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Item Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Lemahnya Ekspor Teh Indonesia ke Negara Rusia (2008-2012)(2014-05-20) Pakpahan, Marta Sari UliThe position of Indonesia in international trade is one of the largest tea producers and exporters in the world . The role of tea as the raw material for the industry itself is a major contribution to foreign exchange, absorbing a large amount of labor , and the positive impact that makes tea as one of the leading commodity nationwide . Over the last 5 years , tea industry tends to decline including reduced acreage , production decline , and then also have a negative impact on the value of the volume of tea exports to Russia . The purpose of this research was to determine the factors that influence the weak of Indonesian tea exports competitiveness to Russia in 2008-2012. The author uses the theory of comparative advantage by David Richardo and the concept of competitiveness as a baseline research . The method used in this research is descriptive analytical method with a case study approach . The author obtained the data and materials based on books , journals , magazines / newspapers , theses , and websites that related to research. The final results of the research by the authors showed that the weakening of the Indonesian-Russian tea export caused by the Indonesian government policies that are less conducive to the development of a national commodity.Item KEPENTINGAN AMERIKA SERIKAT MENDORONG JEPANG TERLIBAT DALAM TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (TPP)(2014-05-06) Hariyanto, MarkusThis paper purposes to explain about United States Foreign Policies, especially about USA Policy Join to TPP (2008) and Support Japan Join to Trans Pasific Patnership (TPP). TPP is a cooperations included between 12 countries and involved inter-region cooperations. This Foreign Policies indicate that United States changed their foreign polices focus to more prospect regional at Asia Pasific. Asia Pasific region to go through good growing, like economy, military, or politic, and China is the higher growing about it. Therefore USA repositioned Asia pasific as important regional inside foreign polices of USA. Fact that USA was reposition Asia Pasific as important region, makes they have to change their foreign polices strategy by arranging relationship to countries at Asia Pasific with Join to TPP. USA support Japan and Return thought Asia Pasific as a new foreign polices from USA. This policies cause Japan as a big country at Asia and Japan can be economic alliance of USA to compete the growing up economic of China at Asia-Pasific region.Item INTERVENSI ETHIOPIA DALAM KONFLIK DI SOMALIA (2006-2008)(2014-05-05) Putra, Ozzanda HadeThis research explain about Ethiopia’s policy to intervention in Somalia conflict. Since the ouster of government Mohammed Siad Berre, Somalia continued on a conflict. Somalia never has been functional government. Somalia is often associated with violence, conflict, chaos, and poverty. Ethiopia feel treathened because geographically Ethiopia it’s a neighboring of Somalia. this research want to explain about the reason of Ethiopia intervention in Somalia conflict, and the intervention act from Ethiopia to Somalia. This research intended to show that Ethiopia policy to Intervention in Somalia because Ethiopia won’t Somalia grown up as an Islamic nation and being a terrorist association which that can threaten the security of the Ethiopian Region. The fear of the development of Islamic countries that has always been associated with a terrorist is why Ethiopia feel should to intervention in Somalia and United State of America Support Ethiopia to do that.Item KEPENTINGAN INDONESIA TIDAK MERATIFIKASI ROME STATUTE OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC)(2014-05-05) Simatupang, RosianaThis research explains the interest of Indonesia has did not ratified of The Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court (ICC). Violation of human rights is not a national issue but also international issue. This research shows that interests of Indonesia did not ratified of the Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court (ICC) related to the settlement of human rights violations not seriously completed such as Trisakti, Semanggi I (1998), and Semanggi II (1999), Violence by Police, TNI and the escalation of violence that still occurred in many areas (such as land disputes, torture and violence based on religion) and the less of supremacy of human rights violations in Indonesia.Item Peran ICRC Dalam Menangani Dampak Perang Sipil di Yaman 2009-2012(2014-05-03) RohandraThe main of this research is to examine the role of the International Committe of The Red Cross toward the human crisis Yamen, the methodology of this research is explanation, by using library study method, taking data from the books, journal, annual report, websites in internet, and many other related sources. This research is analyzed with the behavioral the main actors in International relation; NGO is also an actor whos give important influences in global decision making taking role and participation in establishing world peace, ICRC as one of International NGO, prove that NGO can take important influence toward stage, the explore the topic, research use security and respobility to protect concept and theory role NGO by Viotti and Kauppi. This research find that ICRC as an International NGO has an effective role in human crisis Yaman, conflict between Al-Houthi and Yaman with help to protect the visiting prisoners and take preventivenaction to implement HHI, and ICRC plays an important role in post – conflict recovery is happening between Yaman and Al-Houthi group which provide or distribute ICRC assistance provided by various parties, both the ICRC and of the International Community. The ICRC also gives attention to both the construction and development sectors infrastructure economy, rebuild the agriculture farmers to meet their food needs. The ICRC also seeks to provide assistance to the families of those missing and captive to release, and also sought related to the IAR and sanitation to prefent the victims of the conflict of war is not the desease.Item Peranan ICRC dalam menangani korban kemanusiaan dalam konflik Mali tahun 2012.(2014-05-03) Fastino, RiandaThis study focuses on the role of international organizations dealing with conflict. Actor who became the object of international research committee red cross (ICRC) on the treatment of victims of armed conflict that occurred in Mali country in 2012. In running the ICRC function refers to 6 points, namely: Relevance, Organization and processes, Human resources and mobility capacity, Access, reputation / acceptance Positioning. Visible role in the prevention of conflict victims mali. The role of the ICRC conducted in mali was visiting prisoners, providing health care, finding the family apart and disappear, water and sanitation assistance, food aid, promote international humanitarian law.Item KETERLIBATAN AMERIKA SERIKAT DALAM KONFLIK ETNIS DI IRAK PASCA REZIM SADDAM HUSEIN (2003-2010)(2014-05-03) SupriadiScenario of the future of Iraq will be a three-state "mini" which is divided into Shiite areas in the south, Sunnis in the center, and the Kurds in the north. The U.S. continues to push the conflict into latent or permanent. One of the involvement are through CIA agents infiltrated the Sunni group, which is a bomb attack against Shiite centers, which caused many casualties against the Shiites. Later, Prime Minister Ali Nur Maliki, who long lived in the U.S., and being "guided" the CIA, reply to Sunni groups, combing Sunni populated areas by using military forces, and killed so many of the Sunni and the characters. Infiltration of the strength of political forces and groups in Iraq flow is a new strategy of CIA director Leon Panetta who served as U.S. Secretary of Defense, followed by General David Petraues. The U.S. still maintains its presence in Iraq with more efficiently, without having to pay for thousands troops again.Item DIPLOMASI MALAYSIA TERHADAP KESULTANAN SULU (FILIPINA) DALAM PEREBUTAN WILAYAH SABAH(2014-05-03) Siburian, AdrianusThis study analyzes about the claiming of Sabah Region By Sultanate of Sulu against Malaysia. The claim declared by a group of armed men led by Datu Raju Muda Agbimuddin Kiram who name themself “The Army of the Sultanate of Sulu (Royal Sulu Army) who landed in the coastal village of Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia. Their goal was to claim the entire region as their own, as well as sued the MalaysiaN Government to increase the rent of their land. Meanwhile, this claiming cannot be accepted by The Malaysian Government and they tried to come with a powerful army (Polis Diraja Malaysia) against Royal Sulu Army who is coming to Sabah. A number of people was die because of the conflict between Polis Diraja Malaysia with Royal Sulu Army. This situation has led the diplomatic relations between Malaysia and Philipine to the worst point in decades. This Research used Concilct Theory. The Concept is National Interest. The author also defines the scope of this study which is from 2011-2013.Item KEBIJAKAN INDONESIA MENANDATANGANI PERJANJIAN EKSTRADISI DENGAN INDIA TAHUN 2011(2014-05-03) ERFANDI, ADE AULIAThis research explains Indonesian government policy in signing the extradition treaty with the Indian government in 2011. This theory is applies in this research is the rational actor model demonstrates that state has the ability to choose in order to pursue its interests. In this research the main actors in the policy making is a country that is represented by individuals who have the ability to choose from many options that can benefit a country in order to create the country's national interests. The method used in this research is descriptive method using secondary data, with a research focus on the signing of an extradition treaty between Indonesia and India. Furthermore, the study collected data from the secondary, books, journals, and internet. The results of this show that the signing of the extradition treaty to protect the national interests of both countries, especially economic interests, and to prevent money laundering and transnational crime are detrimental to the economic interests of both countries, It is necessary in order to carry out the space to prevent and transnational crimes in escaping abroad. And Indonesia and India have done a variety of investment cooperation in various fields, with increase in trade investment target of Rp 25 billion in 2015Item RESPON INDIA TERHADAP MODERNISASI MILITER CHINA (2004-2012)(2014-05-03) Maulana, DefriThis research review regarding the Indian response to the increase and modernization of China's military budget. China military modernization and border dispute made relationship between these country increased the intensity of conflict and India considering China as priority security threat for their sovereignty. Historically less well between the two countries in fear India will recur. In addressing modernization made by China, India responds with strategic measures such as increasing military and defense budgets, military modernization, military doctrine in the mastery of technology and also the increase of maritime power. India real step in this strategy is expected able to tackle threats to national interest particularly from the threat of chinaItem PERANAN INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS TERHADAP KRISIS KEMANUSIAAN DI PALESTINA PERIODE 2011-2012”(2014-05-02) TARIGAN, ANDRIThe main objective of this study was to describe the humanitarian crisis in Palestine due to komplik role in 2011. As well as the role of the ICRC in Addressing Humanitarian Crisis in Palestine period 2011-2012. The research methodology was qualitative research is a process of understanding a depressing social problems that are descriptive. In exploring the social phenomenon researchers started from the premises that are specific to a (generalized inductive process). This study analyzed the behavior of the main actors in international relations, NGOs also an actor who gave an important influence in global decision making, take a participatory role in building peace in the world, the ICRC as one of INGOs, NGOs proved to take on important roles and influence on the stage, exploring the topic, research the use of security and respobility to protect the concept and theory of the role of NGOs by Viotti and Kauppi. This study found that the ICRC as an International NGO has an effective role in the crisis the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian conflict with Israel to help protect victims and prisoners komplik visit and take preventive measures to implement international humanitarian law.Item PERDAGANGAN LIMBAH BERBAHAYA OLEH PERUSAHAAN MULTINASIONAL TRAFIGURA DI PANTAI GADING (2006-2012)(2014-05-02) ElysaThis research is a study of International Relation on Multinational corporation (MNC) International Trade in Hazardous Waste. It explains why MNC Trafigura chooses Ivory Coast as destination country to dumping hazardous waste. This research applies Qualitative research method and data were obtained from books, journals, thesis. Newspaper, articles, reports, and the internet. Researcher uses structuralism perspective and dependency theory by Theotonio Dos Santos to explain bergaining power of MNC Trafigura towards Ivory Coast The result from this research is MNC Trafigura aware that ivory coast is a country with less economic and politic development. It makes MNC Trafigura freer illegal traffic of hazardous waste.Item KEPENTINGAN INDONESIA MENYEPAKATI DEFENCE COOPERATION AGREEMENT DENGAN INDIA TAHUN 2006-2012(2013-08-29) Arfie, Romie FerdianThis research describes the interst of Indonesia deal the defence cooperation agreement with India in 2006-2012. This agreement start began in 2001 when the government of Indonesia have policy to increase ALUTSISTA Indonesia military. The writer collects data from books, encyclopedia, journal, mass media and websites to analyze the interst of Indonesia deal the defence cooperation agreement with India in 2006-2012. The theories applied in this research are strategy theory from John P. Lovvell and national interest concept from Donald. E. Nuchterlaint. The research shows that the interst of Indonesia deal the defence cooperation agreement with India in 2006-2012 are to keep and increase the ALUTSISTA Indonesia military. In order the policy of government Indonesia also to protect the boundaries teritoriall of Indonesia .Item KEBIJAKAN INDONESIA DALAM UPAYA MELINDUNGI SUMBER DAYA GENETIK, PENGETAHUAN TRADISIONAL DAN EKSPRESI BUDAYA TRADISIONAL(2013-08-28) Efendi, Anzal MThis research explains about Indonesian foreign policy related to efforts in protecting genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions. Indonesia as one of the greatest mega biodiversity and cultural diversity country certainly has an interest to protect the cultural heritage from misappropriations has come from the other countries that have occurred during this time. Since the establishment of Convention on Biodiversity in 1992, the problem of the protection regime became the main topic in various international forums during which these genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions is considered as the common heritage of mankind that the application raises many debates between the provider and user countries. These conditions gave rise for the appearance of the place of Indonesia's foreign policy where the opportunity was used by Indonesia to fight for the national interest. According to John P Lovell, strategy in foreign policy is a planning model used by decision makers to promote and achieve its national interests, accompanied by an attempt to prevent other countries hampers the achievement of interests. Other research methods used in this study is a qualitative research method. In this research the qualitative method d not hold pure calculation and data processing numbers, but used the data that already exists from a variety of sources. Finally, this research could explain the reason and the purpose sought protection Indonesia to genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions and how Indonesia's efforts to protect genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions of Indonesia.Item PERUBAHAN KEBIJAKAN LABOR CODE 1974 DI BAWAH KEPEMIMPINAN FIDEL RAMOS(2013-08-28) Arfa, GeviThis research explains about changing the policy of labor code 1974 under Fidel Ramos’s governance, by refers to study case about Contemplation and Balabagan's case working out on 1995 as migrant labour’s Filipino. Migrant labour’s Filipino working to abroad in an official way at conceive of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) having role in increase Filipino's economics, even really help Philippine upon knocked over by economic crisis, reducing unemployment and also increasing the Philippine foreign exchange. The problem in this research are descent of labouring dispatch because effect a lot of case and Pressure of public concerning labour protection issue (NGOs, labor union, and migrant labour), increasing question for Labor Code 1974 policy's implementation. In analyzing this research apply the Policy theory with national interest concept. The content of this research consist changing the policy of labor code 1974 under Fidel Ramos’s governance. This case then urgent Presidential Fidel Ramos makes changing labor code's policy 1974 to give law protection to migraine labour especially for female migrant labours that working to abroad and increase the protection about problem the pidana case at receiver state.Item UPAYA ASOD (ASEAN SENIOR OFFICIAL ON DRUGS MATTERS) DALAM MENANGGULANGI DRUGS TRAFFICKING DI MYANMAR 2009-2011(2013-08-28) Putri, Lucy AnggriaThis the research discuss about ASOD efforts in tackling drugs trafficking in Myanmar 2009-2011. ASOD is a forum for the meeting of ASEAN member countries in addressing the problems of illegal drug trafficking in region. ASOD goal is to realize the ASEAN drug-free by 2020 and then accelerated in 2015, and Myanmar is a country located in South East Asia region which is a major center of opium production. by using descriptive qualitative method, the writer tries to explain ASOD efforts in tackling drugs trafficking in Myanamar 200-2011 with the the theory of effectiveness international organizations by Frank Biermann and Steffan Bauer from the output, outcome, and impact. ASOD efforts in tackling drugs trafficking in Myanmar with more emphasis on ASOD 30th meeting in Cambodia 2009-2015 which is a qualitative indicator of ASEAN in achieving a drug-free ASEAN 2015Item PENGARUH MASUKNYA SEPATU KULIT IMPOR ASAL CINA DI INDONESIA TERHADAP INDUSTRI SEPATU KULIT CIBADUYUT TERKAIT PEMBERLAKUAN ASEAN-CHINA FREE TRADE AREA (ACFTA)(2013-08-28) Yuliani, RiskaThis research describes the economic relations between China and Indonesia. Especially about the agreement between China and Indonesia in ASEAN to create a special economic zone (Free Trade Zone)between that countries in China-ASEAN free Trade Area (CAFTA). Motivation and interest of China And ASEAN ( include Indonesia) deal to create special economic Free Trade Zone also describes about the policy of China and ASEAN to increase and improve their economy. This paper focus on CAFTA implementation effect to the industry of Cibaduyut’s Leather shoes, caused by China’s imitation leather which is imported to Indonesia’s domertic market. The theories applied in this research are Comparative advantage by David Richardo. The process of import imitiation leathear shoes by China to Indonesia cause the account of degradation of leather shoes industry aspect in cibaduyut as the effect of CAFTA 2010 implementationItem DIPLOMASI INDONESIA KE WHO DALAM UPAYA REFORMASI MEKANISME PENGELOLAAN VIRUS FLU BURUNG DI WHO (2007-2009)(2013-08-28) ARISANTI, FRIESKA PAMELLALevel of analysis of this research comes from the assumption that the actual behaviour of each state depends on the behaviour of other countries in the international system. This research explain about the emergence of human cases of avian flu in Indonesia. Indonesia as a member of the world community did not shut up about the existence of this disease. The implementation of obligations under GISN is considered unfair by the Government of Indonesia, so the Government stated that it necessary to halt the delivery of sample virus to WHO until some provisions related to virus sharing and vaccines benefits are amended. World public attention has focused on this issue when the Indonesian Health Ministry announced that it would no longer provide flu viruses to the WHO CC as it believed the centres and the system had betrayed its trust. She called the current system “unfair”. New concepts are required to make changes to realize the global influenza disease surveillance system is more fair, equitable and transparent.Item KEBIJAKAN RUSIA MENDUKUNG REZIM BASHAR AL-ASSAD DALAM KONFLIK SURIAH TAHUN 2011-2012(2013-08-28) NOVRIZON, ROMIThis research to explain the reasons of Russia support's bashar al-assad to conflict in Syria. Syria is one of the countries in Middle East that is experiencing political turmoil with people demanding President Bashar al-Assad retreated from his position. This conflict has claimed of so many people life that western countries lead to implement the arms and other economic sanctions against Syria but the effort was opposed by Russia through its veto. The foreign policy theory tries to explain the decision of Russia as a form of maintaining power in Middle East, particularly in Syria. in addition, rusia Russia has an interest in Syria. The scope of this study is from 2011-2012.Item EFEKTIVITAS PERAN NCB-INTERPOL INDONESIA MENANGGULANGI PERDAGANGAN DAN PENYALAHGUNAAN NARKOBA TAHUN 2009-2011(2013-08-27) Gaol, Fifi Tabarizty LbThis study discuss about effectiveness of the role of NCB-Interpol Indonesia in combating drugs trafficking and abuse in 2009-2011. The high drug cases that occurred in Indonesia makes the existence of an organization that is tackling the drug problem in assuming important. NCB-Interpol Indonesia is an organization that aims to tackle transnational crime and international issues. The crime in question include the crime of terrorism, drugs, human trafficking, crimes at sea, money laundering, arms smuggling, crime and economic crime virtual world. However, in this study will be focused on drug crimes. By using non-statistical methods are qualitative methods, the authors will describe the role and effectiveness of the NCB-Interpol Indonesia in tackling drugs problems began in 2009 that focused until the year 2011, by using the theory of functions of international organizations and the effectiveness of international organizations. In tackling the drugs problem in Indonesia, NCB-Interpol Indonesia doing some real effort, namely, to exchange data and information with other Interpol member countries, held meetings with other countries and organizations discuss about drugs, cooperation Mutual Legal Assistace of Criminal Matters (MLA), and the cooperation Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). However, the effectiveness of some of the efforts of Indonesia NCB-Interpol ineffective.