to 53.73 and the second daily test also increased 68.66. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the implementation of the strategy through the implementation of the FIRE-UP in the STAD cooperative learning model to improve learning outcomes of students of mathematics
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    (2013-07-23) Etika, R
    PENERAPAN AKTIVITAS QUICK ON THE DRAW DALAM TATANAN PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE STAD UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA KELAS VIIB3 MTs DARUL HIKMAH PEKANBARU Riza Etika, Japet Ginting, Jalinus) ABSTRACT This study was conducted at MTs Darul Hikmah, Pekanbaru in the second semester of the school years 2010/2011. The subject of the research is students of class VIIB3. There are 32 students in that class, consisting 32 boys who have heterogeneous academic ability. The goal of this study is to improve students’ mathematics achievement, especially in geometrical (rectangular, square, parallelogram, rhombus, kite and trapezoid) by applying the Quick On The Draw in Cooperative Learning Student Teams Achievment Division (STAD) Approach. This study is an action research. There are two cycles and four stages in this study. Each cycle has four stages, they are planning, action, observation, and reflection. The result of research showed that the improvement of students learning achievement. The percentage of first cycle showed that students who get minimum achievement criteria (MMC), from 34.38% to 50%. While, in the second cycle, the percentage of students who minimum achievement criteria (MMC) increase to 68,75%. In other words, the implementation of Quick On The Draw in Cooperative Learning Student Teams Achievment Division (STAD) Approach can improve students’ mathematics achievement in class VIIB3 of MTs Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru, especially in geometrical in the school years 2010/2011.
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    (2013-07-23) Ariani, L.H.D
    PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERDASARKAN MASALAH DALAM KELOMPOK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA KELAS X TKJ SMK DWI SEJAHTERA PEKANBARU Lucia Helen Dewi Ariani*), Japet Ginting,Yenita Roza**) (081276283871) Abstract The research was classroom action research that aims to improve learning process and increase students achievement. The researcher applied the problem based learning at class X of TKJ SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru, academic year 2012/2013. Research procedures were carried out in a class action including planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The success of the action was marked by improving the learning process and students’achivement. Improvement of the learning process can be seen from the reflection of observations result and increase ofstudents’ achivement marked by score of student’s individual progress and reaching minimum achievement criteria (MMC). The data analysis of teacher’s and students’ activities showed the activity of teacher and students’achievement. It was indicated by the reflection of teacher learning process which affected on the teacher’s and students’ performance in the classroom. In the first cycle, students who achieved minimum achievement criteria were 48 % and 68 % in second cycle. From the result above, the researcher concluded that there was an improvement on students’ achievement about 24 % after they were given a treatment. From the results of this study concluded that Problem Based Learning can improve the students’ achievement at class X of TKJ SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru. Keyword: Problem Based Learning, achievement
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    (2013-07-06) Rionaldi
    PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE STAD UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA KELAS IV SD NEGERI 006 KECAMATAN TAPUNG HULU KABUPATEN KAMPAR Rionaldi 1 Yenita Roza2 Zulkarnain 3 Kampus Bina Widya Km. 12.5 Simpang Baru 28293 Telp. (0761) 63266 Abstract: This research aims to improve student’s mathematics learning outcomes by implementing cooperative learning model of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) type in class IV Negeri 006, Sub District of Tapung Hulu, in odd semester of academic years 2012/2013. This study uses classroom action research. The subject studied were students of class IV SD Negeri 006 totaly 40 people consisting of 18 male students and 22 female students. Students in the class are heterogeneous in terms of academic and gender. It was conducted in two cycles. The student activity learning outcomes data were gained by collecting activity data by using observation sheet and daily test. Analysis used descriptive statistical analysis that describes the activities of the teacher and students, analysis of learning outcomes and successful measurements. The result of the previous measures only 55%, which increased the first cycle found that the percentage of student who achieve mastery minimum criteria (65) was 65% and the second cycle was 82.5%. The conclusion of this study indicate that cooperative learning model type of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) can improve student’s mathematic learning outcomes.