4.Seminar UR-UKM KE-7 2012
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Item EVALUATION OF CONSORTIUM CELLULOLYTIC MICROBES IN DEGRADATION OF RICE STRAW TO IMPROVE PLANT GROWTH(2018-08-24) Linda, Tetty Marta; Mutalib, Sahilah Abd; Omar, Othman; Surif, SalmijahA consortium of cellulolytic microbes (CCM) isolated from paddy fields were developed to degrade rice straw in the field. Under green house conditions, paddy plants grown in soil incorporated with the consortium cellulolytic microbes and straw for eight weeks showed significant (P ≤ 0.05) increases in total dry weight, biomass, stem length and seed weight compared to controls, suggesting the CCM to be effective in degrading the paddy straw and improving paddy growth. Laboratory phytotoxicity study showed a germination index of 116.7% indicating the CCM to be harmless to plants and suggesting it to be phytonutrient-phytostimulantItem A.Daftar Isi Seminar UR-UKM Ke-7 2012(2014-05-22)Item ANALISIS SURFAKTAN BINER (CTAB DAN PVP) UNTUK PENUMBUH PALLADIUM DENGAN METODE SEED- MEDIATED GROWTH(2014-05-22) Iwantono; Umar, A. A; Taer, E; NursoimahPalladium nanoparticles have been grown on solid substrates (glass slide and ITO) using seed mediated growth method with a various ratios of CTAB and PVP, and a various duration times of growth. The particles were grown at 28-30’C. Characterizations of the samples were carried out by using UV-Vis spectroscopy, XRD and FESEM. The results of UV-VIS spectroscopy indicate that palladium nanoparticles prepared with the ratio of CTAB : PVP = 17 ml : 3 ml, and with a duration time of 4 hours + 4 hours have the highest absorption intensity. XRD results confirmed the present of palladium nanoparticles by two peaks at 2θ = 40.122° and 46.664° with orientation of (111) and (200). Whereas, FESEM images showed that palladium nanoparticles prepared with the ratio of CTAB:PVP = 17 ml : 3 ml, and with a duration time of 2 hours + 2 hours have uniform sizes of about 13.4- 17.9 nm and have high density of about 0.2325%.Item PENENTUAN STRUKTUR KRISTAL LAPISAN TIPIS CHROMIUM DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN BANTUAN KOMPUTER(2014-05-22) Erwin; Arafat, Yaser; Dewi, Rahmi; Syech, Riad; Malik, Usman; SugiantoTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang struktur kristalCr dengan menggunakan metode difraksi elektron. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lapisan tipis Cr yang dibuat dengan menggunakn teknik Sputtering. Pola difraksi elektron dari sampel diperoleh dengan menggunakan Transmssion Electron Microscopy (TEM). Untuk melakukan penentuan struktur kristal ini maka telah dibuat sebuah program komputer dengan menggunakanMatlab (R2009b). Program tersebut terdiri dari program menu dan program utama. Program menu digunakan untuk menginput data yang selanjutnya akan digunakan oleh program utama untuk melakukan perhitungan jarak antar bidang dalam kristal dan parameter kisi (ao). Dari hasil perhitungan ini diperoleh bahwa struktur kristalCr adalah Body Centered Cubic (BCC) dengan bidang 110, 200, 211, 220, dan 310. Jarak antar bidang dalam kristal Cr adalah 4,84 Å, 3,42 Å, 2,78 Å, 2,38 Å dan 2,14 Å. Kristal Cr memiliki nilai parameter kisi (ao) hampir sama yaitu 6,7424 Å sampai 6,8478 Å. Indek reliabilitas dalam penelitian ini adalah 2,57 %. Nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil yang diperoleh sesuai dengan yang diharapkanItem ANALISIS DAN PEMODELAN GENERATOR INDUKSI SATU FASA PENGUATAN SENDIRI DENGAN RANGKAIAN EKIVALEN INVERS Г(2014-05-22) Hamzah, Amir; Suwitno; FeranitaCharacteristics of single phase induction generator are obtained with used an equivalent circuit. Modeling and analysis of self-excited single phase induction generator have been done in this paper. Core saturation effect is included in this analysis. An accurate equivalent circuit is required in order to obtain good analysis. Equivalent circuit type Г inverse is derived in this paper from standard equivalent circuit. This equivalent circuit is simple and the reactance stator leakage equal to the reactance rotor leakage assumption is not required to determine the parameters. Thus, determining the parameters can be done more accurate and we can obtain core saturation characteristic similar to the actual condition. The experiment results of induction generator are presented in this paper. The rms voltage of induction generator at no loaded at speed constant1560 rpm is 220 V with frequency 52 Hz and at loaded 240 W is 198 V.Item RANCANG BANGUN MOTOR STEPPER VARIABLE RELUCTANCE(2014-05-22) Anto, Budhi; Wahono, AmbrosiusThis paper describes an attempt to design and make variable reluctance stepper motor which is fed from 12 volt dc supply. Stator part of the stepper motor has 6 salient poles and its rotor has 4 teeth. Stator windings are wound around salient poles, while rotor part has no winding. Modeling and simulation of rotor motion of the stepper motor has been conducted during design phase. Simulation results show the rotor part rotates in 30 degrees steps. The design is implemented by using distribution transformer laminated iron sheets which are scissored in such a way to produce stator and rotor laminated sheets. The sheets are joined together to form stator core and rotor core. Stator part, rotor part and other machine components are assembled to form complete variable reluctance stepper motor. A laboratory test set up for the stepper motor shows that its step angle is 30 degrees as same as predicted.Item POWER PROPAGATION ON LINEAR MXN FIBER COUPLERS USING MATRIX TRANSFER(2014-05-22) SAKTIOTOCoupling power propagation on MXN monolithic fiber coupler has been calculated by using matrix transfer based on coupled-mode theory. Launching input power to one fiber on linear 1X7 monolithic fiber coupler shows that power is distributed to the other fibers with different coupling velocity. It is found that the outer fiber has the slowest coupling velocity and high transferred power. The measurement of output power of 1X7 fiber coupler as fiber combiner has been theoretically and experimentally done. The experimental result is compared to the theoretical model. A small different peak at certain distance occurs due to the coupling velocity. This MXN multi fiber coupler is applied for various optical power circuitsItem PENYELIDIKAN DAN PEMETAAN AKUIFER AIR BAWAH TANAH DALAM UNTUK SUPLAY KEBUTUHAN AIR BERSIH DI KECAMATAN RETEH KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HILIR PROVINSI RIAU(2014-05-22) Edisar, MuhammadThis research conducted to deep groundwater aquifer mapping for fresh water supply in sub district Reteh Indragiri Hilir Regency of Riau Province. There are nine of Villages have been measured using Schlumberger configuration geoelectric method. The result of the research there are four formation layers in that region. The result also correlated with regional geology formation map which formation rock is consisting of the alluvium of upper Minas and Palembang formations. The result of geoelectric measurement from top to bottom layers, the first layer has resistivity average < 100 Ωm with 7.5m – 15m average thickness, interpreted as peat moss and soil contain water brackish. The second layer has resistivity average 90 to 150 Ωm with 50m to 130m average of thickness, interpreted as unconsolidated sandstones and clay, this layer consist of free aquifer saturated groundwater which is intruded water surface. The third layer has resistivity 250Ωm with 50m to 120 m average of thickness, interpreted as compact and consolidated sandstones which are contain fresh groundwater supplay. Finally the fourth layer has resistivity >> 4000Ωm interpreted as hard rock (bedrock), compact and impermeable. From nine villages conducted geoelectric measurement possibility there are any aquifer and fresh groundwater supply, but do not have artesis source, this match to local geology which is formation are stream terrace and alluvialItem METODE PERAMALAN JARINGAN SARAF TIRUAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN CARA BACKPROPAGATION(2014-05-22) FatayatForecasting method using Artificial Neural Networks with Backpropagation method starts from defining the input node, the hidden and output, then data is normalized according to the activation function is used. Then it is followed by determining the value of learning rate, error tolerance and maximum iteration values. The network was trained by some of the historical data to approximate the pattern data. Backpropagation is used to train the network because of the learning process has a better performance for the method of learning, which is supervised and is usually used by the perceptron with a lot of layers to change the weights connected to the neurons that exist in the hidden layer. Each node signal processing with activation function is a rule for determining the sum of input to output processing elements through choice. Activation function expressing the relationship between the level internal of activation and output can be either linear or nonlinear. The purpose of this transformation is to modify the output into the range of values. Activation function to be used is the Binary Sigmoid functionItem MEMBUAT MODEL PENGENALAN POLA JAWABAN RESPONDEN UNTUK PENGHITUNGAN SKORING PADA LEMBAR ISIAN QUESIONER(2014-05-22) Risanto, JokoCalculating the value of the respondent answers to a research questionnaire is the connected and repeated work that would require extra time and energy. Besides the dull appearance, potential errors also occur due to saturation. To help the work, we need a computer method to recognize each letter to present an answer option (e.g. a, b, c, d and e), save it as a pattern and use as a comparison when reading the questionnaire answer sheets, so that each respondent answer can be recognized by the computer. To create a software model for this purpose we use the concept of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) by using the Back PropagationItem APLIKASI PEMANTAUAN RUMAH DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR DAN PORT PARALLEL KOMPUTER BERBASIS WEB(2014-05-22) AlfirmanHouses often left empty by their owners are very prone to criminal acts. In this case to maintain the security of the home, the owner can use several sensors installed in certain places and they will be used to monitor the houses through the internet. As a reader of sensor in this application, we use the CGI (Common Gateway Interface). CGI is an application to become a bridge connecting various forms of software to a web page.Item IDENTIFIKASI PENYAKIT TANAMAN PADI BERBASIS PENGOLAHAN CITRA(2014-05-22) Fitriansyah, Aidil; Abdullah, Siti Norul Huda SheikhDesease factor is the most important problem to the farmer nowadays. Even if the farmer already get training and education on how to take care and knowing some paddy desease, but some mistake always hapenned specially in determining paddy desease. Its happen because due to human vision resrictions, and beside that each paddy desease has similar symptoms one to another. The main purpose of this research is to classifying the paddy desease using the imaging prototype. This recearch metodology used the imaging protoype by single threshold method with segmentation in local entropy and image texture analysis. Trough the experiment from 100 data, we found that only 80% data have optimal decision to the paddy deseaseItem NORMALISASI PLAT NOMOR KENDARAAN DENGAN MEKANISME DESKEW(2014-05-22) Bahri, ZaifulThis paper discusses a normalization of a number plate of vehicle with deskew mechanism. The fundamental problem of this mechanism is to determine an angle, under which the plate is skewed. Then the plate was evaluated for normalized (deskew) with a transformation. Matlab is used to implement and simulate this mechanismItem PERMASALAHAN PROGRAM TAK-LINIER MULTI-OBJEKTIF DENGAN FUNGSI TUJUAN PARAMETER FUZZY(2014-05-22) SukamtoThe multiobjective nonlinear programming problems with fuzzy parameters could be formulated to be nonfuzzy multiobjective nonlinear programming problems by using α-level set. The nonfuzzy multiobjective nonlinear programming problem was solved by weighting method approach where the weighting set is obtained by using compromise solution, which was found the minimum and maximum of each objective functionItem MODIFIKASI LAGRANGIAN AUGMENTED UNTUK PROGRAM NONLINIER STOKASTIK MULTI-TAHAP(2014-05-22) Hasbiyati, IhdaMulti-stage stochastic programming problems arise in many practical situations, such as production and manpower planning, portfolio selections and so on. This paper describes our efforts to develop a nonlinear programming algorithm for problems characterized by a large sparse set of linear constraints and a significant degree of nonlinearity in the objective function. It has been our experience that many linear programming problems are inordinately large because they are attempting to approximate, by piecewise linearization, what is essentially a nonlinear problem. It also appears that many real-life problems are such that only a small percentage of the variables are involved nonlinearly in the objective functionItem MULTI-FACILITY LOCATION PROBLEMS WITH THE PRESENCE OF BARRIERS(2014-05-22) Gamal, M. D. HA constructive heuristic method is introduced to solve the multi-facility location problems in the presence of convex polygonal barriers. Potential locations for the facilities can be anywhere in the space except in the interior of the barriers. Also the Euclidean distance travelled cannot cross the interior of the barriers. The method guides the initial chosed location away from the barriers and the Weisgal procedure then improve the location position subject to the user locations and the corner points of the barriers. The preliminary results are presented based on benchmark problemsItem A MODIFICATION OF UJEVIC METHOD FREE FROM DERIVATIVE(2014-05-22) Imran, Muhammad; Karma, A; Putra, S; Agusnithis paper we discuss a modification of Ujevic method, by approximating a derivative in the method with a central difference, for solving a nonlinear equation. We show that the order of convergence of the proposed method is three. We verify the theoretical results on relevant numerical problems and compare the behavior of the proposed method with Ujevic methodItem STUDI MUTU DAN DAYA SIMPAN ROTI MANIS YANG DIBUAT MELALUI SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG TERIGU DENGAN MOCAF(2014-05-22) Pato, Usman; Rossi, Evy; Yanra, Rizqi; MukminThe demand of Indonesia for wheat flour is predicted to increase by at least 6% every year. Whereas on the one hand, each region in Indonesia actually has the potential of local food that can be used as a substitute staple food of rice and wheat flour, such as Modified Cassava Flour (Mocaf). The objective of this study was to find out the best formulation in production of sweet bread made from wheat flour substituted with Mocaf. Each treatment of the research was conducted in three replications. Parameters observed were contents of moisture, ash, and sucrose as well as leavening power, gelatinous filame nt, self life and organoleptic assessment of sweet bread. The data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA and was continued with DNMRT test at 5% level. Meanwhile the organoleptic data were analyzed by Friedman Test and data of gelatinous filament, flavor and rancidity were presented by descriptive analysis. Results showed that substitution of mocaf significantly influenced the levels of ash and sugar, leavening power and the organoleptic assessment of sweet bread. In general, substitution of 30% mocaf had met the Indonesian quality standard of sweet bread (SNI 01-3840-1995). In addition, the self life of sweet bread in the treatment TM3 (wheat flour 70% and 30% mocaf) was similar to that of commercial sweet bread.Item APPLICATION OF Trichoderma spp. TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF COMPOS AS GROWTH MEDIUM COMPONENT OF PINE SEEDLING (Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese)(2014-05-22) Mardhiansyah, MuhammadThe experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of application of Trichoderma spp. during composition processing of the quality of resulted compos as the growth medium component of pine seeds. Compos made from organic debris as the main component and fresh cow dung decomposer. Pellets of three species of Trichoderma i.e T.Koningii (T1), T.reesei (T13) dan T.harzianum (T27) were substituted 0.1% from weight of compos into the compos at day 10, 20, 30 during the decomposition of organic debris by containerizing the treated composes in nylon gauze container and inoculated in the compos mass. At day 70 the compos were harvest and used as the growth medium component of pine seeds. Results showed that application of T1 at day 20 lowered the C-N ratio at amount of 16.8%. Application T27 showed the best top-root ratio of seedling (4,49).Item INOVATION FORMULA OF TRICHOALGAE AS BIOPESTICIDES AND BIOFERTILIZER IN THE PRE- NURSERY(2014-05-22) Puspita, Fifi; Restuhadi, Fajar; Nasrul, BesriThe role of organic fertilizer in the soil is the addition of organic matter in the soil that serves as a source of plant nutrients, improve the ability of the soil porosity which improves soil aeration and drainage, increase the activity of soil microorganisms, improve the structure and texture of the soil, maintain soil fertility, can save water and not pollute the environment. Some blue-green algae species specific (blue-green algae) such as Cyanophyceae sp has the ability to perform photosynthesis and nitrogen binding, and this is an advantage which is the mainstay in this study to make it as a source of nitrogen derived from microorganisms which are renewable, as an organic fertilizer because it contains minerals such as potassium and hormone Auxin and cytokinin that can enhance plant growth, accelerate the period of flowering and fruiting. Algae as an organic fertilizer are hydrocolloids that can be used to absorb water and become a good substrate for soil microorganisms. On the other hand, Trichoderma sp is a natural decomposer containing cellulase enzymes, enzyme selubiose (ß-glucosidase) and chitinase enzyme that can work synergistically to accelerate the weathering process of organic material. In addition, Trichoderma sp. potentially be used as a control pests and diseases that are safe for the environment and improve plant resistance (with the mechanism of induction of resistance by producing phytoalexin or increase plant resistance) against the pathogen. Use of Trichoderma sp as the decomposer of organic as well as biological control and algae as organic fertilizer (which we called TrichoAlgae) is expected to be effective and the potential to break down algae into organic fertilizer, as well as biological control against the pathogen. Trichoderma pseudokoningii have higher chitinase activity than the other isolates. Trichoderma produce large amounts of extracellular chitinase enzyme which can degrade the cell walls of pathogenic fungi. The research aim is to determinate the physical and chemical properties Trichoalga The result of the research showed that applications TrichoAlgae able to inhibit the intensity of the attack G. boninense amounted to 75.75%. TrichoAlgae at a dose of 40 g / polybags have a greater ability to increase plant growth.