4.Seminar UR-UKM KE-7 2012
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Item A.Daftar Isi Seminar UR-UKM Ke-7 2012(2014-05-22)Item AKTIVITAS SENYAWA BIOAKTIF ANTICENDAWAN DARI Ralstonia pickettii TT47 TERHADAP Rhizoctonia solani PENYEBAB PENYAKIT HAWAR PELEPAH PADI(2014-05-21) RustamR. pickettii TT47 (isolate TT47) were selected isolate having the potency of strong inhibition to the growth of R. solani in vitro and suppress the development of rice sheath blight disease in vivo. The antifungal activity test of the filtrate from fermentation broth of the isolate showed that the growth of R. solani reduced significantly. Presumably the culture broth of the isolate contains antifungal bioactive compounds. Antifungal activity in the culture broth of the isolate was significantly correlated with the cell growth of the isolate. Antifungal bioactive compounds were successfully extracted using buthanol or hexane solution for TT47 isolate.. MIC of TT47-hexana extract was 0,1 mg/l, and the extract was not phythotoxic against the rice seed. Stability of the active metabolites in filtrate broth cultured isolate was relatively stable on pH range from acidic to basic (pH 4, 7, and 10) but was sensitive to temperature.Item ANALISIS SURFAKTAN BINER (CTAB DAN PVP) UNTUK PENUMBUH PALLADIUM DENGAN METODE SEED- MEDIATED GROWTH(2014-05-22) Iwantono; Umar, A. A; Taer, E; NursoimahPalladium nanoparticles have been grown on solid substrates (glass slide and ITO) using seed mediated growth method with a various ratios of CTAB and PVP, and a various duration times of growth. The particles were grown at 28-30’C. Characterizations of the samples were carried out by using UV-Vis spectroscopy, XRD and FESEM. The results of UV-VIS spectroscopy indicate that palladium nanoparticles prepared with the ratio of CTAB : PVP = 17 ml : 3 ml, and with a duration time of 4 hours + 4 hours have the highest absorption intensity. XRD results confirmed the present of palladium nanoparticles by two peaks at 2θ = 40.122° and 46.664° with orientation of (111) and (200). Whereas, FESEM images showed that palladium nanoparticles prepared with the ratio of CTAB:PVP = 17 ml : 3 ml, and with a duration time of 2 hours + 2 hours have uniform sizes of about 13.4- 17.9 nm and have high density of about 0.2325%.Item BUILDING AN OPTICAL TWEEZERS FOR LIFE SCIENCE RESEARCHES(2014-05-21) MinarniOptical Tweezers has evolved as a valuable tool to trap and manipulate particles. Since it was introduced in 1986 by Ashkin and colleagues, Optical Tweezers has been used in many research areas. Its applications are found on research in atomic physics, medical physics, chemistry, and more notably in biophysics and cell biology. The simplest optical tweezers can be built from a commercial optical microscope either upright or inverted. The tweezing force comes from the radiation pressure of laser light which is sent to the back of the objective lens then is focused by the lens to the particles in a cuvette or slides. The particles can be any things from atoms, molecules, bacteria, viruses, blood cells to DNA. The optical tweezers are very useful in studying biological samples because it can provide picoNewton and nanometer ranges of force hence one can study the motor properties of the particles without damaging them. There are many parameters can describe a reliable optical tweezers. These parameters depend on the laser wavelength used and the size of the particles. In this article, the process to build an optical tweezers and what optical components needed will be described. The optical tweezers described has been used to trap two size-polystyrene beads with 830 nm laser light from a diode laser. This optical tweezers will be prepared to trap and study chlorophylls of mango leaves in searching for the new method in identifying its diversity. In the future, a portable and affordable optical tweezers for life science researches will be builtItem CHANGES IN PHENOLIC AND FLAVONOID CONTENT OF Coleus amboinicus TEA DURING STORAGE(2014-05-21) Jose, Christine; Nurhayati; ChainulfiffahColeus amboinicus plants were grown organically treated with three different foliar treatments (control, herb fermented plant extract and EM5). Green tea and black tea were produced from each treatment and stored for up to three months. All green teas have significant higher (P<0.05) phenolic and flavonoid contents compared to all black teas. Green tea produced from EM5 foliar treatment showed the highest phenolic and flavonoid content. Some changes of phenolic and flavonoid contents were observed in green teas and black teas during 3 months storage.Item DAN CAHAYA MATAHARI KE ATAS SIFAT FIZIKOKIMIA SERBUK RUMPAI LAUT Kappaphycus Alvarezii(2014-05-21) Sjamsiah; Ramli, Nazaruddin; Daik, Rusli; Yarmo, Mohd. AmbarThe purpose of this work is to study the effects of two drying treatments which are sun (SND) and spray-drying (SD) on physicochemical properties of seaweed kappahycus alvarezii powders such as viscosity, gel strength, gelling point, melting point, and proximate content (protein, fat, moisture, and ash) powder. By using spray dry method, seaweed powders have gel strength, gelling point, and melting point higher than those of sun dry method which may due to the effect of high temperature (160 °C), while by using sun dry method, it gave higher proximate content and viscosity than those of spray dry method. These results are useful for selecting suitable drying method depending on the physicochemical properties of the kappahycus alvarezii powder.Item DETEKSI PENYAKIT AVIAN INFLUENZA (AI) BERDASARKAN POLA DISTRIBUSI AYAM RAS PEDAGING PADA PASAR TRADISIONAL DI KOTA PEKANBARU(2014-05-21) Sadarman; Andirus; Handoko, JullyThis research was aimed to detect the disease on broiler and distribution pattern at traditional markets of Pekanbaru. This research was conducted in February until March 2011 at 10 traditional markets (Cik Puan, Lima Puluh, Pagi Arengka, Pagi Palapa, Pagi Selasa, Pusat, Rumbai, Sail, Senapelan dan Tangor). The Samples used in this research were tracheal and cloacal swabs of the broilers. Suspension of the tracheal and cloacal swabs were inoculated into embryonated chicken eggs (TAB) aged 9-11 days. Then, the allantois chorion fluids harvested for haemaglutination test (HA) that was conducted at Virology Laboratory of Balai Penyidikan dan Pengujian Veteriner Regional II Bukittinggi. Interviews were conducted to the sellers and buyers to support the laboratory results. The results of this research showed that AI virus was not detected (AI negative) on broilers traded at traditional markets of Pekanbaru. It was dispersive pattern of the broilers distribution. The broilers were distributed from 12 districts of Pekanbaru, some regency outside Pekanbaru inside Riau Province (regency of Kampar; Rokan Hulu; and Pelalawan) and outside the Riau Province (West Sumatra Province)Item ECO-GREEN CORROSION INHIBITOR FROM PADDY WASTE FOR CARBON STEEL(2014-05-21) Othman, Norinsan Kamil; Yahya, Solhan; Mohamad, Nadzirah; Daud, Abdul Razak; Jalar, AzmanInvestigation of inorganic (silica) and organic (lignocellulose) compounds extract from paddy (Oryza Sativa sp.) waste as corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel was studied in acidic medium. Silica was obtained by the burning process of rice husk using muffle furnace at high temperature meanwhile, lignocelluloses compound was yield via chemical process of the rice straw. Optical Microscopy, XRD, FTIR, SEM and TEM were used to characterize of both samples. Corrosion test via weight loss method was performed at room temperature in different time interval and varied concentration in ppm of silicate and lignocellulose solutions. Results show that the corrosion inhibition efficiency was found to be increased with increasing concentrations of both corrosion inhibitors.Item EFEKTIFITAS METODE SELEKSI MASSA PADA POPULASI BERSARI BEBAS JAGUNG MANIS(2014-05-22) ElfianiPenelitian dilakukan pada Juli – Desember 2009 di Kebun Percobaan IPB Gunung Gede, Kampus Gunung Gede, Bogor. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah populasi bersari bebas jagung orange keriput generasi seleksi massa ke-2 hasil seleksi dari enam macam galur jagung. Jumlah individu yang diamati adalah 1.015 tanaman. Seleksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga macam metode yaitu (1) memilih 10% individu tanaman langsung populasi total, (2) memilih 10% individu dari setiap petak kemudian digabungkan untuk memperoleh data 10% dari populasi total dan (3) memilih petak yang memiliki nilai tengah lebih besar sama dengan nilai tengah populasi total kemudian memilih 10% individu tanaman dari populasi tersebut. Metode Seleksi Massa dengan menyeleksi populasi dalam petak memberikan kemajuan genetik lebih tinggi dibandingkan metode lainnya. Karakter tinggi tanaman dapat dijadikan kriteria seleksi dengan nilai diferensial seleksi yang tinggi pada karakter panjang dan diameter tongkol.Item THE EFFECT OF OIL-METHANOL MOLAR RATIO AND REACTION TIME ON THE SYNTHESIS OF BIODIESEL USING SODIUM ACETAT ACTIVATED CLAY HETEROGENEOUS CATALYST(2014-05-21) Nurhayati; Erman; Muhdarina; Mulyani, SriBiodiesel is mainly produced from vegetable oils or animal fats by the method of transesterification reaction using catalysts. Many heterogeneous solid acid and base catalysts have been studied for the transesterification of various vegetables oils. In this study the transesterification of vegetables oil to fatty acid methyl esters was studied using sodium acetat activated clay catalyst. The catalyst was prepared by adding 200ml CH3COONa 1M to 10gr clay, stirred, washed and calcined at 300oC for 3 hours. The transesterification reaction was performed with variation of the oil-methanol molar ratio and reaction time. Furthermore, the quality of biodiesel produced were characterized by ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) method i.e. viscosity, flash point, carbon residue, cetane number and acid number, and the analysis result was compared with standardize (SNI). Free Fatty Acid (FFA) of waste cooking oil before synthesis was also calculated. It was found that the maximal production of biodiesel which is 78,033% when the oil-methanol molar ratio is 1:6 and 8 hours of transesterification. The characterizations of biodiesel produced have no significant different and all of those were in the range of Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)Item EFFECT OF PLANT GROWTH STAGE ON THE POPULATION OF WHITEFLY Bemisiatabaci UNDER GLASSHOUSE CONDITIONS(2014-05-21) Mansour; MohamadRoff; Hanifah, MohdThe infestation of the whitefly (WF), Bemisiatabaci (Genn.) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidade) has caused losses in greenhouse crops in tropical and subtropical regions. The pest sucks plant sap, thereby weakening plants and causing shoot and leaf distortion (Brown et al, 1995). More significantly whiteflies secrete large amount of honeydew onto leaves and fruit, which in turn gets colonized by sooty molds, thus deteriorating the quality of greenhouse vegetables such as chilli, eggplant, tomato and okra.The first documentation of whiteflies in Malaysia was in 1935, albeit not as an economic pest, on chilli (C. annuum), soybean (Glycine max) and okra (A. esculentus) in the lowlands of Malaya. It has since been seen in numerous locations in Peninsular Malaysia on angled loofah (Luffaacutangula), brinjal (S. melongena), cucumber (Cucumissativus), french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and longbean (Vignasesquipedalis) (Syed et al, 2000). With its recognition as a polyphagouspest there is aconsiderable rise in the research dedicated to the whitefly (Inbar&Gerling. 2008). A key factor that determines the selection of the host plant for whitefly feeding is plant age (Horowitz. 1986), a demonstration of which was the increase of B. tabaci populations in pumpkin, bean, zucchini and other plants as they aged (Simmons, 1999). This study aims to better understand the relation between plant growth stages and whitefly populationsItem EVALUATION OF CONSORTIUM CELLULOLYTIC MICROBES IN DEGRADATION OF RICE STRAW TO IMPROVE PLANT GROWTH(2018-08-24) Linda, Tetty Marta; Mutalib, Sahilah Abd; Omar, Othman; Surif, SalmijahA consortium of cellulolytic microbes (CCM) isolated from paddy fields were developed to degrade rice straw in the field. Under green house conditions, paddy plants grown in soil incorporated with the consortium cellulolytic microbes and straw for eight weeks showed significant (P ≤ 0.05) increases in total dry weight, biomass, stem length and seed weight compared to controls, suggesting the CCM to be effective in degrading the paddy straw and improving paddy growth. Laboratory phytotoxicity study showed a germination index of 116.7% indicating the CCM to be harmless to plants and suggesting it to be phytonutrient-phytostimulantItem FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PERSALINAN PRETERM(2014-05-22) Utami, SriThe incidence of preterm very varied. In developed countries the incidence ranges between 5-10% of all deliveries in the United States the incidence of preterm delivery ranges from 8-10% (Hacker, 2002), in Indonesia range from 10-20% in 2008. Analytical studies have been conducted with a retrospective review, the factors associated with preterm labor who were born in Arifin period of January 1 - December 31, 2011. The study found no significant relationship between age of mothers with preterm delivery, there is no significant relationship between peritas with preterm labor, there is a significant association between weight and the incidence of eclampsia severe Pre Eklamasi with preterm labor, there is no significant association between the incidence of Premature Rupture Of Membrane (PRM) with preterm labor and there is a significant association between the incidence of Haemorrhagic Ante Partum (HAP) with preterm labor.Item THE GROWTH OF LETTUCES (Lactuca sativa L.) IN THE LEAD-POLLUTED MEDIA(2014-05-22) Iriani, Dyah; Sujarwati; Nainggolan, Ony FebrinaResearch of the Pb effect on the lettuces growth was done in Botanical Garden Department of Biology, Mathematics and Sciences Faculty in Riau University on April-July 2010. The aim of this research was to observe the effect of Pb(NO3)2 on the growth of the lettuces and the contents of lead in lettuces. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications, namely giving aquades as control, and the treatments nutrient solution of Pb(NO3)2 at concentrations 25, 50, 100 and 200 ppm. After a week of planting of seedling at polibag, nutrient solution of Pb(NO3)2 has given 100 ml once a week. The media was a mixture of top soil, sand, chicken manure and compost with the proportion of 4:1:1:1. Data were analized using ANOVA and test with DMRT at 5%. The observed parameters were plant height, root length, leaf number and fresh weight of the plant. Contents the Pb in soil and lettuces were analyzed. The result of the research showed that giving of Pb(NO3)2 until the highest concentration 200 ppm did not inhibited the growth of the lettuces and the highest Pb concentration was found in the root than in the shoot of lettuces.Item HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP TENTANG KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI DENGAN TINDAKAN SEKSUAL(2014-05-21) Utami, SriOn essentially the distribution of young people need sex drive, but the lack of information about reproductive health led to the frequent occurrence of abuse of sexual function. Provision of information about reproductive health with the aim of improving knowledge so that students are able to provide options for teens to act responsibly, both to themselves and their families and communities. Cross sectional analytic study on the relationship of the level of knowledge and attitudes about reproductive health with the sexual acts MAN 2 Model student on January 2011 until March 2011 with 228 students as samples taken by simple random sampling. The study found the level of knowledge of respondents about reproductive health with the most low category, the attitude of respondents towards reproductive health with the most positive category, the sexual act with the highest category of respondents who are not at risk, there is no relationship between the level of knowledge about reproductive health to sexual acts of respondents, and there is a relationship between attitudes toward reproductive health with the sexual act respondentsItem HYDROGEL AS A MINI REACTOR FOR FERROCENIUM NANOPARTICLES(2014-05-21) Omar, Katijah; Mokhtarom, Maryam; Salleh, Noraini Mohd; Yuroni; Yamin, Bohari MA simple method to produce ferrocenium nanoparticles (FcNPs) based on pH induced using hydrogel systems as a mini reactor is described. Hydrogels were prepared using Acryl Amide (AM),N, N' methylenebisacrylamide(MBA) as cross-linking agent,Potassium Persulfate(KPS) as the initiator and alsoTetramethlethylenediamine(TEMED)as a gelling agent. In order to prepare the nanoparticles, two different approaches were used. First, the FcNPs were prepared in-situ and secondly the hydrogel was immersed into the Ferrocenium solution at different concentrations. These nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier Thermal Infrared (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The analytical results show the hydrogel systems are able to act as a mini reactor for FcNPs.Item INFLUENCE OF YOLK ADDITION ON PROTEIN FOAMINGCONSOLIDATION POROUS ALUMINA CONTAINING HYDROXYAPATITE NANOPOWDER(2014-05-21) Fadli, Ahmad; Komalasari; Alfarisi, Cory DianPresent paper reports the influence of yolk addition on physical properties of porous aluminahydroxyapatite composites prepared using protein foaming-consolidation method. Alumina and hydroxyapatite (HA) powders were mixed with yolk at an adjusted mass ratio to make slurries. The slurries were cast into molds and the dried for foaming- consolidation process. The dried bodies were burned at 600ºC for 1 hour, followed by sintering at temperature of 1550ºC for 2 hours. The addition of yolk into the slurry shifted the rheological properties from shear thinning behavior to a Newtonian fluid and resulted in bigger foaming capacity. The porous alumina-HA composites with shrinkages in the range of 43.3 vol.% – 58.4 vol.% were obtained. The shrinkage of bodies increased with increasing concentration of yolk. The compressive strength was 7.5 MPa at 44.6% porosity 2.6 MPa at 57% porosityItem KAJIAN HUBUNGAN WAKTU TANAM KEDELAI DENGAN MULSA SESUDAH PADI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL KEDELAI DI LAHAN KERING RIAU(2014-05-22) YunizarThe assesment was conducted at Tandun, Tokan Hulu district in MT 2010. The study was designed with a randomized block design with two factors, three replications. The first factor is the time of planting soybean after rice planting of: (1) two days after the rice harvest, (2) 5 days after the rice harvest, (3) 8 days after the rice harvest, and (11) 11 days after the rice harvest. The second factor is rice straw mulch (a) 2 t / ha, (b) 4 t / ha, and (c) 6 t / ha. From the results showed planting date affect growth and yield of soybean. Planting at 2 days after harvest rice crop gives the best results to the number of branches, pods / plant and the results compared with other treatments. Straw mulching also significantly affect plant height, number of pods / plant and yield. Rice straw mulching with a dose of 6 t / ha gave the highest yield compared to the other dose. The interaction between soybean after rice planting mulching also significantly influenced the growth, yield components and yield of soybean. Combination treatment between planting two days after the rice harvest by mulching with a dose of 6 t / ha gave the highest yieldsItem KAJIAN TEKNOLOGI PERBANYAKAN BENIH UNGGUL PADI SAWAH SPESIFIK LOKASI DI KABUPATEN ROKAN HULU(2014-05-22) Yusuf, RachmiwatiDalam era globalisasi ekonomi dan perdagangan nasional dewasa ini dituntut peningkatan efisiensi produksi dan peningkatan kualitas produk agar mempunyai daya saing yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu perlu diupayakan peningkatan produktivitas dan produksi padi yang merupakan bahan makanan pokok sebagaian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas padi adalah dengan mengembangkan varietas unggul padi yang mampu beradaptasi dengan baik di daerah setempat. Varietas unggul telah memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap produksi padi nasional, varietas unggul dapat menyumbang 40 %, keberhasilan peningkatan produksi. Penggunaan varietas unggul merupakan upaya peningkatan produktivitas padi yang mudah dan murah. Untuk itu telah dilakukan penelitian lapang yang dilaksanakan di desa Rambah Baru, Kecamatan Rambah Samo, Kabupaten Rokan Hulu pada MT 2010. Rancangan yang dipakai adalah uji t, dengan membandingkan teknologi introduksi dengan teknologi petani. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui hasil benih yang didapatkan dengan teknologi introduksi spesifik lokasi (4.900 kg/ha GKP) berbeda nyata dan lebih menguntungkan ( BC rasio 1,85) dengan hasil benih yang dihasilkan petani (3.800 kg/ha GKP) dengan BC rasio (1,26).Item MODIFIKASI LAGRANGIAN AUGMENTED UNTUK PROGRAM NONLINIER STOKASTIK MULTI-TAHAP(2014-05-22) Hasbiyati, IhdaMulti-stage stochastic programming problems arise in many practical situations, such as production and manpower planning, portfolio selections and so on. This paper describes our efforts to develop a nonlinear programming algorithm for problems characterized by a large sparse set of linear constraints and a significant degree of nonlinearity in the objective function. It has been our experience that many linear programming problems are inordinately large because they are attempting to approximate, by piecewise linearization, what is essentially a nonlinear problem. It also appears that many real-life problems are such that only a small percentage of the variables are involved nonlinearly in the objective function
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